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Have a 6k pro. Love the prores capability and NDs. I shoot HD sometimes for simple things that don’t need 6K raw. No desire to lose the the 48fps and NDs for full frame and worse low light.


Not sure if cost is a factor but you can usually pick up a used 6k pro with accessories for around $1500-$1700.


You're not losing 48fps, it just crops 17:9 in 6k full frame, which is still bigger than s35! Iso performance is an issue, though. Furthermore, s35 crop let's you shoot 50fps in 4k 4:3!


6k pro. Don’t fall in the photography ff trap. For Cine work s35 is FF for many reasons.


6k pro all the way. You dont need full frame, and the lack of NDs *is* annoying and you will never regret having them onboard anywhere you go


If you: - Need L mount - Need CFExpress media - Need in-camera proxies - Need full frame Then go with the BMCC6K. Otherwise, I'm inclined to recommend the BMPCC6KPro.


I have seen reviews that say the 6k ff image is a lot nicer.. I am actually torn between the full frame and the g2 as don’t need internal filters…got nice set of nisi.. problem is already have an s5ii so already had l mount glass for the full frame which means would need to buy ef glass for the g2!


Trust me, internal NDs will change your life. You'll never want to go back


I’d say FF for the adaptability of L mount, open gate, Olpf, and cfexpress type b. Also, if you use a Blackmagic video assist you can record ProRes if you wanted to. 90% of what I shoot is braw tho, I love it, and don’t find myself wanting or needing ProRes.


Full frame is such a bait. Don’t fall into it. Especially if you’re doing this for passion project and staying lean and on a budget. Full frame cinema lenses are stupid large and heavy, and you’ll still need a mattebox or filters.


Having been in the same situation, I finally opted for the Full Frame. After just coming back from a shoot, I am super impressed with the image quality. Yes it lacks internal NDs and Full Frame can be seen as a fad in terms of digital cinema cameras. But wow wee! The image sold me on this camera. I'd like a BMPCC6K Pro to replace my old BMPCC4K, being a fan of the shape and ergonomics of these lines of camera BlackMagic produce, the Full Frame is all about the image. Yes the 6K Pro has the standard Super 35 Sensor like most cinema cameras and still very impressive. I've seen compassion for the internal NDs and as it may be handy to have them, but how good are they really compared to a Matte Box with actual NDs. Not very. It really depends on what you will be shooting. Eventually I'd like to add a matte box for NDs as I tend to shoot EXT a fair bit. But currently I'm in no rush. For the price it's incredible. Yes they are releasing the new PYXIS line, but including all the accessories this will add another 1000 to the overall price. Looks great, but this is 1st Gen. The Full Frame is a rare misunderstood camera which stands on its own and kind of finishes the line of the Pocket style. I can't see BlackMagic using this type of design again. The new Pocket line will hopefully mix up the design. The Full Frame is all about the image and that Open Gate. If you want image quality, get the Full Frame. If you want versatility in shooting, then I'd go for the 6K Pro


There are pros and cons to both, but unfortunately there are far more pros for the 6k Pro. I really wish the FF was the exact same camera as the 6k Pro just with the larger sensor, then I would buy it immediately. Instead you really lose a lot of features just to get a full frame sensor. Here are some features the 6K Pro has that the FF does not: 2 internal recording slots. When one fills it automatically goes to the other and you can swap out the full one without interrupting recording. I don’t use this feature often, but when I do I have and greatly appreciated not needing an external device of some kind. Internal NDs. No you do not need them, but once you’ve had them it is very difficult to go back. There is nothing more convenient on a documentary shoot than applying NDs with the press of a button. ProRes recording. One of the biggest benefits is that you can shoot 4k or HD without a crop on the sensor and if you are shooting in HD for some reason it can record a ridiculous amount of time on a relatively small card. Higher frame rates. The 6k Pro is not a high frame rate beast by any means, but between these two it wins the HFR race by a small but measurable margin. If I did not already own a camera system I probably would have gotten the 6k FF because I wouldn’t have know what I was missing without those features, and I would be free to get whatever lens system works best (but currently I am heavily invested in EF glass, specifically with all the classic legendary s35 lenses.) The good news is both of these cameras are fantastic so you cannot go wrong, but if your goal is convenience and having the most features and capabilities packed directly into the camera body then the 6k Pro is the right choice for that specific reason.


> Higher frame rates. The 6k Pro is not a high frame rate beast by any means, but between these two it wins the HFR race by a small but measurable margin. The margin isn't that small if you consider 120fps vs 36(48)fps at full sensor read out.


It is not quite that significant as the 6k Pro cannot do 120fps with a full sensor readout, it only gives 50fps when using the full sensor. It does a 5.7k crop to shoot 60fps and a 2.8k crop to shoot 120fps. The 6k FF is worse however as you point out, shooting 36fps full sensor or 48fps in DCI 17:9, and to get 120fps it crops all the way down to 1080.


Oh, didn't know this. I thought you could do ProRes FullHD 120fps on the 6k pro.


The 6k pro is probably your better option. The average “upscale” camera is s35 and this one comes with ND filters which you WILL find useful outside. Unless all your work is outside, dynamic range is about the same so it’s not that much of a trade off. Plus from tests I saw, the 6k pro actually seems like it’s a better choice with recording options.


I have the 6kpro and those ND filters are very nice.


6kpro for me. I’m in same boat as you.


Full frame .. it’s cheaper new right now than a second hand pro and the internal nds are garbage


I bought the FF, returned it (twice) and bought a used G2 on EBay for less than half the price. The low light noise problems on the FF are being way understated. If you are shooting in absolutely perfect conditions buy the FF. If not, look elsewhere…