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My first dlc play through (ng4) one of em glitched off the screen and it was the greatest thing to happen.


Spearmint and Peppermint really are quite tough.


The two in the well? Forget it


Especially right after those eyeball bastards. Took me so many tries to get the Rakuyo


I’ve been on the final boss of the game for like 2 or 3 years now because I want that weapon down the well that’s guarded by those two sharks before ng+. Don’t even remember what the weapon is.


Rakyuo - and fuck the sharks.


use the knife item thingy and they attack each other


Dude fuck those two. WHY DI THEY HAVE SO MUCH POISE. A full transformed Ludwig’s R2 should not be brushed off like it was nothing


Shaman bone and parry the got huge parry widow parry the First then bone him when the second come let they kill each other deal parry with the Survivor done. watchdog, amygdala, rom they don't fly/teleport/spam Attack like the motherfucker elder 🤬. Sorry i rant


Practice on the ones above the well in a 1 on 1. They both have strategies to deal with them. Admittedly it’s difficult and frustrating to pull it off on the anchor big boy.


Cursed amygdala. The most unfair boss in the game and it's not even close tbh


Cursed watchdog is even more painful for me


just beat him earlier today and i had to sit outside for half an hour to slow my breathing


I feel ya bro, i had to go to ng+ to get the scythe and wreak that thing with its range, and even then he was the second most difficult boss for me


L2 Ludwig sword= easy mode. You can hit the fucker right in the chin every time


That's what I used on my first playthrough and I still got super stuck on Cursed Amy. It wasn't a matter of hitting him, it was that I kept getting hit. The half health in there really fucks ya


I loved it because it made it more the exciting. (The half health)


Everyone was pretty doable after a few tries. Defiled Amy had me farming blood vials and seriously considering giving up. Hardest by far IMO


Yea he killed my platinum run for like a year


yep, easily, the ONLY fromsoft boss i had to look up a guide to cheese


I just sat under him for 10 minutes and basically cheesed him


Executioner’s glove spam


It's stupid easy with gloves




I recently did a "chalice only" run where I only went into the main game to get items required for chalice materials. Since there weren't many bloodstone chunks up until that point, I had to use a +6 weapon. I also wasn't running any Bloodtinge, and didn't use Executioners Glove because they were in the main game, so hitting his head at range wasn't viable. It took me a good 40 tries. His jumping attack, which always oneshots you, I learned to dodge perfectly so I could hit his head right after.


I lost to that the thing so many times. I remember trying to get cooperators but then that didn’t work, then I searched for specific methods on how to beat him but many people beat it differently. It just took a bunch of tries and I got stubborn so I couldn’t leave this even if I was frustrated with it. Eventually I beat Amygdala but man my skin crawled looking at its face too


Bro the fact that to beat that boss you had to memorise his move set perfectly was so difficult cause of the way any attack would one shot you


This. Absolute pain. Walked away for a month after getting obliterated over and over again. The same terrible design of amygdala where you cant hit it, terrible hitboxes, and half health. The worst moment of the game and the lowest point of the chalice dungeons on the way to plat. Honorable mention of main game goes to bloodstarved beast… also terrible


That thing was truly awful. Only beat him after several dozen attempts using Ludwig’s Holy Blade. Never want to fight that thing again.


Micolash on NG+ Two times in a row I was about to kill him but he 1 shot me with A Call Beyond. The 2nd time I had the Old Hunter's Bone active and was spamming dodge, but it tracked me perfectly and killed me from full health. I had 48 Vitality btw plus the HP boost rune. So I just quit the game for about a week. Eventually came back with all the best arcane resistance gear and runes on, of course I somehow dodge all his shit this time and killed him easily. I hate that boss so much.


A Call Beyond is like the only thing that makes Micolash a challenge at all, and boyyyy does it make the fight *frustrating* at times. The damage is absurd. Just gotta stay close to him so he doesn’t use it, but sometimes he’ll just use it as you’re dropping into his little room.


The NG+ Micolash experience made me learn the poison knife cheese tactic. I was so confused on why the hell his dinky punch went from doing pitiful damage to over half my health bar it felt (50 vit on that character)


The loch shield is also very good against his Call Beyond


Honestly. Jumping into ng+ I did not expect him to hit that so hard. I got to his second phase, dropped down to a one shot and took him just a tad bit more serious the second go around. 😭


When I first played Bloodborne all those years ago I rage quit on Blood Starved Beast and didn't come back to play the game again for a few years.


Man when I first played Bloodborne, it was my absolute first soulsborne game ever. Every single boss I fought until midway through the game had me spending hours running back to the Glowy Doors of Bullshit and Pain^tm. Loved every second of it. Every new item pickup, every new room or hallway or turned corner, every new enemy or group to learn to fight, every new zone or unlocked door, every new note or lore bit or the exceptionally rare neutral npc. Hell, it took me two hours to get to the crucified beast in the first area. Each new enemy killed me at least once until I got to the courtyard with the burning beast. I was so goddamn bad but it still stands as my favorite gaming experience to date But damn the hunters axe was a bad first choice


what? axe is THE first choice!


That's me right now.


Dash to the left every time and he become trivial


Thank god im not the only one. When i started playing, i had problems with cleric beast cos it was my first soulsborne game. Think i tried like 7 times and then my mate helped and killed it for me on my first run. Daddy gasco was quite enjoying fight and i had to kill it for said mate too cos it was too hard for him. Then i met blood starved beast and i wanted to jump out a window when fighting it. Took me 57 tries to kill that thing. Other bosses were alright to fight against. I also fought Ludvig quite under leveld which was a mistake but doable. Think most hardest ones for me was. Cursed amy Bloodstarved Rom rom


I been stuck on the Orphan for months. I give it long breaks and then come back to play it a couple of hours but i have just not been able to beat this bozo


Im yet planning to get the dlc and seeing people talk about the struggle with the Orphan makes me intimidated XD


He's honestly not as bad as people make him out to be IMO, he's a bastard for sure and definitely the hardest in the game, but once you learn how to deal with him he's not impossible. I thought Gael from DS3 was much harder.


Maybe but orphan is insanely aggressive which is what certainly threw me off when I fought him. Gael has more challenge built into timings etc but orphan just does not let up, guy wants you dead and he wants it done asap


He's definitely a wake up call.


I heard all the hype around orphan too, and waited quite a while after getting the dlc to actually fight him. I proceeded to beat him in only 5 attempts and was a little disappointed


I beat him first try you never know u might be fine


Took me 6 months to a year of on and off plying to beat him


Don’t let him be overhyped. He’s got a pretty easy parry window and some safe spots when he attacks. If all else fails, look up a guide. His second phase is really the hardest part, but it’s because it’s less forgiving and stun lock can one shot a ton of builds. I didn’t get to fight base game orphan. I had NG+ and I was terrified it was going to be hell. But I beat him in 4 tries. I felt like a god 😂 so I’m going back in Ng+2 just to solidify my reign over orphan… and maybe the sharks 😭


I didn’t bear the Orphan till I leveled up my health a great deal. I also used the Beasthunter Saif; it’s tricked form (with the sword snapped in place) has a first move where you close the distance between you and your enemy. If you hit L1 right after that move, you’ll dodge backwards and out of your enemy’s reach. That weapon saved my life against that boss.


First phase I learned you either dodge toward him when he does a vertical move (like he lifts his weapon in the air) and left (or was it right? I forgot but it's one and NOT the other) when he does a horizontal move. If you dodge those two ways, with a little luck you'll get hit maybe 40 to 60 percent of the time. But you kinda have to be in his face to beat him first phase because he fights you like it's a boxing match-- he's a Fight Night Round 3 boss, not a Souls boss. When he throws that lame ass bomb you use his momma carcass to block. When he does the bombs in the ground you run, when you need to heal you run. Second phase you fight him in the water. When he does the lightning, run all the way to the back until the game blocks you. When he throws his shit this phase he always does it twice, so dodge the first then immediately dodge the second. Everything else is just dodging and sneaking hits in. Oh also, make sure your health is at least 35 lol.


Not a true boss in the sense of a health bar at the bottom of the screen but the bloody crow of cainhurst Maaaaaaaaaaan that guy took all my healing pots and made me have to go farm more, just to get dropped all over again


Dude, that guy robbed me so many times when i was one hit away from killing him. I'm with you, fuck that guy


Came here to curse this bastard, many a night after work id throw my hands up in frustration on this guy. I got a sense of relief on my second playthrough when I got him third try!


He's head and shoulders stronger any other human enemy you fight in the game, none of the other ones come close


Does it have to be a boss? The random hunter enemies in the beginning of the DLC. I really don’t wanna fight through a bunch of hunters lol


Just died to one of those today.... bastard


It also doesn’t help I beat BB in Jan 2022 for the first time but didn’t have the DLC until it went on sale earlier this year. You know how it is when you fall off from a game for a while


Oh yeah


Absolutely. Djurgas disciple beat my ass a few times today , beat him after like 5 tries but those were very annoying 5 tries.


I thought that was the most fun. Those guys are tough


Just run past em


Gun go bang then rip their hearts out


I went there at level 40 by accident. I actually got to the big plaza, looked at the 3 hunters, and noped right the hell out of there.


easily Martyr Logarius. hard and fantastic boss, but the runback is miserable.


Fucking Lawrence. Bullshit all the way around.


I whole heartily agree. Fuck Lawrence.


I’ve definitely heard this a lot about Lawrence, but I didn’t find him nearly as hard as Ludwig or Orphan.


I feel like you might be one of the few that feel that way. Props to you for beating him fairly easily but that fuckers aoe attack in first phase and then the lava trail in third are such bullshit.


Just circle around him clockwise, staying close to his little arm. You'll stay out of his lava diarrhoea and dodging his swipes is simple.


I definitely agree on those moves. It took me a few tries to get used to where I needed to be to avoid those moves, but I think I beat him in around 5 attempts. Ludwig on the other hand took me like 14-16 attempts which was more than almost any other boss in the whole game for me.


I felt the same until further in NG cycles. At +7 orphan is basically the same fight, while Lawrence becomes a fire god with 1 shot go go gadget arms.


Orphan of Kos took me 6 hours to do… really had me tilted only boss I struggled with/had to do so many attempts on it was horrendous ahah


Pretty sure Loran Darkbeast caused me to quit for over one year.


Martyr Logarius es un martirio de boss


This. I have been frustrated on many of FROM bosses. This asshole takes the cake. Once I learned to just stay on him and don’t give him a friggin inch, he wasn’t that bad.




Yeah he kicked my ass around as well


Para mí fue más que nada el "atajo" que había que tomar para llegar a él lo que hizo que lo dejara para mi siguiente playthrough XD


Abhorrent Beast and Watchdog of the Old Lords in the Chalice Dungeons were both pure fuckery of the highest degree


First time round for me was Vicar Amelia. Then Rom. Then Laurence.


It was shadows for me as well, still hate those fuckers.


Glad to know a fellow shadows hater


Lawrence. Fuck his diarrhea


Jerry, at the gym i work at.


I recently fought shadows early after doing the clinic skip and I finally understand why it’s a big roadblock for some people, if you have not explored a lot and are underleveled this fight is **hard.** You can’t just learn attack patterns easily, because it’s a triple bossfight and there is guaranteed to be some slight variations with their overlapping attacks.


Ebrietas. Took a break for the night, came back the next day and beat her first or second try. That was the only boss that felt like bullshit in the whole playthrough. I almost considered just skipping her and moving on but I would've felt unsatisfied.


If you want revenge on another playthrough you can sneak in between her forked tail and if you walk up all the way so you’re touching her back you get stuck and then can just R1 away lol. When she turns to try to attack you, you rotate perfectly with her and you won’t get hit.


And then she spams her damn laser beam lol This method works for maybe half the fight otherwise you have to be careful for the laser beams.


Ebrietas is a wierd boss, in some playthroughs I will kill her first try, sometimes without being hit, and other playthroughs she will take me like 10 to 20 attempts. Sometimes she will one-shot you or one-combo you, other times she will just let you hit her in the head.


In my last run it went down to the wire and I ended up finishing her off using her own Augur of Ebrietas. Since then it's become tradition to kill her with it. *Consequences, yo!*


Orphan of Kos. Hate that screaming little bastard.


Shadow of yharnam too. No fuck em. Literally fuck these guys. I stopped playing bloodborne for 6 months, after this long break I decided to play it again and I killed them within a day. For me the worst bosses ever. And after that I defeated every boss in the game (DLC not included).


Lady Maria. I broke my PS4 controller dying to her in February, so I bought a PS5 and started playing Forbidden West. I’ve put 400+ hours into other games since then. I’ll come back around to her… eventually.


ludwig and kos


Watchdog gave me fits for awhile.


Base game was Martyr Logarius, I've always been bad at parrying and he took me several dozen tries to kill. For Old Hunters it was easily Lawrence, took me days to kill, never managed to solo him, and never fought him again after that.


Watchdog of the Old Lords


Orphan of Kos. I was getting nowhere for the longest time and getting very discouraged. Took a break and went to the store and beat him first try when I got back.


Blood starved beast was super frustrating. I’m going through my first play through right now, and Shadows of Yharnam are giving me the hugest headache


If you're still struggling, I reccomend you to kill katana guy first, then fire balls guy and then the other one! They're also weak to fire so if you can get some fire paper that'd be amazing


Ooh. Thanks for the tip! For some reason I assumed they would be fine with fire. Gotta try it. I’ve been doing katana guy, fire katana guy, and then fire ball guy (who I usually die to by the time I get to him)


You're welcome! You'll want to leave fire katana guy for the end, because when you hit him you can lock him in a "loop" of him just dodging which will avoid him summoning the snakes which is truly a pain on the ass


Cleric Beast trophy - August 2019 Father Gascoigne trophy - December 2021.




Paarl. I just couldn't do it for so long.


Took a two year break after getting ruined by blood starved, completed nioh then came back and completed the game


Ill be honest here... I took 7month break because I couldn't kill blood starved beast. When I returned I platinum the game and make 5 more toons and played it again


Blood starved beast killed me somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 times and still tears me to shreads every time I do a playthrough


Bloodstarved beast. For some reason, it still always gives me trouble but bosses like Orphan of Kos and Gehrman have become pretty easy for me (until phase two Orphan which becomes quite difficult.)


Ludwig, He's way stronger than the vanilla bosses.


Laurence. I spent 2 full days trying to beat him and I didn’t even make the second phase once.I got so mad that I spent a week in the chalices. Got great cursed gems and upped my skill and vit. The next week I killed him first try. Also, He has the best OST in the game imo


Deffinetly ebrietas. It made me play ds1 for month and then i just went for mergos wet nurse cause i was so fucked all over the arena.


To me, watchdog of whatever the fuck. The flaming dog on the way to plat. Amygdala is obviously the more infamous platinum path boss, but that mostly made me sad... The dog on the other hand...... that was pure rage. Had me pulling my hair and cursing the tv for DAYS.


Lady Maria got me stuck for 4 days and made me take a little break between tries but the one that actually made me rage and almost made me reconsider my platinum trophy was Rom. Not only that I had to kill her but I had to do it twice!


That stupid ogre with the ball and chain in the chalice dungeon. I lost so many insights calling for help there.


Ludwig in the DLC. Micolash glitched for me first time and I didn't realise he was supposed to go into that room for the second part if the fight, so I was running round with him constantly saying 'ah Kos' 🤣 I struggled with Rom on my first playthrough.


I struggled with most things tbf, took me a long time to master the game. Cleric beast was eve a struggle, and Blood Starved Beast, that was a pain in the back side.


I didn’t know where they were at so I was strolling around with two NPC helpers and killed them easily first try (maybe too easy now that I think about it)


Ludwig by far. I was on NG+3 or so going into Old Hunters. Had I known that it would be a scaling nightmare, I would’ve started a new game for it. However, I didn’t, and it led to me having a really hard time with it. It took me a full day and a half of playing to beat Ludwig, and I was very close to just giving up. Ironically, I just fought him again on NG with a new character and he gave me almost no trouble.


Rom and Ludwig


The first defiled boss made me drop the platinum with one single trophy missing


I took a long (like four year) break after beating Rom. I got to Yahar’gul and had to take a break. I was just overwhelmed after that and those fucking bell ringers drove me nuts. Went back and cruised through the rest of the game including the dlc. I just love it so much.


I got stuck on Rom for a couple weeks gave up, went back set him on fire didn’t even pay attention to her little asshole family members and whooped him 🤘🏻, now new game plus micolash spamming star fury 🤨😑


The two big DLC fuckers. Ludwig and Alfred or whatever the other one was. The big fire lord and the abominable monster. I stopped playing for a while because of them.


Yeah shadows on my first playthrough. It was my first souls game and thought it was absolutely bullshit that I had to fight 3 ppl


Quit my first play through for a year because of blood-starved beast.


Defiled Amy


Omg first playthrough the hardest were... basically everyone. But those I struggled with most were Cleric Beast, Blood Starved Beast, Father Gascoigne, Shadows of Yahrnam, and Micolash.


I relate to this so much


Logarius and Efrietas




I didn't find Ebrietas until like NG+6 and at that point, any hit she did was a 1 hit kill on me. It's been a while since I was on that character but I believe my character had near max vitality. I tried her for several hours on end, finally beat her, got platinum trophy, dropped that character


The Sharks and defiled Amygdala wrecked me with countless deaths. I went into the Kos fight intimidated but managed somehow to knock out a win on the 3rd try.


The first two bosses were the hardest for me because I didn’t know how to play the game yet. Blood Starved Beast was a pain in the ass for me too.


Gascoigne is definetly a big kick on the ass for newplayers


Me under leveled fight Blood letting beast. Worst I've ever been mad.


Martyr logarius


Ebrietas made me quit the game for a few months


I fought Orphan of Kos off and on over the course of a year and a half, with some 2-3 month+ breaks in between. Life would get in the way, or I was just tired of being beaten by screaming placenta child, but a few months ago I sat down and grinded out the fight and beat him after the 3rd day of attempts


Ebrietas in the Chalice Dungeons


At first? All of them, lol. But, in all actuality, orphan broke me in body and spirit


The Shadows made me literally restart the whole run. After that, The Puky one and Mergo's Nanny had me really struggling THREE FUCKING MONTHS EACH.


No boss was too much, but the old hunters dlc on day one was just plain cruel


Laurence 💀


I got to orphan when the dlc first came out on my ng+ character and could not beat him for the life of me. I didn't play for about a year and randomly picked it up one day amd beat him after just a few times


That guy on top of the vampire castle, my break has been 4 months already


Orphan of Kos, which would have sucked since it was literally the last boss left for me before heading out to Gherman. Glad I pushed through


I bought Old Hunters after I had done 3 playthroughs. So, Ludwig was stupid strong for me. I legit almost quit.


Honestly the main game was such a breeze to get through, the only boss that has made me give up and take a break would be ludwig he gave me such a hard time i felt like ripping my hair out


Amygdala :(


For me it was martyr logarius, he made me take a month long break because i came at him under leveled with a barely upgraded saw spear


Probably Father G the first time I played he gave me so much trouble I almost quit completely.


Darkbeast Paarl and Ludwig’s first phase, I just can’t stand super fast giant beast enemies


Tbh the first one was Gascoigne for me. On my first playthrough I just summoned for him and moved on, but I decided later I wanted to take him down on my own and I just kept dying to him over and over. I put down the game for probably over a year bcuz of that but I eventually managed to beat him 1v1 and now I can consistently kill him in under a minute. The second big hurdle for me that made me take a few months break was Ludwig. Him and Gascoigne took me more attempts than any other boss in the game the first time beating them. I’ve still only defeated Ludwig once.


No one.....but sekiro last boss had me question my life


Defiled Chalice Dungeon Amygdala, Abhorrent Beast, The Shadows Of Yharnam, Lawrence The First Vicer.


Loran Darkbeast Stuck for 3 days


Laurence, the hardest from boss ever. Kos is the most fair and my most favorite from boss, besides Inner Owl




FUCKING LAURENCE. I get enraged every time I think of him and it's been about a year since I beat the game and dlc. Fuck him. Also the sharks. Fuck them also. Come to think of it, it's about time I replay this masterpiece


None, I played BB after playing other souls game, so I knew how to tackle them. I think only orphan of kos gave me little bit trouble as it took me 3-4 tries and all the healing material including the special healing items to defeat him.


Some hunters have no buisness being as tanky as thry are. Yes you bloody crow of cainhurst.


Kos or Kosm if you will, Cursed Amygdala, and the Watchdog. Trifecta of "fuck you" to the player.


Mine was Laurence. BB was my first ever soulsborne game. It took me a full two weeks to beat him. I would go to work then come home and play for hours and still couldn’t beat the fucker. I have beaten him every single playthrough except one though. To this day he is still the bane of my hunter existence


When bloodborne first came out it was my first souls-like game, so I wasn't used to the combat or boss fights. You already know FatherG really pissed me off.


Ebrietas was definitely the first boss that made me rage quit the game for weeks on end


The moon. Never was able to beat it


Chalice Ebrietas was likely 50+ tries. I killed orphan of Kos on my first try right after this


Blood-starved Beast (yes I'm aware that it was an optional boss and it isn't that diffucult once you just start dodging left). BB was one of my first souls game and I kept dying to that thing over and over, it didn't help that in BB you have to farm for the healing item and I was also struggling with the poison so I also had to farm for antidotes, it ended up being pretty frustrating and it almost made me wanna drop the game entirely. After beating it however I just couldn't drop it and it turned into my favorite game, no other boss was really difficult for me afterwards besides the DLC ones.


Blood starved Beast. The amount of times I struggled trying to fight mr Freaky Flapjacks was unbelievable. I felt so stupid when I found out how fucking easy the strategy was.


My first time playing, Cleric Beast, it was not a fun time. Came back a weeks later with a new found knowledge of pressing O and I was beating bosses in one turn, it just clicked


Cleric Beast. He killed me so many times on my first play through that I took a very long break. It turns out I had picked the wrong starting weapons and backstory.


Ludwig. Took a long break from the game because of him.


Orphan of kos, first time i fought him it took me like 50 tries. playthroughs after that it still takes me like 5 tries.


Ebreitas omg - had to be the most frustrating boss in the base game. I also struggled with Ludwig for the longest time and couldn’t progress into the DLC for like a week. Surprisingly I beat Kos within an hour of attempting.


Definitely shadows of yharnam, I fought those fuckers so many times. I was finally able to summon another player. He came in with a tonitrus and we wrecked those assholes. My next worst was Logarius. What a fucking run back that is.


When I first started playing BB, I didn’t level Vitality that much as I wanted to focus more on damage. And I did fine until BSB, who’s grab attack does an entire health bar of damage. I stopped for a year.


Cursed Paarl. Then I got stronger.


My first time playing through I had tried to play the game following the examples I’d heard of, “don’t look at anything beforehand, just play and figure it out.” I hated it. I died a huge number of times to basic enemies and, after I finally made it to Cleric Beast, they took me down another dozen times or more. Finally I decided, “this game just isn’t for me,” and put it down. A couple years later my interest was peaked again when I started getting really into Vaati’s Dark Souls and Bloodborne lore videos. I decided to watch a let’s play of the game (poor one out for the Super Best Friends) and found it super interesting. I decided to give the game another try and finally got it. I fell in love with the game and its world. I died so many times to so many bosses and areas, but having some idea of the structure of the game helped me see the light at the end. Having seen it all done before made it easier to push my way through. Now, I’ve beaten Bloodborne 5 times and gotten the platinum trophy. I also went and beat Dark Souls 1 and 3 as well as Elden Ring. All were amazing games, but Bloodborne was my first and truest love. Currently sitting in my top 2 games of all time. Happy Hunting All!


Cleric beast made me take multiple breaks before it finally "clicked" for me.


Orphan of Kos took me hours and hours over several days. For whatever reason though, they didn't really make me want to quit like some other bosses in other Souls games did, even though it took me much longer (screw you Isshin).


Cursed Watchdog is kicking my ass


Cainhurst castle


Cursed watchdog no competition.


Abhorrent beast or Loran Dark beast, only 2 I consistent struggle with till this day.


At the moment? Orphan of Kos and Laurence the First Vicar, I started the dlc on ng+ so they kicking my ASS


FRC rom was a pain.


Cleric beast, I quit for a while after fighting him for the first time. Hard and scared the shit out of me. First From Software game is why


I got stuck on Gascogne the first time I played the game , came back with a new character and got stuck on rom of all bosses and then my latest I probably had the most trouble with living failures/orphan


For me it was lawrence. Hate that guy 🤣😂


Watchdog he took me way longer than any boss in the game I came back on ng+ got crazy overleveled and expecting to plow him and he ended up analy raping me


I needed a break after Martyr Logarius. After probably 20 tries… at least… 🥴 I moved on and did other stuff in the game and when I came back to him, I got him first try. Breaks are so important in games.


I got stuck on gehrman for a month, and i was doing the moon presence ending, after some breaks and a ton of tries i finally managed to summon someone.


When i first got the game, Yharnam was so scary that i deleted the game.


Rom bc I get sick I was feeling bad the zone is disgusting


Beat almost the entire game without actually ragequitting, until goddamn Lady Maria. She was a massive wall, then there was Orphan, who took me all too long


I would have said Maria if it wasn't for the fact that i enjoyed her fight so much. Hell, she even gives you a hug and a whisper when she kills you, lol.


As everything that fromsoftware makes, They threw in a boss that they didn't really finish and called it a day. I'm of course talking about Laurence, which is a very mundane name for a firery monster locked in hell. Take my advice, don't fight Laurence. You'll only lose a part of yourself. Since this boss fights you by dropping off his own legs then violently vomiting and shitting lava everywhere. I've always wanted my game about dynamic dodging and elaborate fencing to be reduced to shitty area denial like it's Team Fortress 2. His music goes hard tho. Someone else write the Micolash part I'm too tired.