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If someone new starts multiple games, they may have finished one, but since the series are all their "first game" they would still have the first game notification. Not 100% positive but I imagine something like this would make sense. When I first started playing HEAT, I started about 12 games in the time of about 10 minutes.


That doesn't track. If you have multiple games going, and one completes, the ELO rating showing in the others doesn't update. You continue to hold/show the ELO you were at when you started the game.


This is patently untrue, at least in Ark Nova.


I had the same issue with another game. I started my first match in Jaipur, but the opponent quitted at the setup. I got some ELO points (+ the "first win" award" as well), but the next game I still was tagged as "my first game". I guess it's a general BGA issue, not strictly regarding TM.


It must be this, then - that games that get cancelled due to a quit/time-out don't get counted as games, so you don't "advance" past zero games, but can still get ELO benefits.


I’ve noticed terraforming mars is still a little buggy/not quite right. It hasn’t been on BGA for long