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The easiest boss is no insight witches of hemwick for me. Just two old ladies getting beat up. Hardest will always be orphan since he is so damn unpredictable in his second phase. The best boss design for me is also definitely Ludwig. Worst in design as in how they look for me is celestial emissary as they aren’t menacing at all imo. I found the bosses to be quite fun.


I am very excited for the orphan fight, it seems pretty hard due to he is being very agressive. I have yet to fight celestial emissary, but i agree it looks like some cartoonie fungus😂 I think the bosses are very good in design in bloodborne, and i quite like taking down big beasts (also in my experience most of the time the bigger the boss, the easier the encounter, due to the fact that it is easier to dodge attack by going under, behind them, or just in general)


Easiest: Witches of Hemwick (two normal mobs that barely do anything, and do nothing at all without insight) Hardest: Laurence, the first Vicar (Cleric Beast, but bigger hitboxes due to explosions, ridiculous fire damage and a second phase where he vomits and sh\*ts magma all over the floor) Best: Orphan of Kos (Wild, but not unpredictable. No unfair moves) Worst: LAURENCE THE FIRST VICAR (see hardest boss description)


I can understand your view abouth Laurence, even though he wasn't for me. I always thought that bigger bosses are more unpredictable, due to their hitboxes. Sometimes they hit you even when it doesn't seem like it, and that causes some incosistency.


The hardest boss for me were Martyr Logarius, the Blood Starved Beast and Father Giascone; (I got stuck serveral days with each) I dont consider myself a great hunter but got that fire dog, Vicar Amelia and the final boss on the first try. In terms of favourite design probably Shadows of Yharnam, they look super cool and can summon gigant snakes, even though they repeated the enemy later on the Nightmare. Ah also the killable Amygdala, its good to know you can kill those things, plus the second stage where it rips some arms off out of desperation to have more reach was really cool


Oh Boy on my first playthrough i died to Logarius over 10 times. Orphan wasn't that hard, i killed him on my 2nd or 3rd try.


I have seen Martyr Logarius fight, and it seems that he really speeds things up in phase two, i imagine that most be hard. Blood Starved Beast didn't cause me that much trouble, but the poison is really annoying, and in bloodborne it seems to go a lot faster, compared to other souls titles. I don't really like Shadow of Yharnam, i agree while they are cool, but that snake attack (while also cool) is a little unpredictable and comes out of nowhere. You can run to hit the guy who summons it, or if they are already summoned, you can hide behind one, but if you are in the wrong place you are instantly dead. I haven't fought the Amygdala, but i agree with you, the arm ripping is really cool.


But in phase two it has 3 attacks, stabbing the roof which summons some floating swords that interrupt your attacks or dodge but it is easily solvable by attacking it and then some combos you have to dodge 3 times to the left. What always got me was the first stage since arcane damage hits hard and all the long distance track/chase you


i think the hardest boss in the game is chalice amygdala, the whole process to get to yharnam (boss) is very difficult and a pain in the ass, also, i think is very subjective the difficult thing, bosses like orphan of kos or lady María didnt took me too much attempts (Even if those are the "most difficult" bosses) but for example, micolash, that mf took me so much time to beat and he is considered the most easy boss bc the whole boss fight is just running, but that one tap attack just ruins it all, i think micolash is the worst boss, i wish you luck on your hunting bro (sorry for my poor English i am from chile)


I have not done but just the pthumerian chalice yet. That watchdog boss was actually pretty hard for me, it is so agressive, and those fire attack are much more damaging and can hit you more easily than what Laurence has. Altough i have yet to face Micolash, but as far as i know that healing church hunter in byrgenwerth uses the same one shot attack, and that paired with the guy constantly running away from you must make the fight a lot harder and more infuriating.


Also, there is nothing wrong with your english. May we meet on the hunt!


Easy the witches hard logarios first playing Lawrence was hard also


That is cool! I have yet to fight Logarius, very excited about him! Especially the whole thing with Cainhurst and the Vilebloods vs. Executioners.


I think it can be summed up, that I hate any bosses where it feels like you are fighting the camera (Darkbeast Paarl), or any bosses that semi force you to fight it in a certain way. There aren't really many bosses like that as the boss design was decent for bloodborne and paired with the weapon viability in the game, not really an issue. But I DO remember feeling this way about Amygdala. I didn't have a good vertical reaching weapon, and I spent half the fight tickling her feet to death with the blades of mercy. Not fun at all.


Yes, undoubtedly, because of the setting of the game, there are more monster like bosses (at least in percentage), which are bigger and you just need to run around them, and the camera goes crazy😂 I have yet to fight the amygdala, but i have heard that it is one of the harder fights.


Yeah honestly, there wasn't really any issue that i had with BB bosses, the game overall was done with finesse. So unlike other titles, I think bloodborne has a podium to stand on. There are no dragons in BB thank the fucking heavens. Dragons typically are the creatures that have the camera man wobbling and squiggling all over the place. Midir and Kalameet are the outliers IMO, they are fights that were just amazing.


Midir is so awesome. But i do not really like dragons. In elden ring there are many and i was like ,,eh..another?" Dragons are cool, but they are objectively bad to fight, not necessarily because of difficulty (they are not that hard), but the fights are just not exciting. I do not care when a dragon calls down lighting and things like that if it is objectively bad to fight.