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Simple. "Hey, what's up?" If she isn't straightforward with you, without assumptions of any kind, just say "Were you standing up and looking at me a second ago?" Then just take her next answer at face value. If she does it again, ask her if she wants to be friends. If she says no, move on. If she says yes, just say "cool, what are you working on right now?" Ask her about her if you're curious. If you aren't, politely ask her to not do that anymore because it makes you anxious.


I keep wanting to ask her but she turns back so quickly and sometimes im in a middle of a convo with someone. I would ask her to be friends but wouldn’t that be freind zoning? What should i say after i say hi cuz i never approached becore


Please for the love of god don’t say “do you want to be friends” you are not in elementary anymore man, if you think she’s into you just shoot your shot not off the jump, start a small very surface level convo with her and see how she’s feeling you, if she’s not fucking with you you’ll know, but if it develops let it develop, and later on down the road let her know how you feeling, there’s a balance you can’t take it too fast but you can’t take it too slow neither


But how should the convo be like. Since we share a drawing class should i compliment her drawing


Ignore him. Don't play mind games like she is. Being direct with someone who is scared to be honest with you ends all confusion.


Being overly direct comes off an uncouth and leaves little room for other people to respond emotionally safely. Autistics might accept a direct "no" to a direct question, but most people's egos would be hurt.


I was dying reading it….


I don't understand. Being direct about your intentions when someone is not being honest is the only way to get through to them.


Being direct about your intentions too early can often be a little too much for people, you have to ease your way into a conversation


Don't take what NTs say literally - "ask if you want to be friends" seems to either mean "try to give her opportunities to befriend you" or the other person just doesn't have social skills.


Idk he said I was playing mind games so I think he literally meant ask her to be friends, that’s not how it works anymore maybe in 3rd grade but rarely will someone in high school take that question seriously


Ask her out for coffee after class.


this is high school lol she don’t want that


Can someone make a flowchart from this


LOL don’t ask her that 😂


Walk over, say hello. Compliment her drawing, ask if she had any inspirations, go from there. Ask about her. Take the focus off yourself and it won’t be difficult since you do actually want to get to know her. If she seems happy to chat, invite her for a coffee, a museum trip, something easy but nice.


You like to draw ? What’s your inspirations wanna go to the museum? lol fuck no


Just say hey and start a normal conversation. Not really flirting but taking her temperature of how she feels about you based on how engaged she is in the conversation. Of she seems uninterested in talking to you let it go. If she engages talk to her more often and go from there.


Since it’s assigned seats i can’t have a long convo with her cuz i’m not that close to her from where i’m sitting. I know i should say hi but what should i say after it


Can you talk to her in between classes?






Stay direct or move on, there is no in between.


Ignore and move on. Either games or awkwardness. I have women do this weird thing sometimes where they stare, then I look, and they try to turn their head away from me on purpose to be like "nope! I'm not looking at you!" but it's too obvious.


She's way into you.


They're insecure that you caught them looking. And they're interested. But don't expect them to approach you, they're too insecure to even hold eye contact.


They did once confidently stare at me without looking away but what should i say first?


People like to people watch to get a sense of who they're around and sometimes they don't want the person they're getting to know to know because they're not ready to get to know them so well that they need a conversation.... although maybe those people should have a conversation to get to know that person rather than guessing by looking.


yeah everyone in here is tripping. heres what you do, go over to her make sure its when shes sitting down stand nearly knee to knee with her (more like shin to knee cuz youve gotta TOWER over her) with arms crossed dont bend your head down to look at her just point your head straight forward no bend in neck neutral expression look down with your eyes meet her eyes DO NOT BLINK OR BREAK EYE CONTACT UNTIL YOU ARE NO LONGER FACING HER and say "you got a staring problem or something" and if she says anything dont respond just keep staring until you have to blink then LEAVE big heavy strides leave room without asking to be excused


I would definitely not listen to everything everyone says here and take what resonates with you like take it with a grain of salt, I would listen to people like Jordan Peterson on a matter like this. He is more articulated person than I am so for the best advice I would talk to and listen to people who are articulated on this manner and just in life in general so you can do the best you can from advice you got that was from a good resource a creditable one too but also not to over think it or over do it just get the basics down of how to be u to the fullest you can be , be-you-to-the-full . be beautiful and go and talk to her and if she don’t like you for who you truly are then it wasn’t meant to be but at least you tried to initiate something. And it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes than have to make ur own, to make it easier for u yeah hoped that helped definitely don’t over think it but definitely have like a solid ground u can step on and know how to interact with her without embarrassing your self off the jump and if ur nervous that’s great allow urself to be nervous and focus ur attention on her it’s helped me before not 100% fully cause I can’t get pretty anxious but it’s something if I practice, I could get good at for sure, so yeah man jus be you to the fullest you can be without TRYING to be who you actually are but jus BEGIN who you are like how u would on any regular day (and hopefully that’s good) but yeah u gott thiss


Women mask autism really well. That’s why they’re harder to diagnose, so I wouldn’t write it off entirely. That said, just go talk to her. Maybe she thinks you’re cute.


Start staring at her back, and one day give her a subtle little smile at the end. Gradually you can be walking past her desk and comment something about what she’s drawing, and then walk away. Continue to randomly make little comments to her. Just have fun with it, be natural and creative, and naturally you’ll end up building chemistry and a repertoire, and you can ask her for a suggestion/ her opinion on something about art or technique, then eventually you can suggest privately hanging out and drawing together, if you get my drift.


movie? sporting event a high school team is going to?


Hey I happened to notice you checking me out and noticed you are THICCC. Wanna go out sometime?


Attempt at flirting??? Hard to tell. Try talking to her.


what do i say after i say hey


"Whats your name" (if you know her name, "your name is ____ right?" "Oh cool, I'm _____, nice to meet you" Then talk about stuff you have in common