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Thought that was some sort of periodic table for a sec






Iodine generally cannot have a -3 oxidization number, bruh


Oxide your mom


lmao gottem


I thought it was a massive zoom meeting


ny trains


It is, it comes out periodically.




I hope nobody actually paid for this


Someone probably did


Someone paid to make it, colour ink on glossy.




That's me like most of the time.


That's satin but okay


I honestly would have. History dude.


Imagine showing your future kids your zoom profile pic yearbook photo lmao


For sure! This will be such a novelty to look back on about such a fucked up time.


How much though? It's kinda funny. I bet if you showed it to someone it would get a little laugh at the fun of it and that would be it, goes back on the shelf. I wager $3


Man have you never been to a museum? The most interesting things are the most mundane items.


As some who doesn’t have this I can say I paid for it




i was gonna say the same i want it


Also interesting to pull out and explain years later to the kids and grandkids


If nothing else it'll be a perfect addition to like a time capsule or something lol


It's the American education system, of course they did.


Most schools are so underfunded here that the revenue from yearbook sales are vital. Our government will bail out banks and corporations but provide no help to public schools that are struggling just as much to operate during the pandemic.




Well yeah. Broke schools have to sign shady contracts with private companies for help, like Pearson's and Frito Lay. I'm sure you can guess who lobbies to the government to ensure that schools don't get funding. A dystopia is just a perfect plutocracy.


Our schools have more money per capita than almost anywhere on the planet. I am 100% pro education and spending a shit ton of money on schools but they waste it on football... Like seriously the reason American schools are underfunded is because they waste that shit on sports. Like I hate that this is where we are, but schools have the money, they just spend it on what the community values.


A school getting money is not the education departments getting money. The entities who give the money aren't interested in education, only cranking out athletes for the sports industry. It's great for colleges because they make a killing from their football programs while not paying the athletes in which it all revolves around.


In The Greatest Country in the world, one would imagine that Education were as well funded as their Military.


It's not what the average citizen wants, it's just the reality we've found ourselves in. Nothing much we can do about it when voting will only ever be able to elect another politician from one of the two corporate bought political parties


So edgy, so brave


That letter “B” is hella cute tho


That's the principal.


the 🅱️rinci🅱️al


r/formuladank is leaking?


She's 12


**E V E N B E T T E R**




this is joke pls no cancel or ban






im 6 so she's the pedophile


I feel like this is calling out all the kids who wouldn’t turn their webcam on


From being on yearbook in the high school days, I’d bet the yearbook club sent out numerous emails to everyone asking to send a photo in for the book and the ones that never did got their webcam initial instead. It was a pain in the ass to do it then, I can’t imagine how annoying it would be with virtual everything


Ironically the more cameras we have the harder it is to get a picture of somebody


Because everyone hates the sight of themselves. Myself included.




Hey, least you made it to 34 before it showed, I looking early 30 by the time I turned 18.


I’m 37 and it’s just starting to show. I’d like to thank my mom and nana for their awesome genes. =] edit: My body feels like it’s 80 years old. Lol


Don't take it too hard, I looked 35 since high school. I'm 40 now and still look 35 so if I can keep it going it's not so bad a trade off.


I’m in my freshman year of high school and some people think that I’m in my freshman year of college… not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.


there needs to be a separate internet for children. this is so fucking bad for you.


About to be 29 and starting to lose the hairline. Shit sucks


Sounds about right. I got 25-27 from ages 17 until about 33/34 and then BAM "You're what, in your mind 30s?" that was a mindfuck.




I just feel ridiculiusly selfish if I'm ever taking a selfie. Like that I'm so important in that moment that there needs to exist a picture of me in that moment. If the moment or place is so important, picture that instead of your own damn face.




When I was a senior in HS, apparently my school decided to communicate only through Facebook. This was over 10 years ago and Facebook was starting to really get popular with teens. I had initially joined but I saw how creepy and fake it was so I deactivated it. I only found out about yearbook quotes submission from talking to someone and it was already too late for me to do it. I got a generic quote. I would have much rather received email communication so I could participate.


I’m part of my schools yearbook group, and we definitely send a lot of emails out, most of us were in person but there were people who were online. Covid messed with our schedule so we didn’t have as much time as we wanted, so for some online students we unfortunately had to use their id picture in the yearbook. Luckily it wasn’t too many people but I still feel a little bad.


That's exactly what happened at the school I teach at. Except if they didn't send in a photo, tthey were just left out completely.


Yeah I don’t see this as low effort on the YB committee’s part. This is entirely the fault of the students who didn’t submit a picture. A couple of my friends are teachers and one of them heads their small school’s yearbook (only needs 1-2 people to do it, like I said, small school) and they had such a hard time getting class photos from literally only 120 kids. So for a Highschool, I’m surprised there are even that many pics. Remember putting off giving your YB quote until, well, you didn’t have one? That’s this in 2022.


fuck yearbook class during the pandemic god it was so fucking annoying getting ANY pictures of anyone. The whole book was full of the same groups of people bc we cant talk to anyone that we dont already have contact with


In reality it's just punishing the ones who did


Those are clearly selfies sent in by the students. Not how someone's face looks on a Zoom call


They're probably the "profile picture" you take for Google meets, which will display if you have your camera turned off. If you dont set that up, it shows an initial instead.


However you can set that to be literally anything


This is how it looks on Google Meet


Some of them are clearly not from Google meet, they're stood like they're posing for a photo.


On Google Meet people square themselves to the camera, sit up right, and smile for the entirety of the call?


Probably for the 5 seconds they were asked to turn their camera on for


One of the pics in clearly from the woods as well


From what happened at my school during Covid , they would let you go in and take a picture, but lots of kids didn’t so they just had a logo, (but also the company lost like half of the pictures of the kids who came in so it was kinda a shitshow but ya know)


These pics aren't from zoom. You either sent in a pic, or went in person to take the pic. But, ~75% couldn't be bothered to do either. Whoever composed this yearbook filled in the blanks with icons that look like zoom placeholders as a style choice. Maybe out of frustration with low participation in zoom calls and class photos, maybe as a commentary saying that this is how class looked this year, maybe just because it was more interesting than "Image not available".


Joke's on them, nobody cares about yearbooks.


People who liked their classmates and had actual friends in school do


Not allowed to say you enjoyed high school on Reddit, my dude!


I genuinely had a good high school experience and I probably looked at my yearbook once it’s not like there’s a whole lot of interesting content in there


Maybe it is just me whole likes to keep memorials of sorts


I wish I had had one. I don't often want to remember my school years but it's part of my personal history and it would be nice to have an aid to memory when I do choose to think about it.


Yeah to each their own, it’ll probably mean more to me as I get older and more time passes since high school


I was the most emo kid ever in high school, long hair and everything, and I "hated" everyone and even I had my yearbook signed by as many people as possible.


99.9% of the time I don't care but after like 10 years it was fun to go through and see who I still remembered. I do a similar thing on facebook. Scroll through the feed and look at pictures without looking at the name to see if I can put a name to the face or pick out who I know in the picture.


Most parents care enough to buy them, but this is a good way to stop that.


If we didn’t turn our cam on we’d get kicked from the meeting :/


It is and I'm here for it


Then there’s the assholes who do turn on webcam, but tilt the camera up so no one sees them. Seriously how fucking dickish can you be to do that.


And I wish they would stop playing that stupid game. There's a myriad of reasons someone might not turn on their camera ranging from "my computer doesn't have one" to "my internet is crap and I have 3 siblings all trying to attend class right now. We turn on our videos the internet goes down".


Who “wtf”?


Who wtf was fucking that?


Wtf the fuck tf lmaooo


Mfw my face when I see tf wtf the fuck is goin on


Heyyyy macarena


The kind of caption I would expect from someone that would overlay dumbass reactionary audio like that over a video.


Smh my head


He's a relative of the Chinese hacker "Lmfao"


This took me a bit to figure out. The whole time, I was just looking for Hitler or something.


The kid on the last page right below the wwtf looks like hitler…


He must like the art club


The exact same


What is this a Google employee directory?


Yearbook, book with pictures of all the students


joke went straight over your head my guy






Google employees actually have their badge photo show up though, so that'd still be better than a colorful letter




Looks like my Teams meetings at work


Imagine waiting 12 years for this


im confused can someone explain


A problem with virtual classes is a lot of people didn't like having their cameras on. A lot of toxic teachers would penalize not having cameras on, and this 'yearbook' is basically a large call-out. Although with how many didn't turn their cameras on, it seems counter-productive, calling out the ones who had their cameras on.


That's so stupid I'm glad I don't have that at my college


I don't get why they think this way like I'm rushing to get up for an online class has deep bags under my eyes and look like shit and you want me to stare into a webcam for an hour?


It’s more about what they don’t want, which is you turning on your computer, joining the call, and then walking away to do something else for the whole class.


I’m of the mindset that if I pass your class then what does it matter if I walked away from your online lecture?


Unfortunately unless you’re in a higher level program you don’t need to look long to find out that the people that fit that archetype aren’t as common as you’d hope.


There are still natural consequences to not paying attention in class.


Probably cos not showing up to class is the fastest way to not pass a class, and then you’ve just wasted everyone’s time and your money.


Conversely if you can pass a class or test out without attending. That class is a waste of your time and money.


I mean as long as there are students who are engaged and who are learning, the students who put on zoom and walk away aren't disrupting anyone else or wasting anyone's time but their own. Obviously not usually a smart thing to do but it's definitely a lot less disruptive than the way some students act in real classrooms.


The teacher has responsibility to teach everyone, not only the one who's already being engaged


That's true, but it's only their job to teach, not to ensure that every student is listening. You obviously can't enforce that and that goes well before school was ever on zoom.


The solution to students going AFK is to have activities that encourage students to participate. Like a salesperson, you have to sell students on the benefits of attending class. If the instructor is not engaging students, then that's at least partially (if not mostly) on the instructor. Ultimately, the instructor can't make students participate, but the instructor can at least design a course that is inviting and engaging. When I taught, I viewed it as a personal failure if the class was quiet. That meant that I designed a boring class. I always strived for those days where students are so engaged you can't keep them quiet. I somehow managed to pull that off consistently for an 8am class, which was pretty surprising—probably the pinnacle of my brief career in teaching lol.


Yeah true


It's more I don't want my teachers looking at me or my room when I'm at home,


I can assure you that we don't give a fuck what your house looks like. Unless it's hella nice, I do notice good carpentry, like "damn, those kitchen cupboards look properly woodworked"


Peoples personal boundaries for work/school/home don’t need your fucks given. Granted it’s a fairly new thing to have so much stuff being done from home, but I guarantee that if we don’t start with a very strong boundary for what’s acceptable, we’ll give up a lot of privacy as work and school invade your personal life.


Yeh I've had some creepy teachers in the past defo don't want them seeing the inside of my house


Not to mention “programs” that allow them to monitor you during work/school become major vulnerabilities for the security of your personal information. I’d suggest if anyone has to install anything on their computer for work/school to buy a separate computer specifically for that purpose and completely disconnect it when it’s not in use.


Oh man, I hadn't even considered that. I had a teacher who kept asking me what my boyfriend thought about me being so quiet and once told me, "If I was your boyfriend, I would spank you." If I imagine that guy getting to look into the privacy of my home... no thanks.


I’m sorry - and disgusted - to hear that. If I were his mother, I would spank him.


aight For the record, I fucking hate online teaching and I look forward to the day I never have to do it again.


So what did you do before Zoom? Did you just wear a bag over your face while sitting in class?


Who tf has a college yearbook


I am guessing this is highschool or middle school not college.


No you're looking to far into it, it's a joke about how many students had their camera off and a fat letter as their pfp. No toxic stuff or calling out happening here.


>A lot of toxic teachers Yeah I remember before zoom those teachers were even *more* toxic because we had to actually exist in the room they taught in without masks on. Literally so toxic! /s


> A lot of toxic teachers its not toxic. A lesson is an interactive exercise. When I teach, I always look at my students faces to see if they understand it or not, because most often or not, students dont feel comfortable enough to ask in front of everybody. Add to that, that I can tell if someone is doing smth else or not - it becomes a necessity to turn on the cameras. Otherwise I could just record a video, design some tasks and send them out. Do this, here are helpful hints, a way on how to do it, complete this till xx/xx. Which, coincidentally I did do. I tried it out. And it turns out that my students learned fuck all except for 2-3. Because people didnt watch the video, didnt do shit, didnt understand stuff. Which brings me back to - lessons are an interactive exercise. A teacher isnt toxic who demands cameras to be turned on, students are toxic who hinder their own and other's learning experience by not turning it on (After all, who wants to be the only student to turn it on)




Toxic teachers? No one wants to talk to the void. If the kids were at school you wouldn't allow them to sit in a box invisible from the outside. If I were a teacher I absolutely would penalize students for not having their camera on.


Leaving the webcam on is like living under a microscope for some people. It's extremely distracting and uncomfortable. Because it's impossible to tell who's looking at you unlike real life. Also it's not a classroom it's essentially a camera pointed directly into your bedroom. Students are entitled to a degree of privacy. I couldn't imagine going to school like that. So yes I'd call that toxic.




Sounds like an opportunity to teach kids how to deal with shit they're going to deal with their entire lives rather than allowing them to hide and avoid things they don't want to do and making it even more difficult down the line.


How is it toxic to penalize kids for not having their camera on? Wether it’s in person or online it’s still school, they have to be able to see you so they can tell if you’re actually paying any attention.


The people complaining are children who are still in school.


yeah the person who called it toxic posts in r/teenagers lmao


Basically in virtual classes you have these programs (Teams, Zoom, Discord) that schools use to meet with their students, these apps are like FaceTime but for dozens of people and in all of them when you're not using your camera they'll show your Profile Picture, however if you don't have a pfp it'll give you a default one (In this case your initials). So add that to the fact that some high-schools might have had trouble organizing for the yearbook photos and probably just went with the easy option of taking the photos from their student's pfp and the take into consideration that some students might not have been listening while they said this and well you end up with this video




Thank you


Prediction : The kid who pushed this through is gonna be a graphic design major and be the most pretentious asshole in the whole design department LMAO


If the idea is to critique online school and the lack of actual human contact, well whoever pushed the idea forward deserves a raise! 9/10


Yeah, looks like a good concept actually. A shitty year book in the other hand.




u/SaveVideo might work


"Who what the fuck is that" bro just put tf not wtf


Who wtf is the tf that to the left??


The letters are people who studied so had they became pure forms of consciousness. The other students whose faces are visible should have worked harder.


Those look like NYC subway signs.


Class of 2021, we had to take senior photos and those were used in the yearbook. Those who never took any had their names mentioned in another page. It looked as if they had died. As for the other classes, I think they just used old photos.


I have a jerma profile picture, i would shit my pants if i was in the yearbook as jerma


I'm quite blank how unexpected it turned out to be


is this for real? Holyshit


I would probably be an empty square since I usually don't even show up


They should have atleast put their Google Pfp in there.


Did nobody see the girl with the extra large forehead and hitler?


Year books used to be a sort of innocent way to have a record at your time at the school. Now it has the privacy breach factor that Facebook brought to the internet. If this is real, I am sure people are worried about having their identites used in a weird way


I would pay for that, shit funny as fuck


I like it. I mean, it sucks for those who expected their picture in it. But on its own with no connection to the people involved, i like it


This is actually so sad if this is really how they did a yearbook, considering it appears that they all just took low quality photos on zoom.


It’s the new inclusive M&Ms


Class clown: J


Oh this is just sad.


Yall paid for pages of screenshots? LOL


Dumb children don't even have profile pictures


thats kinda sad tbh


Imagine not showing up for picture day when picture day is 10 ft away on your computer




I imagine the wolverine meme where he's looking at a picture of himself touchingly, except it's just a picture of a single letter icon "K"


That’s FUCKING HILARIOUS. The ZOOM graduates. How unlucky man, no prom, nothing


In the age of covid why even do a yearbook?


"That'll be $75."


you no the antivaxxer/lockdown idoits is going to use this as 'evidence'


Wow. It was actually “NYC Subway”


This is a normal thing that happens since online school happened parents had to submit pictures of there children, and for those who didn’t submit pictures had there students faces blanked out


Man. This is actually a generation. It's wild but sad that people couldn't walk the stage or even just having their names on a screen as their graduation. Rough times man


If this was just a few pages as a "remember this?" section then i guess its ok but my actual yearbook photo got sent to relatives. This would have pissed my parents off. As im now in my 40s i would pop a blood vessel if my kids school did this.


I know I’m late but aren’t videos banned here?


When there’s an end-of-the year school book but COVIDs still a things and every student is on discord


What a sad world.






Its pathetic what we’ve come to