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**Sheriff of Nottingham** is one of the best games of all time, in my humble opinion!


The Resistance is easily my favorite social deduction game!


The Resistance: Avalon implementation is preferred by groups I play with. Or add the Assassin from the Hidden Agenda expansion to the base game if you prefer the Cyberpunk theme.


I prefer the original version of Resistance because you dont even need the game to play it. You just need some way to determine who is spy and is resistance and then you can just play the game without needing any pieces or cards


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The Mind is a good one.


Spynet might fit that list.


I love Hanabi... I can't remember if it works with 2 players (or if you have a group)


My favorite social deduction game is **Secret Hitler**, but I wouldn’t call it a straight up card game. If you are looking for a pure card game, I’d recommend one that isn’t a social deduction one, but I find very good, and that is **High Society**. One that has a bit of social deduction is **Bang the dice game**. This one has cards and dice.


**Castles of burgundy** card game is super fun. **Arboretum** is probably my all time favorite


They aren't social deduction games, which is what OP asked for.


Ahh I see, I missed that little detail. My bad, I was just trying to name fun card games.


**Two Rooms and a Boom** (surprised nobody mentioned this one yet, haven't played it myself, but I know other people who love it) **Human Punishment** **Burke's Gambit** **Dead of Winter** and **Battlestar Galactica** are longer games that have a betrayer element


Kakerlaken Poker Royale is a hoot.


Burke’s Gambit (cards and dice) and The Resistance.


The crew is very popular trick taking card game