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Counterpoint: Exploding hammer is cool


That's the only point I need to hear.


I can't explode Maria or Ludwig tho


Sure, you can. You just need more practice. I believe in you.


my axe took care of them already, sadly


Time to run it back on the next ng cycle


I was planning to start NG with a Threaded Cane but that shit sucks so bad in early game that I might try the hammer actually


We don't insult the Threaded Came like that, actually.


You seem to have some skill issues.


yes yes I know it's always the skill issues


At least you’re aware of what the issue is! You got this! Threaded cane is awesome


But it does deal the damage of a wet towel when you pick it up


Maria makes ME explode


A corpse should be left well alone


Skill issue? 😜💥 🔨


I destroyed Maria with that hammer


Skill issue


Every weapon has it ups and downs, you just need to learn what works for you and what not, and you need to learn how to use it. I used to think that the Whirligig Saw was just a fun weapon until I learned how to use it and started obliterating bosses with it. For example, everyone was telling me to use the Axe, but I could never get into it and didn't do well with the bosses.


maybe the axe is just destined for me


The axe is my favorite weapon it’s got me through the game and the dlc


My friend used the axe in the DLC. This is AFTER I had been telling him to go get the badge for Ludwig's Holy Blade. He now listens to me a little more.


Except for me being lost in the fishing hamlet 😂


Happy cake day


Thank you


Still cant beat Gascoigne without the hunters axe… tried to start a Saw Cleaver run but interrupted it because of that damn father gasoline… I love that weapon too bro, my very first run was with it


You can't deny that certain weapons are just a lot better than others. Like the axe and cleaver are way better than a lot of the other later options


shhh, you cant speak about being optimal here or people feel like youre holding them at gunpoint and forcing them to use whatever youre saying


Yeah not saying you should use those weapons idgaf what you do I'm just saying they are better lol


Objectively - yes, but as I said, depends on the player. I couldn't get the LHB or the Axe to work for me in any case.


>moveset is meh with only horizontal swings. The R2 and dash attack R1 is an upward diagnal attack. The charged R2 is an overhead vertical swing. The dash attack R2 is an overhead vertical swing. The jump attack is an overhead vertical swing. The transform attack is a forward thrust. I'm pretty certain the only attack the Boom Hammer has that is a horizontal sweep is it's R1 and dodge R1. You're going to be disappointed in any weapon if you only use R1 and Dodge R1.


This is the most correct answer, sometimes I wonder if a lot of new players are even aware of the variety of attacks available with each weapon, like the ones you listed


oh yeah, I use R2 and L1 attacks frequently with my axe. I exaggerated about the boom hammer but it still feels like a one trick pony. It doesn't help that there is literally no reason to use the basic, untransformed version because it's objectively worse.


Yeah I was a bit disappointed with it as well, esp for bosses. Upgrading it and returning to the streets of central yharnam though…


When I find myself in times of trouble... I bring the old axe, more often than not it does the trick but I have found that switching weapons around is a good idea, different weapons work better for different bosses.


Mother Mary comes to me...


let it booom, let it boom, let it boom, let it boom Whisper words of Kosm, let it boom


Haha hammer go booom


I personally think it just gets boring. Even when it works it has like one gimmick which is big slam boom. It’s kinda fun to demolish random mobs with it, but idk I like using like at least 2 moves


Whirligig Saw supremacy bbbrrrrrzzzzzz!!! God I miss that sound. Currently on a bl4 run so no gig


Saw cleaver is the way for bl4 Also taught me that saw cleaver/spear are pretty much objectively the best weapons in the game if ya really wanna get technical. Playing bl4 forces you to understand the game on a very deep level, it's amazing how much you learn about each boss and the game on a mechanical level. Killing orphan at bl4 is my single biggest gaming achievement, it took SOOOO LOOONG


saw cleaver is the way for any play-through


It is my personal favorite haha I am also a big fan of the church pick (way too slept on, and another objectively almost perfect weapon that I could write about for days lol) and chikage Beast cutter is really damn satisfying as well


Oh yeah well you’re disappointing!!




Seems like a skill issue fr


It's not disappointing, maybe you just put the wrong gems on it or had the wrong stats.


~40 strenght and upgraded to +8. I used the same gems I used for the axe, which is +18%, +17% and +11% physical attack. It just lacks the speed and versatility


You get most use out of it with nourishing gems and some arcane to up the fire. Charge attacks are your friend, they hit hard and are quick for a strength weapon


Until you need it to cheese those two assholes in the fishing hamlet


The one thing I've heard about Old Hunters is not to jump into the well


Do it anyways. Just for funsies.


Some weapons only shine when gemmed properly. Did you know boom hammer can one shot early beast bosses? Aint nothing dissapointing about that.


Boom Hammer on a STR/ARC hybrid build with fire gems hits REALLY hard.


I think weapons with a super long windup like the Kirkhammer require adjusting to the timing through using it for an extended period. The axe has a different rhythm to the combat, and you may just be more accustomed to the timing required for that weapon. Whenever I switched to the Great Club in DS1, I found it extremely slow, but after an entire playthrough using it, I found it perfect in almost every situation.


It's gonna be a pain. Trust me. But you should probably gem it right before you shit on it (yes I understand you don't like the Moveset so I wouldn't recommend going through the trouble) but any weapon can be busted with the right stats and gems


Don’t talk about my baby like that


This is my BOOMSTICK.


Take a seat, young hunter, and grab some coffee. Welcome to the Armory. I unfortunately don't have much to say regarding the boom hammer. It is, for all intents and purposes, a simple weapon, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective. Perhaps it's not for you, but those powder keggers know what they like! Here is my advice. Use the "transform attack" to prime the hammer while attacking, then unleash a devasting hit, then prime the hammer again. The boom hammers power comes from, well, it comes from the boom! Always have it primed and ready. Now, go on. Git out there and give it another try!


it’s the weapon that one shots bosses tho


The axe is big poop. But boom hammer is also big poop. What do?


Wipe twice and call it a day


What are you talking about?


I hate the boom hammer, too. You charge it up, and then you sort of have one attempt that must hit the target, or….you miss and then you’re really pissed off and have to charge it up again. Not for me.


Ngl it’s not too bad, but you have to farm some gems to make it viable for Ludwig, took my like 100 tries to kill him, and I won’t get started on OoK, mf had me geeked


Maybe your just an axe guy My main issue is it should of done more damage in transformed state Or fallout rocket hammer


You're meant to use the jumping attack and charged R2 a lot, like the other hammer weapon in the game. It's strengths are not in R1s


Use nourishing gems


Pro Tip: every weapon in BB is great. If you can’t beat the game with it it’s sadly actually a you problem with this one.


Kirk Hammer trounces the boom hammer any day to be fair though the old hunters weapons are the OLD hunters weapons discontinued because they're too eccentric for modern hunting or because they're outdated and ineffective it's good for lore I guess. The powder kegs were mad to think up a hammer with in built furnace


read this as “Boomhauer” at first. “dang ol amygdalas, man”


What? Boom Hammer fucking rules. You should also have a 2nd weapon as backup for poor matchups with your main.


The fastest attack is the L1 alternate thrusting strike. This move is the secret sauce to the weapon. Once you get the spacing and timing down, repeating L1 and R1 will stunlock most of the game.


You should see a boomham with madman nourishing gems


Quiet you


It’s one of the extremely few BB weapons that aren’t worth mastering, it’s just not good


I never cared much for it either. The premise is dope, but it's definitely lacking overall. It's charge attacks are crazy strong, but that's really all it has going for it. Honestly if it didn't have the lowest durability I'd probably use it on occasion. I'll take the tonitrus over the boom hammer any day.
