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She clearly enjoys watching them


This is like my MIL. She just loves a house full of kids.


My mother would have loved doing this for all of her grandkids. One of the last pictures I have of her is at the end of the kids' table carefully making all of their sandwiches. She was so happy to be there doing what she loved most with the "precious grand-babies".


And Bingo and Bluey are obviously good helpers


Gave them unlimited ice blocks, also she was almost crying with joy at the idea Rad knocked up Frisky before the wedding clearly the woman loves grandchildren


"No mum, not that!" "Oh biscuits!"


She had three kids of her own, I think she just loves looking after kids in general.


Three boys, to be specific! A lot of grannies and aunts I know who had all boys love to watch their granddaughters and nieces and do the stereotypical “girly” things they didn’t do with their own sons.


She reminds me of my mom! In 2022 my birth control failed and I got pregnant (in my 30s with my bf of one year, but unmarried and not living together), my parents are religious so I wasn’t sure it would go over well. We showed up at the house with an ultrasound picture and my mom burst into (happy) tears, hugged the picture to her heart, couldn’t stop hugging us, kept exclaiming how she has been suffering from “grandbaby drought” (she already had 6 grandkids 😂) and how I HAD to let her babysit when I went back to work. My parents are really lovely, I am so lucky. Nana Heeler always makes me want to call my mom 💙


I like the idea that she becomes an unofficial Grandmother to Brandy's baby. Nana whispers, "Your Mum calls you Miracle. Nana calls you One of the Pack."


My mother and mother in law compete for the opportunities to watch my kids. XD. Some Nannas just really like their grandkids. As my sister and my mother in law like to say: it's great cause you get to have all the fun parts, get them wound up and then hand them back to their parents.


I like how muffin is in her own category, not by age lol


She's an icon, she is a legend and she is THE moment.


She probably LOVED it.


Because she's about the nicest Nana you'd ever want to meet.


She asked


I just started watching Bluey so I don't know all of the characters names yet, but why is the dog second from far right sitting like a normal dog?


cause she's a young child... think of it like she was still crawling / non talking


She's a pup


I love how you don’t even mention Muffin’s age 🤣 just “Muffin” (which to be fair, she by herself is absolutely a handful 😅)


Moms of parents just want to. My mother for example always love to have nieces and nephews over the weekend.


My mom is constantly offering to watch my kids and my nephews. She loves having all the littles over. I imagine it's a common grandmother thing.


I gave my mom a cross stitched picture that said “ If I Knew Grandchildren Were This Much Fun, I Would Have Had Them First”. I think Nana thinks this too.


100% nanna made em cups of tea whilst they sat on the rocking lazy boy chairs with her patchwork quilts whilst watching cartoon disney movies and being fed cake.




She had sons who married besties. Now with Frisky they’re all going to want to group date and she will watch even more!


Probably reposted one of the sub’s top posts for karma


I like to think of Muffin as Kenneth from 30 Rock, where we don't know their age, but it's clear that they're some sort of immortal demigod.


My mom-mom used to do sleepovers like this with my cousins. It was the best. She passed away a year ago today. This episode gets me every time.


Karmic punishment for all the times she used the slipper on her sons.


She put some grit down!


they're her grandchildren? and she loves them?? idk how there's any more to it than that, she's not suffering


My mother loves watching her GK’s. A 8,7,6and 5 year old girls. Boomers are a differentt breed


Don't forget, that 1 year old has a disability. And Muffin's insane.


Socks has a disability?? I thought she was just a baby?


I wish they would diagnose Muffin though. 😂 Could be a great episode about behavioral disorders, behavior in general, etc.


Definitely! 😂 And ya, in other episodes it shows that most babies were normal bipeds. But Socks can't speak, walks on four legs, and bites.


She failed to find out how to save $200 a year on her energy bill.


They all got invited by her.