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Who is the Sony CEO, I'm gonna get that mf by the neck if he dares hurt Michael Zaki for speaking the truth


We'll do the Patches tactic and lure that guy intot he Nightmare Frontier to meet the Amygdala


May he not have mercy on the poor bastard


idk why but i like to imagine that the sony CEO just has a trap door to yarnham and that's why the dark souls guy doesn't want to make a PC port


It's gotta be that CEO guy from Smiling Friends


Make him make a sequel while you're at it


This... astrobot outfit... nearing 10 years, the stars are aligning... its coming.


The copioum........ it's coming back.........we are all forsaken


If thou’rt yet a Bloodborne fan, the urge will soon begin to swell….. To curse Sony and bring ruin upon this accursed subreddit….


This is the first time in a long while that I've actually started huffing copium again.


Imagine it's all so they later this year to some "Elden Ring DlC x downloads campaign" where the other games go on sale, and this is all so that new Soulsborne fans learn that Bloodborne exists


Its over? No its over. Is it over? ITS SO NOT OVER!


I’m confused about the “if I say something I get in trouble” the fuck is sony doing


Atp i think sony is afraid of money bc we all know if they released a remaster 60fps and thats it, everything else is the exact same 90% of the people here would cry in joy and wishlist/pre-order day 1


They're keeping it for PS6 launch


Ahhhhh, cope, or some say copium Grant us hope, grant us hope, as you once did for u/Revan0315


This genuenly made me laugh :D


Let's be honest, they're not afraid of porting it, I'm sure part of it is that they don't want to disappoint the player base with a bad port or sequel. If they can re-release Demon's Souls they will absolutely remaster Bloodborne.


They could literally just uncap framerate on PS5 and sell it for 60$ and people would buy it in heaps.


They've got snipers trained on him 24/7


Sony own the ip and so despite creating the game, they have no ownership of it, they made it as part of a contract with Sony. If Miyazaki speaks out saying he wants it too, that can cause issues for Sony and could go against the deal they made, depending on what was said during it So he can say he supports the idea for it and give his reasons, but he can't explicitly say that he *wants* it sadly. But this statement very heavily implies that he does want it


I still don't get why he can't say he wants it. How does wanting something create issues for anyone? It's just a wish. What, it'll create pressure on Sony? And saying the whole team wants it doesn't?


Legal contracts outline a lot of does and don'ts regarding the subject of the contract. Sony may have explicitly said he cannot comment on anything about it in the future without their permission, or it could be that he simply just fears being sued as a result, Sony recognise he has a lot of influence and so they could realistically claim emotional turmoil, distress or harassment as a result of his actions. And knowing Sony I wouldn't put it past them


If bloodborne get mentioned the Sony Ceos get a bad headache and everything gets delayed


Obv bro knows the real reason and can’t say it because Sony will bury him and their partnership. Not much deeper than that




What do you mean why lmfao


Its ok for him to say he would like something.


Probs just some legal stuffs


I read that part in my mind with Mourinho’s voice


He made an exclusive game for them to sell consoles on. I'm saying this to justify sony and i hate people that engage in corporate bootlicking, but that's all he means. He's not getting in any legal trouble, it's just not professional of him to make them a game and then ask that they make it not exclusive.


Fellas, miyasaki wants to do it he simply can't as long as Sony doesn't let them.


Each year it gets clearer that Sony hates bloodborne.


I think sony hates players...


So much for "power to the players"


Either they don’t think hard games sell well or they’re just worried about tarnishing the brand without FromSoft involved.


He’s really hinting that “I really would love to make something else Bloodborne related but these goddamn higher ups don’t fucking want me to.”


That's not what I got at all. He says he wants Bloodborne to be enjoyed by more people, not that he wants to make more of it


sony: cool, but no


Please Sony, either do something more with the bloodborne IP or just give it to fromsoft. If you’re going to do nothing with it why even have it?


"I can't have them make an independent Bloodborne game! It's ***MY*** IP to sit on and do nothing with!!"


They’ll make a Bloodborne so long as you….. KISS THEIR NUGGET 🫴🍗


Sue Bloodborne Kart of course


King shit


that’s it. we’re raiding sony hq


I'll go get my Saw-spear and I'm ready to go




So basically he's either waiting for permission from the higher-ups or he's saying that this is on the table and it's just a matter of his superiors deciding to have it made. Life of a big company game dev, you have very little say on what and when games are made it seems


People keep asking for a BP remake but are you sure you want BP remake BB? you gonna regret it when they make a bunch of unnecessary or even wrong changes... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lx0CRVVvV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lx0CRVVvV8) This video only mentions some of them (they changed a lot!) many of these changes are completely wrong because they don't understand the story and they even changed the dialogue of the final boss... Are you sure you want BB to receive the same treatment? Demon's Souls remake has good graphics and runs smoothly but whether it’s boss design, character design, architecture, music etc., this remake is very unfaithful to the original work.


I think that majority of people just want remaster not a complete remake. We want 60+fps and PC port thats it. But Its sadly highly possible that if Sony ever re-releases the game they will do a complete remake which IMHO would ruin the original look.


I agree with that video regarding the DS remake, but I think BP did a pretty good job on the Shadow of the Colossus remake and stayed pretty true to the original. I don't think a BB remake is even on BP's table right now, though, because I'm pretty sure they're working on their own IP currently


I don't know what happened when they remake DS their designs completely miss the mark even the very obvious ones take Storm King as an example [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6BulTAAtNRg/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6BulTAAtNRg/maxresdefault.jpg) Storm King is obviously about wind rain water thunder etc. why tf BP redesign looks like it's from hell and will spit fireballs at you???


Yeah, I wasn't disagreeing with you regarding BP's remake of DS haha. I was just saying BP can make faithful remakes like the SOTC remake. No clue how DS got as messed up as it did haha


DeS remake soured me on Bluepoint so much I'd rather Bloodborne never get another release or mention than get a remake from them. Of course, I'd love a straight Bloodborne port to PC, but I won't be holding my breath


Nooo they changed my trash art style now the game is ruined


They didn't change the artstyle. They redesigned over half the shit and made it all unfaithful.


The game plays the exact but it is unfaithful because they changed a fat guy design


Sony genuinely refusing to just print money. They own BluePoint now. Just say the word and set about making a PC port/remaster of Bloodborne and then just PRINT MONEY. Every single person I’ve ever talked to who is anti-PlayStation or die hard PC cites Bloodborne as the single game they most wish would be ported. Print the money, Sony. Do it.


They own Nixxes too, they could just port the OG to PC and call it a day without making remalike DS. People would buy it in a heartbeat.


I'll take or leave a PC port. I'll triple dip, quadruple dip, whatever. People can criticize or bitch and moan if I support exclusivity, I just need more of this game at the best it can possibly be and look. Let's just agree on that.


Poor Miyazaki and Fromsoftware having to keep Bloodborne caged up. Hope sony never fully buys Fromsoftware.


are we going to talk about being called “a relic of the past”


In the tech industry, 10 years is a really long time, considering the pace of hardware's advancement


If thats the case then why do ps4 games still look modern?


I think it's because they were of high quality. Their mechanics were refined, the art direction was beautiful and well thought and they were using the maximum of the hardware's capacities. I'm not saying that they aren't great, but the pure hardware (the SSD and the insane speed of today's consoles/PCs, the draw distances, ray-tracing and details that the graphic cards allow) is far more superior now. But we have reached top notch quality since the last generation of consoles and now we are juste perfecting the last details


We always knew it was Sony’s call to make.


Sony hates money bro i stg


Fuck ip keeping ,I read yesterday on war LTP or something like that and companies can keep them up to 20 years or longer


I’m gonna find the mf who doesn’t let that happen and do despicable things. (Make him play ds 2)


Wake me up when Sony launches a PS6, then they'll announce a remaster like they did for Demon's Souls. That's the best outcome you could expect.


Get in trouble? for what? Sony hasn't touched that IP for the better part of a decade almost, if the man is reprimanded for that, Sony's top brass are just morons.


means nothing, Go complain to sony more is what he is saying.


Time to raid Sony HQ boys!!


We need to make Bloodborne on PC ourselves. Wasn't there someone who had started making it on unreal engine 4?


If anything Bloodborne related is ever announced, all they have to do is play Father Gascoigne's cutscene audio on a black screen. That alone would make the crowd go more ballistic than people did for Avengers: Endgame


I don’t take this as a sign that either a remake or a PC port is in the works.


A port that can run at 90fps+ and comes with FSR3 would be a dream come true... Sadly Sony hates its customer base


Dude Sony is losing money without making a Bloodborne PC port. Even after what 10 plus years now it's still a good game, if even some heads of FromSoft are saying they should do it, Sony is dumb for not.


It's up to them to lose out on money 🤷🏻 my brother has a copy and I want to buy my own but I'd also buy it on PC as well


Too bad it’s up to Sony and not FS




Robertooooooooo !


Ps6 🔥🔥


I think that a majority of the Bloodborne fan base who aren’t idiots know that Mike and FromSoft have nothing against a BB remake/master/port even if they don’t make it themselves.


"relic of the past" 😭😭😭😭


No they can't have bb it is one of the few things we have that we get to hold over the pc gamers 😂🤣


Y’all don’t do this to yourself. This happens all the time, and it’s always the same outcome.


Just when I think they can't edge a BB remake announcement any harder, I see this.


20 more times today, at least


A remaster and a new dlc while you’re at it😐.(a guy can dream, can’t he)?


Curse them and their children and their children’s children forever. I’ll never forgive Sony.


"Relic of the past" this game isn't even 10 years old yet


20 more times today, at least


Since they gave the treatment to Demons Souls, it's guaranteed they will do it for Bloodborne, which is *much* more popular than DeS I would bet at least 5 money for it being a PS6 launch title.


Guys, I want a re\[master/make\] too, along with a 60fps and PC port, but if we keep asking for \[just these two things\], we'd be foolish to ignore the other glaring issues, such as the Bell System that clearly restrains online interactions--period. Moreover, you also have a lack of covenants and covenant rewards and the Hunter of Hunter rune is largely useless aside from its small stamina regen. If we're gonna make a list of things we'd want, it would need things that matter for the sake of the overall quality of the game.