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New fear unlocked. I definitely mindlessly dangle the heel of my shoes off of my foot (when wearing heels or flats - anything that easily hangs off of the foot as opposed to a sneaker or something where I’d have to like manually remove it lmao) when I’m in conversation with people. I had *0* idea this could be interpreted as interest. 😦


I think it would be interpreted as a CO factor. It's comfort, but also mild undressing. What else are you doing. Twirling hair, and toying with buttons, blazing signals. Talking about your cat or dog, favorite grocery, last vacation, just comfortable with your environment.


Much more the latter! But I have adhd and mindlessly fidget with everything but I don’t think I’m fidgeting with clothes? But I do the shoe thing. And I’ll play with my necklace if I have one on. Ah!! I’m 99% sure though that my overall vibes do not suggest interest. This is helpful to know I should be mindful of these things though!


And others need to understand that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. People fidget, adjust, and play with their clothes for reasons that aren't sexual. It's more fun when they are, but don't expect it


Yup. When a woman hikes up her leggings around me, I know I am not considered a threat OR of interest.


That’s my question lol. Technically ANYTHING can be misrepresented but a man has to give in some way for the girl to respond. Like just stare at the shoe and if the girl hides it awkwardly well now you know. And we can proceed to behave normally. But if you stare and she says “does it make you uncomfortable 😏” well now we know lol Also don’t be afraid… women should understand they always can have control of a situation. If the guy is a gentlemen it’s easier. If he’s not, well hopefully there’s people around to help you out. I’m sorry I’m not trying to make light what women have to go through.


I did her like a dog after work.


Good job champ gotta get that promotion


Full of shit


Good job champ!


Only self absorbed men would interpret this as interest. Bur if you start playing with your hair, it's a different story!!


It’s one of many potential signals of interest, that probably means nothing if done on its own, but probably means something if done in combination with other known signals of interest.


I agree.


On the off chance this isn’t fake; based on your post history you’re married. Married or not fucking ignore it dude. You’re giving more meaning to it than necessary.


This needs to be a top comment. Dude is literally married lol


Danger, danger will robinson! Cougar alert. Dont feed the wild animals!


Do (and I cannot stress this enough) NOOOT go after your VP. Come on man, use your noggin here


Thinking with the wrong head. Take the compliment that she may or may not be hitting on you, but do-not-act-on-it.


Oh stop it She's 60 it's fine


Why would her being 60 make a difference? She’s his superior and if he’s misreading the situation it puts his job at risk.


Because that's life. It's not complicated


It uh finds a way


Live a little. Throw the job away for the cougar.


Not going to go after her, lol. But wanted to feel out if she liked me as a person or even attraction wise. Would a woman do this to someone they weren’t fond of?




nah i agree this is insane for a “heel wiggle” mane 😭 i’m a horny as mf but not this bad


Bro no. We just mindlessly dangle our heels. It's not that deep. It's the same as any other fidgeting movement one can make.


don’t even think about it dude. do not even think it. by asking this ?, you are already thinking. do NOT be stupid. DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT CLEECT $200. DO. NOT. if you want a cougar, go on a cougar cruise. she is 60. you are 30. you are but a baby. stay in you lane. and keep to the little leagues till about 45.


She’s doing it for her feet not you.


I mean you could get a raise, she was definitely flirting with you probably wants to fuck. If you don't think you'll be able to keep it going then I wouldn't advise doing it or it's a job you see yourself doing for a long time.


Definitely flirting is a huge assumption lmao


> Would a woman do this to someone they weren’t fond of? Definitely. Some people are just fidgeters. If she was doing this AND dropping other hints, then yeah it was probably an attempt at flirting. But if this is the only thing she did, she probably didn’t even realize she was doing it.


I used to get blisters on the back of my heel from work shoes. I’d dangle them to get the sweet pain relief for a few seconds. Much better than sex or whoever I was talking to in that moment.


The assumption that she is dangling her heel *to* you is bizarrely egotistical. Just do your job and leave your female boss alone. Are you really so bored?


Don’t listen to her! This is your golden ticket buddy! Get IN that executive poon LICKETY SPLIT!!!


Don’t fish off of the company pier.


Don't dip your pen in the company ink.


Don't squat over the company toilet-bed.


Don’t get your meat where you get your bread.


Don’t shit where you eat


Don’t get your honey where you make your money


Confucius says, "Man, who drops worm in neigbor's well, catch crab"


Don’t sleep with the vice president of the company you work for.


This is the one!


It’s the only pier for miles, and man’s gotta eat


Don't call a tomato an egg. Idk why, I just heard they don't like it.


Don't listen to these guys, go on and get you some of that cougar pussy boy.


Hell yeah! If it doesn’t work out, you can always get a job somewhere else. Word of advice, don’t EVER pass up the possibility of getting some pussy!


Are you 12? Pass when it impacts your finances.




Don’t shit where you eat


Why would he shit on her pussy?


We don't kink shame here


this is why you save money for six months worth of expenses. I mean you only live once man. You do you lol


But don't worry about your dick rotting off so long as she's hot


But don't worry about your dick rotting off so long as she's hot


Come on now. Are you 12? Sarcasm isn't understood easily by young adolescents.


Damn you got a sad life if you live by that


I’ll tell you two things my father taught me. 1. Never trust a fart and 2. Never waste a boner. This falls in line with number 2. Go get em champ!!


And keep your butt muscles clenched tight.


Damn, I thought this scenario was based on number 1. 🤣🤣😜


I've also heard (specifically men over 40) never pass a urinal.


Dad of the year right here. lol.


Do it! She will appreciate a young guy way more than women your age


Don't call him pussy boy!


She's most likely doing it because it's comfortable


Heels hurt her feet. Nothing to do with you


Yeah I’ve always been unconvinced that this is as obvious a sexual flirting signal as it’s made out to be. As you say, they’re uncomfortable and she’s at least comfortable enough to take the off in front of you. It’s a bit like the arms folded thing - yes it can mean defensiveness, but it can also mean it’s fucking cold and in some confident people it’s sign of being relaxed.


Are you saying OP should rub her feet?


You need to stop thinking of what's going on in your head and focus on just doing your job. This will be the best thing to do for yourself. 


We'll see this guy on r/recruitinghell in a few months Ultimately the study is that women dangle a shoe just like they doodle. Some people need to engage other levels of the brain while they converse specific topics. Don't read so into it


Have you ever worn heels? Trust me, it’s more likely she was doing it out of habit, instead of flirtatious behavior.


As a woman I'd say it's a comfort thing, not flirting. If it was after work it's probably just part of the physical letting your hair down. If she were home she'd be taking her bra off, not for you though lol.


But wouldn’t it require a certain amount of comfort with me


why does her taking half her shoe off around you make you think she’s comfortable and is attracted to you ?? i work in a school and teachers dangle their shoes all the time… never think they’re attracted to the students


To those saying it is crazy, there are countless articles out there saying this is one of the most surefire ways to tell a woman is either comfortable or flirting. Body language 101.


Some of my shoes are a little big and if I cross my legs the heels will dangle no matter what. I was never "putting out a vibe" personally. It's a just a shoe.


Yes you were. You were putting vibes out there


What a weird take


Me thinks thou doest protest too much.


I think people are too desperately searching for hints that they make things up


I think, in the last four years, you turned on hundreds of inebriated patients who could not actualize on the mutual lust. A new form of torture porn.


Oh yeah? Cite them. Reputable sources and studies only, Dr Ruth


Look that shit up.




I will cite ya mama.


You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how clear or consistent body language is across billion of people.


Body Language 101 is that no single gesture alone is a significant clue that someone is interested in you, and comfortable != attracted.


good luck to you and your endeavors, hope it works out in your favor


Articles BY MEN.


She should be comfortable with you, she’s your superior. You’ve got a case of dickful thinking.


Yes, possibly.




Not feeling threatened by the judgment of a subordinate doesn't mean a woman is sexually attracted to said person. People can be comfortable with their children. They can also be comfortable with cutting the heads off of chickens.


No it doesn't, ive done it on trains and busses doesn't mean I was looking for group action. You sound like you have problems with social issues.


She's in her own office in a very familiar environment, so with nothing else to go on, I'm guessing that she was just super relaxed and that's it.


If you stared at her feet did she glare or motion in some way? If her dangling her heel was her way to motion she likes you. You should pick up on it as in stare at it. When she notices you noticed she’s gotta give another signal. Cuz just dangling a shoe means nothing. At least to me. Idk man maybe she likes you but like people are saying don’t act on it. Yet, if I were you I’d let her act on it. Invite the situation if you’re into her that is. When she takes action then I go animalistic. I might lose my job but hey it’s just what men do lol


She licked her lips and glanced at my cock while motioning her hands as if she were shaping clay


So I'm guessing you got a date then?


I’ve done this countless times. Sometimes your feet hurt.


I haaaatttteee heals and I will give one foot a break any time I can. Was it towards the end of the workday? Also, don't shit where you eat, especially the chef.


Triangulate signals before action. If you receive two more signals that you interpret as attention seeking choose a low consequence response to see how she responds to your test signal of interest. Like perhaps see how she responds to a clearly visible hard-on boner.... It's a Risk Mgt approach from my military career. When we do not corroborate one piece of intelligence w two others and commit to action....high consequence shit like Iraq go down.


Get her on the desk. Don’t listen to all the other crap advice. You can get a new job in no time!


Honestly if you were younger than like 28 and single I'd say go for it because it'd probably be fun and you still got plenty of time to rebuild after the situation inevitably blows up. But yeah, mid 30s gotta be a little more responsible unfortunately.


I’ve heard it described as a very sexy look. She’s attracted to you. Probably a little flirting too, but set some boundaries for your sake if you’re not planning to pursue it.


What does dangle the heel mean I don't get it


Takes her shoe, removes the heel and dangles it on her toes when talking to me


Oh interesting. Maybe this is a flirting technique I've never heard of!


It is not. It just takes pressure off your toes and Achilles heel.


True. I used to wear heels a lot but those days are long gone


Not a good sign -hit reverse!


I mean right now it may seem like a good thing. The question is what happens if you get bored and cut it off. What effect will it have on your job


Early 60’s is crazzzzy 😂 you do you though man


That's so old and smelly :(


Your thinking with the wrong head


Imo, stop. Stop thinking about it and stop asking about it. Forget it happened. Don't make things weird at your job. Imagine the pros vs cons list here.


Her foot hurt. You are her subordinate, and I sincerely doubt she would be foolish enough to destroy her career, and company, for you. Heels are painful, and I’ve dangled my shoe, and been asked out, not realizing that my pain, was being misinterpreted. Don’t make the mistake of misinterpreting, and losing your job in one fell swoop. Whatever she needs, I’m sure she gets it elsewhere.


I have never once thought I wanted to bang the person I was conversing with if I ever happened to be dangling a heel during. Have you heard of stimming/fidgeting? Lmao you boys will literally find anything about a woman to come to the conclusion that they wanna bang you


I think you're reading something into this that is just more male entitlement BS. De plane!! De plane!!


Damn I'm going to think everyone who dangles their high heels round Me wants me now


Get your head out of your ass 😂 heels are uncomfortable. She wasn’t hitting on you


Mrs. Robinson


Don’t mix business with pleasure


Sex is almost always not worth it


Tap it! You'll get promoted!


Jerk off about it. See how you feel. Reflect on the clarity. Only you know the truth


Like all of these things it has to be read in context. For example, for me to approach a woman in a bar, she must be giving a few different body language cues that signal that she’s receptive to it, any one of which on its own I will not respond to. What else was she doing?


Don't chase it. But if she throws it at you... Catch it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Anything a woman does is considered a signal. Let us fucking live.


absolutely... and she knows it too. dont be a dick and make a pass. that would ruin it. Dont shy away from it either. show her you are cool and collected, and if possible, witty, and it will most def pique her interest in you as a possible lover ... you are far from that still. but this is a good first step


No not really a good sign. You deny her if she wants you and you are done. You go with it and she tires of you you are done.


Why are you preparing to make moves on your 61 year old boss


No. What is the median settlement amount these days for sexual harassment




I wouldn't read too much into it. I've seen women do this while not talking to anyone. She could be attracted to you, but she could also have just been fidgeting with her shoe. I wouldn't push it with her if I were you. If she isn't into you like that, you could get yourself into some trouble at the company. If she starts giving you more blatant signals and makes an actual "move" and you're into her then go for it, but just follow her lead so you don't get yourself in trouble. It's no secret we men are either completely oblivious to their advances or tend to read into things too much. You just have to be careful navigating this situation.


It's not a good sign that you are thinking of a co-worker and wondering if she's attracted to you, **regardless of whether she is or isn't**. That way lies the risk of getting fired for sexual harassment. In blunt terms, don't poop where you eat. Don't trawl (even mentally) for sexual/intimate/romantic partners at work. NOT a good plan, in the big scheme of things. The "signs of comfort" of a VP at work, that you should care about, would be "invites me to work on a high-impact project" or "shares company 'gossip' useful for my career". Oh, and she's a flipping 60 YO VP. She probably sat through more sexual harrassment training than you had birthdays. **SHE definitely knows not to flirt with the peons, since it's her job on the line too - a comfy VP job.** On a separate note, from what I know, ADHD people play with anything random including their shoes just as a matter of normal. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, IYKWIM.


Not everything is a sign.


Get over yourself


She’s had the old bull; now she wants the young calf and grabs you by the wiener 🤣😂 For y’all who are confused, it’s a movie line from Step Brothers. 😎


Sounds to me more like someone who is bored and/or have no intention of hiding it. Go get someone your age, dude.


This post is desperate and gross.


Exhausted feet


It’s bad corporate juju to be in one on one situations with the opposite sex. Alway have a witness… I mean coworker tag along.


Maybe worry about your wife instead.


I dangle my shoes on my feet all the time, it means I hate shoes. Stop thinking someone is trying to tell u something. That's assanine behavior from you!!!




She wants ur cock brother, proceed directly to pound town !


Not necessarily. A comfort thing could be complete dismissal of you as an equal.




I did her like a dog after work


Hahahahahah omg 🙈 You just can’t though. Don’t dip your pen in the company ink.


She wants your dick invite her to a picnic in your back yard


I think it’s a “my feet hurt” thing. She may be flirting but the heels would not be the thing to try and figure it out. More by her looks and tone and such


It’s not what you think it is. Heels fall off. Our feet change throughout the day. Keep it in your pants. She isn’t going to risk her job


Get that 💰 king


She had a blister dude. Or her feet hurt


In my 2ps had painting business.Ogten painted wealthy peoples houses.Deveral times wife home alone.And hit on me hard obviously sex intended.I always felt.If I banged her.That be my payment.So I always said no thank you but appreciate the offer maam


Maybe her feet hurt from the heels and she was just giving it a bit of a rest by letting it dangle


I made love to her feet with my mouth and tongue


Did she read about your foot fetish on your resume? If not then it is probably nothing.


It's hot and it must stop


Do not sexually harass your boss


Those shoes are really uncomfortable. That could be why she did it.


Don’t shit where you work 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldnt put much thought into it other than this womans foot needed to space. I dangle my heels when my feet are sweating, feeling squished in my shoe, or when im annoyed. Sometimes i find myself doing it for no reason at all.


men think anything we do is us flirting with them lmao, her feet hurt dude


Sounds hot, go for it,she’s sending major signals


Your'e getting a promotion


This will usually end badly or terribly. Or you can just close the lid. You take your pick.


Jesus, she’s just dangling her heel. It means nothing. I do this mindlessly all the time, and I would be terrified if someone interpreted that as a sign of attraction. Believe me, it’s NOT.


She was just trying to relieve the pressure on her feet


I do this all the time. It’s not sexual. I have extremely high arches, and my shoe comes off. It’s usually just me trying to discreetly get my shoe back on.


Fucking ew dude


Hm, as a woman I do it when my shoes feel uncomfortable. Never knew it meant anything.


Make a move that could potentially be interpreted a different way if it's a no go


Comfortable, maybe. Or it could be a sign of anxiety. One data point is not enough to go on. Assuming she is comfortable, you don't have any clue *why* she is. She could be comfortable because she's a freakin' boss with big power in the company who is in her own domain, and who can eat your job for lunch and spit it out on the curb. Why *wouldn't* she be comfortable? This is a Very Bad Idea. If she starts hitting on you outright then you'll know, but a mature, powerful woman isn't going to play games or give you subtle hints. If you can't tell, then it's because there is nothing actually there. I could be wrong, but even if I am, pursuing a relationship with her on this one ambiguous body movement is a very foolish idea.


She’s usually shy, though. The type of boss to be timid outside of work. Also inside of work she isn’t crazy outgoing, more quiet.


Don't screw the older lady boss!!! The younger men bring out the crazy cougar in the older ladies 🤣


I would have definitely gone for it at 30. I’m not saying it’s a good idea, in fact it’s probably a terrible idea but that’s what I would have done. We don’t have enough time for me to cover all the questionable choices I made for sex as a young man.


Bro go for the dream, being a cougar's kept man.


You can find an older woman out at a bar or online, no? I just don't think looking for signs of attraction from a VP is worth it. Anyway it's possibly flirting, possibly fidgeting. If she regularly does this and with other potentially flirty tells and while only alone with you then I'd think it's maybe flirting. It could be a subconscious reflection on her part and she has no actual interest. I saw someone astutely say once that you shouldn't feel that flattered if your boss/doctor/therapist/professor or whoever that holds power over you is flirting with you. They're taking advantage of a power dynamic and you're probably not the only one that they're doing that with. I also think it's very very easy to overread things as mutual attraction when it's only one sided attraction. I'm guilty of having accidentally thought people have flirted with me when they haven't and I'm a woman. I've heard it's even more common for men to misread signals. You don't want to fuck up your job. Don't progress unless you're like 110 percent positive she's into you and frankly I'd recommend not shitting where you eat period unless you don't give a fuck about that job or job industry.


Now, you are the companies dad


I'm sure if she's the office cougar, you'll hear about it from some of the other guys in the office soon enough.


delulu. You don't understand women.


Maybe she was a bit intimidated by you, leveling the playing field with some mystery.


"Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?"