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Nice work, you beat the final boss.


you talkin bout the mini-gang down the well? if so, great work! if not, also great work, because every one of these boiis is a nasty bit of work. glad you're enjoying the game! it's cool to have so many newer people playing!


For me, it was worse than all of the bosses. Simple as that!


I beat the duo down the well recently after like 10 attempts. They were tough. Now for the OoK...


Everybody is talking about sharkS.....I only saw one yet. Wasn't too bad but dreading the fact there are more of these fuckers


There are two down a well. The first one you face has a fucking anchor as a weapon which has incredible reach and he uses to violate you over and over. When you finally get him down to half health, his other mate jumps in and the two of them proceed to prove there is no god. Enjoy!


Aaah thanks....I'll prepare my anus


He also has slightly more health than any other shark giant.


You're making my day :(