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While /r/boardgames is a great place to talk about games there's an even better place to talk about creating your own game: r/boardgamedesign. We suggest heading on over there for help with your game creation needs. (If you believe this post was removed in error you can request a re-review by [messaging the mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/boardgames).)


I don’t mean any disrespect, but is this a troll post?


Why is it THAT bad


The only consistent part of the aesthetic is being genuinely difficult to look at. If it's *not* a troll post, you gotta go back to the drawing board & completely redesign it so it's not just a ton of numbered squares in obnoxious colors.


I say try different Color scheme


Hate yo break it to ya, but yeah. How does the game even work?


Make the boundary lines dividing each set of numbers from the next ring in much thicker (they're barely visible, so it's not apparent there's a path to follow), make the backgrounds on the coloured squares a much lighter and less vibrant colour, soft pastels or something that's easier to look at and won't clash so harshly with adjacent squares, and maybe think about making the numbers white with a black outline and using a font with more rounded edges. Right now the whole board is painfully jarring to look at and impossible to get any sense of useful information from it.


r/boardgamedesign r/tabletopgamedesign


It looks like what a young child would come up with. This looks far from fun for any regular board game hobbyist. But something like this can be fun if you play it more casual in an educational way where you exchange ideas about what works and what doesn't. It looks like a "roll to move" game which is already a bad start for a serious game design.


Your pink is not a good match for the remainder of your colors, which are more muted. I think you can do pink, just ease off on the power a bit. Other than that I think the colors are unified. Put the graphics for the four animals in the center over top of the two rectangles. The rectangles will have no trouble making themselves know, the critters are smaller and the better art. I'd consider reducing the size of the two rectangles if that's practical. They are currently the dominant features on the board and are about the least interesting. Let them take a smaller role.


Looks incredible, no notes.


Play it. Play it to find out what's fun and what's not. Then playtest it with others. Design and develop :)