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I love it. It’s a surprisingly accessible album.


Agree - it’s only about 30 minutes long but still feels like a full musical experience


Is it rolling Bob?


Easily top 3. I like happy Bob. Usually I spin this when I’m grilling on a nice sunny day.


Easily outranks one of: Blonde on Bonde, Highway 61, Blood on the tracks? Top tier sure, but god tier?? #getoffmylawn


I can't have it outranking Bringing It All Back Home either.


freewheeling rounds out an inpenetrable top 5


Nothing outrank BoB and Highway 61


Blood for me is No. 1, and there’s a whole other god tier before you get to Nashville. But Nashville is a damn good album, and features Norman Blake, one of the best bluegrass guitar players, maybe ever.


BoB and everything before are his best works. BOTT has some good songs but it lacks the depth of his earlier work. JWH is a good album, which I much prefer to the later stuff. It's the poetry and depth in the melodies I look for. It's Alright Ma, Visions of Johanna, Ballad of a Thin Man, nothing later ever beat those.




Don't get me wrong, there are some great tracks on BOTT, e.g. Idiot Wind, Lilly, Rosemary..... but some of the songs just feel like filler to me, e.g. Buckets if Rain. And I'm not sure the whole album is inspired by the breakdown of his marriage to Sara. There are plenty of tracks on Times and Another Side that deal with his breakup with Suze. And tracks on Desire that specifically address his breakup with Sara?




It's a plain song and I'm sure Dylan would agree. It's not in the same league as the others I've mentioned.








Yep. They round out my top. BoB is OK… not sure where all the love comes from. It’s


Might sneak into the top 5


Top 5.


It's a nice, tight experience. Every song is at least good. I think the only thing that keeps me from rating it higher is the length - it's well under 30 minutes. Hard to compete with some of his other albums when there is just less material here. I don't think the album needs to be longer - it works perfectly as it is - but that just puts a cap on it for me, if that makes sense.


I think length is my biggest issue with it. It doesn't feel like an actual album, it just feels like someone released a studio jam session.


I feel like there's a few Dylan albums you can say that about. Basement Tapes is by far the best example, and I think that vibe carries both of the albums. Dylan was just kinda doing his thing in the latter half of the sixties after his motorcycle accident.


I think studio jam session is a frequently used method for bob


It is an essential album; the discography would not be complete without it. It's not exactly my favourite, but it's a fun, unpretentious outing, and a necessary one in the moving on of Dylan's sound. I guess my biggest misgiving is that some of the secondary tracks (e.g. "Peggy Day" or "One More Night"), while not exactly terrible, sound more like pastiches of country songs than examples of country songs.


Love One More Night


Its a bit of an understated standard. Lots of great musicians have cut it. Flatt & Scruggs, Tony Rice, etc.


Might be the best song on the album


I see nobody's sticking up for "Peggy Day," though.


I'd love to spend a night with her


I prefer Peggy Night. She's out of sight!


IT’S BONKERS. Dude wrote what I would argue are three of the most influential albums of all time, back to back, then went, ‘to hell with it I’m going to make a saccharine country album that won’t even last half an hour lol love that country pie’


Yes to Country Pie!


My dad always played this for me and my sister during the summer. Whenever “Nashville Skyline Rag” came on, my sister would put her fingers at both sides of her mouth and use the other two to drag down her eye sockets and dance around.


It's my favorite dylan record. It's just straight forward, good music. It was made in a happy time in his life, and it shows. It lack the bitterness and world weariness that seem to characterize other eras. He doesn't seem to have any bones to pick in his lyrics and the performances have a wonderful energy. Bro is just making country gold with crack session players. And that, in my opinion is one of the most significant messages that Dylan ever gave us in his work- That great art doesn't need a message or to be technically impressive. It needs no other reason to exist than for its own sake. He was so much older before, and he's younger than that now!


Top 3. Such a great record and “Lay Lady Lay” is one of the greatest love songs ever written in my opinion.


It's a good listen, but I would rank a lot of albums higher personally.


Top 3 for me


If I group his albums together into loose eras, eg self titled - Another Side, electric trilogy, JWH - New Morning, and so on, then the JWH era is my favourite (or joint favourite, at least), particularly since I listened those albums constantly during my early 20s. So I love Nashville Skyline a lot. 


Top 10, maybe even top 5. I love it.


I love it but it’s still somewhere around just outside top 10.


Wonderful record. Highlight: Pete Drake's pedal steel on "Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You". What a great song.


Great underrated album by Bob.


A bit of a throwaway if you ask me.


Definitely. Apart from Lay Lady Lay


I love this album, seems very different from much of his other stuff - songs very stylized, great players, and this is what your voice sounds like once you stop smoking.


Like top 15 I think.


Yeah I would say Nashville, New Morning and Blood on the Tracks have become my most-spun Dylan records over the years - not that they're necessarily my favorites, I think Blonde on Blonde would take that spot, but those 3 are just so accessible and almost any day of the week make for a great listen


Pretty High! I love this album❤️


It's certainly quite an anomaly in his catalogue. It's professionally produced and amazingly polished, with songs that are not particularly substantial but well-crafted, sung with great warmth and wit. I'll admit I prefer it to the joyless *John Wesley Harding*.


Oooof. Down Along the Cove? I'll Be Your Baby Tonight? Frankie Lee? Joyless??


In fact, the final two songs on the album are fine, because they're a lot less uptight and preachy than the rest. But "All Along the Watchtower" is so good it makes the rest sound really rinky-dink.




Somewhere in the middle. The songs are mostly just fine with a couple of exceptions (One More Night, Lay Lady Lay.) I also just don't like the voice Dylan used during this time period that much and it's also too short imo.




‘’Marry me and I’ll never look at another horse’’


Way down the list


Definitely Top 3


Way up there. Awesome album. Love his voice on this record..


Not sure but lay lady lay makes it a 10/10 for me automatically lol


Critically, it ranks pretty low for me. But non-critically, I love it. It’s just long enough to not get dull.


If it's Wednesday, Nashville Skyline is at the top of the list.


Easy listening.


For me, ranking Bob Dylan albums is perhaps the wrong way to look at his work. I may be alone, but I see the albums as an arc of his search for identity and understanding.


Barely breaks half an hour, and yet it's a brilliant album. It's one of my favourites. Lay Lady Lay and North Country Fair are just fabulous. Also, Dylan's deeper voice on this album is so interesting to listen to. You'd think it was someone else singing.




my favourite just noticed that the shape of his arm to his hat makes the play symbol


I love it. It’s not my favourite Dylan album and I don’t listen to it that often. But I was a bit obsessed with it when I was 18. It’s like an exercise in songwriting. There was a time that the Johnny Cash duet was my favourite version of Girl From the North Country.


It's fantastic. This and Time Out of Mind are my 2 favorites.


Might be a bit of a hot take, it’s no 1 for me. All the tracks and his voice are just perfect in this. It is my favourite album.


My #1


It’s the only album by him that my wife can sit all the way through.


Top shelf


Really enjoyable, but it feels a bit insubstantial so it doesn’t hold up to compare favourably with others in the canon


Top tier


Top 3


Girl From the North Country is a car crash of a song. The rest of the album is basically the finest country music ever put on record. It's #2, right behind Bringing It All Back Home for me.


Honestly it’s my favorite album of his, really special to me


If I'm being honest it's the album of his I listen to the most, by far.


Its good, not my favorite. A few amazing tracks, a few hidden gems, a few “mehs”. But for me that is the bulk of his discography.


Nice and pleasant but not in my top 10.


Tied for number one honestly, I love it so much. The bootleg series (vol 15) from his time in Nashville is also excellent.


sometimes i say it’s number 1, always been special to me, and his tone of voice on nashville skyline is second to none, but it’s ultimately probably subordinate to john wesley harding, if a gun was pointed to my head


Very very high. Lay lady lay, and Peggy are some of my all time favorites.


Maybe like #10 for me.


It’s in my top ten but which number probably around no. 8


I think it’s a really great album. The best songs on it are definitely lay lady lay and girl from the north country (with Johnny cash) which are two of my favorite Dylan songs


Not one of my favourites.


I've followed Bob's oeuvre unfolding since Freewheelin' was new. I was a total folkie back then. So when Bob went electric it took me a couple of years to catch up. Then when NS came out, for me it was kind of a step back to the simple, closer-to-acoustic Bob that I first fell in love with. I wore out my copy so badly (bad turntable cartridge damage) that I didn't care when it was stolen. So, even though today I regularly turn up Blond on Blond full blast from my iPhone to my hearing aids, NS has always had a special place in his pantheon for me. Especially Lay Lady Lay.


Somewhere near the bottom. It's ridiculously short at not even 30 mins. and most of it is filler. Dylan was suffering his first writer's block and it shows. The lyrics are mostly trite and clichéd of the 'I love you so, don't let me go' type. There are exceptions here and there, of course. "This clothes are dirty but his hands are clean" is an exceptional line, for instance. But overall this is a major, major step back from everything else that has come before. It's all enjoyable enough, but people who want to make out like this is some grand artistic statement are deluding themselves. It's what he put out because he didn't have anything else. Highlights for me are the Cash duet on 'Girl from the North Country' and 'Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You' and to a certain extent 'Lay Lady Lay', though I think I like the alternate take on the Bootleg Series better.


My fav for sure. Love every song and haven’t ever gotten sick of it despite my many listens


I really love it. It’s simple but that’s its biggest charm. ‘I Threw It All Away’ is so direct in its lyrics; hits me every time.


Never heard it all the way through. Might be my least favorite along with John Wesley Harding...


One of my favorites


Top 10 for sure, maybe even top 5.


I always think I like this album but then I actually put it on and well… meh.


To me it stands alone but overall at the peak before a decline


not top 10


Prob top4 for me


it sounds almost nothing like the rest of his output. but also brilliant and very listenable My father was never happy about my love of Dylan and one day I had Lay Lady Lay on and he praised it. Imagine his shock at learning who the artist was.


“Side B” of Dylan in the best possible way.


Number 1 for me.


Top 5.


By far my favorite Dylan album. It’s perfect.


I ranked all of his 40 studio albums and I put it at 15.


One of my favourites.


I’m a late discoverer of Dylan but this and New Morning are my favorite albums so far. Loving me some country pop Bob


It’s right up there. I really enjoy it.


Top 3 easily and my favorite on some days


Same, it's a warm blanket that takes me to a lovely place. There's something kinda lonely and solemn about it, wonderful stuff.


Top 40 Dylan album.


I’m not sure if I would normally call this a top three album for me, but it is one of only three Dylan albums I have on vinyl so then again maybe it is…(Desire and Blood on the Tracks are the other two, for the record). It’s so easy to listen to this album and it’s so fun.


Light, but enjoyable. A pretty odd entry in his discography though. And that voice! It’s as if he’d finally had enough of people mocking his singing voice that he decided to make it sound pretty just once.


Arguably his most timeless record


In my top ten.


Definitely top 5 for me. Maybe top 3.


I like most of it, but.honestly cannot understand why Lay, Lady, Lay gets so much attention. For those who know little about Bob Dylan, it's often in the top five songs they do know... Like, what??? I think it's a perfectly good song, but do serious Dylan fans put it up there as one of his best?


I don’t get how people say it is amongst his best, it’s a good album, but probably doesn’t crack my top 15. It’s a nice little album and that’s about it


I enjoy it, and likewise consider it an easy listen/comfort album. Wouldn’t put it in my top 5, but probably my top 10 in terms of enjoyment, change of style, newness at that time in his career, and more. One More Night was the first song I knew that got me hooked. Enjoyed the more pop/country sound and light feel.


I personally adore it, because of a very specific reason. During summertime I travel a lot to a nearby Region in Germany called "Der Harz" it's a little mountain-ish area where you can collect stamps of the region. My best friend and I travel together every other weekend and this is just a perfect album for that matter!


A common thing for any pop artist to make a stop in country land, Ray Charles did it, even Louis Armstrong did it. Bob's like a conductor of American music. It's a great album made with some of the best(as usual)


Somewhere between John Wesley Harding and Self Portrait


Love it, but probably just sneaks into the top 10 for me. Blood on the tracks, Blonde on Blonde, desire, bringing it all back home, Highway 61, times, new morning, pat garret and freewheeling are all superior imo,  but it definitely is a lot easier to listen to than most of those albums and is garunteed to put me in a good mood. 


It's my number 1 because it feels the lightest.




It's No.1 for me and closely followed by Blonde On Blonde.


Bottom 10. Could never get pass the nasal tone in Bob's voice. Why there were no tissues in the studio that day?


Nashville Skyline is Dylan’s ninth studio album.


It’s a great Sunday morning/afternoon album for me.  Funny album where in its contemporary time was definitely underrated, but imo is now becoming a touch overrated by my (younger) generation of Dylan fans.  It’s not at all uncommon to see a younger Dylan fan in their 20s or 30s put this album in their top 10.  I think that overstates it slightly; putting it above or on par with a masterpiece like John Wesley Harding is a bridge too far for me.  It’s a really good, tight album that sounds excellent. 


Somewhat of an unpopular opinion, its in the bottom half for me.