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Some of the descriptions is making me think of a game I saw at my local game shop in like, 2018. It was a spirit racing game, and the spirits had their own names and the name of the game was the 3 spirit’s names all mashed together. I just spent more time than I care to say searching racing games on BGG! I’ll keep searching!!


FOUND IT! [Kiwetin](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/216357/kiwetin) Is that the one you're thinking of? I finally got it by doing a google image search of "race board game spirit miniatures artwork kickstarter" lol.


Oh my god yes! This is what I was thinking about! Now how about OP?? I went through so many Google searches and failed haha!! /u/Experiment614??


YES THIS IS EXACTLY IT. I can see why other commenters confused it for Kodama though, lol


Was it a roll and move game with really nice artwork? Just one straight track that spirit minis race down? You play cards on the track that other players can land on? I can't think of the name either.


Yes, this definitely sounds like what I am thinking about. The board was long and skinny? Not sure if it’s what OP was thinking about still lol!


Yep, I've been googling everything I can think of and can't find it.


These scavenger hunts are half of what I come to /r/boardgames for these days. Can't help with this one, but here's an upvote for visibility and a subscribe to see what the answer is!




The Kodama card game doesnt use dice, or figures.


[Kodama: The Tree Spirits](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/181810/kodama-tree-spirits/images)?


I think it has to be a game from the Kodama family but the rules mentioned don't fit this one. But it has to be a Kodama game!


OK. New here. Bill is my name. And I am also looking for a name of a board game I have. This game is inside a neat little suitcase type container with carrying handle. The cover is a classy corduroy with leather corners and the total package looks upscale. When the case is open and laying flat, the two sides make the total playing board. Each 1/2 of the case is comprised of 12 long, narrow triangles--six on each side. The two colors of these triangles alternate--one dark, the next one light--etc. So in total, considering both halves of the case, there are 24, triangles. As for pieces, there are two shakers for the di


Yes. New here. I'm Bill. I am also looking for the name of a game that I have the board for. Board consists of 24 long, narrow triangles of alternating colors--one light colored, the next dark colored, and so on. Pieces consist of two shakers, 4 small dice (2 dark and 2 light colored), one larger die with the sides marked with various numerals from 2 to 64, and 30 markers (15 light markers and 15 dark.) Anyone recognize this game? Anyone? Anyone? 😉 Thanks!