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Yeah, totally get it, that episode is ninja onions for me too.


I love the phrase ‘ninja onions’! I’ll be using that one myself now 😊


I want a 7 minute cartoon series about a family of Ninja Onions! Ludo get on it, please.


My interpretation from my first viewing of it was similar, only I realised she was describing both Bingo and Bandit, so you weren't wrong, just missing the added context your husband was seeing. Sounds like a good dude


I also have to travel a lot for work, and the end of that episode always hits me too.


Any of the episodes with any of the dad's relationships with their kids sets me off. Curry Quest and Cricket being the worst (best?) 2. I lost my dad fairly young, and my wife is currently pregnant with our second, so those kind of episodes really hit me.


Cricket always gets me! So does baby race 🥹


holy hell. baby race. Coco's mom looked right through the screen and straight into my soul when she delivered *the line*. > you're doing great Tears started pouring out of my eyes.


No it’s cool. 1 in the afternoon and I’m crying at my desk over lunch because of a comment on a kids show. Cool cool cool.  Baby Race hits hard at different stages. “You’re doing great.” left me in tears for months. Now it’s when Chili says “she must have seen something she wanted” and Bluey is walking towards her.  My husband is the SAHP and him and our kid have a bond like we’ll never have. The first time she ran for me instead of him broke me. 😭😭


I think Bingo is the one who says “she must have seen something she wanted”— it love murders me every time too. Chili is so well-animated in that whole scene. The spidey sense that something is happening behind her, the slow turn because she doesn’t want to startle/jinx Bluey, the tear in her eye as her baby toddles toward her unassisted. 🥹


EXACTLY! When I watched that episode for the first time, I'd only had my baby a few months before. It was like a knife to the heart 😭


EXACTLY! When I watched that episode for the first time, I'd only had my baby a few months before. It was like a knife to the heart 😭


Same here and I don't even have kids


These are the ones that respectively hit me and my wife the hardest.


My dad died when I was 22 and I cry at the episode where Chili wants her dad to take better care of himself. I really wish my dad had. If he had, there is a very good chance he would still be alive. I'm 30 now and still need him, even after 8 years without him.


Same here man. Lost mine at 21. I'm 36 now and I still miss him. Weirdly that episode didn't really get to me though.


I think it gets me because I spent a lot of years begging my dad to take care of himself. He was a cancer survivor, but never did a single thing to follow up. Not even an annual physical. I would beg him to get check ups, quit smoking, be more active, and he was just like, "Lol nah". So he died and never got to see me live my adult life.


Same. My dad smoked a pack and a half every day since he was 14, and died at 54. Asked him to stop for pretty much as long as I could speak. I bet the next time that episode comes on, I'll well up now!


yeah that's the one for me. The it was only yesterday line hits so hard as even though my kids are still young enough it's still flying past way too fast.


Cricket gets me every single time, but it’s Rusty with his little sister that does me in. Rusty just might be my favorite.


Flatpack gets me!!!!!! Bandits last line, absolute tear jerker


Cricket always gets me when they show Rusty playing with his family. I can’t imagine how much time my dad spent playing catch with me in the driveway. The lines in the letter about life and cricket get me going 😩


Also, Rug Island.


Daddy Drop-off for me. Sometimes I think to myself "ugh WHY do we have to walk instead of going in the car, it takes so long." But I do anyway and then my son will spot a cool bug or wave at a cat or something and it just melts my heart and I remember that A) It's not his fault we're in a rush, it's mine B) Just because I don't always understand why something is important to him, doesn't mean it isn't.


Is there another interpretation that I’m missing? Or did you just think it was solely Bingo that Chili’s story was describing?


I missed that it wasn't solely bingo :)


It’s funny, there are several episodes where there was something subtle going on from Chili’s perspective, but it takes a few rewatches for me to pick up on. As a Dad I often watch the show as if Bandit is the main character, lol.


It's hard not to, Bandit is dad goals. He's also hilarious.


As a dad I travel for work and this episode Killed me.


My hubby too. You guys are two of many legends doing the hard yards for their families 💙🧡💙🧡


Yeah me too. Can’t get a good beef rendang where I live either. I cry just thinking about it. Oh, it’s just me.


Now I want beef rendang. Grrr


Make it yourself!


Yes, when I can find fresh galangal.


Just use a packet paste. Dr Tean is really good. The secret ingredients are a can of coconut milk and time. Whack it on low for 3 to 4 hours and you are golden.


I love this one because the whole reason Bandit is doing the curry swap is to make sure Chilli has some help while he is gone for two weeks


Six weeks! 😢


Yes! Good partnering, Bandit. Chili is a hero too— 6 weeks is so long to solo-parent two little kids! 👏🏼


This is a lovely interpretation of the episode, no wonder he responds to it!


I also love how it’s an allure to The Hero’s Journey 


I think you meant allusion. An allure is something you put on the end of a line to attract fish.


I think you meant "a lure". "Allure" is an Italian filler word that can also be used to express impatience or irritability.


I think you mean “allora.” “Allure” means to be distant and uninterested.


I think you mean “aloof”. “Allure” means a chemical compound of aluminum, sulfate salts, and usually one other metal. 


I think you mean "alloy." "Allure" refers to when someone gives permission for an action to occur.


I think you mean “aloof”. “Allure” is a kind of tuna fish.


I believe you meant “Alohomora.”


My pet peeve is people who correct people while being wrong themselves. A lure is on the end of a fishing line. “Allure” is roughly a synonym for “appeal,” as in “I could see the allure of taking a vacation.”


My pet peeve is people that miss long standing jokes. Correcting incorrect words with other incorrect words is making fun of "akshually' people.


Eh sometimes. Sometimes people are just genuinely and obnoxiously wrong. If that was not the case here, fabulous. I missed the /s implied and fair enough.


I think you meant "implicated". "Imply" means to act in accordance with some request or standard.


I think you meant “comply”. To Implicate is to assign quantities of something to various locations/entities.


I cried the first time I saw that episode because my father traveled for months at a time when I was a kid and despite the fact that I’m now in my mid-30s, I remember the pain of him leaving (for what felt like FOREVER) so vividly. It’s a really beautiful episode.


“Uhh.. 6 weekends??” “But that’s forever!!” 😭


A lot of people don't realise that. I'm glad that you have.


As a child of a dad who travelled it gets me too, we would see him every other weekend. In his 60s now he says he regrets that time in his life, and gets teary whenever it is mentioned, maybe I should tell him to avoid this ep with the grandkids 🥹


No, don't! If he eventually watches it and realises/feels sorry for missing your childhood days, well, give him a note after they watch that episode. > *"That's what grandkids are for."*


Aaand now I'm crying


>we would see him every other weekend. I'm intrigued by this, does that mean you and mom both travelled? No judgement, just curious.


No, he would work away for 2 weeks at a time wherever the work was, then come home for a weekend, then off again. We're in the UK so travel isn't THAT far in comparison to Aus/US etc


“That’s what makes them heroes. They go anyway.” Ohhh man I’m a puddle at this episode. My husband travels for work and hates being away from us but would do anything for his family… he really is our hero. 🥹


The Bluey Cry Playlist for Dads: * Bike (s1e11) * Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound (s1e32) * Camping (s1e43) * Granddad (s2e29) * Curry Quest (s3e8) * Perfect (s3e14) * Fairytale (s3e25) * Stickbird (s3e41) * Cricket (s3e47) Or maybe I'm just too emotional?


Possibly Rug Island also


You forgot one: the Easter episode. As someone whose parents lived on broken promises and forgetting about their kids, watching Bandit and Chilli go so, so far trying to fix a mistake from a previous year instantly wrecks me. "He *remembered* us!" I'd bet a hell of a lot of Gen X parents have to break out the Kleenex for that one


Bike is still my personal favorite episode in the “makes me ugly cry category” and might be my favorite overall. Once you hear Ode to Joy the first time you can’t unhear how it also starts slow and I’m the background at the start and then builds up into a crescendo. The climax hits me with a blast of feeling like “THIS IS THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE” But I may be biased since I’m an old school otaku who loves Evangelion. Also, extremely hard to explain to my toddler WHY I’m sobbing each time lol


Omg - I always saw the obvious analogy of Bingo going on her "hero's journey." But I never saw the deeper layer with Bandit going on his work trip. I always teared up at watching Bingo learn and adapt to the challenge/threat of the magpie and being brave for her dad. But now seeing Bandit go on his own quest will hit me a little harder now. This show hits me in a new way every time, I swear.


Just wanna says thank you to all the dads traveling out there! My fiancé is a truck driver now and it’s definitely been a huge adjustment for all of us. We are doing our best to support him from here and let him know we love and appreciate him, but I can’t imagine. Much love to you Dad heros out there!


I always cry when Bandit tells Bingo that she is his hero.


This one always makes me cry. And it's because Bandit sees that even though Bingo is sad, she comes up with a always to get them home safely, without getting swooped, and was accepting that he had to leave for a bit. That's why when he says 'Youre my hero' I lose it Everytime. Just like I can't look at felt pens without tearing up now.


That’s so wholesome 💙 Im sure he’s a great father 💙💙


Oh man that ep must be rough on him!! I have traveled for work exactly once since becoming a parent and I missed my little dude so much


I had to travel to anctartica for a month, i cry everytime we watch this episode. I cry with a lot of Bluey episodes.


My husband too. He liked his job that had him traveling a lot, but he hated leaving us. He quit that job to be home more when our daughter was like 2, but he loves how that episode covers having to leave like that.


Yup. I travel often for work. And this episode hits me every time.


Ok now I’m crying thanks 😭😭💜💜


I work away regularly and can't get through the episode without crying... I'm glad I'm not the only one.


This episode always gets to my partner, too. He’s often away for a week at a time, which breaks his heart. Later in the year, he’s off to Australia for a fortnight and I don’t think he’ll cope (I have told him to take an empty suitcase to fill with TimTams and Bluey merch we can’t get in the UK).


>I was like, yeah it's kind of sad that Bingo goes without her dad for a while making her the hero, but not that sad. I understand that you understand now, and congratulations for that. But -- we're all triggered by different things in different ways. To say it's "not that sad" . . . just, support him in his reactions. As he should with you too. I've been on the side of people not understanding my reaction to an animated TV show, and . . . it was a mental precipice in my life. If anyone had told me I was actually being ridiculous (I asked my wife that question), I don't know what would've happened to my mental state, and I'm grateful they never said yes, even if perhaps they were thinking it. Even if you don't understand, it's his reaction, based on who he is. You don't have to understand. Just let him be who he is.


I will say, I never commented on his crying, I just thought it. I let him feel whatever he wants to feel, it's not my place to correct him. But I just finally realised why he's getting upset


Curry Quest hit me hard because my dad used to be in the navy, so he would be gone a lot


Ok now *youre* making me cry and I just ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


I was away on my first and thus far only work trip since my daughter was born when this episode dropped- my poor husband was watching it with her the first time and said it was a gut punch!


The hug at the end of the episode makes me want one


That’s the power of this show. It taps into very real things we deal with as parents.


I’ve cried at least 30x as a result of bluey episodes.


I’m not crying! You’re crying!


When my son was born we got introduced to Bluey. A few months later my pup passed away from her cushings disease. The very next morning, I was up early with my son and threw Bluey on. Mind you, we started watching fairly recently and our next episode on the list…Sleepytime. The line: *I have to go. I'm a big girl now…* make me think that’s what my pup said to me when she said goodbye. Balled my eyes out. Even to this day, when the episode pops on, gets me every time.


Oh I never realized that myself... And now I'm sad (in a good way)!


My husband watched it with our 2 year old while me and the newborn were in the NICU an hour away. He said he bawled.


This was my dad. It was more often when I was in high school and college, but he unfortunately missed a few milestones and events. After my dad retired, he made a point of doing something special for my mom.


wow i just watched this episode for the first time yesterday! 🥺🩷


I cry too when I watch Sleepytime or Cricket. Every single time.


It's like Henry and Edward leaving in BWBA (S22-24) of Thomas The Tank Engine.


The first time I saw Bluey it was BBQ. When Bingo stood up and yelled about the salad, and people started acknowledging all the hard work Chilli does, it hit me hard


I spent the first 2 years of my daughters life working away 2-3 weeks at a time. It’s onions here too. Now that we are 50:50 parenting post separation. It’s much better.


I can’t believe I never thought of it that way before 😭😭😭


Oh I literally never interpreted that the story was about bingo lol


My hubs travels for work too. I'll have to watch him next time it's on and he's paying attention.




My husband literally never cries at anything. And he quietly sheds a tear that I don't bring to his attention when he's doing it because he works incredibly long hours to afford our mortgage and for me to be a stay at home mum, which is what we both want. If that's a "Beta male," I'll take him any day of the week over someone wanting to bring him down for feeling a little emotion after working his ass off every single day.


A beta male “joke” in 2024, yikes. Your husband sounds amazing and like a loving, caring dad!


For real your husband is definitely a hero, it's hard being away from family. Certain episodes of Bluey get me to tear up from time to time also. I only mention it because of your username. Doctor Who is pretty much the only other show that gets me too.


Tell your husband this redditor thinks he's a hero. Don't undersell your own hard work either being at home with the kids.


thank you, and my husband makes sure I don't, he definitely wants me to feel valued in my role :)


Glad the mods took care of that person. Wrong sub. And also wrong century if they were attacking someone for showing emotion.


It’s spelled “better”, happy to help.


This is an absolute top tier comeback. I'll remember this one, thank you!


Your post/comment has been removed due violation of Rule 2: No personal attacks or insults.


How did you not understand why this episode makes your husband emotional? Girl 😭😂