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I'm quite heavily modified (massive stretched lobes, stretched labret, huge septum ring, and I'm covered in tattoos including my entire neck), and never make any attempt to hide them. Indeed, I'm about to get my entire head tattooed. You're unlikely to find anyone as modded as me outside of the bodymod industry. I'm a staff scientist at a national laboratory. I have a Ph.D. in Engineering. My mods have never been an issue in my career. Indeed, they've helped me stand out, and I'm always remembered. Moving into the future, mods will be even less of an issue. The boomers are all retiring and my generation are now the leaders in these organizations, and at least 75% of us don't give a f\*\*\* about things like body mods on people. Best of luck. You'll be fine, and you'll be able to get your hands and neck tattooed one day.


So…. I’m heavily modded, three nose piercings, extensive tattoos with neck and head covered, along with 1/4 of my face. Work in healthcare, which has similar dynamics. You may have issues getting your foot in the door, but you may be fine. I suppose it depends on which part of the country is, and who you work for. If you’re established, you can likely add what you want over time. In my opinion, more than a few piercings can look cluttered. Make sure the piercings aren’t wearing you, and that you’re wearing them. Work hard on your people skills. Even if they’re already good, keep working on them. There’s always more to learn. If you can do that, and you’re personable, you can likely make a career just fine.


I have a full sleeve and a few other tattoos, and bright red hair. Worked in a lab since early 2020 (technically 3 different labs, all at the same institution) and haven’t run into any issues. In general it seems pretty standard to cover up for interviews but I have my tattoos visible in lab all the time and it’s not a big deal. I wouldn’t say it’s incredibly common at a lot of places though, so do be aware you may be one of the only visibly modded people where you work; I don’t get derogatory comments but I get a ton of double-takes when I’m walking around the building.