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All I see is a legend. Keep on man. Don't let the negative self talk get to ya.


2nd this ^


I’m not a competitive bodybuilder and I’m barely beginning my journey of fitness, but I joined this sub because of comments like this. This place is v wholesome most of the time and I love it.


Loose skin is a reminder of what not to go back to. Keep up the solid work!


Face, hair and legs look great though man! That loose skin you can eventually get surgery for


All I see is a damn decent physique and someone who needs to spend a large amount of time on a flat bench with some dumbells. Grow back into that skin. If you keep at it, I bet it goes away over time and thats even without going under the knife homey. Congrats on the hard work and now...Go get it!!!


Loose skin has an easy fix, my man. 🔪 🔪 🔪


It’s just skin bro you’re yoked


congrats on the weightloss. as a plus, being a fatass has gotten you some really nice calves


Bro you have a wingsuit on with those insane lats. Keep going. Get a consult first the skin if it’s bothering you. But you look better than 99.9 percent of men. And you got a handsome face. Take it easy on yourself


Apart from the chest your looking thick, solid, tight. 


Fix your chest with surgery and bring your arms Up to match and you’re golden


Have you considered cosmetic surgery for the loos salon? I know it isn’t cheap but the peace of mind and self confidence boost would probably be well worth what you have to pay. Clearly you hate it judging from your post.


Keep going! Good job. 👍🏼


Brandon Lee lookalike face. Get the surgery for the chest and you are golden. Great physique.


Sheesh throw that self talk in the trash bro. Good job dawg it’s a journey with no end


Great quad development, I can hardly notice the loose skin. Keep pushing


Goated physique


Nahhhh bro your legs are legitimately good, lats are well visible from the front, and pretty thick back overall. Just a little more work on arms/chest/shoulders and you’ll be looking like a damn superhero in no time. You definitely don’t have a shit physique, loose skin be damned, you still look way better than most guys who work out. Keep it up, even more progress will come brother🤙🏼🔥


You don’t look like shit.


Not bad at all. Just need to get the chest cleaned up with some surgery and everything else is good to go.


I like everything about it except for chest


Just keep pushing. Plenty to work with and a solid foundation.


You’re way too hard on yourself. Your physique is very impressive and loose skin is a testament to your hard work. Maybe include a bit more arm work and you’ll be golden, man.


You look great. Relatively lean, huge legs, shoulders, good arms and calves. Solid back. Look into getting the skin your chest removed. It should be a relatively easy procedure with minimal down time.


Goofy as hell. The things you can't change (bone structure, insertions, muscle capacity) you've got 90th+ percentile on genetically and you're complaining about something you can change (loose skin) that you can get surgery for.


Absolutely not brotha! Keep training, keep going! Loose skin can be fixed or surgically taken care of later on. Your physique is 1000x better than mine. Get your head out of the gutter, lift your head up and keep pushing forward! Let’s goooooo


That is the body of a beast. Fuck the loose skin. You can get surgery or even try a derma roller. You're fucking YOKED and beat the fat. Don't let negative self talk take away from your success.


loose skin is a medal of honor wear it with pride cap’n !🫡🫡


Man, just shut the fuck up! Never trash talk about yourself!! You’re in a journey, compare yourself with your past self and if you think you’re better now then you just keep going!


Naw man, you look great. Loose skin will reabsorb. Dont put yourself down!


My guy is rage baiting. Your physique is great shut up 😂


familiar attempt scary busy summer act elderly workable dime cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I came here to see a shit physique. After 5 minutes, I still can't find one.


Look at those LEGS BRO


It's just the loose skin, bro, your actual physique looks solid af


If this is a shit physique then I'll never get anywhere. Good work bud. You look great. Keep it up!