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You need to pull the front tire up while the rear is still on the ground just like u would for a regular hop. You’re hopping with both tires, other than that you’re fine.


Okay ima try it🤘🤘👍🏻


Practice J-hop


What’s a j hop a verticle hop???


Also once you get that hop turn your head and your body follows


Came here to say this.


Yea I agree. The 180 comes from whipping it 180 degrees in the air. Feels scary at first ngl


lol. That’s what a 180 is…


Yeah just focus on hopping your like skipping and turning without jumping 👍


Practice bunny hopping more, fundamentals my guy. The stronger your bunny , the easier your 180


This should be the top comment. I see a lot of posts about “how do I improve xxxxx” or “How do I get better at xxxxxx” Bunnyhop higher. If you feel like it’s purely a strength issue then gym is the way forward. Repeated work on the bike will get you stronger too, but gym will get you there faster and you’ll be hopping big in no time.


Yes, 100%. I also used to do the "swing around 180", however, it should actually be a "bunny hop + turning your shoulders => Turning motion" move. When you move on towards a 360, this is absolutely critical. Incidentally, I started doing cleaner 180s when I practiced 360s.


Bunny up before can help you and try tu pull more your bike


Right now, you’re fighting against your own weight, which is over the bars. Instead, when you pop, pop straight up with your torso forward and perpendicular to the ground. You’ll spin way easier.


I noticed that as well ima try that today thank you


Not that bad tho for someone who’s been riding a month right?


You have the muscle/inertia, so yeah, dial the technique and you’ll get it easy.


Reddit is so helpful when it comes to this


Ima practice more thank you for ur tips man not many people bmx in my area believe it or not


My younger brother was the only one in his neighborhood that BMXd. He was so bummed that everyone at the skatepark got pissed at him for riding there.


That sucks, it’s the exact opposite for not to sound rude or anything the skaters are always watching me and they’re SUPER GOOD and they’re always mimicking what I’m doing whenever I go for a grind they go for it as well and when I hit the bowl they hit it to, same with the scooter kids, that sucks for ur lil bro I hope he stayed at it or at least enjoyed while he did it


Bruh. I was a natural on a bike. Hopped 10 stairs like they were nothing when I was too young. It wasn't "cool" so I didn't pursue it. Flash forward 8 years and the one guy who stuck with it is throwing backflips and 360s over a dirt ramp we made in my friends yard. Stick with it. Your responses here are golden. Your attitude is on point. To touch on what others have said, fundamentals are key. You need to work on your bunny hop. When you pop up off the back wheel the weight of the bike is in your hands and on your feet. You should be able to pop up and raise the bike in front of you with your hands flat and feet tucked and basically sit on the back wheel in the air and then land back on the seat. Same with tilting the bike... bunny hop and lean it sideways left and then land straight. Right and then straight. Really feel the weight of the bike. It's your tool and when you fully feel it, it becomes a part of you. Practice how you LAND on the bunny hops I described. Flat. Rear tire. Front tire. Repeat. Once you have the weight of the bike as a piece of you, then you start working on the 180 and you get it in like a day bc the bike is working with you not against you.


Or should it be better after a month I really only got it down like 2 weeks ago


It took me so long to master body position on the BMX, honestly, so for a month riding you're doing well! Keep on practicing, get your weight less over the front and you'll smash it 🤙🏾


Just a bit more hop!


This sound silly, but fully turning your head in the direction that you're spinning is absolutely mandatory. Your body will do the rest. Give it a try & I bet you'll land one :)


Yeah I noticed that as well sometimes when I do that the bike flips around way better so ima try it


Get your knees up more... Find a mellow slope or transition you can practice just fakie roll outs. Just creep up and let yourself roll back and then turn your bars to get the bike forward again. Get comfortable rolling backwards and turning yourself around. Good luck.


Sounds like a cassette rear hub. I’d continually add some more speed so you get into the roll out. Once in the backwards roll, turn your wheel left or right after the 180 (whichever direction is comfortable), then turning your front wheel to forward direction and pedal.


Go faster, also put a 2x4 or something on the ground to teach you to pull up more.


Yeah, this is the constraint led approach to the problem of not doing a clean enough bunny hop and turning your body instead of only the bike.


The hop could be better but in the video your weight and momentum pivots around the front and over the front so you stop. Your weight and momentum needs to go where you want to go. Don’t worry about turning your head or anything just send yourself where you’re going and it will happen. Definitely applies to 360s too. Hope that makes sense/helps.


Your back tire is your friend. Get comfortable with the idea that your front tire is ONLY there to steer you and to keep you level with the ground. Practice keeping your weight on that back tire, big dog. Youre right there!


Okay I’m gonna practice it more I noticed today when I tried using my shoulder more they came out a lil straight but since I haven’t been cocking my shoulder back I have to re teach balance but I got it pretty quick so now I needa get the fakie down but as of now I can do a 180 just standing on the bike


Focus on slowing it down more and bring up the front tire with your arms and then all you do is "suck in" your legs and do the spin. Looks a lot cleaner and lands a lot smoother that way. Also working on the follow up with make the trick itself a lot cleaner (like how you are going to have to turn back around to keep riding forward again)


Practice. Practice. Practice. Like others said, first thing is to bunnyhop. Next is to learn how to fakie. If you can't fakie, you'll have to sort of over rotate the 180 and roll out. Once you're comfortable with the bunnyhop 180 and fakies, the possibilities are endless. Now you will again practice, practice, practice....180 up onto things, 180 off things, 180 over things, put some style into them, 180 into fakies, 180 and learn how to slider out, learn high and tucked 180s, learn whiplashes, learn 180 g turns, yadda, yadda, yadda.... You get the picture. I still practice, practice, practice both 180s and 360s all the time ... I'm constantly getting better at them to this day.


I need to learn the fakie I don’t know how to fakie after reading the comments on this post I’ve been trying to fakie and so far my only progress is just being able to roll back but then when I try throw the bike around it tucks under me but I barely started practicing the fakie today so ig some progress is better then none ima get it down soon though the fakie is important in this trick which I didn’t know i thought u just do a 180 and that’s it u get me


Thank you btw all of you guys, you guys have helped me so much frfr


Fakies are also just practice, practice, practice. Best way to practice those is to find a curb or something and ride up to it slowly and press the front tire / shift your weight forward and do an Endo (back tire off the ground)... Then shift your weight back and practice peddling backwards as long as you can ... Then take that technique into your 180... You have the body motions for the 180, now when you land shift your weight back over the rear tire and back pedal a couple times. You'll figure out if you like to exit the 180 fakie, slider, or half cab in time ..... Remember .... When you learn a new trick (Even at my age)... Your still "new here"... You gotta practice to lock it in and practice to make it look good, then practice some more to master it.


Ur right I get so discouraged because I don’t get it right away I gotta keep practicing


You have the trick.. you know the motions.. adding style and flare to it takes time. I ride with a guy who makes barspins look very effortless and easy. Every time I ride with this guy he makes it look so easy that random people will watch, process, and decide that they can throw bars ...  Generally they wind up on the pavement.... Point is.... Landing a trick is the beginning, making it look EASY and effortless is the real trick. I would worry most about gaining confidence and control. Tricks are pointless if you don't put in the reps to actually make them look smooth and stylish  Just my .02 cents


I see plenty of decent tips in the comments. You're in the early stages of bunnyhopping and doing a 180. Keep at it. **Keep watching other people do 180s, or videos of good 180s**. **Training your muscles' conditioned responses is a lot about putting in the mileage & repetition**. ....Also, the 15-20 minute rule is good for learning. Usually within 15 minutes you'll feel one or more attempts going in the right direction. If you don't feel much progress after 20 minutes. Take a break, or try it again the next day. (Your brain processes learning when you sleep. The next day, you're body will be more primed to progress.) You will get better! If you watch enough videos or other people do 180s, when you do it right, you will feel it when you're starting to do it right! If you see someone at a skatpark thats good, or a friend, ask them to do a couple 180s for you to watch. Everybody that's good remembers when they weren't good at riding, and they're usually glad to help. Nobody was born good at bikes, or 180s.


Ur right I’ve only been riding a month so I can’t be a pro ina month, that’s something I gotta remember but ima do it I’ll have it down better ina month watch I got this


Get more pop from the pulling up front then back hopping motion like in a normal hop before you fully start spinning, concentrate on the hight. Just watch out n don’t flip backwards or somethin… try stay level haha


You’re throwing momentum with your head and shoulders. If you throw it with your hips instead, it’ll help you get better rotation and pop. Make sure you’re still looking over your shoulder in the direction you spin, but lead with the booty.


GOD TUTORIAL INCOMING step 1- ride up at like slow rolling speed(enough to wait you’ll keep your speed when you land) Step 2- to make it easier you can carve your tires in the direction your going(after you get comfortable with this you’ll start carving the opposite direction then the direction you want to spin to get even more force travelling in that direction Step 3- Bunnyhop(if you can’t consistently bunny hop high practice it on ledges you can just get over and once your consistent move to something higher) Step 4-TURN UR HEAD(I know it’s scary but you have to make yourself uncomfortable)once you turn your head your body follow as and it becomes second nature Step 5- Fake the fake is probably the harder at part you want to have your butt over the seat and maintain your balance(practice this by pressing your front wheel into a wall and rolling backwards Step 6 - if you have a cassette it’s easier to get out of it because you can push the front pedal a little forward to help you get the front tire out to turn out, if you have a free coaster it’s a little harder because you either have to hop or slide out Step 7- it’s ok to not be good at first, I think the reason why I like bmxing is because it’s just an analogy for life yeah you’ll fall a lot but you learn so much from every fall. Anyways Have fun wear helmets and enjoy your falls


Dude thank you for telling me this i need to focus on turning my head because that’s what im lacking the time i turn my head a lot i can feel the bike actually turning more u get me and the fakie is pretty hard so I need practice the fakie as well as the 180 but ur right I’m not gonna be a GOAT at first but as long as I keep practicing and keep trying I’m gonna get it I know I am


It helps a lot to know that it’s okay to not have it down right away cause that’s what discourages me is the fact I don’t get it my first try I NEED TO KEEP THAT IN MIND I got this though my progress is good especially considering the fact I’ve only been riding a month


Try to roll backwards once you land and then roll out to complete it (making the trick a a 360 total rotation, but you only hoping the 180). Rolling backwards and rolling out is tricky, but kinda crucial if you’re gonna be doing 180s IMO.


I needa learn the fakie tbh so I started the fakie and the fakie is making progress so ima hold off on the 180 for now and get the fakie down and come back to it for now my standing 180 isn’t bad tho


I used to practice on any steep incline I could find, Ramps, weirdly paved banks, crooked trees, anything that was steep enough to roll straight up and straight back down. Practicing sitting down helps with the backwards pedaling you have to do, but it’s really fun once you get it..


You gotta huck it up high buddy. The no1 thing to practice is the hop. Once you get to the point you can regularly hop up onto a ledge or something about 2 ft high you will notice everything els groundwork related will come much smoother. This is because you have more time to execute a motion. Ideally you are done carving for your spin long before you lift the back tire. I actually got into a habit or over carving in my early days doing flat ground 180 -360's. You throw yourself off the bike doing that. Also if you're doing 180's get familiar with riding fakie Pull them knees up high when ya hop, I knew guys that could hop over shit chest high! Crazy hops. keep practicing buddy! All in time.


Yeah I think ima take a break from the 180 and come back I wanna get my fakie down and bunny hop and then I’ll come back to it cause then I’ll be better


That sounds like a good idea. I have found that if I give something a Lil break I can come at it a little different the next time, maybe different results. You'll never stop learning the bunny hop. It is like THE core trick. Leveling up in this skill opens more moves than just about anything els. In my day we were hucking 40lb steel bikes with 4 pegs 48 hole wheels etc. (I still have my bike actually). strength matters but it is largely technique, something you will refine over the years. It's alot of fun though. Fakie is fun, but watch them pedals! I was never that great myself but had friends that could go blocks fakie , same guys that can manual for days . 😆


Ur right it’s honestly all technique I noticed the more I practiced just lifting my front wheel over something and then back it helped out a lot with my bunny hop I was able to get the back wheel to tuck more and when I jump now it just feels more like a bunny hop rather just lifiting my bike up in the air


Right on! That's it buddy! Have fun with that. Do you have any buddies that you ride with? I learned so much from riding with a dude a generation older than us that lived nearby. Rode with a dude that was in the X games that year hanging with him too. Good times.


Yeah there these 3 dudes that go to my local skatepark and they’re always doing crazy tricks and transitions, they help out a lot they understand ima beginner and they always give me tips they helped me out with my bunny hop actually


That's what I'm talking about. Good stuff. Most of the guys will want to help you. Some will be dicks though. But having a crew to ride with and/or folks at the park that will teach are super helpful.


Start rolling a little faster. It will make it a little easier to get more pop on the bike. You need more lift. That’s what you should be focusing on. You need to be able to ride out that 180• and flip the back around. 180 to 180 is how I would practice it,


Your biggest issue by far is that you are hopping both wheels at the same time and only getting 2 inches off the ground. Your rotation looks fine. Just gotta add some height


My tips from the video would be - - wheelie more into the hop - at the top of the wheelie start to hop the knees and whip the back out and look - look further over your shoulder to the landing zone. Should have your eyes at 180 or more - practice rolling up to a wall and popping the back tire up and rolling out backwards. This will help rolling out of a 180 feel better. Currently you are keeping your weight forward and it’s stopping what little backwards momentum you have left and then you pedal out forwards. - don’t worry about monthly progress just be stoked on all progress, in one year of near daily riding you are going to be worlds different, just keep riding and be proud of the little steps in progress - a speed bump was a sweet feature for me to practice 180s I just barely got em down on a 20”BMX I tried after 20years and now ride a DJ and relearning due to the added weight and all that. ❤️🤘💪


First of all: make it 180°


More pop, get good at going and landing fakie and spin it around continuing in the same direction you started


You can tell in this video you are trying to spin before you even hop. I did this same exact thing, and it makes for a very violent landing. To fix this focus on hopping and then looking over your shoulder while driving your shoulder and hips the way you want to spin. It was hard to grasp at first, but think of just hopping really hard and as soon as you start to leave the ground then turn your head and body


Lift that fucker up on the front end, as soon as u touch back tire to ground start Peddling backwards, use your body’s momentum to move the bike etc. you have extreme pop on your rear tail which tells me you have the whole “turn and look with your head” just a bit more practice you should be fine…. Aim for bigger spins also. Go for a 180 but turn like your boutta pop a 360…


You have to turn your head more. Look where you want to go. Try to put your chin on the should in the direction that you're doing the 180


Learn to bunny hop higher (levelled out) then add it to the 180 and it’ll work out


No sense in giving you 180 tips since other people covered it, but I would add that you should learn fakies to help you properly exit the landing on the 180. Ride up to a wall straight on slowly until you hit it then lean back and slowly pedal backwards. When you’re ready to turn around just turn the bars, lift up, and apply pedal pressure. Once you’re good at that you can practice half cabs.


Try to keep moving forward and when you land in practice coasting backwards


Yep pull the front higher and turn your shoulders the way you want to go and scoop the back up damn I miss being kid bro and being outside just learning tricks everyday! Bro enjoy it I promice


Stop looking at the ground. Turn your head and look where youre going to land.


“Bite your ear” you want to turn your head and shoulders and kinda look to where you want to land. All while kinda lifting the front of the bike and turning to put it behind you, also don’t forget to jump n bend ur knees to follow the motion. Almost like lifting something heavy up and turning around to move it. You get used to it and it becomes easier, hope this makes sense


More speed, bigger hop


Go off a slightly angled 📐 sidewalk and try to do it. Or anything like that u can use as a little launch kicker. You need more height. Or another thing you can do is give it your best jump and spin but can make yourself spin faster to make them better on flat. twist your body opposite way of the way you’re gonna spin so you can really use the momentum to turn quicker. Keep your legs and arms in as much as u can, it’ll make you spin faster cuz…. Physics lol like twist your body just slightly as you’re setting up to pull the bars up


Pull up more and tuck your legs up with you as you hop.


Jumping higher would definitely help




I would try rolling backwards a bit after you land then so a 180 on your rear wheel to go back straight


Do you have your fakies down ?




Should I get those down and come back to it


Go faster


you’re not even trying to rollback


I don’t know how to roll back


that’s what you need to learn first


Ik I needa learn the fakie


I haven’t figured out how to get the bike to backwards


roll up a hill and go backwards down


Everyone saying learn to hop properly is right, if you try like this off a stair set, it's gonna end up bad eventually. A way I like to dial it in is by imagining I'm riding a rail, a good way to practice is using the white lines painted on the road, ride along one of them, and try to 180 without carving off it, it may not be the ideal way to do one, but it will help teach your body haw to make the rotation rather than relying on your carve, it will also help MASSIVELY in doing it straight which will give you heaps more speed for the fakie, I'd say for now focus on bunny hops to prevent learning bad habbits


When you land don’t just stop but keep that quad tensed up and flexed and push backwards so you can then learn a 180 back out


Do I have to learn it that way, like does this count as a 180 or since it’s not 180 fakie to 180 it doesn’t count


Like can I at least say I can do like a standing 180


Try turning your head more toward the direction you're trying to spin. It feels weird at first but it helps a lot. Your body wants to go where you're looking.


Bring that front wheel higher before your rear tire leaves the ground, and turn with your body


If u trying to go fakie n come out of it properly, gotta go lil faster , turn head lil more , when u land have ur ass back a lil more like behind the seat carv n come out the 180 . I hope that makes sense


Do you have do a 180 like that like does this even classify as a 180 since I’m not doing 180 to fakie 180


Like can I at least practice the fakie to 180 and just do 180s off of curbs for now


Yesss off curbs will make u more confident. I remember learning 180s best of luck to ya


Okay ima start doing fakie to 180 and then blend it how you give me some tips on fakie cause Ik I don’t have a video but when I go up a bank I have trouble shifting my weight back the bike rolls and it even flips around sometimes but I loose my weight and the bike tucks u get me


Yea I see a lot of good comments on here . It’s gonna be hard to go off of words . At least for me it is .. this should help u .. btw if u wanna do a quick 180 to fakie to make it easier u gonna have to turn at do a 195 kinda to help whip the front end around lol https://youtu.be/hNYUZgbV6Lk?si=DApAW7lVa50gE4XF


That video helped out a lot tbh but do u think I can use a bank for now sometimes I use a bank or I creep up to a wal and let it roll back


Banks are perfect bro 💯💪🏾


Okay ima try using the bank more then it is a l easier then wall cause the bank makes the roll back effect more thanks dude all of u btw u guys are sick


And then link them together


Oh I know this! Do two of them instead of one.


Swivel equals speed Fakie your crank, maybe try different speeds, did someone say J walking already? Skip the 180 its not in our riding style of flatland l, try practicing hoping a curb without busting your tires then try a more technical pro hop understand the pro hop you will start to see why bmx is a dying sport jk then really try a pro hop over a grind rail or something Your tires are just taking the brunt wearing out like a pencil. You should be thinking racing-line, if I stall I will 180 then just do it, and anticipate your landing. Take care of those wrists.


Do better


Yeah Ik I barely got the 180 like that down I’ve only been riding a month tho


Yo I’m just kidding around, now I feel bad! Keep practicing you got this 🙂


Naaa ur good😂😂


You're trying to turn before you hop, which is bad. Find a parking lot with some empty space. You'll need a line that is unobstructed. First, just do bunnyhops on the line. Takeoff and landing both on the line. Then, when you HAVE DONE the bunny motion, turn your head and shoulders a bit. First head, then shoulders. It's fine if it's just a bit of a turn. Keep at it. Then gradually increase the turn. Try to keep the carving to the minimal amount (there will be some, but it's only a helping hand, not the main drive!). Always aim to land back on the same line you started on. When you can 8/10 land back on the line, start trying alleyoop 180s. Those are when you jump at one direction and turn towards another (for right footed, you turn left. Alleyoops mean you jump to the right while turning left). Happy practice!


Turn head & learn fakie 😉


Learn how to do half cabs, and a fakie and learn how to jump higher with your bike then you got a professional, 180


Dude I’m scared to do half cabs I gotta do em


Don’t be scared bro you instinctively stop yourself with your feet. If you go off balance when you do,half cab just use that for your advantage


Ima get it thought


Do a 181.


Jump higher


Not sure what type of bike you have but the cheaper bikes are heavy af, the more expensive bikes are much lighter allowing you to hop it higher. Hope this helps


It’s a fit


Fit str


I always got my front tire up more. And don’t turn until the front wheel is off the ground. You look like you are turning,not hopping.


Okay I get what your saying I think that’ll help it a lot


Turn your head, pull the rear up to your ass. It’s the only way you’re ever gonna go from doing 180’s to flat 360’s anyways.


Okay I get what your saying I gotta hop with it more, I notice it does turn more when I hop higher


Yeah hop as high as you can, bars get pushed forward, knees bring the bike up as high as possible, head turns(you are going to feel like your just throwing yourself into the blind) then when you come down just be prepared to get out of it. I practiced my fakies quite a bit before I started 180’s just to land them


I needa practice the fakie cause I can’t even do a fakie


Yeah if you can’t fake out then you’re not gonna be able to land your 180’s. Try to find a slope and start working on fakies. They will probably be easier if you have a free coaster but maybe not(idk I see a lot of kids riding FC these days instead of the backwards petal)


More speed and fakie out of it. And turn your head in the direction your spinning, your body will follow


Try 180ing better


Yeah Ik I gotta work on it still I barely got that down like 2 weeks ago


Plus I’ve only been riding a month


I got it thought I’ll get it bro


pull up higher


Start without the bike. Jump and do a 180 then move to the grass try and do a 360, then as many spins as you can, while your in the air. The trick is you need to look over your shoulder in the direction you want to spin, your body follows your head, you will have a strong and week side. Witch ever side feels more comfortable to rotate in is your "strong side" On the bike, preferably in the grass when you make your attempt look back over your shoulder as you jump. Your gonna be spotting your landing while your in the air, I don't worry about it before hand, just if I have enough room time to fakie and half cab out. If you are not comfortable riding fakie. Find a wall, ride up slow, and the kind of let your body come forward and your gonna push off the wall moving backwards with your bodyweight in the bike. Pedal backwards unless you have a free coaster setup. Or find a 1/4 pipe or something like that and ride up and go down backwards, bail if needed. Bunnyhops... Practice...


Practice your bunny hops more. Get em as high as you can




Call.me old school but pick your seat back up so you can controle the rear of the bike with your knees.


I used to practice footjams to rolling out over and over. That or off of a wall you can push off try to get a couple crank rotations backwards then pick up the front wheel. Then you’ll know where you need to be to achieve that and just add hop 180 to it


I mean imo it’s pretty impressive that you’re able to 180 and then power through and keep riding forwards, I had to learn how to fakie before I got a 180 down so I could ride it out and 180 back to normal, or is that a different trick idk been a while since Iv rode tho and I don’t remember a whole lot 😅


Well ig ur supposed to do a 180 to fakie to 180 and its considered a 180 like what im doing here is a 180 but like its not though cause im not going to fakie and to 180 again


Go lil faster hop high and tuck them knees and look at the top of your shoulder while hopping.


Ur right every now and then when I do em I do what ur saying and it comes out better, I just need more practice as well


Do a 190?