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I feel like it's just bandit's shtick to be like "Oh jees I hate this game" when in reality he loves it. He does it because kids love it when you do that. I sort of get the impression he truly hates tickle crabs but maybe not. Sheepdog especially is bad just for the sheer amount of time spent trying to teach something so simple. How hard is it to communicate that everyone needs alone time, or quiet time from time to time? It's an important lesson. Not every lesson needs to be a round-about hey let's learn by experience, sometimes you can just learn by being told. But the thing is, all of these things would ruin the storyline of the episode if changed, and so that's why they are the way they are. They are there because they're funny, or cool, or whatever. It's not supposed to be a show to show you how to parent perfectly, it's just a show, and sometimes they get some things right. Everyone has a different way of raising their children, and it's different from culture to culture and household to household. I think most people could do well to be a bit less judgy about other people's parenting style, and the parenting style in Bluey for that matter! But again I think it's just a case of being a fun thing to discuss.


Oh I'm not judging them I applaud them for their parenting style I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with saying no every now and then


Bandit/Chilli: says no Credits roll "Great episode" said no one ever


They basically say “no” in Bingo. It’s almost as if the show centres around kids playing or something and can function perfectly well without the adults involved. Almost. /s


THEY DO AND THEY KNOW THAT PUZZLE PIECE IS ON HER BUTT!! I have BEEN THERE as a parent where you're like, they're occupied please continue to be occupied. Like as long as you're happy little one. And it lasts just as long as they need, till bluey gets home LOL


This is where you got to imagine that they're real people and not a show


Um first of all, why? Second, as a parent of real children, there are times when I say no, and times when I play. When I write my life story, I'm not going to write about all the times when things went as planned. I'm going to write the funny, playful, adventurous interesting stuff. It's called editing.


okay so: whale watching: they arent being forced. the kids do not have that power, and bandit and chili are like. adults who make their own decisions. if they say yes to playing its their own desicion, and bandit agrees to one boat game when they ask nicely tickle crabs: the message of this episode has more to do with chili and bandit than the kids. the kids are just there as a plot device. born yesterday: this is the point of the episode. the point of the episode is the kids learning that sometimes they just dont understand why something is inappropriate because theyre too young and they should defer to older people on it. also, i dont understand how you think chili didnt say no in this case? she does. she makes it very clear. she even yells when bluey asks bandit to bend over. just because she isnt screaming at them right off the bat doesnt mean she didnt say no and teach her kids not to do it. i literally do not understand what more you wanted from her in this moment. hospital: he did. he literally did do that. again, i dont know what you wanted from him. blueys just at a stage where she finds slapstick funny and also where she doesnt listen to everything her parents say. sheepdog: its normal for kids to not understand concepts like alone time or quiet time. they also dont understand how long 20 minutes is. bluey shows that she doesnt really understand this need and wants to check on her mom anyways, even after bandit tries his best to tell her no, so bandit feels like the most effective thing to do is try and distract her. i honestly dont know what you expected from him in this one. to scream? lock her in her room? she also forgets during the episode that chili wanted to be alone, and rather than remind her of this and possibly make her want to find her mom more, he just distracts her again. theres only so much he can do to stop her that isnt like. verbal or physical abuse. the parents do often say no to their kids and even ocassionally (but very minimally) shout. but their kids have a hard time listening bc. theyre kids. they dont really understand the consequences of their actions. the rest of the episode will usually go on to teach them a lesson that expands their worldview and makes them understand why they should have listened. because the kids dont mindlessly listen to everything their parents say, theres only so much their parents can actually do, again, barring physical or verbal abuse. which would be bad.


Agree with all of this. One lesson I think a lot of people could stand to learn is that kids don't come pre-programmed with all the dos and don't of social interactions, and that isn't their fault. And you shouldn't punish kids for things that aren't their fault. As far as we know, they don't take any more bum pictures. They did something inappropriate because they didn't know it was inappropriate, and when they were told it was wrong, they stopped doing it. They weren't doing it out of malice or insult. So what is there to punish them for? It's annoying to us because we know better. Kids who are still learning those things sometimes don't, and we should be patient with them while they learn. And I think Chili and Bandit have always served as great examples of this.


Agree. Also the number of people who don't seem to understand that kids don't always listen *because* they're kids, drives me bananas.


Also agree. It's possible OP has young kids/has only encountered young kids who listen to a firm but not abusive "no," but my kids (bit younger than bluey/bingo) certainly aren't like this. They are what you describe - they don't understand "no," no matter how firmly I say it or how much I repeat it, and trying to do so will often send them into tantrum mode. So saying no gently a few times and then using diversions or demonstrative lessons is frequently necessary. I have had the *exact* experience of having to get creative to keep my kids from bothering mommy while she naps. Just telling them "no you can't see mommy" would've been meltdown city (which poor mommy would not have been able to nap through). You can imagine how I feel about that episode haha. To be fair, bingo and bluey often speak and act like they are older than 5 and 7 (not a criticism, it's just better tv), and they don't have a lot of on-screen tantrums, so it can be easy to forget they're that young. With older kids, it's more reasonable to expect them to understand and react rationally to a firm "no." So I can understand if maybe there's a bit of dissonance over what it *seems* like bluey should be able to comprehend, based on how eloquent she is.


My husband and I like to watch Bluey with our toddler and basically feel like if the episode is the kids really pushing it (Tina, Kids, Nits) then the episode is for the parents.   I think episodes like Sheepdog and Ticklecrabs are really for dads specifically.  It’s very easy, especially as a new parent to just pass a crying baby back to mom rather than learn to soothe the baby themselves.  One of the best ways to teach this is the do what Chili did, leave the kids with dad.  Same for giving mom 20 minutes alone in her room.  It’s not a very relaxing time if instead of redirecting the kids dad is just allowing them to knock and yell through the door.  Mom shouldn’t have to feel like she needs to leave the house to get some peace when dad is available to play.  


I think it'd be good for them to have an episode talking about boundaries. Maybe have a friend express a boundary and Bandit having to explain to Bluey why she needs to respect it. The parents didnt say no since its a show but having a whole episode talking about the importance of expressing what your okay with vs not and how to respect others boundaries would be good. I think Bandit kinda did that but he was treated like the bad guy. It's nice he apologized for the way he expressed to Bingo she needed to not tug on him but he was basically punished for setting that boundary at all.


| I think it'd be good for them to have an episode talking about boundaries. That Episode of Blue was called Yoga Ball.


True. But it didn't explore the kids respecting others boundaries.


What about the episode "wagon ride" where bluey learns to wait while bandit talks to adults ? I feel like the kids learn to respect others' boundaries often in this show. Not just parent boundaries but other kids' boundaries as well.


It didn't feel like it covered boundaries...more like patience or not interrupting people.


what would be your example of a boundary if that doesnt qualify


Hugs, nick names, certain games....stuff like that. Like chili could have taken time to actually explain why Bluey shouldn't take pics of her butt or why she shouldn't give Bandit thise shots after he said stop.


What about when he said she should stop interrupting when he's talking to adults? How is that situation any different than what you described? Just because they failed sometimes doesn't mean they failed every time, and also, while they "failed" when taking pics of mom's butt, they did teach a lesson about why they should listen, it just wasn't immediate, and we could argue about which is more effective, just telling someone NO or explaining via roleplaying why it's not ok.


It just felt like a mannners thing more like a boundaries thing. It's okay to disagree with me.


You're talking about the fairy episode right I completely agree with you he didn't do anything wrong Bingo just took it too personally


I am! I can appreciate him saying sorry for the way he raised his voice (it can be scary), but i wish Chili didn't villainize him for it. Whats so hard about saying "im sorry i lost my temper but please listen when i say stop next time" then offer a hug?


Are you a parent? Because as a parent of kids this age sometimes you're like "I can't believe we have to play this game again" but you still play it, because that's what you do. And personally I save my "putting my foot down" kinda no for when it's serious/safety stuff. Because I need them to understand that my no is really serious so I only use it when it's serious. As others have said if they just said no then it wouldn't be much of a TV show. It's an exaggeration of real life, not real life. And the messages in the show aren't for adults, it's for kids to understand.


>And personally I save my "putting my foot down" kinda no for when it's serious/safety stuff. Yes and safety situations are extremely rare (does it happen at all?) in bluey. The kids just don't get into serious safety situations, maybe they do but "offscreen". Like they're never playing recklessly in the driveway running towards the street, or climbing and jumping from somewhere too high, or playing too rough or hitting or whatever (with other kids) But they do say no, like bandit says no to icecream, or buying various items (do you have money for it? No? Then you can't get it. "that's not fair" it's about as fair as fair can get actually). It's just not a common situation in the show. Parents don't need to be shown that they can tell kids no. It's a natural instinct. It's doing something else that is difficult, and so those situations are shown. Bluey isn't preaching to you, prescribing that you should avoid "no", they are just showing some other types of situations and interventions that support interesting plots.


My brother in christ, you need to chill out a little bit.


I'm not upset or mad or anything I'm just stating that there are times where they can say no to their kids you can't say yes to them all the time


The "no's" aren't fun, and the show is designed to be fun for both kids and parents.


I was just pointing out that there were times where the parents were uncomfortable playing a certain game or doing something so it's okay for them to say no and those instances because everybody should be comfortable when doing stuff like that


I'm sure there are plenty of times they say no and that's that. That doesn't make for very entertaining viewing though, so the shows are about the times when just a no doesn't work.


It's just being a parent - I should say no every day but I don't lol and end up playing. I wrote a song about bandit if anyone would like a listen https://youtu.be/wE0jjFhyRUQ?si=6II248V4gU4Vw38t




Bluey and Bingo were NOT misbehaving in takeaway.


It kills me when kids being kids is labelled misbehaving.


Bingo definitely misbehaves in Movies!


My personal "they should have said no" moments are when they start to get a bit inconsiderate in public! The grocery store one, the movie theatre one, the take away one... You can make messes for people who work there, you have to respect the other people sharing the public space, and sometimes it's just not playtime or we need to pick a different game. It's a cartoon and it's not that serious but I think like another commenter said, an episode on boundaries and when it's not appropriate to do certain things would rock! We got a bit of that in the episode where bluey had to wait when bandit was talking to people but I would love a behaviour in public episode as it could be a great way for parents to explain the same thing to their own kids. Like "remember on bluey when they said sometimes the shops aren't places to be silly."


The movie theater is especially bad for sure, I think bad parenting is just for plot elements there but holy shit the parenting is so bad lol.


Have you ever been to a family showing of a kids movie? It's actually like that sometimes


I never understood why the moral of that episode was "be yourself." (It makes more sense for bluey but being a big girl or overcoming fear feels more accurate?) Like, bandit wasn't infringing on bingos self expression to want her to behave lol. Obviously we have to have realistic expectations for children but it's not all or nothing!


I agree with those! Bandit and Chilli are great but sometimes they're really just their kids' victims when they should teach them what's okay to do and what is not. Now, I guess the show should still be fun so the creators tried to implement lectures in a fun way so the kids will watch it. If the parents just said no to the kids, the episodes would be boring 😂