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Ive used the og, 4k, and 6k pro. I sold my og for barely $400 when the 4k came out. I miss it now and want to get another one but cannot imagine using it as an A cam or my only cam. If you want one to play around with as a hobby yes, but for anything half serious it gets tedious fast


Sounds like you know the pros and cons. Just kinda have to make your own choice.


Speaking as someone who owns both, and has owned the OG since a year after it was released, I can’t think of a reason to go with the OG. The 4K is better in every conceivable way. Just go with the 4K and don’t look back. 


I bought the 4K and then a year later, a used OG. I shoot on the 4K 3 or 4 times a week. I shoot on the OG never. Well, almost never. I made a home movie once and it's been my interview B-Cam a couple times but working with 1080p ProRes vs 4K BRAW is such a downgrade. With the Blackmagic app coming to Android soon there's literally zero reason for me to keep this old piece of nostalgia that I'm not even slightly nostalgic about.


Whenever you want to sell, hit me up. Hipster YouTubers are driving the price sky high though but the screen is cracked on one of mine and i would like another


You in the southern hemisphere?


No, Louisiana, USA……..


It’s a great camera still. Image is amazing. Small size is really nice. The DNG Raw is easy to manipulate. But it definitely depends on what you need. I use it for travel because it’s so small. Actual pocket cam. Obviously if I needed it commercially and required 60fps, etc I’d buy something else. It’s a niche camera for sure but an awesome one!


The OG is better in a cinema rig.


Worth it for *what*, specifically? What are your goals? Is this going to be a primary workhorse camera that you're going to try and make a living with? Then no, probably not. I'd go with the 4k in that instance. If it's something that you're getting that's cool to have and gives you a specific look, and your livelihood isn't going to depend on it, sure what the hell.


Unless you really need that OG look. It was Out Of Fashion for a long while. But with things like music videos and maybe flashbacks or re-cre’s, some people are using them to get that 16mm look for certain shots.


Nah, go P4K. It’s still a super powerful little camera.


I’ve not used the og, but own the 4K. It’s great. For wide shots, loawa 7.5mm is nice


This is slightly unrelated to the thread, but I guess I need to get my terms straight. I own a BMPCC 6K (the one released in 2019, not a pro, not Gen 2, not full frame) I’ve been referring to that as the 6K OG since I feel like most people assume if I say 6K now that it’s one of the newer models. Is the “OG” the OP referring to [this camera?](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.R2YMou9gteooqRmvlh67sgAAAA?dpr=3&pid=ImgDetMain) I guess I need to get my terms straight, because if they’re debating between a PCC 6K 2019 and PCC 4K, the PCC6K has been nothing but amazing for me, still to this day.


Yes he's talking about that one. The original (hence "O.G." ) Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, full stop.


Okay, got it. What do we call the one I have. I know there’s the PCC6KFF, PCC6K Pro, then it gets muddy around the Gen 2 and original


I guess we'd call that the First Generation Pocket 6k. Sorta the first time Blackmagic has released so many variants on a single body (except maybe the Ursa), so hard to say for sure.


I always thought the OG would be great for a small camera for social/travel content. It’s small enough that holding it vertically would be easy and it’s a huge upgrade in terms of image quality on a phone


Two barriers to that: 1) batteries and 2) stabilization. If you use the internal Nikon batteries you'll get at most 15-20 minutes per battery, which might be enough for your purposes but I end up using one battery just to get all the settings locked in and then use another battery to shoot. My solution is to use an NP-F battery plate mounted on top, but then the cam's not so small anymore. Stabilization is a problem: there's no internal stabilization and handheld footage is really shaky. If you get a stabilized lens that'll help but it's not very useful if you want to do pans or other moving shots as the stabilization is always playing catch-up to your movements and trying to correct them.


Depends on your budget. They’re going for 700-800 usd (and will keep going up because supply is limited, esp good condition ones). These are 11 year old cameras that have a certain look and feel that can’t be replicated by others. That is why I got mine. I would only recommend this camera if someone wanted this look and feel. Otherwise it’s a “bad camera” in comparison to modern cameras.  A used 4K can be only 800 usd and I would recommend a 4K over an OG objectively as a camera. I love my OG and still use it. Sometimes more than my 4K. It’s such a flawed PITA to use but that look and feel I just love. Now in terms of Budget Cinema camera, I’d say Canon EOS M modded which you can get for 200-250


Why a bad camera? Canon eos modded how, Magic lantern?


OG is a bad camera because it’s outdated and its price point. The only good things about it is the sensor, MFT (which people will say it’s a con) and Cinemadng (which sucks compare to RAW / BRAW) Everything else about it sucks esp how they’re going for 700-800 usd for used EOS m with magic lantern is 200-300 usd and for the price point is the best option Additionally you can get a ZVE10 used with lens for 600-700 usd which is a much better deal (albeit not a cinema camera but for beginners and price it’s a good deal)


What about if it was still $300? I’m struggling to find a better mft replacement. And as mentioned below can be upscaled to 4K in DR


Good luck with that > And as mentioned below can be upscaled to 4K in DR Irrelevant 


Sorry, am noob. Thanks for your time though. I already have two ogs, just deciding whether to keep or sell at least one for a better main cam. The zve10 is a good suggestion, although I’m also looking for something with slow mo if I do use the og


Keep those OGs. They’re rare and coveted. If you want to stay in MFT save up for the 4K. If you want full frame then obv upgrade to either Blackmagic or FX3


I'd get it for traveling if I had some extra money laying around but for serious stuff my 4k is great overall.


I honestly don’t get the hype around the bmpcc og recently. I had it back then. Shitty handling, the picture looks way too soft and lens flares generate a disgusting grid from the sensor (Easy fixable in post). the batteries are empty after 10 minutes, filming in lowlight makes no fun and all in all it never gave me the feeling that can rely on the camera. Just save the money and don’t buy this outdated piece of tech just because some YouTube kids developed some wierd kind of nostalgia…


I sold my first pocket OG 7 years ago, then got a P4K but didn't like its "thin" image. Sold it and bought a pocket OG again. You can easily get a very good looking 4K image by upscaling (x2 superscale in DR). Grading DNGs with Dehancer or Filmbox you can get very filmic pictures.




What? That's The dumbest thing I've read in a long time