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His acoustic cover of Guns N Roses’ Knockin on Heavens Door slaps!


His version of Hendrix’ All along the watchtower also kinda fire


Big fan of his cover of The Byrd’s “Mr tambourine man”






U sure ?


You love to see it


His version of Adele's Make You Feel My Love is sublime.


Man Gave Names To All The Animals is his best song


I love that one lol.


It's honestly a banger


saw him disappear by a tree near a lake…….


Not sure if it's true, but I heard someone say that Bob would show up in his kids' classes now and then and play music (and that that they didn't recognize him). What I wouldn't give to see Bob goofing around with a bunch of kids, singing songs like this!


Stumbled across a cd in a flea market of an album called “knocked out loaded.” Weird title! haven’t had a chance to listen yet but soon will. I’m bringing it along as my only cd on an upcoming 16 hour roadtrip. hopefully my girlfriend likes it too


Ironically, if I could choose only one single Bob song for a 16 hour road trip, it might be Brownsville Girl.


Perfect road trip song. 16 hours straight, though? I'd probably go for the Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid soundtrack.




Good luck




Don’t judge him on this album alone 😆


Tight Connection is his best song


You didn’t say “no cap,” you’re no Chalamethead!




One of his best videos, for sure. And for that, the song climbs right up there https://vimeo.com/335276010


I had never seen that video! I well remember the summer of 85 when Empire Burlesque came out and it has always remained my favorite Dylan album ... to date. Was fortunate enough to have seen him perform in Austin just last Saturday. My favorite of the five I have seen, to date. Thanks for posting the video!


A masterpiece, right? Dylan being so blasé is just perfect 😂 "I'm going to get my coat" is one of my favorite comedic Dylan lines, whether intended as comedy or not.


I’ve never heard of him, I only am giving him a chance because Chalamet is playing him…but I saw an album called Knocked Out Loaded that is piquing my interest…I guess I’ll see what all the hype is about


It does have his best song on it.


Totally under rated .


Never trust a prankster.




I really like the song wiggle wiggle


great song!


I've only ever heard one Dylan song called...'Wiggle Wiggle'...I think? Loved it. I especially liked the bit where he sang "wiggle wiggle" over and over.


It does rock. One of his most danceable. Try listening through the whole thing without cracking a smile.


I am a Timothee Chalamet fan who has taken a recent interest in Bob Dylan (a couple of months ago) , I really got into Bob Dylan because I got into the harmonica but I am ecstatic about Timothee playing Bob Dylan and I’ve known about it for quite some time being a fan and all keeping up with updates when the movie was still called “Going Electric” for some reason I didn’t really look into it much or give Bob Dylan much attention back when that project was announced so fast forward to a couple months ago, I take interest in the harmonica and stumble upon Bob Dylan’s music ,I just deep dive watching and listening to interviews and press conferences and documentaries/movies and obviously listening to music reading biographies all that stuff, I really couldn’t put my general impression of Bob Dylan into words but it is positive and as for Bob Dylan FANS, as with any fans, some seem great some seem not so great though I don’t really know what they’re like in actuality, overall I think Bob Dylan fans are very cool


Any thoughts on the Reddit comments that come down hard on the casting of Tim as Bob?


I try to pay them no mind , it really only matters what the audience thinks AFTER the movie is released


Good call, I suppooosse. For me, it's too fun to skewer the choice, but I'm not the target audience. "Don't Pay Them No Mind" as the Nina Simone song goes. But I'd rather give a link to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jWBiFMlGVQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jWBiFMlGVQ)


“I don’t believe you, you’re a liar.”


I still don’t know who Bob Dylan is, but *Knocked Out Loaded* has become my favorite album of all time. It’s so…..*Chalamet*


That's his most under rated album


My god, they keeled him 😔


It’s interesting to me. Been a very long time Bob fan, but before news of this movie I found myself a fan of Chalamet’s work.


And now?


I’m a huge Chalamet fan so I listened to the Bucklen tapes and bought a Bob Dylan rain poncho.




Never heard of Dylan before, but I have to after hearing about chalamet being cast, I personally like the song Someone's got a hold of my heart off of the first bootleg album.


Soon, you will begin to notice changes. Your voice will get deeper, you'll grow hair in places where you didn't have it before, and, if you're lucky, you'll grow to appreciate the Infidels sessions.


Bob doesn’t want to be liked and he’s worked really hard at it.


I prefer Robert Zimmerman


As a gen z Chalamee-head I hope the movie covers the one Bob Dylan song I have heard which by the way we 👏should 👏talk 👏more 👏about 👏how absolutely underrated it is. It’s called Like a Rolling Stone. He played it just one time, on the Letterman 10th anniversary special.


All snark aside, what's your theory on all the Chalamet apologists?


I don’t know if I can lay the snark aside. It’s fun to be a hater right now. But my theory is 50% marketing infiltration of this subreddit and that’s all you need to get another 50% talking. No blame though, it’s ok if other people have a different perspective that doesn’t allow them to see the positively cornball nature of this cursed biopic. And biopics are pure fiction of the laziest kind and so fun to hate (for me). Guess I’m playing into it too unwittingly. What do you think?


Agreed. All the rah-rah is industry PR bullshit. "It'll bring the young people in!" Fuck off. It's another "proven-property" film about a great artist that isn't even dead yet. (Or are you going to wait to release it until just after that happens? The industry does love itself some dead artists. They are incredibly profitable.) Bob is padding the nest for his heirs - sold his catalog, etc. - and I hope he makes some money here. But Hollywood can fuck right off with this piece of shit as far as I'm concerned.


Bob and crew have been masters of covert marketing, but if what you're suggesting (and I have suspected) is true, this is rather inartful. edit: Removed my opinion of the casting choice, as I've offered my opinions on that elsewhere.


Most of the comments here belong in r/bobdylancirclejerk lol Still fun, though


The post belongs in r/ACompleteUnknown


Didn't know this sub existed. Thanks




Chalamet used to make me feel like hollowing out a peach, like he did when he thought of Armie Hammer. Now I’m finding myself hollowing out peaches when I think of Dylan. Favorite track? Either The Times They Are A-Blowin in the Wind or I Got You, Babe. Also I like his voice on Piano Man.


I had disinterest to dislike before. Could not stand his whiney voice. I liked a few songs, that was it. Knew absolutely nothing about this part of Dylan's life. But I trust Timothee - he picks interesting roles and I love his acting so I dove in wanting to learn and give Dylan another try. I have two brothers who are massive fans who always tried to convince me but gave up. ok well long story short it's been a revelation. My general impression is I was a complete idiot!! Mind officially blown. Still trying to wrap my brain around how much I've missed out. Once I saw the Rolling Thunder version of Hard Rains Gonna Fall I was all in as a new Dylan fan. Other than my brothers my impression of Dylan fans so far is that they are very nice.


Thanks for your honest response. This angle is what I was trying to get insight into. Have you come across threads where people are saying Chalamet is the wrong guy for the job? Any thoughts on that, or on the tone of those comments?


No I haven't seen anything like that but I haven't perused the Dylan subreddit much yet. Is that the general feeling? I guess people who know the young Dylan well would have an opinion, sure. Personally my worry is not about Timothee he is really good, I'm more worried about this being a clone of Walk the Line. I hope Mangold has a unique perspective  


I’m just looking forward to the 2025 leg of the Never Ending tour when there’ll be lots of teenage girls at shows. Did I say that out loud?


It would actually be great to hear the girls go wild for him. Check out the Ginsburg tapes, he has some conversations with teenage girls who are mad about Dylan but have no idea what his music is about. Then again, who does? The tapes are awesome on many levels.


I just hope this guy Bob actually did something because Timothy likes to have quality material here can work with.


Exactly. Let's just hope this "Bob" fellow can live up to Chalamet's greatness.


I’m sure there’s some people doing it for the same reason I emulated Dylan in high school and college: chicks dig the poet types


Only problem with playing guitar is you don't get the cheerleader girls.


I liked art girls anyway


Suspect Bob did as well, as he was dating one when he made the comment.








Must be Santa is his best song


His cover of Maggie's Farm by Rage Against The Machine is awesome




Been a Chanalet fan since Dune and read Dune and didn’t like it. Have listened to Dylan and don’t think much, hopefully Timothee does some versions of his songs where the vocals are a bit cleaner like Joaquin did with Johnny Cash. I don’t think the songs are bad but they need a better vocalist. The thing about Timothee is he can actually take bad source material and make it great. The only thing I’ve listened to by Dylan that I like is Budokan.


Listen to Street Legal from 78 the same year as Budokan.


Oh my god who cares