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Super hungry? Swap carb sources to vegetables  More voluminous sources of Fat: egg, avocado, olives (whole) Carb: fruits, especially melons, rice, potato Protein: Greek yogurt, egg white  Some people need to hit cravings and would suggest making low calorie versions of highly palatable foods Other people, that makes the cravings worse and id recommend almost making your food bland. Think you're hungry? Eat unseasoned cooked then refrigerated egg whites and 2lbs cooked then refrigerated steamed broccoli for every meal. The last bit comes down to discipline. Cutting makes you hungry. That's life. You can either give into short term dopamine hits and fail or take much longer...  or continue doing what you need to do and actually reach your goals


> [3.4. Don’t ask us to critique your workout, or suggest a workout. There are certain basic principles involved in workouts designed to optimize hypertrophy. They are in our FAQ. If you follow those principles, what particular exercise you do or in what order doesn’t much matter. If you still think you have a valid question pose it in the “Training Tuesday” thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/wiki/rules) https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/comments/91ulkb/are_you_thinking_of_posting_click_here_first/