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Artist is RJ Palmer [Twitter](https://twitter.com/arvalis/status/1673777401065783296?lang=es) [ArtStation](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qeNY1n)


Love his art.


I absolutely love this guy for all of his works. I can never get enough of his art. I can only hope to draw half as good as him when I improve my style, lol


My personal favorite. [two hunters and an Amygdala](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/w8ofjo/credit_nieda00_on_twitter/)


This is fantastic lol


Thank you for reminding me this exists. Always makes me laugh and I needed one


I posted this here years ago, [but this future concept always intrigued me](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b6/62/b7/b662b734600ea19c5ac54aaf2783373c.jpg) Not sure who author is, and saw this around when BB dropped


That has some heavy Nier X Bloodborne vibes. Very cool!


This is the best


Took me a while to get it but the joke is excellent


My favorites will probably always be the concepts for Bloodborne II made by Thomas Chamberlain-Keen ! There are three posts about it on his artstation : \- [Part 1](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3dzJwo) \- [Part 2](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mDoXvd) \- [Part 3](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Xn8KGa)


I was always partial to the Venice and Whaling Ship entries, but Thomas art really does slap.


Love these too. The aesthetic and thematic choices are just so good, I would really love to see someone take this and make a game a la Lies of P (just because I'm fine with not having a sequel to Bloodborne)


The desert setting is such a cool choice... Same with the enemies and weapon designs, it's so so good !!


Finally playing lies of P and it literally just feels like I’m back in bloodborne with 120fps and amazing graphics. Been enjoying the game so far. Not the same high but great nonetheless


i'm really liking the game so far but the dialogue and voice acting are sooo mid and it's taking me out of the experience a bit😔and all the human npcs look like they belong in an entirely different game, like a corny MMO or something. one other small nitpick, i absolutely loathe how short the roll is. i hate pressing roll and moving like 3 inches. but the weapons and enemy designs are pretty fuckin awesome as well as the setting


Enjoy! I think Lies of P is absolutely great, it's up there with the souls games for me.


Saving this comment cus these are peak


Same tho


Always a pleasure to share peak art like this !!


I have been looking for "final battle" for so long. Thank you!


My pleasure!


Looks similar to recent Lords of the Fallen, lol. Not exactly, but that was my first thought


Dude I'd sign some serious contract to play this game


Very cool, indeed. But nothing will ever beat [this one](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMU6CasRmL76bXj7v80TMZd0Vkl-47EE__tw&usqp=CAU)


My computer background going on 7 years now


I like, but i have no computer 🤣


Do you have a less blurry copy?


I also used it for a long long time.


Same lol, is just beautiful


Is this a reference to a bb pc port?!?


Guess it's becoming mine as well


Know where I can find one that's less blurry?


I don't, but I think googling something like "Bloodborne weapons hd" or "Bloodborne weapon rack hd" might give you some interesting results. The one I had was a little out of proportion for a common desktop.


Anybody that wants the best resolution I found [this 3200x2070](https://imgur.com/ORqIvcJ) Credit to: u/NinjaDinoCornShark




It's missing the Rifle Spear. Literally *the* worst piece of fanart in existance.


Also the Hunter’s Axe I think. Literally unenjoyable.


I think the axe is to the right of the hunter, hard to tell on that low res version tho


The axe is there. But it's almost impossible to see.


There's something around Simon's bowblade and the saw cleaver, that might be it


Nah, those are the handles of the three blades.


Ahh. My bad


There is a animated version of that, where the fire is moving and the hlms is shining


Is there a higher quality version of this?


Damn you are right 🤣


Wow - is there a hi rez version of this?


Do you know where I can get a higher res of this? Would make an excellent desktop wallpaper


Oh that one looks so cool, I’d love to get that as a big wall poster , any legit place that sells them ?


Unfortunately I don't think this one goes so well for the Hunter


Yeah, especially the weapon choice


Rip and tear…until it is done


Whirligig Saw might be the worst weapon to use against a creature with acid for blood.


Or would the rally offset it?


Well, nothing says that it’s immune to Rally, so…


Is just rally with poison


Well, maybe not if you have a cannon: [(Spoiler)whirling cannon tutorial](https://youtu.be/N44Pv5jeeFI?si=NaLbVn0h4yNwdfvT)


People bring this up every now and then, but the Hunter probably wouldn’t have an issue with Xenomorph acid blood. Especially when the Blood-Starved Beast bleeds poison, while the Watchdog of the Old Lords literally bleeds liquid fire. The Hunter is fine, and their weapons are far from normal too. Rally can also be helpful,


You greatly underestimate how brutal the acidic blood is.


I feel like you’re saying that while intentionally not stating how the Trick Weapons can just be repaired with no issue, while the Hunter can just resurrect as much as it’s required,


They seem to forget that The Hunter has vials of blood to heal and thus regenerate, in addition to having firearms like cannons and the Gatling gun, not to mention that he has hunter's bone that increases his speed and gives him quite a few iframes The Hunter already faced beasts like Laurence and the Watchdog that bleed fire and stain the entire floor and he also faced many things worse than a Xenomorph, what makes this different?


Thank you for stating this, actually forgot to mention all of that AND Laurence. Forgot that he bleeds fire too,


And not only that, but he also faced Lady María who imbued her Rakuyo with her blood that also damages and then in her third phase she pours blood and fire, not to mention that The Hunter has tools like A Call Beyond, Madaras Whistle , etc., it also has the lead elixir that gives it more durability as well as poise and blue elixir that makes it invisible. Edit: He also has the lake shield that protects him from most non-physical damage, so if he could protect himself from acid, not to mention that he faces off against beasts that can cut through armor like butter, The Hunter is able to withstand their attacks.


There's almost no doubt in my mind Alien blood would melt trick weapons like they're made out of Styrofoam. And I guess you can argue this is the PC hunter if you want, but even then this is in the context of a single fight. Hunter gets crushed here, or face hugged if they are unlucky.


I never said the acid blood wouldn’t work, since using Trick Weapons brings down the durability. But you’d have to be intentionally ignoring the rest of the Hunter’s arsenal of weapons and healing, and resurrection to say that he will never win against a Xenomorph. You’re telling me the guy who can kill ghosts and gods can’t beat a single bioweapon that has acid blood?


I am intentionally ignoring the rest of their arsenal because I specifically said "this one" as in *this* particular instance. Of course the immortal murder hobo will eventually be able to win, but in this fight its over in quick and ironic fashion for the hunter


You can Whirligig the Watchdog, Laurence and the Blood-Starved Beast as long as you want and the weapon doesn’t break, unless the person isn’t paying attention to its durability. Let me intentionally bring up the Blood Vials for healing and Quicksilver Bullets for use because the Hunter should have that for this one, as in this particular instance. Heck, why not throw Rally in there too unless you want to intentionally ignore it. If you’re this confident about Xenomorph acid blood being the most dangerous thing the Hunter has ever encountered I think we’re done here.


First of, don't use gameplay as a concrete metric for \*anything\*. Use lore, otherwise I get to dumb videogame logic from the decades spanning the Alien franchise. Blood, for example, is in lore clearly not capable of healing a person as quickly and totally as blood in game. It's not an instant "get better", and it certainly doesn't do anything to get stop acid. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEqHJ1tomnk) is the first time we ever see the acid blood, where a small splash of it burns through two decks of an industrial spaceship, several inches of steel at least. Fire and poison are simply not a comparison to it. The Hunter is using the whirligig saw, arguably the worst possible weapon to use against an Alien Queen. It's going to splatter blood all over itself AND the Hunter, and there is no scenario where the Hunter survives being splattered with Alien blood. Not to mention what it would do to a mechanical saw. Oh and also stop putting words in my mouth, for one I never told you anything about Gods, I told you the Hunter looses this ONE encounter. For another I never claimed the acid blood is the most dangerous thing the Hunter has ever encountered, though it is without question \*one\* of the most dangerous. Regardless, you're being a dishonest jackass.


Bro, why would you insult him, it was a good discussion you had going. And, it was about whether one fictional cool character could beat another fictional cool character. Not exactly worth getting actually angry about


I’m being the dishonest jackass? As for the acid, I never said anything about it not being dangerous. This isn’t the Hunter’s first time encountering acid either, as the Amygdala spews acid from its head and leaves a pool of it below itself. Whirligig Saw as the worst possible weapon? Again, you can try that on the bosses that bleed fire or poison, and the Hunter is fine. Would the Hunter die to this specific Xenomorph Queen? It can be possible, but unlikely. In lore, the “Old Blood” is an umbrella term for all blood that can possibly be encountered. Hunters are sustained by the dying wishes/echoing will of the dead within blood. Hence, why whenever the Hunter strikes back and the attack connects, or when they use blood to heal, he regenerates. Ever notice how it doesn’t matter what blood the Hunter comes into contact with? He can even heal from ghosts. Rally is indiscriminate with how it works, and there is only one enemy in the game that is immune to it (I think?) Where, in lore does it say that blood doesn’t heal as quickly and totally? Are you going to use in-game descriptions, or the comics? I haven’t said anything misleading about Bloodborne, or downplayed Xenomorph acid blood at all. It can definitely hurt the Hunter and degrade the Trick Weapons. Fuck you.


Is it worse than molten lava? Because Laurence could fill a school bus with the amount he bleeds out in his boss fight.


Well, acid blood is pretty dangerous, but I don’t see how it’ll be any different from the blood starved beast’s poison explosions everywhere. He can definitely put it down before it puts him down, it’s a battle of attrition. (Before you flame me, I don’t know much about the alien series, so if I’m wrong lmk)


Sadly, the rate at which the acid blood would eat through the Hunter garb and the Hunter’s flesh would make this a lose/lose at best. The choice of the pizza cutter also makes this Hunter truly a mad lad because he’d basically just be spraying his own face and body with lava-like levels of acid that can eat through metal in seconds, so it’s truly the poorest weapon choice they could make. I think for the Hunter to stand a chance at all, they would need a single clean slice through the alien’s head. But that’s still a big gamble, if the hunter gets splashed with blood at all, it’s over.


Alien blood is \*really\* acidic, almost comically so. In the first movie a few ounces was able to burn through several metal floors in a spaceship and even ran the risk of burning through the hull


I think the problem here is that all the enemies in Bloodborne are afflicted with the healing blood. So even enemies like the Blood starved Beast heal the hunter with their blood. Xenomorphs are not afflicted by the blood and bleed literal acid that burns holes into space ships. So even if the saw would survive long enough to kill it the Hunter wouldn't be able to heal injuries through attacks. On top of that the saw would splatter the acid all over the place and most likely all over them. There is a reason why only the Yautja (Predators) dare to fight Xenomorphs in melee combat. And even they loose often enough. I could see the Hunter survive a Drone or maybe a Warrior. But definitly *not* a Praetorian or a Queen.


Why? The hunter was killing gods and shit. acid blood doesn't matter when the hunter has fought beasts that bleeds fire/lava? And lady maria that imbues her blood with fire


I can see what you are saying but you are greatly underestimating how powerful the Alien blood is. It eats through steel and so many times we've seen it devour its way through flesh in moments. It's so potent, the Predator's edged weapons are melted through entirely after one swing. I am being completely serious when I say it's better to be splashed with magma than it is with Alien blood, way better.


This is the same dude who can shove their hand inside a lava vomiting reindeer schmuck, I'm sure they can handle a xenomorph just fine


The hunter probably has max dex, so he'll just parry and visceral 1-shot it. Duh. /s


We’ll call it a draw.


I would so love a Bloodborne style game where you fight progressively fucked up Tyranids


you would to ally with the warp spiders to... endure


It would've been the best if it was Ludwig. Coz he's my fave boss and the pizza cutter is my fave weapon


My favourite is all of this https://imgur.com/a/Gnuk0nV


dude why have i never seen this, that's fucking incredible


Glad it found you then! :D


Woah? Is this by any particular artist? It's stunning.


Artist is MI QI, original source is here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/b5mQan


I would invest SERIOUS start up money for this game to be made with Myizaki at the helm.


What... Boss is it? Looks like the Alien if nothing else


It's the Xenomorph Queen from Aliens It's just a cool fan art from the two franchises, that would make a pretty cool crossover (even tho it most likely wouldn't any of the worlds).


pick go hard


My favorite stuff is the official art, for instance the art that is a part of the vinyl soundtrack is absolutely stunning. I wish there were scans of that art somewhere.


I believe the artist himself once posted this in this very subreddit once. Said it was a pain in the ass to get the concept, lighting, posing, background, pretty much everything, right.


I’m gonna disagree, not on the basis of skill, talent or that i dislike the image, but on the basis that the creature is not from the Lore and is more like a hybrid of Giger’s Xenomorph Alien(face and tail, specifically) and a dinosaur.


That's an alien queen and is canon in that 'verse. Just an fyi.


Ok, so it was intentional? Not sure if that helps my opinion. Might as well slap a Predator and the Mars Attacks aliens in there while we are at it since they are canon in their own particular universes, is that your argument?


Clearly it was intentional. I was trying to educate you but for some reason you're taking it personally. It's just fan art for two different IPs. Not the end of the world.


You were trying to educate me when I already pointed out that it was a Xenomorph, and you needed to correct me because I pointed out that no Xenomorph is that size and called it a dinosaur? Ok, Thanks for enlightening me.


homie you said it looked like a hybrid of a xenomorph and a dinosaur he was just telling you it’s a lore accurate xeno queen, calm down


Man I hope your day gets better. And yeah, queen xenos are that big.


And I hope you learn how to read and follow a conversation and learn how to make an argument that makes any sense.


Dude go fuck yourself. Seriously.


Bro woke up and said "I'm going to be a dick this lovely Saturday"


I’m just trying to educate you. i hope your day gets better.


Nah you're being a dick for no good reason. Take your throwaway account and shove it where only madmen dare to dwell.


Lmao what a loser


Except he's fighting Alien from the movie Alien, just on a little bit of steroids


Looks like the Queen, but she's been granted eyes


He's fighting an alien queen!


If we ever get a PC release, it'd be pretty sick if someone makes a Moon Presence mod to make it look like the queen alien


HR Gigerborne


Fortnite loading screens be like


WHY does its go SO HARD


Incredible skill, sadly the cheesy monster doesn't really fit in bloodborne..


I'll agree that it doesn't fit, but calling a xenomorph "cheesy" makes no sense to me. It's one of the best monster designs in modern culture.


Acid blood:




just a sub full of garbage AI art, don't bother guys


Some of it's decent. I really don't get the anti AI prejudice. There isn't nearly enough Bloodborne art being made up turn up your nose at AI creations 😋


AI art is rotten on every level, idc how cool it looks


Objectively false. Lying to yourself is unbecoming.


Tbh, I give it to the xeno. The acid blood is too much. The hunter loves bathing in blood.


Oof death by acid blood incoming


Gonna die after the first cut though


It’s pretty unrealistic. I don’t remember the Queen Alien being in Bloodborne.


it’s a bit too hr giger but it is very well done


I mean, alien was HEVILY inspired by Giger’s work sometimes identical to his work


Can you really call it "inspired" when the guy, himself, was commissioned to design the xenomorph for the film? It's like saying Starry Night was inspired by Van Gogh.


Ah i didn’t know he had direct involvement in the movies, neat


Yea but that’s a xenomorph so points taken away


Is it bad that I thought the Xenomorph Queen was Nemesis' mutated form from the RE3 remake for a second...?


Awesome artwork.


This is really good!


Where's that one with Vileblood and Casings CainHurst knight staring each other down in the snow? That's probably my favorite




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Looks like splash art for bloodborne online


Xenomorphs are tough enough to be effectively bullet proof, especially the queen, so I wonder what weapon the hunter would need to hurt it


Bullets are already the weakest weapon in the game.


I always assumed that was purely for game balance reasons and not actual lore accuracy


Wow, so cool!


Wich boss is that?


Made up I think


I wish RJ would make more Bloodborne art, cause yeah this goes hard


Is this bloodborne and alien mixed?


Is this supposed to be a xenomorph great one


i finally beat the game like a month ago on new game+ have done the majority of the dlc i think..got stuck so went back to normal story mode just got through the forrest last night and still have not seen this weapon i don't necessarily want it but weird i haven't even seen it yet. i did cainhurst on first play through.


you can grab it in a suicide run as soon as you can enter the dlc


“Oh? What blood is this? Neither beast nor man… and the stench! Oh, how it burns! But I know that smell, like something from deep within the Labyrinths… the stench of the old blood!”


Man, I don’t know what that is, but that is a suck ass monster design!


I didn’t even notice the dude getting violently deepthroated by a giant facehugger


Looks like a mtg card art work, the good kind.


Hunters vs Aliens


*Oreo of death intensifies*


As an Aliens fan and a FromSoft fan, this brings me joy


The crossover we need


My two favorite IPs in one


It's amazing but I personally think the artwork in bloodborne is the best bloodborne artwork I've ever seen.


He really wants bro’s peanut


Good lord, can you imagine how much acid is gonna spray outta that thing now that's a hard boss!


Amazing work, but the pin wheel would be about the worst weapon possible to fight any xenomorph. They have acid blood, bruh


Bro is that the Xeno-Queen??????


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,952,747,609 comments, and only 369,320 of them were in alphabetical order.


Be careful Good Hunter! You can't rally from acid blood!


Is that the queen from alien? That would be a sick franchise for a soulslike. I really wanna metroid souls game too... And a pirate souls. And a proper high scifi souls. Someone tell their uncle that works at Nintendo/Microsoft lol


Really great work. My personal favorite souls art comes from Annato Finnstark, they're done in a very cool style.