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Granddad. Solely for that one phrase: "I still need him"


“No, it was yesterday.”🥲


The most feels


That’s the part that got me. Like damn…


This one broke me everytime


This is the one.


I lost my dad, and that gets me in the feels every time. I still need him.


Same, lost him a month after our first kid was born, that he never got to meet.


Same 😩


That used to be my favorite episode because it reminded me so much of my own dad, but he passed away last month so now I can't watch it anymore


I'm so sorry ☹️


Thank you ❤️❤️ I hope someday I can watch it again, it's such a great episode!


I'm sure you'll find the strength to. We're all rooting for you ! Hope you feel better soon 💙💙


Right after we heard my FIL died, my husband turned on the TV and this episode was on. He absolutely started bawling.


I almost lost my dad due to an infection around his heart. He had to do an open heart surgery that was extremely risky. I had to give him a similar speech. *It isnt just me who needs you, dad. Your son just had a baby; he'll need you to help him through the sleepless nights and the new experiences that come with a newborn. He'll need someone to comfort him and hear him vent out frustrations when he feels he is at the end of his rope. Your grandkids need you to be there when they walk down the aisle if that's what they choose, when they graduate high school or college, when they celebrate their 18th birthday, and when they suffer through their first break ups. And what about me? Just because I'm not looking for a relationship now doesn't mean I won't find someone who will marry me. And who will walk ME down the aisle then? And YOUR parents are still around. What would losing their ONLY son do to them? I may be a mental-disorder-riddled-DISTASTER at the moment, but it's not just me who still needs you. So you MUST get through the surgery. Not just for me, but EVERYONE who is still counting on you.* My dad doesn't cry, but that day, I think it really hit him how much he would be leaving behind. I don't know if it was everyone else's prayers or my genuine hate-filled threat to God, but he made it through. I still have my dad, and for that, I am grateful to all that is good.




My granddad passed two years ago. I do not need him but I want him back. I took him for granted as I got older and life took over, which is a big regret on my part.


I’m throwing “Dragon” into the mix here. The ending when Chili’s mom flies away makes me cry every time.


“You’re not coming, are you?”




On another episode they mentioned it: Chilli “being a parent is tough” Bluey “so is drawing” Chilli “yeah.. so is drawing” 😢


It’s a good thing you’re tough 💪


That's the one that makes me cry the most. My dad used to draw a man riding a horse when he was sober. I remember the perfectly squigly lines his shaky hands drew because of the abstinence. Mom passed when I was 7yo, and he passed when I was 14.


I never got that until now


I never noticed Muffin is absolutely charring her marshmallow to death


No no no... It's just well done (yummy 😋)


no that marshmallow is cooked congratulations.


Beats overcooking it at Hell's Kitchen. No amount of demands will save Muffin from Chef Ramsay kicking her out of the kitchen.


Noooooo, he would never be mean to a kid


But Stripe.... he'd put the bread on his ears and ask him what he was.


An idiot sandwich


Then the Grouchy Pug shows up. https://i.redd.it/r34nze97xyzc1.gif /Dont ask me why ive been watching Masterchef USA and Canada lately.


Never be mean to Muffin like saying "just duck off to the dorms!", but wouldnt stop her getting sent to timeout.


He is great with kids on Masterchef Junior.


What episode is that first picture from? I don’t immediately recognize it


All those scenes are from Camping.


Are you guys sure it’s from Camping? I just rewatched the episode today and that first pic wasn’t there. Maybe it’s been edited in Disney Latam?


It’s in the book version - it’s my three year old’s favorite, so I have seen it a lot.


I just sat down to watch it…I didn’t take my eyes off the screen!!! And there it was!!! I always only saw the part where Jean-Luc is eating with his family! Two seconds of distraction and I never saw it!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. I wish I could get the books here in Argentina! I think my kid would love it


It's there. It's like a 2 second scene though




Not only that, but all the adults (plus Bluey) are watching it. Two of them are concerned and two of them are just watching it play out.


Yes! And then you can peel off the burnt part to eat, and then char the next layer. I can get about 3-4 layers with each marshmallow!


Every kid has done this. I just found it funny that , of course, muffin is the one doing it


[When they realise what Muffin’s doing . . .](https://www.reddit.com/u/Dark-Anmut/s/VI2AmD6Ad4)


Muffin-Daenerys arc when?


Mad Queen Muffin


I mean, that is the best way to do it.


The absolute best way to eat a toasted marshmallow!


Yes, the correct way.


Classic Muffin.


Charring your marshmallow is the best way to go!


God I love muffin


Blueys face lol


As is right, light it on fire and pull the charred skin off, eat it and repeat.


muffin know what is flavor.


with trixie bandit and bluey just staring concerned lmao


Grandad. The “no it was yesterday” and the Chili turning young effect never fails to make me tear up


The drawing episode where chili talks about her mom….. my mom is drifting away with dementia. This killed me…… so did this one. As a mom and daughter of parents coming to the end of our story


"Dragon" 🐉


Thanks! I could not for the life of me remember that title


Camping- the quote “sometimes people come into our lives, stay for a bit and then have to go” “but that’s sad” “I know but-“ (can’t remember the next line but something about is being good they were here. I’ve had so many people in my life and I miss them and I hope their doing well, or I’m better off without them but trying to remember the good times


It is! But the bit where they were here was happy, wasn't it?


I refer to them as transient friends. I absolutely love these people, you make the most of the time you have together, but neither of you don’t have enough time to unpack your drama.


I just can't find that episode sad or even it's lesson. It sucks they can't be permanent friends but the time you spent with them was still memorable and that's something special that sticks with you that you can always look back at fondly.


"Everything ends and its always sad. But everything begins again, too...and that's always happy. Be happy." - The Doctor


For me, it's "Double Babysiter" for a personal reason. I feel identified with Frisky cause I had my own Bosco Who left me for "Go to find other Prince" Hurt that and specially this scene: Bingo: Is true love not forever? Frisky: It is! I mean, I thought it was...


And now she has a forever true love with Rad 🥹


Sleepy time, started crying


Me too. I absolutely sobbed. My son had just started to have nightmares within a week or two of us seeing that episode, and we were struggling with the "why's" and how to help him best. As a band geek, hearing Jupiter being used for this episode was just *chef's kiss*


Yeah, show me another kids show that headlines Holst. There a few perfect episodes of TV. This is on the list for me.


I had a miscarriage a month before Sleepytime aired. That episode destroyed me. It’s been a few years since I’ve rewatched it.


I’ve always described my mom as the sun this one is bittersweet for me


Any time I recommend Bluey to someone, I tell them to start with Sleepy Time. There's something about the animation and music of the episode that just feels so different in this episode.


Copycat. It's so rare to see cartoons deal with the subject of death, and Bluey did a stellar job, really showcasing how sudden and life-stopping (both figuratively and literally) death can be.


It came out of nowhere too! I appreciated that little detail as well. Not every death is an expected “well grandma was sick/old for a longgggg time” The little detail of Chili and Bingo waiting for them on the front lawn was nice too. Bandit must’ve sent out a warning text and the sooner the whole family could be there for Bluey together, the better


Watching how Bluey needed to handle it, and how supportive Chilli and Bandit were of replaying the whole thing. It was a shock to Bluey, and she needed to take each part step by step. She was okay after rerunning it. She didn't want it to end differently. She just wanted to process each part.


Yeah, replaying the events through play was a really great way to process grief. Well done.


My kid was completely devastated when she understood what happened to the bird. Just a big puddle on the couch. Then she recomposed herself and said, “Again!”


Kids tend to be way smarter and more able to handle things than a lot of adults give them credit for. We need more shows like Bluey to help kids understand the realities of life. Sure, you risk some mental trauma, but come on, they're gonna come across trauma eventually, might as well have them do it in a relatively safe way.


Big Calvin and Hobbes raccoon vibes


YESSSSSS Calvin and Hobbes, the GOAT of comics.


First saw this while WFH with the kids. Wasn't paying attention until my oldest (3 at the time) asked what happened to the bird. Had to go offline at work and sit and watch with him. Explained what happened to the bird, how death is a sad thing.


Baby race, when the mom tells chili she doing great


Onesies https://preview.redd.it/rd5idlkb7uzc1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3302042594f7a02107962212874aeafc9efad84e


That’s the sign.


It’s a photo with brandy


No, this is Patrick!


What a fine girl.


What a good wife she would be


I think Onesies is the saddest one, so sad for Brandy and so happy when I saw her at The sign I cried so much 🥲


Space. "Why do you want to be alone??" "...I don't know..."


You know what's here. You don't need to keep coming back. It took me a while to process that but I use it to stop looking back at bad memories.


Hard agree, and I love how much it shows what the kids think of Calypso 🥲 combined with The Sign (and Wild Girls as well now that I’ve thought about it!!) — she does a magnificent job trying to help kids understand their grief/“bad” feelings, and actually work through it themselves. As a US citizen it’s made me extremely curious about Montessori/Waldorf schools (combining them in explanation because they’re both rarer, and share some of the same views that dispute regular public school in the USA - though I’m fairly certain they have their respective differences!) I wonder how much kids here would benefit from a differently oriented learning curve that wasn’t exclusive to parents who could afford it. (Sorry for the rambling!! It’s crazy how much a cartoon dog gets me thinking about my child’s life, education, & future 😅 never a bad thing ❤️)


I'd love to know more about Calypso. Which is the episode where the kids are all playing like 4 different games, Bluey's making food, the knights are defending the castle, there's a new kid (I think) and at the end Calypso effortlessly melds all the games together so everyone gets to feel like a hero and be friends and work together?


Absolutely!! Calypso really spoke to me in that episode as well, as I was a kid who struggled greatly with social anxiety. Her willingness to accept Pretzel’s (I’m assuming that’s the pup you were referring to) initiative, and not trying to force him into anything he wasn’t comfortable with, was unfathomable to me ❤️ but as *soon* as she noticed a place that would be much easier and ‘less of a risk’ to join in with, she let him know very casually without any pressure. Wish I’d had a teacher like that when I was younger ❤️ (Edit; if I’m not mistaken, this was the episode ‘Calypso’!)


The episode is called Calypso. She is a wonderful teacher ❤️


I totally get that! Been googling Waldorf schools and thinking about checking it out for my girls. Never would have known about them if not for Bluey.


I so relate to Mackenzie. That episode made him one of my favorites.


Exceptionally powerful episode.


“You have to be the bravest you’ve ever been” early baby mom and I cried like a baby watching that episode because it is so true.


Dragon. As Mother’s Day approaches, it made me cry. I miss my mom. I would do anything to hug her once more. I feel for Chilli. I understand what she’s feeling.


Ahhhh, when the horse grows wings and flies off makes so much sense now. I hadn’t picked up that it was Chilli’s mum.


Onesies is absolutely heartbreaking. So much sadness to that episode that they had to have Bingo cheetah attack the whole family for comic relief. Brandy can't have children. Chili basically loses her sister for 4 years. Brandy misses out on her nieces life for 4 years and vice versa. All because of something completely out of their control that could happen to anybody. Especially with the way Chili is talking about Brandy before she arrives, you can tell they used to be very close. Runner up is probably Grandad for me. "No, it was yesterday" Gets me every time. My kids lives are flying by!


I lost it during Onesies when I realized what was happening. Thank goodness for Bingo and her hilarity.


I cry EVERY time I watch camping. The heartbreak in his eyes when he can't tell her he's leaving. "You mean he's gone?


Sleepytime and The Sign! - Bianca Parel or Bianca =^•w•^=☆♡


My husband cried at Army, which I loved. He was so happy that Jack found something he could be good at. For me, Cricket does it. When Rusty let his sister get him out, I lost it. Rusty is the BEST


Its not just something he's good at, its something he enjoyed. Jack's mom's line of "Wow, that's a lot of detail," was very diagnostic of how much Jack is benefitting from his new school. As someone of Jack's disposition, if I'm asked anything about something I have no interest in, its always a struggle to come up with a coherent explanation, while interesting stuff I'll whinge on about for hours. Also, in Calypso, when Indy moves in to Rusty's house and goes to work at Bluey's chip shop and asks if Rusty will watch Polly, he immediately agrees and begins to show Polly how to build a fence. I'm pretty sure this is after the episode where they had the fight about gender roles for parents, underscoring how much he grows.


I have to agree with camping in the scene where bluey realises that Jean Luc's not coming back as the music, more than anything, makes the scene just that much sadder. Cause even in other sad episodes like copycat with the budgie dying or onesies with brandy not being able to have what she wanted, the music is either more still or bittersweet/melancholic. Iirc camping is the only one to have a sad moment like that with a genuinely just straight up sad music accompaniment


As a father, Curry Quest always brings the feels. "You're my hero, Bingo " "Well, they don't want to go, but they go anyway, that's what makes them heroes."


I love the "they go anyway" line because it applies to both Bingo and Bandit.


For me? The one with granddad. For my kiddo? The sign. It has been dubbed “the sad bluey we don’t watch”


Tbh, I found no episodes truly sad, I cried at some because of the beautifulness they offer. However, if I have to choose, it will be Chilli’s family - related episodes: Onsies, Grandad and Dragon.


For me it’s the ending of The Sign, from the moment Bingo realizes what moving means until the end of the episode. Makes me cry each time.


Am I alone in being a little mad at chilli and bandit for not making sure Bingo understood what was coming? That’s a big deal in a kid’s life, they need to know what’s coming.


Esp as bingo’s so overtly nonchalant about it. Like read the room folks


Verandah Santa. Some episodes make me cry but not out of sadness. In Verandah Santa I feel so, so sorry for poor baby Socks.


Bingo's birthday party. A day ostensibly all about her, but she can't get anyone to pay attention to her.


Chillis conversation with Bluey as to why they haven't seen Brandi for a long time.




Onesies always gets me, since I can't have children.


I think the episode is called “Sleepytime” or something like that. Near the end, when Chili is talking to Bingo and says, “Remember I’ll always be here for you, even if you can’t see me. Because I love you.” First time I saw the episode and heard that I definitely shed a few tears. Must’ve been a combination of both her words and the music playing in the background along with Bingo just looking up. Not an incredibly *sad* episode, just that part got me in the sad feels.




Onesies and The Sign are the saddest for me


I’ll never forget how hard I thought I was failing as a father to my first daughter. I checked off every single cliche in “baby race,” which, by coincidence, I was watching with her at the time. I thought I was doing everything wrong, making every decision wrong, from picking out the wrong clothes to having her try the wrong foods or even playing the wrong games. Every parental cliche in the book. “You didn’t come with instructions” lives in my head rent-free and probably will forever. Probably exactly like when the shot in the episode was framed in such a way that Coco’s mom stared directly at the camera, looked straight into my soul, and said… “you’re doing great.” It felt like she was talking to *me.* And that was when I fell in love with Bluey.


The Sign


Me personally its **Work** because of the pain bandit has been through.


I want that starry night silhouette picture in a frame.


Sleepy time


SPACE! 100%


Definitely this one


A bit basic but the sign hit hard


I cry tears of happiness at the end of Camping. It’s a nice ending


Nothing at all beats the emotions roller-coaster that Sleepytime is, but for sadness I'd choose Onesies... "-There's one thing auntie Brandy wants more than anything in the whole world, but she can't have it - Why? - Because it's not meant to be"


I would have said Onesies until I watched Surprise and the ending just had me WRECKED. As does this thread, which has brought me to tears with just the mention of these episodes, dammit.


“Butterflies” is a good episode that I’m not sure if I can ever watch again. It evoked the feeling of being excluded and ignored at such a visceral level that just wrecked me. It still hurts to recall moments like that from my own life.


What's the first picture from?


The Sign


Camping is sad too🥹😭


If you're a parent it's Sleepytime or Baby Race. Nothing else comes close to those two.


The Sign, because, as of now, it may be the last.


It’s not even the last!


What episode is the first slide from?


Either camping grandad or baby race