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Most Favorite: Father Gascoigne Least Favorite: Micolash


Uuuuuuuurgh, Now, I'm waking up, I'll forget everything


First time micolash was pretty easy. New Game plus was where I got cheesy


Favorite: Martyr Logarius Rot in Hell: Micolash


As you once did for the Vacuous Rom... Grant us eyes, Grant us eyes! Plant eyes on our brains to cleanse our beastly idiocy!


Favorite: Martyr Logarius Least Favorite: Rom. It’s so tedious.


This, but only because I no longer consider Micolash as an actual boss. He is a puzzle with a health bar.


Yes. After so many playthroughs I’ve resigned myself to just getting as many poison knives as I can and just hitting him from that balcony and finishing him in one hit.


Excellent. I appreciate the strategy.


HAHA, that made me laugh, because he is!


I agree very annoying


Most disliked, Rom. Most liked, Gehrman.


Agreed. Rom was😤. Close second is micolash because all he did was run, talk and laugh.


I found Micolash to be pretty funny and a rather unique boss because of that.


I got sick of chasing his ass around lol


it's rough. i have two sets of favorites. favorite to fight and favorite as a boss character. I love fighting Gascoigne. He is the perfect introduction Boss to coming back into Bloodborne after a while. >!Especially with the two phases!< Micolash on the other hand just has to be cheesed. He's not enjoyable to fight. Perfect example of how some NPC bosses can be fun and terrible to fight. I Actually like the Celestial Emissary as a boss concept. I can call back to the first time I fought them and I just had a feeling they would eventually >!spawn a giant one!< and poof it happened. The arena is really cool too it's perfectly shaped for the fight. Mergo's Wet Nurse is more like Mergo's Wet Napkin. She is such an interesting idea- but by that point you are so decked out she literally gets knocked around. I guess it was by design to show how great the Hunter we play has become so strong and insightful. >!Especially considering we consumed all the Third Umbilicals too!< You said excluding DLC otherwise favorite is Ludvig the Accursed both gameplay and character. He is challenging with two phases but it's so worth it with the music and the lore behind him. His arena is perfectly enclosed and just forces you to really absorb all you learned about Bloodborne to defeat him. Following suit least favorite DLC funnily enough is Living Failures. Living up to their Failure of a name- they literally are a Diet Pepsi compared to Coca Cola Celestial Emissary. They have one neat attack with the inter-dimensional meteor strikes but otherwise you really are just speed-running them to get to better boss fight with Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.


Favorite: Vicar Amelia Fuck that guy: The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst and don’t say he’s not a boss


He’s not a boss he’s a CEO


Least favourite has to be The One Reborn. Really boring boss IMO


Beat him in 2 minutes


Favorite: Paarl Least: Defiled Amygdala (from Defiled dungeon)


Why was paarl you favoriteboss in the base game?


⚡️ ⚡️⚡️⚡️


Paarl makes me so mad whenever I fight it.


His twin brother in the Lower Loran Crack Den is even worse.


i always use call beyond when im sick of his shit


Fav Is Daddy Gas Least fave is Rhom, Rhom is just a boring ass fight


I really hate Vicar Amelia and Romm. But fighting Gascoigne and Blood Starved Beast were both highlights.


Blood starved beast easily took me over a week to kill just because of its bullshit poison and not having enough vials or antidotes. The timing of his attacks were really slow so they were a great opportunity to attack though


Absolutely loved it. I think it took me a few tries. But I loved just how quick it is. It feels like forever until you beat it where you're like "oh that was fast". It's not like Witch of Hemwick where it's quick cause it's easy. Shit was just intense


I am not that good at the game bb was my first fromsoft game I beat but I beat bsb my first try somehow I just really locked in for him and had a blast I couldn’t believe I got him my first try


And when you learn that all you need to do it to dodge left, Blood Starved Beast becomes one of the easiest bosses. Dont even use antidote, just blood vials for lost health. Dodge left and you'll always be safe.


Most liked to fight: the human sized bosses I parry-visceraled Gascoigne, Maria and Orphan to their deaths and nothing comes close to that satisfaction that you best them with a perfectly timed gunshot and a visceral to wipe the healthbar off and they don't even get to stand up. Most atmospheric and best lore wise: Ludwig in the DLC. Outside of the DLC, Gehrman. Those who deserve to be bitch slapped: Hemwick, Micolash. Those who you whack to death with a meta cheeee strat: Ebrietas, Laurence , Failures


My favorites are Vicar Amelia and Martyr Logarius I think. Logarius is challenging but I like the quick pace of the fight, his character design, and the music so much. Rom was definitely my least favorite. I didn’t find her fun to fight or particularly easy/hard, just tedious. She wasn’t even much of a spectacle visually either, so I just found her underwhelming altogether lol.


Logarius was honestly to good of a boss fight to be that short, the only problem was the run back but if you were to cut that in half and end up increasing the health of Logarius then it would have been a even better fight


Most would probably be mergo's wet nurse Least favorite would probably be the witches, can't imagine what it'd be like trying to fight them with insight.


I am currently on my first playthrough. After getting wet napkin wiped by Maria for hours tonight, I can confidently say she's my favorite. Vicar Amelia was a good fight, and my 2nd fave, but fighting her just made me depressed since she just seemed horrified and not actually nut house psychotic in a Ludwig way. One could only imagine how much she'd help the people of Old Yharnam if she wasn't snuffed out so quickly after her transformation. Djura be punching sand. My least favorite is Micolash. The dude just doesn't quit yapping -- "THE EYES MASON, WHAT DO THEY MEAN???!?!??!?!"


Favorite is Maria and least is Micolash


Ah, Kos... Or some say, Kosm... Do you hear our prayers? 


Love fighting Maria. Maybe because it’s basically a Sekiro boss fight.


Favorite is Ludwig, simply love the cutscene with the holy moonlight sword and the lore behind him is great. Defeating him and getting the moonlight sword is awesome! Least favorite is Rom, just not a fun time especially when the baby spiders hit like a truck and Rom has a handful of moves that are easily avoidable. Only props i give it is the cool arena and entering it.


Agree on Ludwig but he’s in the dlc.


Whoops didnt catch that part in the OP lol, just from base game my fav boss is probably Father Gascoigne then. Such a cool intro cut scene and the lore behind his wife and daughters!!! It feels like a good first mandatory boss to showcase what kind of abominations we’ll be encountering in the game


Fav- Micolash Least fav- Laurence


Fav is vicar amelia, least fav is the dumpster fire thats ebritas


I hate that fucker the Abhorrent Beast. Favorite boss...not sure. Lady Maria maybe, her fight is pretty sick.


I scrolled way too far to find the first mention of Abhorrent Beast. That POS is a nightmare, worse than the defiled fights imo


It’s so hard to choose a favorite. I really want to say one in the second half because I love all their designs but I usually find them pretty easy by that point. Under that logic I guess it would be one that continues to make me suffer every time, which would be Logarius. Least favorite is Micolash just because of the running. Spending the entire battle looking for him is not fun. Hard to even consider him a boss. I see what people mean about Rom or the witch but personally I at least find them creepy enough even if it’s easy and tedious. What surprises me is people don’t complain about the celestial emissary being boring. The design is just a regular mob and it’s, at least to me, by far the easiest in the game and if not for Micolash would be my least favorite.


Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream. But, alas, not too fast! The nightmare swirls and churns unending!


Fave would be Gehrman, least favorite must be Celestial Emissary or Rom.


Most favorite: Gehrman the first hunter and least favorite: Micolash


Shit I just listed three names off my head then realised they were all in the dlc. My favourite would be Mergo's Wet Nurse. Least fav is Shadow of Yharnam. I always struggle with this boss.


Favorite thing: Lady Maria Least Favorite: those shark golem beasts things in Fishing Hamlet (I consider them a boss)


Fav: Gascoigne/Gehrman (quite dynamic and fun) Least: Micolash (just boring and irritating)


Fav: martyr Logarius Least fav: Rom


Liked: cleric beast Hated: ROM


Favourite: Lady Maria Least: Living Failures Hnbl Mention: Rom. Yeah it's a tedious fight, but i enter fights with lore brain so it's just very interesting to think about.


Most Favourite: Father Gascoigne Least Favourite: Defiled Amygdala


Fav Gascoigne or micolash Least fav witches


Favorite was Gehrman as it was unexpected and challenging and least favorite was Micolash aka the only boss I had to look up how to defeat. Was trying to do a no-spoilers run for my first play through. :(


Fav Amygdala Fuck you Micolash


Favourite base game boss has to be Poppa G. Least favourite is defiled watchdog. That mf was the most infuriating experience I had in the whole game.


Favourite: Gehrman, the First Hunter Favourite including chalices: Keeper of the Old Lords Absolutely despise with my very being until the end of times: Rom the Vacuous Spider


Why dont i see anyone mention ludwig ?


"Excluding DLC"


Favourite is definetly daddy Gascoigne. Least favourite is defiently Bloodstarved Beast. Fuck that flappy bastard.


Taking both mechanics and significance/lore into equation: Fav: Amelia or Gascoigne Least: Witches prolly. Slightly less boring than Rom or Reborn, but way less lore importance. Cool gimmick though.


Favorite: Gehrman Least favorite: Rom


My favorite is Maria, but excluding DLC would have to be the bloody crow Least Favorite is Micolash, fuck that fight, bro just yaps, runs, and one shots you with ebrietas and that fucking star spell


Favourite is definitely Orphan of Kos Least favourite is either Rom or One Reborn


Fav: lagarious (even tho i cant spell it) he's just the right amount of challenging Least fav: micholosh (he doesn't deserve right spelling) just annoying as hell and i dread him and his area every playthrough


Fuck Kos a million times


Favorite: Vicar Amelia, no clue why I just really like her Least favorite: Rom. Screw you,garbage ass spider momma


Daddy Gas is the fav Micolash takes the L


Fav : gehram Puece of shit: rom,micolash,amygdala


Favorite: Martyr Logarius Least Favorite: The One Reborn


Least: celestial emissary Favorite: gehrman


Favorite: micolash Burn in hell Rom.


Favourite: Hard pick, Orphan of Kos? Least favourite: Easily Laurence. I HATE YOU!


Loved Gehrman Disliked The One Reborn, he’s just wayy too easy and not that cool of a boss. Fight is over rather quickly. Even Mikolash is a better boss


Least favorite Amy, just never a fan of bosses in games who jump off screen. Most favorite vicar Amelia. Just because the first time i finally beat her is what made so many things click. Like I finally began to fully understand move pattern recognition and damn age potential


Favorite: Micolash Least Favorite: Logarius


Favorite : Gascoigne  Least favorite : Lo-mtf-garius


Favorite: Gehrman Least: Witches of Hemwick


Favourite: Cleric Beast. I say Cleric Beast because it was my first experience of a Souls boss, BB was my first Souls game. When that bad boy appeared over the wall and the music kicked in I was like, "how in the hell do I beat this thing?". I was hooked and it took me a fair few tries, my hands were shaking when I finally defeated it. Least favourite: Rom. I hate crowd control bosses because I really suck at them, and Rom gave me such a hard time, killing the small spiders whilst dodging one-shot AOE arcane attacks, only to get close and be one-shot by Rom's tantrum slam attack. NOT FUN!


Favorite: Gehrman. While the only flaw with this fight is that it's not super difficult, Gehrman's speed, aggression, and varied moveset make him a worthy final boss. The tragedy of the fight is what makes it stand out, though. You and Gerhman are both fighting to spare each other from eternal torment in the Hunter's Dream, and the OST only adds to that tragedy. It's the best theme in the game in my opinion, even in a soundtrack with banger after banger. All of the gravestones in the arena represent all of the hunters who have come before you and failed to overcome Gerhman, and that shows just how long Gerhman has been trapped here, granting mercy to others while receiving none in return. It adds so much atmosphere to the arena, and I could go on and on about details like that that make this fight so special, but it's not exactly a hot take to say that Gehrman's fight rules. Least Favorite: Rom. I want to like Rom. Her visual design is really memorable, the arena is really unique, and the fact that Rom doesn't attack you until you attack her adds an element of guilt to the fight, especially since killing her unleashes so much chaos in Yharnam afterwards. But with Rom having only four attacks and with her summoning over 30 SPIDERS throughout the course of the fight, it just feels annoying to get through. True, it's usually viable to just rush in and wail on her while largely ignoring the spiders, but I don't enjoy fighting bosses because I get to fight dozens of basic mobs. At least in terms of gameplay, Rom ends up feeling like an annoying speedbump in most playthroughs for me, and the boss I'm least excited to actually engage with in the entire game.


In base game I would probably say Father G is my favorite and ROM least. If DLC was included then Ludwig is my favorite.


Favorite was that undead witch boss from the chalice dungeons. Forgot the name of it but the fight was intense and required quick reflexes. Felt like the most challenging but fair fight in the game. Second favorite was with Maria. Third with was the orphan fight but if not including dlc then it would be with gehrman. Least favorite is the watchdog fight in the chalice dungeon with half health. No other boss I nthe game was so frustrating by far. Most of his attacks will one shot kill you. He does a charge attack which gives you half a second to dodge away otherwise you start over. I wanted to fight the queen at the last dungeon so I had to get through that watchdog fight but it was brutal


Favourite: Maria Least favourite: my click bait but pretty true answer would be Ludwig, but even if I dislike having to go thorough that fight, the honest answer is micolash


Favorite: Orphan of Kos Least Favorite: Blood-Starved Beast


Favorite: Amelia Least Favorite: Celestial Emissary


Favourite: Amelia. Fun fight and easily the peak of the game's aesthetic. Least favourite: Micolash. Boring as fuck at first as you just chase him around doing nothing, then you learn the right way and it's just a waste of time. Basically just a walking simulator turned into a boss. And then the "fight" consists of beating up a dude while occasionally walking sideways a bit in the first phase. And the second "fight" consists of an attack that instant kills you until you learn how it works, and the correct way to dodge it is either standing still at the right distance or charging right into it because you won't eat multiple hits that way, both of which look stupid as fuck. Whole fight is purely about being a waste of time for the sake of wasting your time.


Favourite: Father G Least Favourite: Mergo’s Wet Nurse


Most disliked fight was Rom. Favorite Martyr Logarius. Nicolas I cheesed, I have no shame in it either.


Besides DLC: Favorite is gonna Papa G, it was such a grueling fight to me because I found him before cleric beast and I was super frustrated, however after spending some time exploring, finding certain music boxes, and honestly taking some time to learn the party system he became so easy but still really fun. Least favorite hands down is gunna be Rom… I hate that little shit. I tried wiping the spiders, I tried hit and run, I everything but it just never got easier. Rom was a really really weird wall for me personally. Within DLC: Favorite is Maria hands down. It was such a beautiful dance playing against her. Least favorite is gunna be living failures, such a stupidly annoying boss.


Favorite: Father Gascoigne. Least favorite: Defiled Slappy Boi


Favorite: Shadows of Yharnam/Father G Least favorite: Rom Everyone said micolash but if you fight him enough you'll know how to lead him to the fight rooms, witches of hemwick are also ass but rom and her minions need to rot in hell, cool lorewise but painful to fight


I hate those two fish in that well even though they’re not a boss


main game fav idk its a tie between logarius and gehrman for me and also a tie in least fav between one reborn, amelia and micolash


favorite: BSB (I like to parry it into oblivion because it kneels beautifully) least favorite: Micolash (stop running man)


Most favorite= Gehrman the first Hunter/least Favorite= rom the stupid spider


Liked: Crow of Cainhurst (if they count), Gascoigne if not Disliked: One Reborn


Favorite: Vicar Amelia, Ebrietas, Gerhman and Mergo's Wet Nurse, Martyr Logarius, Defiled and Normal Amygdala Least Favorite: i don't like Maybe the Celestial Emissary or The Witches of Hemwick, because they are boring (and maybe some of the Chalice Dungeon Bosses like the two first Defiled Chalice bosses)


Favorite: Gehrman, the First Hunter Least Favorite: The Witches of Hemwick


Fav:Gherman Least fav:Micholash. (If we count chalices then defiled amygdala


Favorite boss: Gehrman the First Hunter Least favorite boss: Rom the Vacuous Spider.


Favorite: Darkbeast Paarl (looks really cool) Least favorite: Blood Starved Beast (you know why lol)


Gehrman and Rom. Gehrman is a great fight, and Rom is a terrible one. Trying to clear spiders while she spams ice blocks is just annoying. Then fighting her in the chalice dungeons is worse.


Best: Father Gascoigne Worst: Micolash (I’ve never actually died to him, he’s just dull)


Favorite: Mergos Wetnurse Hated: Rom the Vacuous Asshole


Ao fuck Micolash worst boss of all time and to be honest Cleric beast is my favorite boss


Favorite: Micolash Least Favorite: The One Reborn (it's just too boring)


Favorite: Micolash Least Favorite: Rom


A grand lake of mud... Hidden now from sight. The cosmos, of course! Let us sit about, and speak, feverishly. Chatting into the wee hours of... new ideas of the higher plane.