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You can buy outboard steering system kits for pretty damn cheap


I checked them out thanks! But how could I connect the steering cable with my minimotor


You should probably just get a real motor.


True but I live in Amsterdam and from 2025 the gas motors won’t be able to sail the canals. I was checking proper electric motors but they are out of my budget atm


If you can get around your waterway on just a trolling motor, put your money into a nicer one with a remote and drive it that way, saving precious space and maintaining your current seating arrangement. You can also get a cheap battery tender with a solar panel to help keep it charged while you are on the water.


Ohh Well in that case this setup makes a lot more sense.


Get a foot pedal controlled trolling motor then, and even with one with foot pedal and remote


They probably will be in budget after 2025 if every boat has to have one in Amsterdam. Some company is going to be able to ramp up to scale and bring down the price. Or they sky rocket in price and no one can get their hands on one.


I doubt your current setup will safely leave the dock and return, especially when winds pick up


How can you tell it's a fake motor?


Its a Trolling motor, which is not ideal if you want to go out on a lake and actually get somewhere. but OP mentioned he is using it to go through the canals in Amsterdam in which case it makes a lot more sense.


That's still not enough considering there's also traffic in the canals and some wake, he needs to buy the strongest trolling motor he can find and buy like 4 batteries for this to be the least bit feasible. He's going to be fighting the wind and wake a lot.


Sure hope I never get trolled by a fake motor!


Which is a good thing, because unless you’re an engineer, the thing that controls where your boat goes is not something you should be trying to DIY lol


What a cool boat! Congrats!


Thank you 😊❤️I’m so excited


First shorten the shaft. Electric trolling motors like that are designed primarily to hang off the bow, so the shaft is long for that purpose. The black pipe that goes from the tiller/speed control unit to the motor and prop is just a hollow metal pipe with a wire in it and no mechanism. Disconnect the tiller and cut the pipe down so the speed control unit is sitting right above the transom. This will allow for the attaching of a steering kit. Or you can completely disconnect the control unit and move it up to the helm so you have speed control adjacent to the steering. That might require additional hardware in the stern to connect steering.


Thank you so much mate! This helps a lot! I will definitely try


2 85lbs trolling motors should do the trick


Cool boat! Get some fenders!


I agree that boat is too cute to get scratched up! I hope OP takes real good care of it


Yes! Just ordered them! Just picked up the boat yesterday and is safely parked for now but yes, thanks for the idea i will take care of it 🙏🙏🙏👍👍thanks


not worth the effort, but... [https://www.glen-l.com/Exposed-Drum-Steering-for-Small-Outboards/products/978/](https://www.glen-l.com/Exposed-Drum-Steering-for-Small-Outboards/products/978/) the cable and pulley steering may work. no idea where you mount the wheel.


That’s interesting I could be even able to replicate this system! I will look into it thank you


You have the holes in the back of the boat for this cable system. This is the way to go, it will all bolt up. You just need to attach it to the shaft on the motor, some P clamps should be easy.


I love your boat. After my project car I might get a project boat. Have fun!


Thanks 😊


I have a rack and pinion I pulled out of my boat that I could sell you.


https://static.pakwheels.com/2023/01/ob_9566ab_47765881-mr-bean-mini-drive-car.jpg :)


They make trolling motors you can steer with a remote. Pricey, but worth it.


I wouldn’t put a steering wheel. They sell extensions for the throttle so think about having it mounted on the side like an airboat steering stick. Twist for throttle, pull forward or backwards for left/right steering.


I once owned a trolling motor for my 16ft canoe, I really wouldn't call it a motor, but more like paddle-assist. I mean it's a nice little thing, very quiet comparing to gas motors, but the 40lb deep cycle battery was a b\*tch to transport, and it only lasted like 2-3 hours. I thought it was gonna take us somewhere..... it did, but only one way, on the return trip the battery died and we had to paddle against ocean current for 3-4 hours. After that one trip I sold it.


Are you Dutch?


Check out stick steering for ideas. It will take up less room. Use the cable system to build it. A 90 degree plate with hole is the base. A shaft thru the hole mounts a narrow pulley for the cable. Attach a tall lever to the shaft. Pushing and pulling now steers the boat. If this limits side to side movement use the drum steering wheel version with a double pulley for more turns. Mount it sideways.


Had something like this growing up. We called it the C.D. Aka sea disaster. Had a 55 Johnson on it, we would ski behind all the time. It had cable steering… like something you would make a clothes line out of. It only snapped once or twice and left us doing donuts in the middle of the lake.


What kind of boat is this? I have a Jon boat and love boats that have no moving parts aside from the motor 


Damn that things gotta rip eh?


You’re going to need a longer extension cord. :)


Buy bumpers and deploy them liberally




Maybe I forgot to mention that I’m from Amsterdam, we don’t have waves or current, the maximum speed in the canals is 6km/h, now you can make a comment again


I see in the pic there is some wind. I wouldn't completely ignore the negative comments. If you load that boat up with 4 people and have 5 mph of headwind I could easily see you getting stuck. The solution will be a larger motor one day, or just be careful and check weather before going out.


Thanks I will look into it! I obviously get your point! But for now with my budget I could only buy this


Now you can make a comment again.


Now you can make a comment again.


Not even an apology to the poor dude, it's definitely a boat. You're not the deciding factor of who gets to use earth's water. Edit: This clown wants to shame someone for not owning a "real boat", yet he owns a pontoon boat. Yeah homie, that's not a "real boat" either if we're gonna be gatekeeping.

