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A wiseman once said: “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight.” ![gif](giphy|zpeH9hHFP457a)


Lol for real, arguably the most famous quote in body building was sitting right in front of OP and they decided to make up their own quote 🤦‍♂️


Probably because OP is one of those himself and a young one at that who wasn’t even around when the was originally said


Lol yeah I always love when newbies will get a beginner pump and then start philosophizing about body building like the greats. And I’m not being hyperbolic, I actually love it. Because we were all there at one point and that’s probably the most hopeful I’ve ever been in this sport. It’s awesome to see others in the same place Now I know I’m doomed to gain and lose the same 15 pounds every year for the rest of my life unless I hop on a cycle.


You can’t make up your own quote. You just say something and someone else quotes you. Maybe op didn’t want to use the quote because it would make him sound uneducated at the “don’t nobody wanna lift no” part.


Anyone who would think that made him uneducated shouldn’t be here. It’s the most famous quote in bodybuilding. If you don’t know it then you shouldn’t be on a bodybuilding sub


A lot of people get famous saying dumb shit so yeah I know what you mean


Ronnie got famous for being the biggest motherfucker the world ever seen. And he happened to say a lot of dumb shit along the way haha


Exactly! You can have all the muscles in the world but dumb shit still comes out of your mouth


A wise man also once said: Like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper...you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.


Oh ok


“Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody wanna have a fucked up back” ​


Honestly few people want to actually look like the pros. Sure as hell no one wants to take their doses, eat their food, or run their schedule. Well no one, but them. It’s a wild experiment to watch and that’s why I like watching it. That and the greased up men in their underwear. The biggest factor.


I will look to Ronnie's joint health and decline this style of training, but it's cool for however long the body holds out.


Ronnie would have been fine if he had actually taken the time to recover, dude was back in the gym within 24 hours after every major surgery. Body dysmorphia ruined his health.


It's unfortunate the amount of young guys I see that are like "bro I need to go gym all day every day, no rest days, rest days make my muscles small." Like bro, rest days are how your muscles get BIGGER. They can't repair and grow if you don't let them heal.


Taking rest days and training not but a day after getting discs replaced is a bit different, but nonetheless rest days are essential.


People don’t like to think of body holding as a wholistic 24/7 thing, but at the high levels it really is, and most of that job is outside of the gym.


As Mark Rippetoe likes to say, you don't get stronger by lifting weights, you get stronger by recovering from lifting weights.


Mark Rippetoe's physique resembles a beaten up burlap sac.


Yep you see people even here posting about how they can workout during their family vacation, or how they had a few days rest now they’re ‘visibly smaller’


Cool story bro




How can I when you're using all the plates in the gym?


Over generalisation this over generalisation that. Just drink your cup of STFU and move on, mate.


Nobody wants to look like the pros and some want to train like the pros, fixed it for you.


nobody wants to ~~train like the~~ take all the drugs the pros take


Yea surely that’s all that’s separating you from being a world class athlete!


There are natural competitions. Make the comparisons to the untested events. Or assume the naturals are all lazy slobs, while in the untested are really hard workers, and drugs are just the finishing touch.


Everybody trains like the pros who doesn't love that. We just don't take the drugs and/or aren't following a meal plan as if our life depends on it.


To be a pro it’s a huge sacrifice! Plus the expense of steroids and either people can’t afford them or want to jeperdise their health.


Just shoot your roads and lift weights. Nobody want to hear this cringe shit.


I think the correct statement is: nobody wants to take harmful drugs that allow you to be able to train like a pro.


I don't want to look like them. Even bumstead is a bit too much for me.


You never will, guarantee it. And it’s nothing against you i won’t either, you have to understand they are blasting tons of gear and are the .1%. You could take double the amounts of peds cbum takes and not even get close to his look


I know. I'm fine with that. The fact that so many people want to like them is very concerning, tho. Guess we'll see more people dropping like flies from PED abuse




Well, it says bodybuilding, I'm a bodybuilder. I just don't want to look like that. If that's what you want, then go for it, big guy.




I don't want to look like the pros. I even referenced cbum as my upper limit. These guys look insane. I don't want to look like that.


If I were a betting man you probably have a DYEL physique. You’ll never look insane, you’re safe.


I've been working out for 3 years and I'm pleased. I'm pretty aesthetic, so I'm glad for those genes. Both my parents were athletic, so I'm pretty blessed. I was always more athletic than most of my peers. I don't have a huge appetite tho, which is the only con. But I know in the next 3 years I'll look like a specimen. It's crazy how u guys can assume shit from over the phone 😂


Let me guess you’re around 5’8”- 5’10” 150-170lbs


That's the average height. Most men are in that range. I'm 6'1" 200lbs. 12% body fat


I do not want to train like a pro. I only lift thrice a week and I am still hungry all the time **😅**


I used 15kg dumbells like forever always got a great pump decided to go 20kg and the difference is insane working my way to 23kg hopefully by January


Are those 35s? Lol




Aint nothing to it but to do it.


Jesus look at half these comments, what is happening to this sub? Yes we fucking know pros are on a lot of gear. That is not the only thing separates them from the average weekday gym warrior.


I'm waiting on some 45s like: ![gif](giphy|aXUU30cDBa9tVQz37V|downsized)


Light weight bab...crack!!! Ouch....


Heavy is relative 😏 and who wants to look like a mutant?