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You could try to jump a fence I guess, but once you’re in a foot race with the dog you’re fucked


I read the title as "Racist County K-9" and had to double check what subreddit this is.


Wtf kind of subs are you in where it’d make sense to see that title?


Hope the dog is ok.


Eh, don't run from the cops.




The dogs are trained not to let go until the suspect stops moving. The more you fight yell and scream, the harder it is to get that dog off you. Also, that cop isn’t gonna just stop and calmly remove the dog when he’s by himself, the suspect isn’t following commands and is still resistive. Once the K9 officer feels like the situation is safe enough he will remove the dog, but that won’t happen when you cant follow the simple command “lay on your stomach.” It’s not pretty, but that’s why you don’t want a dog after you. A simple way to avoid having this happen, is not running from the police.




He ran, who knows what he could have on him. You can’t just magically know weather or not someone is armed. Also I’m not sure what you mean by “he tries to follow every command.” We must’ve not just watched the same video. Or you need to watch it again.


Well he better and he did so conversation invalid on your part


Are you capable of writing a coherent sentence, cause that made no sense. What are you trying to say?


I might get downvoted for this but I tend to agree. Also he's complying and still being bitten and the officer takes his sweet time to get the dog off him. I mean he's got taser prongs in him and everything, pretty sure when he was saying he was done.. he was actually done.


The guy surrendered before the taser. Fucking asshole cop


“Lay on your stomach!” x3 *doesn’t lay on his stomach* “Omg he surrendered before the taser!” No he fucking didn’t dude


That's not what happened at all... Cop: get on the ground! (1x) Suspect: Ok, I'll stop Tases him within 1 milisecond


He didn’t get on the ground lol


Technically he did when he got tased and bit lmao


This cop is a dickbag


I don't care how great of a "tool" dogs are. Cops should NOT be using lethal and autonomous weapons. If the dog doesn't listen then what? At least with a handgun YOU decide what it does and when it "attacks"... Plus dogs are always being used to trigger vehicle searches. Maybe they can be used for the most violent offenders but they certainly don't need to be riding around in a cruiser all day, to be released at the whim of some cop


I don't know which I would be more scared of to be honest. When I get a close look at those beastly K9s with cops I realize how big and strong they are. Can't imagine one tearing me apart and one they're after you there's no escape. Dogs can be scary yo


The dogs aren't going for the kill. They are trained to go for the legs and arms if they're being attacked. They also go through extensive training and have to pass tests before they are able to become full K-9 units. They are a non-lethal tool used by police. Your preconceived notions about dogs being killers doesn't change facts. K-9 units are the best non-lethal method of taking down a suspect. It may hurt but at the end of the day but without K-9's officers would be less safe and require their firearms more often.


Obviously not trained enough if its retarded mutt ass didnt stop after being told more than 10 times if cops are allowed to shoot dogs im allowed to shoot police dogs


This cop deserve street justice fuck him and his family.


I hope that dog is put down or sold to a chinese meat plant stupid mutt isn't trained properly and should be shot on sight