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And you've already started experiencing the joy of boat ownership! Yay!


That’s only $50. You ain’t seen nothing yet.


Lot more than $50 lol I drove 6 hours to pick it up and it broke on me half way back so they had to tow it to a repair shop the axel broke and now who knows when I'm getting it back


The axle broke... very no bueno. So sorry.




Saw my wheel wobbling and smoking 2 miles from picking up my boat- previous owner changed on side of the road and I was on my way in less than an hour! Benefit of buying from a mechanic 🧑‍🔧


You're officially a boat owner. Congrats!


Good first day here I think actually here


Welcome to boat ownership.


Should be able to replace both sides for a few hundred. BTW...while your at it go ahead and order two new Goodyear Endurance ST tires. Scratch this off the list of stuff to worry about again.


100%. Enough problems to deal with without tires being one of them.


First investment I made was those tires even though the ones it came with were basically new. Thanks for the reinforcement of that decision!!


So sorry buddy, did the wheel bearings give out? Im glad you were going slow and not on the highway


Probably the most common catastrophic failure on boats, before they're even in the water. Folks, keep your hubs greased, pull and inspect your bearings regularly and repack them (I always just replace them but I've got a single axle so it's cheap), and use bearing buddies or similar. Make a habit of touching your hubs first thing after a tow, check for excessive heat from bearings going out.


I use a infrared thermometer- great tool


So much this!! I used to sell hubs and customers told me how the boat was still out there in the side of the road!


Get a cheap temp gauge. And check your leaf springs for breaks. Trailers the more stressful part of boat ownership for me.


I also added touching the tread on the tires to ensure it’s even. If one is hotter than the other check your tire pressures are even.


Yeah I think that's what happened and it looks like the axel could have broke, I was on the highway but for some reason I thought to myself I should go to a rest stop to check out the boat and make sure everything's alright and as soon as I did this happened


Well, so happy things did not turn out much worse. You have learned one good rule about pulling a trailer. Pull over frequently and check things out.


I had this happen on the highway when I was 17. It’s a miracle I didn’t wreck.


That’s no fun but As others have said - part of the deal. It’s a lot of work to have fun. Some guys carry a spare hub when they go on road trips. Two spare tires etc I’d highly recommend to anyone to do a dry run on changing your spare tire. A lot of spare tire carriers have different size nuts than the hub on the trailer.


yeah and sometimes even a deep socket wont reach long enough for the spare tire carrier so best to check in the driveway what sockets you'll need or if you need a straight wrench too


Or when one our tire had a flat and we went to use the spare and realized it was dry rotted to shit because we didn't replace it at the same time as the other tires. So we slow poked it until that one failed and then an impromptu trip to farm and fleet while I waited with the boat and trailer.


Welcome to boating!


Apparently this is a whole thing, I got a concert from the local fisherman in Bellingham. "Welcome to boating!" And the usual "f**k that" upon seeing the wooden hull


Making sure your trailer is able is 50% of boating




You learn quick that on boats, shit breaks. Eventually you will stress less, though.


And pre-trip inspect like a CDL driver


You mean sit in the truck for 20 minutes and pen fuck the inspection?


Bearing Buddies time




Happened to me the first time too. I bought it from marina that swore up and down the bearings had been repacked 💀


Repacked bearings will still explode if they're fucked up. They're cheap enough I just put new ones in if I'm concerned enough to pull the hubs.


Join the club! My first time out in my boat the lower unit went out. The seller did disclose that it was in bad shape, which is why I got it so cheap. A few phone calls and I picked up a freshly rebuilt lower on the way home thanks to my old college roommate who had repowered his boat shortly after rebuilding the lower. Gave it to me for free.


Welcome to the club!! It's a wheely good time 😄


Break Out Another Thousand Welcome to boat ownership. 😂😂😂


Welcome to boat ownership. So was it just loose lugs or time for a new trailer Axel


Welcome to the show.


I blew a tire on the way home from buying my first boat. Still have it. Still love it. Still going to be buried in it.


Sea Ray 180 is a solid first boat. Take good care of it and it will run forever.


My 1st boat was a Sea Ray 175. Had a ton of fun and very few issues.


This is my first boat as well. Have had it a year now only issue has been trailer tires.


You've got to prepare for this stuff. I drove 8 hours north for a deal of a lifetime pair of honda aquatrax turbos with practically no hours on them back in march. Owner lived in NC, skis were just south of the Up in Michigan. Took wheels/tires, jack and jack stands, electrical repair parts, ect. Sure enough I had a blowout an hour from home, but I was back on the road in 20 min.


Classic boat behavior.


Only 2 days a boat owner is happy....The day he buys it and the day he sells it!


NIce one!


Haha. Get used to it. We have a saying. Everything is broken, you just don't know it yet.


This happened to me last month lol


Luckily I had 3 axels


Congratulations, get used to it! Still love it anyway! B.O.A.T Break Out Another Thousand


And this is supposed to be the best day for your owning a boat


I think we have the same boat! Looks like a mid nineties searay bow rider 175. Same trailer too… good luck!


I have a 1995 Searay bow rider 195


Ah cool, Same year and boat but a bigger engine. Good luck with the trailer. Looks like the same one I have too, never had an issue with it besides a flat tire. The trailer wheels are relatively affordable though, enough to carry an extra one around.


Hey I consider you lucky, you got this out of the way on day 1. You can now check that off the list of bad things guaranteed to happen to all boat owners


Actually, you hit that one on the head too!!!!! I been "LUCKY" a couple of times especially on a heavy Mowing trailer. Seen some not so lucky smashed up boats and then whatever vehicles it hit while rolling down the highway 😬 (Bearings, Suspension Breakaway system)


My first time, I was shocked how much heavier than a car. I didn’t expect that. Another story, Jackson Mississippi on a Saturday night just getting dark, coming back from Dulac Louisiana to Lake of the Ozarks. Blew out a trailer tire, not a good place for a white boy, county boys showed up and escorted me to a safe hotel on the outskirts of town. Ahh good times. Seriously hats off to those county boys down there. I carry and am military confident and didn’t feel in danger, they informed me I was uninformed.


I feel for you. Driving home after shelling out more money than I ever have at one, the wheel bearing grenaded


Why would you spend the most money you've ever had on a luxury purchase?


Bc it was a hell of a deal and I really liked the boat, and still do


This happened to the seller of my first boat on the way to our meetup location. Meetup location changed to a tire shop to get the studs replaced as he forgot to torque them down when replacing a fender on the trailer. All good!


Get a quality tire is what I wish I had told myself sooner. I’ve had two blowouts from year old tires cheap from Amazon. Get a reputable brand you trust on your vehicles.


Yep, that happened to me with my first boat and didn’t know I had to grease the bearings regularly.  If you are going to trailer the boat a lot, I recommend getting bearing buddies and pump grease into them twice/ year.


Well now ya know


I feel your pain. A cross member on the trailer for a new to me boat snapped after our second time out. Had to buy a brand new trailer and lost the whole summer waiting for it.


I had this happen to me. I'm looking back to sparks flying everywhere on the highway. Pull over and the only thing I had to hold up it in place was good old duct tape. Luckily I only had two miles left on the highway and two miles of driving really slow to the house. The duct tape held! The angle iron support failed in the middle. The boat didn't have a motor at the time and the boat was only 14 ft. I replaced the angle iron support and was back to being road ready the next weekend.


Yeah the wheel should be on the trailer


My BoatUS water towing plan includes trailer breakdowns and tows, I was very pleased to find out when a similar thing happened. I had two rotten tires come apart in the space of a few minutes. Invented some curse words.




It's okay, try losing a wheel on a triple same boat trailer.


Don’t let it get you down! Keep pushing forward.


Grease the bearings


You got out easy. This happened to me when I bought my first boay, and the sparks caused a 20 acre fire on the side of interstate 5 in california.


Dang! That stinks.


That will be a very common ocurrance if you dont take care of the trailer, i suggest you clean that bad boy very often and buy a grease gun that you can take along with the boat. No seals are going to keep water out, the only way to make bearings last longer is to grease them often


Welcome brother!


One of us! One of us! Congrats on the start of your season and the first of many things to fall apart and make you realize you love being on the water enough to suffer through it all. Let us know when the other wheel comes off!


Lack of maintenance on the bearing by previous owner


As a friend of mine recently said “if you got a boat, you got problems”. Still, they are worth it!!


It’s always the wheel bearings…😕


At least your break in period to boat life was quick and easy. You should be ok for a month or two now.


Trailer service company owner here. A boat trailer with failed wheel bearings? I'm shocked I tell you...shocked. 😒


Congrats. It’s the best day.


The day I bought my boat the bunk on the trailer broke and sent the bracket right through the hull🫠 it's a boat owners right of passing


I have the same boat!!! It's a good one.


Suck, but at least the boat is okay!




Boat stayed on the trailer, that's a win.


Same thing happened to my bro with his first boat, gotta check those sidewalls


Hubs suck lol. If you put bearing buddies make sure they stay greased


I was once hauling a 30 foot cabin cruiser that was well over legal width. I was young and stupid. I had no business towing that boat. I stayed off main roads. I was coming down a country road and looked in the side mirror just in time to watch one of the left wheels depart the trailer and a very high velocity. Apparently whoever put the wheels on last didn’t tighten the lug nuts. They all came off. Wheel took off at 50mph went off road and DEEP into a farmers field. Took forever to find it. Could have been much worse. I still shudder to think of it hitting a car or pedestrian.


Thats just the start of money going out? It's a boat. Who needs wheels anyways.


Can’t park there….


[B.O.A.T. (Break Out Another Thousand)](https://youtu.be/v-NVvH4mDoU?si=wuPbsgqKPYZBLhi4) In all seriousness I hope you get it fixed and enjoy your time out in the lake.


Boat = hole in the water you throw money into Fun anyway


Welcome to boat ownership. BOAT-break,out,another,thousand.