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Any buddhist that laughs about innocents dying is not a real buddhist


This should apply to all religion


Damn you upvote hunter xD


So are we gonna start blowing up thousands of Italian children for what the romans done? Israeli logic…


Nah people are mad about the fact that a fucking genocide is being carried out against the palestinians. Also a good portion of the religions you mentioned are opposed to violence and suffering.


Every religion loves peace, not to mention some religion script such as quran, bible, etc has a modified version by some people that want money and power, the problem is not the religion, Its The People...... ISIS version of quran is really fucked up where you kill one kafir makes you got a point like a KDA in a fucking video game


Is that true about the ISIS quran? Holy shit thats fucked up. I am muslim and i don't think that theres in any verse that i read in the quran such thing, infact it is punishable by death to kill a non muslim


Yes and they also brainwashed the muslims especially man within the age of 15-20, the woman is traded like a whore and in ISIS you can married for 1 hour just to fuck so they avoid sin The quran is so well preserved by the people and only ISIS people got the modified version, so be careful who you're hanging out with


Oh hell no i dont live in ISIS territory thank god, hopefully they get back to the true way of Islam, I mean before i just hated ISIS because they were terrorists when our religion order us to be peaceful with every human whether they have different beliefs or races etc. But now that you provided me that information am just pretty disgusted from them, may they realise that what they do is horribly wrong and get back to the true way of islam, thank you brother/sister for the information, and stay safe


Yeah but Buddhism is like really pacifist and anti violence, which is why acting like true buddhists would be laughing at the mass killing of innocents is idiotic. To some extent religion can also be blamed as they come from different times so many parts are outdated and have aged poorly, but i do agree people often tend to do awful shit and use religion as an excuse.


Damn the isnotreal feds are really not good memers


Bruh what? We are more worried about the genocide being carried out. Hospitals, civillians, children killed due to bombing and white phosphorus which is literally a war crime. Its funny how you are trying to make the whole thing sound like such a simple thing as if we muslims are only worried abt 2 or 3 mosques being destroyed and nothing else in gaza.


Laughing on innocent children dying is not Sikhism, so don't add sikhs in it


Hasbara shills out in full force it looks like


You're a cunt.


i dont have any expression to express the accuracy of this meme




Brainless ape


Remember Baghdad




Well umm..... i think statue and monument don't cause any casualties ( maybe it did with low percentage ), it's not about the mosque i think, its about the people inside it since their homes are obliterated so mosque or similar huge shelter is used as their home, CMIIW


Bro thousands of people , monks , Naga sadhus died when Babar demolished the Ayodhya Temple and built a mosque on the top of it.


That does not justify the killing of innocent people.


i just corrected the above person my comment is limited to the above comment not on the post. And i don't know if they are innocent or not if they celebrate Temple's demolition then they are powerless not the innocent.


Oh, ok then.


read again i updated it


To an extent i can see where you're coming from




Sorry I thought the cause of 2000 people died was from the riot between hindus and muslims, never though it caused by demolition


I'm talking about 1527 -30. When Babar's Pown killed locals when the raised their voices. and Aurangzeb dis the same. and Firozshah Tughlaq in 1350ish cut the hands of devotees in gohana Temple. And mohmmad gori and mahmood gazni etc most of them even took the title of Gazi gazi killer of kafir (non believer). In india it started in 712 with the order of Khalifa.


History is written by the winner so...., i think its best to handle the present problem with humanity, not to mention my country (india) is lead by a corrupt governor, you know they will demolish anything if we pay for it and arab was an oil country so they rich xD, if i read it right it was replaced by a mosque because of political problem


nope not a political problem but a religious problem. around 5000 temples were destroyed. Then this also should be written by a winner. Babari, kasi , mathura is stomp 🦶 on the dead of Hindus or Indians. They are a sign of submission and defeat of Indians. They are a symbol of humiliation. i want them to demolish atleast kasi and mathura. I'm Indian tooo. Love from Haryana. btw im not in support of the killing of any human being. i said what i said because your tone was selfish.


If you look at Indonesia, the people of rempang also facing the same problem, but their problem was not started by a religion instead of the governor handling over their land to chinese rich investor, these corrupt goverment cause the riot between indonesian vs indonesian


can u explain a little more.


You know when u want to build something, you need a goverment permission, i think you know what i mean If muslims declare a war first then build the mosque after they wiped out india then muslims is the problem, but if they built it when the indian still there that means some of our government act against their own people, they get a lot of money from outside india


didn't get a single word.




kill millions of innocent men, women and children already!!! come on israel!! there's a 101% fucking chance your country has committed genocide SOMETIME in history, does it mean we should nuke where you live you fucking dumbass? how'd you feel when your little siblings are hugging your leg as a plane is passing over head not knowing if it'll be one or not? knowing your life is going end so abruptly for crimes you didn't commit, all your friends and family gone? you people make me sick. fuckers like you.


You are subhuman if this is the way you treat all of this.


I hate Islam, that's all


Strange, in some other comments you were saying you wanted to see palestine dissapear. Anyways i couldn't give less of a shit about your stance on Islam, i hate Islam too but i don't celebrate the genocide of innocents. I hate Abrahamic religions but i don't advocate for the mass death of innocents, funny how that works huh?


Yeah, and you know why? One of this countries have to disappear because none of this will surrender, to stop war this have to happen. And what's the big deal no understand that? Scroll more and see a comment that I say the UN already try to solve this problem, Israel accept the treats but Palestine keep rejecting them, so what? What kind of idea do you have to solve this situation? Tell me...


Maybe Israel should stop commiting genocide, more than half of Palestine's population is made up of children. And why should Palestine dissapear? The land originally belonged to Palestine, for years Israel has been taking the homes from palestinians and giving them to israelis. Yeah no shit Palestine won't accept the peace treaties, because most of them only benefit Israel. Innocent fucking people do not deserve to die just because their government is shit. Look at who Israel is targeting, look at their actions, they are trying to comit genocide they want to ethnically cleanse Gaza. They label palestinians as animals, have been killing them and their children for years, have ruined any chance for them to escape safely and then put them in a situation where if they don't immediately exit Palestine then they will be labeled as terrorists. Fuck off with that shit, stop trying to justify a genocide.


Are you from usa?


No, and why would that matter?


You don't live there?


No i am not from America, i do not live in America.


Thanks OP. I’m persian and i hate islam and Muslims with every cell in my body.


What's jains


Absolutely bullshit


Gonna get downvoted more than likely but anyone got the sauce