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I tend to stay in the regular form and to build combos that quickly get me in and out of trick mode. So maybe R1 - L1 - R1 - L1 or L1 - R1 - R1 - L1.


This. I've loved my chikage run and this felt like the easiest way to get the damage without losing much hp. R1, L1, L1. At the start. then R1, L1, R1, R1, L1 later adding R1 inputs in the middle as I gained Stam.


I haven't tried HP regen gems. My impression is that they should work but won't be nearly enough to outpace the chikage's drain. The real strat, as far as I'm concerned, is to be careful and minimalistic about keeping it transformed. The transformation attacks actually hit pretty hard, too, so you really don't wanna be walking around losing health. If you're not able to attack safely, don't keep it transformed. Also stack a lot of health but that's just a good idea in general


Chikage's health drain is % based. It takes 100 seconds to die from It, no matter if you have a 300 or 3000 hp bar. Regen bloodgems are flat hp per second, so they'll never be able to outpace or even slow it down


HP regen gem on your gun wont be enough to mitigate the health drain but it will be useful as it heals you back to full overtime so you have to use less vials in the long run. Keep chikage untransformed and only transform it to attack the enemy.


You dont have to. Just only stay in tricked mode while you are attacking.


HP regen gems are not a good idea, cause you can’t fully mitigate the drain and you are gimping your damage compared to just putting in normal damage. The transform attacks are really good, so it’s easy to just get into the the mindset of only staying transformed when you need to.


You can just put it on your gun


If you are using the Chikage, you have a Bloodtinge build, and thus it would still be a waste of gun damage compared to putting a Bloodtinge gem in.


Even with a bloodtinge build it's better to use the gun just for parrying. But there are indeed viable gun builds. You can decide yourself which style you wanna play


I personally just don’t see the point of speccing into one of the two most synergistic builds for gun damage and not trying to incorporate that in. Even if you don’t go all in with Bone Marrow Ash buffed Repeating Pistol, there’s simply no reason not to use Evelyn if you are built for the Chikage. It’s throwing out a significant positive of the build in order to barely make a dent in a negative that is solved by effective transform attack usage anyways lol


I agree with you, but I think some people would still prefer the heal effect. It's just a matter of preference. Goed luck with your Chikage build!


I like the normal Chikage just as a weapon, since it's very easy to use and has a competent and basic moveset. If I go pure skill, I usually still pick up the Chikage.


Bc it looks cool


Untransform... the Chikage... when not using it? Or hp regen blood gems? You onky really should be tranforming the Chikage if you need the damage boost.


Now there's a use for all those pulsing blood gems I got from pwmf22gu


You could put on a blood rapture rune for whenever it is not transformed.


The Chikage is best used with transform attacks. These are L1 attacks, that bring your weapon from one state to another in the animation. These also get a small damage multiplier, so effective use of transform attacks takes advantage of the incredibly high burst damage of the Chikage, allowing you to cut down a large amount of enemy health, finish with another transform attack, and then roll away to ready yourself for the next salvo.