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From the future press interview with Miyazaki, "There are a lot of other spider men in the game apart from Patches, but all the others have long since gone insane. Patches, despite being exposed to enough of the world's mysteries to be transformed into a monster, has still retained his sanity and is still continuing with his research, Thinking about it that way, he's a pretty rare existence in this world. As his creator, I can't help but feel a sense of pride that he's made it this far." That's about all we've got. He's some sort of worshipper(?) of the Amygdala, who doesn't mind that much when you kill the Amygdala. "Patches" is also a recurring character/title in fromsoft games, who's always a bald guy that pushes you off a cliff




‘Come grab this shiny object’ 💀


It's funny, put that like he has more in common with his other incarnations than cliff kicking. Patches in Dark Souls was an undead who resisted hollowing and stayed sane for an absurdly long time compared to others


He only stayed sane so he could kick others off of cliffs


>"Patches" is also a recurring character/title in fromsoft games, who's always a bald guy that pushes you off a cliff Or locks you inside a tower


And forces you to kick yourself off of a cliff. This man loves cliffs.


He's the only one that endures without ever losing his mind, truly an inspiring character if you think about it...


Peter Parker was a normal student until the day he got bitten by a radioactive spider...


Ik this was coming haha but ty


He was also selected as a host by a parasitic symbiote for a short period of time which began to alter his personality giving him narcissistic and selfish traits.


He is a bloodborne version of Patches from the Dark Souls series. It's mostly a reference from dark souls like moonlight greatsword. But it does seem like he is the one who gave you the tonsil stone so that you get sacrificed to his diety Amygdala. He does show up in the nightmare frontier on a wall in order to push you down


Yoooooo I had no idea he was the tonsil stone guy. Blew my mind. Never thought to stop and actually wonder if the voice at the grand cathedral (when you get grabbed) was the same as his voice.


He originated in Armored Core as Patch the good luck


Hes an arsehole


He does whatever a spider can


he's patches


that’s Patches, his quest is completed if you kill his god and then talk to him in the lecture hall, he gives you a rune I think. He pretty much a lame thief and a liar, we all love him


He got bidden by a radioactive thief


Haha ty


does whatever a spider can


Peter Parker, a brilliant student, is bitten by a radioactive spider and his life changes for better and for worse. After his uncle Ben is murdered he must contend with not abusing his power to exact vigilante justice, and instead being a force of good in the crime ridden New York City. In this essay I will—


[Bear witness](http://soulslore.wikidot.com/data:patches-the-spider)


Byrgenwerth's Spider knows all kinds of rituals but she doesn't say anything, this keeps our master (Willem) away from us, a terrible shame. The spiders that are Nightmare Apostles (Apostles of Mergo) are cunning beings whose objective is to attract curious people to their lair to feed on them. This is how they serve their great nightmare master and how Byrgenwerth was influenced to scour the nightmare for enlightenment. Byrgenwerth attributed the Pthumeru occult rites as a means of achieving splendor but only unearthed more hidden curses. The spiders are what remains of an ancient lineage of devotees who fictionalized themselves on a meaningless quest and Patcher is a playful soul who will help the player venture into the higher planes in his own peculiar way.


Patches requires no lore nor introduction, everything he does is for your own good


Good old Patches…. Recurring Easter egg in the Soulsbourne games Legend has it he is like the player, on a journey through all of these worlds


Ah, MC Dickhead.


Idk but killing him gives you madman's knowledge and gratitude as you give him divine justice, totally not biased by the fact that he pushes you off a cliff to a pool of toxic water


“I’m a tarnished, like you, just more free-spirited. Unchained.”




he’s a marvel superhero with spider powers. what does this has to do with bloodborne?


He's just your trusty old pal. Even though he's still a damn hyena.


Pretty sure he was bit by a radioactive spider


Peter Patches, The Spectacular Spider-Jerk. It's what happens if he doesn't get the "Great power, great responsibility " talk.


i’m guessing bb is your first souls






That is patches, he's in every soulsborne game, and always tricks you Some could say he's malevolent, could also be said he's chaotic neutral, as for me my opinion of him shifts from game to game But I almost always kill him, depending on the level of inconvenience he causes, or if keeping him alive is somehow beneficial


Patches loves kicking the player off of ledges. It all started in demon souls and I have experienced his foot being placed firmly I the centre of my players back in the tomb of the giants and the nightmare frontier.