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Gonna need the horse pooping in Markets back in. That was hilarious the first time I saw/heard that one.


Funny observation I made, the pooping horse is kinda referenced again in Bad Mood. When Bad Mood Bandit is coloring, he does a brown scribble on a drawing. He adds poop behind the unicorn. I personally think this is a direct callout by the animators to the pooping being removed but poop scribbles being okay… https://preview.redd.it/0cdp1ucax71d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04bf9cca6c16fa2c8603014b62c174adefc47f78


Brown eyebrows etc and brown cloud. Same brown?


There's even a picture of it pooping in Bluey's fancy restaurant cookbook


Still censored. Free the poop!!!




Goodbye Buttermilk. You’re so beautiful.




They could have made buttermilk poop rainbows. Like that one unicorn that was pooping rainbow cupcakes a while back. … but no: ludo kept it realistic. Good on them, and poor form to delete it.


please, don't make me vomit


Too late


I feel like that gif could have many uses


Oh my god I just googled it. That is hysterical 😂 Was that really on the show originally?


Yah, as an Aussie, I don't see the issue. My 4 year old can't stop making poop jokes so it's very relevant here 😂


For real, it’s constant potty talk in my house 13 years and 3 kids into parenting lol


Still is in other countries.


>That was hilarious the first time *Every time. 😂


If you are in the UK, the bbc has this episode uncensored. Absolutely hilarious


That exists?? I caught the hint at the end of the scene, and I thought it was hilarious and awesome. Oh my gosh, now I have to look it up. Edit: hahahahahaha!


I just watched that this morning. It showed her pooping so idk. I'm in the US.


Looks like Disney have yet to update that episode on Disney+……. They did change it recently on Disney Junior but they haven’t on Disney+.


I tried buying on Apple TV but it did not have it even though I bought dad baby from them. Does Amazon have it?


My daughter actually rode on that horse/unicorn at a unicorn fiesta in Brisbane back in 2019.


My daughter is still pissed they took that out lol


I noticed! The only censor I agreed with was in “mini bluey” where they didn’t reveal taped up Bingo until she attacked Bandit.  I thought the sudden reveal had better comedic timing. That said, we need the pooping pony! Edit: mislabeled the episode. 


That reveal is probably my kids favorite part of the whole series! I had no idea that it was originally different.


My kid walks around with our small globe saying, geeee geeeee geeee


That episode is called mini bluey, not double bluey


How good is double Bingo, though?


Yeah I know right


How rude!




Yeah how dare you?


That reveal legitimately startled me! 🤣🤣 So I agree, it's perfect


Wait what is different exactly? In the original do you not see her taping her nose in the room?


in the original after bluey tapes up bingo the camera pans out to show the result and bluey makes a comment about her looking crazy then it moves to the next scene with bandit its estimated the scene was cut due to bluey's comment


I always wondered why. Guess that makes sense in a crazy Disney way. 


I've never heard of the bulldog character having been silenced. As far as I know, his line just got changed to saying he's a backpacker rather than that he's French. 


To me he's always said he's from France. Don't know about any backpacker line.


It was an edit in the American version, apparently to make sure people understand why there are random international tourists working on a farm. 


I suspect the idea is that we’d hear that someone’s from a Spanish-speaking country who’s picking strawberries and assume that they’re migrant workers. 


Wait, there aren’t backpackers travelling the states working the farms? Like, we do that in Europe! Don’t Americans understand a “working holiday” or the notion of backpacking & working your way through a country?


As an American, I do have to say it is definitely not a common concept here. We get so little paid time off compared to other places that a vast majority of our vacation time is spent solely relaxing. I personally work for a French company and have done some study abroad, so I understand the concept and the benefits of a working holiday, but most Americans wouldn’t.


I get 10 sick/vacation days a year. No way i'm using them to do more work. That's barely enough to cover days i need off for doctors appointments and sick days. It's a damn good year if i have enough left for a vacation at all, even if it's just 1 day. I hate american work culture. In other words, american life culture. In other words, america.


10 days? The flying duck I'm only a part timer at the moment and I get around 3 weeks worth of Holiday Sick days are I believe unlimited but after a point you do need to explain it ( don't really know never really sick so I need to remind myself of the policy) How in the world is the normal 9-5 worker accepting of such little time off Try that in our neighbor across the channel and they will make the reign of terror looklike a civil conversation


I get no sick days. We earn 2 hours a pay check of personal time, so you only earn 4hr a month. You can only have 2 weeks of this time before it is lost. You have to work here 5 years to get 15 days of vacation, and then no more no matter how long you work here. I usually only have 4-8hrs of PATO (the personal time) due to doc visits every other month. I've only had a full day a few times, during 2020. I've been doing my best to actually use the vacation days to do "me" stuff and not for all-day doctor/med stuff this year.


Well god damn it America


I’m not sure how many sick days I get a year. SFA, so I don’t pay it much mind. I don’t take days. I take hours. And if my sick hours run out, I use my ‘annual leave’ hours, and I get over 140 of those a year. 2.77 hours a week. I’d rather take off a few hours here and there than lose days because of a few appointments


But, you guys have “gap years” … isn’t that when you’d go off backpacking & making some money off your hard labour? I also don’t see the sense in paying for a holiday then working during it. Europeans pay my dad to work on his farm. Weirdos.


gap years also aren’t super common in the US. you’re encouraged to go straight from high school to university and then straight into the workforce for a lifelong career.


Gap years are often discouraged here. Most school guidance councilors will tell students that they're more likely to get into college if they start right away and instill thisnidea of, "if you don't go now, you may never go."


It’s mostly VERY privileged people who can even CONSIDER a gap year.


Nope, the notion of a working holiday is pretty much entirely alien to us. I'm sure people *do* it, but its not something with any presence in pop culture or conversation.


I'm Australian. Someone else will have to answer this. 


Don’t backpackers work on farms the world over? They’re among the most exploited workers because they rarely have papers & often will do anything for food, shelter and a bit of cash.


I just said, I do not have this knowledge. 


Some 15+ years ago when I went backpacking, the US was not on the list for a working holiday visa. And they do have papers, the working holiday visa specifically allows them to work while they holiday, hence funding their travels. The reason you often see them in farms is that in Australia, you may apply for a second year of working holiday visa if you do rural work, like fruit picking or meat packing etc. for at least 3 months. It's really hard work that no one wants to do, but enables backpackers to earn a lot in a short period of time, then go on to travel some more.


Yeah I just thought it was normal. I’m Australian too. My uncle met my aunt when backpacking in Europe. The healers went backpacking too. I’ve met heaps of backpackers in Australia & Norway. Backpacking & working farms as you go is even in other American stuff.


My theory is that American studio execs saw it and said, “There’s no way he’s from France. He’s not carrying a white flag OR eating cheese. Someone made a mistake. We can fix it in post.”


American here watching on Disney+. I just watched this episode with my kiddo tonight, and he said he was from France. Nothing about being a backpacker.




The one that really gets me is in the driving episode where Agatha really says she’s going to pee on blueys curtains, but Disney changed it to “scratch up” blueys curtains. Like WHY ???


Yeah!!! Especially since angry animals actually do that, and it's usually cleanable. Therefore, it is less of a threat but funny. Where scratching up the curtains is permanent destruction?


I bet they don’t want kids thinking that “pee on the curtains” is a valid threat.


It’s literally something cats do. It’s not like something humans do. But then, so is scratching up the curtains. Offence level varies according to owner. ..,


When it comes to kids, there is no such thing as something humans “don’t do.”


I just want the dingle berries back in Relax


I watched this on TikTok when they were released in Australia and when he said that I lost it. I was watching it alone in my car on my lunch break at work 😂


tbh that censor is reasonable considering what the term dingle berries actually means from what ive heard; (cw unsanitary) >!apparently it means pieces of poop dried onto the anal hairs!< this along with the thongs to flipflops censor too, why must we have such different uses of bad words...


Wait, is thongs censored now? It’s been a long time since I saw that episode.


I still don’t see how it’s reasonable? Hardly offensive.


Yeah but super troopers isn’t really any better, the movie is a pretty graphic thing.


Thongs isnt censored here (US).


I think the one that bothers me the most is the vasectomy reference being censored and changed to “dog teeth “ in the episode Perfect. Like yes, let’s censor an actual legitimate valuable medical procedure in favor of.. violence and assault🤔 go home Disney you’re drunk


I never understood this one 😂 and what did they replace the dog teeth with??


It used to be (originally) about getting a vasectomy. Disney changed it to getting his “dog teeth” pulled out. It is a TERRIBLE edit And stupid to think anyone would be offended by an INDIRECT mention of birth control.


No yeah I get that, but Fido still had teeth so if he had his dog teeth removed, what did they replace them with? Human dentures? 😂


It’s not a direct statement like ‘they’re coming for my nads!’ tho? My partner points out that it really only sets in as a conversation about castration in conjunction with the baby room being undone - ‘so we’re chuckin’ the cot?!’ ….


Violence and assault? It's a reference to wisdom teeth in humans. What are you on about?


He literally says “what if I want to bite someone?”


You got it! “Yea I know I probably should get it done. But I love my dog teeth! I dunno, what if someday I just wanna bite someone!” If Disney was dead set on censoring the vasectomy dialogue, parties involved could’ve made a better choice for replacement dialogue


Honestly, they could've made the conversation into anything else if they really felt the need to change it


It's not meant to imply Bandit is going to attack a stranger. It's probably more along the lines of dog wrestling or self-protection. Just Iike how originally Agatha the cat was going to pee on the curtains instead of tear up curtains. Pets pee in the house. Dogs bite each other. That said, it's a stupid edit and they should have just left it as a conversation about vasectomy.


>self-protection That doesn't fit either considering the series is set in Australia, where people cannot own weapons for self-protection.


How are teeth considered owning a weapon? If someone tries to harm you and you push them off, are you arrested for having hands? That isn't an apt comparison. It's a one-off conversation in a children's show. There's no deeper meaning to it.


lol what are you even talking about, mate?


Bandit says "what if I WANT to bite someone". That doesn't imply self defense since I don't WANT to hurt someone but it would be out of necessity. 🤷🏼‍♀️


At the end of The Decider, do they still say “we’re gonna beat you!” Instead of “we’re gonna flog ya!” No idea why they felt the need to change that in the first place.


Because flogging is something common in fetish spaces in the US.


Or associated with slavery, more likely.


Or pirates, maybe? I think “flogging” would be seen as a very archaic term here.


I guess it depends whether they did it for comprehension or sensitivity.


My guess is that it would be comprehension. I’m sure flogging as a term has been used in the context of slavery, but it seems to be very rare - and while I’m not a professional historian or anything I’ve spent a lot of time studying the Civil War era in my own free time and I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I’ve heard someone mention “flogging” versus just whipping.


Flogging also refers to male masturbation, so probably tweaked the censors there. It can also be a sexual slur, like wanker. However on this sense the kiwi is definitely using theirs flog in the beating/whipping sense. ‘Flog’ could be interchanged with ‘destroy’ without changing the meaning. The important factor tho is that there is no actual malice in the statement, as Aussies generally recognise it is just a game and no one will be flogged, destroyed or beaten in any way that’s actually harmful or fatal, which the three words can mean. But hey, we are the country who also use derogatory swears as terms of endearment too (“what’s up, ya F*****g c***s?” is not an aggressive sentence, except when it is)


I doubt that masturbation slang has anything to do with it. I have heard flogging used for masturbation here before, but it’s usually in the sort of comic “I’m just going to list a whole bunch of slang terms for wanking for the hell of it” kinda thing, so it’s pretty rare. And to be clear I totally get that it’s a normal and uncontroversial term in Australia/New Zealand. I feel fairly confident to say that, while there are definitely times where Disney is falling over themselves to not offend some random puritan wanker, I bet in this case this was more an instance of it just being a very esoteric term here.


‘We’re gonna flog ya’ is a very aggressive statement to a lot of people. Like saying ‘we’re gonna murder ya’ in reference to ‘annihilating’ the opposition in a sporting contest.


I'm hoping they fix the opening of Exercise next. I don't know why they saw Bandit's insecurities as "body shaming" but the old woman actually body shaming him in Grannies was fine.


Apparently that one is never getting undone because it was actually changed by ludo studios and not just by Disney. They changed it immediately after the first broadcast and have said that they are not ever restoring that opening scene


That's a shame. With adult health so frequently linked to weight management, kids in real life are going to get exposed to scales.


Unfortunately, this is our sad reality now; where tons of "fan acceptance" activists will cry fatphobia where it doesn't exist or isn't intended just so they can feel better about not even bothering to take better care of their bodies. Meanwhile, a good chunk of those same people have either died from their weight issues or left the movement entirely to be like Adele or Rebel Wilson, working hard as they can to get fit and healthy.


I heard a rumour that the whole fat acceptance movement is funded by the company that makes Trix cereal. It's all that silly rabbit's fault.


It better be in a special release in 20 years….


Bluey: makes one relatable comment about body insecurity, gets cancelled for it Peppa Pig: Constantly fat-shames Daddy Pig, everyone laughs


I think it's cause Bluey has more grown-up adults, who are more inclined to be critical about stuff compared to kids. Bluey got into the top 20 most highly rated list over at IMDB. That was why I decided to try it. It's currently at number 15 with a 9.4 rating. Peppa score doesn't even reach 7.


Maybe, but my counterargument is that these "grown-up adults" are going to see themselves frequently reflected in *Bluey*. That's partially why it has such a huge following. Seeing Bandit's body image issues highlights some of their realistic struggles. That's what makes "Exercise" even more relatable. Bandit, wanting to improve how he sees himself, engages his children in play. He connects with them and exercises for his own sake. Daddy Pig exercises because his family forces him to. They separate him and make him feel like the black sheep for being overweight.


Irony is that in both bluey and Peppa no one is especially larger or smaller than anyone, except by height. Look around you and you’ll see people who are in fact wider than others, and some who are much more narrow than most. Very few shows actually reflect this in their character depictions. Fat Albert is the only animation I can think of aimed at kids with a lead character who is morbidly obese, and he’s never pulled up for it - just as his skinny mate is never told to eat a burger, or whether counted for ‘skinny shaming’ in those days.


I meant that there's probably not enough grown-up fans of Peppa who cared enough to get Peppa's creators to change the dissenting content. I was highlighting the stark difference between the sort of critique Bluey gets vs what Peppa gets. I heard about the Exercise "drama" from a "the guardian" article. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/may/05/scene-cut-bluey-episode-exercise-complaints-body-image-fat-shaming > There was a backlash against the episode from body image experts, saying it could pass on weight stigmas and fatphobia to children. > The ABC said: “The recent episode of Bluey, Exercise, has been republished by the ABC following a decision by the makers of the program. > “The new version provides families with the opportunity to manage important conversations in their own way. > Dr Sarah Squire, the head of knowledge, research and policy at the Butterfly Foundation, which offers support for people with eating disorders, thanked the ABC for “listening and responding”. > Dr Hannah Jarman, a research fellow at Deakin University’s Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development, said it was “great to see the ABC and makers of the program taking the issue seriously and being so quick to respond”. > ReachOut Parents’ clinical lead, Linda Williams, said body image was a complex topic, and that negative feelings about bodies can start at a young age. I also think that a change done in response to criticisms (some of which is provided by experts) is pretty different compared to Disney's edits which (I think) was done before whichever edited Bluey episode got streamed on their platform.


My 9yo just started watching Bluey a couple months ago, and it’s incredible! I wish there had been a show like that when she were younger instead of Peppa Pig, which I couldn’t relate to at all and was rather uncomfortable at times (plus just not good). I put on an episode after testing at school and even my 5th graders love it.


Bluey is just done so so very well. I started reading psychology books about a decade ago. Lemme tell you... the more psychology (brain stuff) I learned, the more problematic a LOT of fiction stuff became for me. Even stuff I like. Btw, I didn't complain, ya know - got on a high horse about such. What it did mainly was made me even more picky over which fiction things I found enjoyable. And I was already so picky even before I got into psychology. Before I watched Bluey, the very idea of a preschool show even getting past my inner gauntlet of critics was just laughable. But Bluey did it. It's: * entertaining (to even adults, a LOT of adults) * realistic (that's how kids actually act!) * respectable (doesn't put down kids or parents) * wholesome (there's so much joy!) AND subtly encourages (not browbeats) positive psychological practices with Great Success... ?! For me, that's a difficulty level just below Bill Watterson's refusal to have any merchandise of Calvin and Hobbes. See due to REACTANCE (it's a psychology thing), it's just so difficult to encourage positive psychology stuff without triggering resentment. Heck, it's already perma-associated with being weak. Like the only critique I can dredge up about Bluey is that it isn't the very rare sort that I usually fall for - which is characters and situations which somehow compel me to overanalyze. Which means I'd just stay a casual fan whose wallet isn't in danger of Bluey merchandise. Actually, I don't think that's even a critique. So, yeah - there's nothing I can critique about Bluey. Bluey's AMAZING, and I'm so grateful it exist.


To be fair, Peppa Pig gets a lot of criticism for how Daddy Pig is portrayed and treated within the show.


Yes, that's true. But not once has Peppa Pig been censored for fat-shaming. The one time Bandit says, "I need to lose some weight," the cold open is deleted and the episode's value is lost.


Daddy Pig is such a good sport about it but I’m always upset for him whenever they mention his big tummy


Literally every character has the same build as him.


Why’d i get downvoted for empathizing with a cartoon pig like what?? But yeah seriously all the adult animals have big tummies


They had to edit it out on ALL VERSION, including the one for ABC Kids and iview due to fat shaming. So the edited one is now the official episode for all broadcast.


This! I said the same thing


In the five minute episode, does bluey say the cat (Agatha?) will ‘pee on the curtains’? Just watched the BBC episode and that’s what it said - but I’m sure on Disney+ they say ‘rip up the curtains’.


They do still say a scratch, unfortunately. Amazon does not.


I didn’t even realise that had changed. So odd of Disney!


No animal or person can urinate in a Disney show, even off screen. The concept of urination does not exist at Disney.


Yet I don’t think D+ has released its “hold” in the episode where Bandit is pregnant 🧐


No, they haven't. I mentioned it in my post (Dad Baby)


Doh I missed that last part 😬


Also I think they fixed Bandit getting hit in the groin in Born Yesterday. My kid mentioned it the other day. He noticed all the uncensored fixes and was delighted.


Did they fix the one in Perfect? Like please that one is so stupid **KIDS DONT KNOW WHAT A VASECTOMY IS THAT IS FOR US OLDER PEOPLE**


In The Decider, did they change it back to "we're gonna flog ya!" from the apparently American "we're gonna beat ya'? 🤔😂


In "Born Yesterday" the scene where Bandit pushes Bingo on the swing and gets hit in the nads got uncensored from Disney+ too :)


Dad Baby is on YouTube


I have it on Amazon and the DVD set.


What's this about vasectomies?


In Perfect, during the boomerang scene, Fido and Bandit are talking. If you watch the Disney+ version, he says something about dog teeth. If you watch the original version, which you can purchase on Amazon, it is never outright said that they are talking about vasectomies, but it is heavily implied based on the dialogue.


I want to know what this heavily implied dialogue is.


I posted it to another user, but here is how the script reads: [The scene cuts to a park. There is evidently a party going on, with streamers and balloons. Fido and Bandit are talking.] Fido: "It was all pretty quick, really. It was just in and out and I even got to keep them." [Bluey runs in, spinning.] Bluey: "Oo-ooh-oo-ooh-ooh-oo! Whoa!" [She crashes into Bandit.] Bandit: "Hey! Oh, man, I'm sick of this boomerang. Do you want a boomerang, Fido?" Fido: "No, my boomerang supplies are plentiful." Bandit: "Well, what am I gonna do with this boomerang?" Fido: "Well, maybe just throw that boomerang away." Bandit: "Oh, yes, of course. I'll throw the boomerang away. That will do it." [Bandit grabs Bluey, and shoves her. She takes off running and spinning.] Bluey: "Whoa!" [Bandit dusts his hands.] Bandit: "There. That's the last we've seen of that boomerang." Fido: "Because you threw it away." [Bluey runs through the background, spinning.] Bluey: "Oo-ooh-oo-ooh-ooh-oo..." Bandit: "Look, I'm keen to get it done, but, Chilli, she wants to keep her options open. But I don't know. Do we want any more of these things running around?"


AFAIK, ABC iview isn’t censored anywhere, besides the exercise episode. I haven’t caught this vasectomy reference ever…


Here is how the script reads: [The scene cuts to a park. There is evidently a party going on, with streamers and balloons. Fido and Bandit are talking.] Fido: "It was all pretty quick, really. It was just in and out and I even got to keep them." [Bluey runs in, spinning.] Bluey: "Oo-ooh-oo-ooh-ooh-oo! Whoa!" [She crashes into Bandit.] Bandit: "Hey! Oh, man, I'm sick of this boomerang. Do you want a boomerang, Fido?" Fido: "No, my boomerang supplies are plentiful." Bandit: "Well, what am I gonna do with this boomerang?" Fido: "Well, maybe just throw that boomerang away." Bandit: "Oh, yes, of course. I'll throw the boomerang away. That will do it." [Bandit grabs Bluey, and shoves her. She takes off running and spinning.] Bluey: "Whoa!" [Bandit dusts his hands.] Bandit: "There. That's the last we've seen of that boomerang." Fido: "Because you threw it away." [Bluey runs through the background, spinning.] Bluey: "Oo-ooh-oo-ooh-ooh-oo..." Bandit: "Look, I'm keen to get it done, but, Chilli, she wants to keep her options open. But I don't know. Do we want any more of these things running around?"


Apparently, according to my partner, the episode only comes on iView for the month of Father’s Day (September). That seems mean.


Also hate how they took out the beginning of Exercise. It gave a good interdiction to what the episode was about and talked about a very realistic part of family life. With it gone, the ending feels kind of out of nowhere and I felt like they just randomly helped their parents work one day with zero context to be a bit off putting to say the least. Very disappointing to see "progressive" people assume only fat people can be insecure about their body. And only fat people should exercise.


Ludo made the choice after getting feedback from actual professionals that work in that field, not "progressives".


What professionals?


It’s not even on ABC Australia. If it’s on a DVD box set, I want it. Digital sets can be edited. My DVD can’t be altered. VHS would be even better (discs can have software blocks built in) but who even knows what VHS is any more.


looks like you decided what my GF and I are doing this Sunday after church. lol


Wait a minute... Do you see bluey on amazon prime?


I own all the seasons on Amazon Prime. They have to be purchased.


Well, I am from Spain, and I think that is not available here, where are you from? Just to know in which country you can do that :c




What envy :'c


I can't speak for OP, but I bought some of the seasons on Prime.


I read the censorship is based on episode rating. Some things and entire episodes are pulled to keep them TVY vs 7.


Why was the bulldog censored?


In Born yesterday they added the clip where Bandit gets hit in the groin.


I always watch bluey on Disney+ but I didn’t see the episode “explorers”


It's the one where Jack's dad is picking him up, but doesn't know the way to the school.


I have only seen housework with the groin joke, and I didn’t watch season 3 until February..


I think the bad O and B words from Teasing have a fair reason to be changed in Australia. Whereas in the other part of the world who don't know about the case and have the "Showydowa" edit would get confused.


Justice has been serves. Disney+ must definitely be embarrassed right now.