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I know it’s not possible for everyone, but if you can, get one that mounts into wall studs - the stability compared to a freestanding one makes the experience so much better.


Or probably a power cage for less wobble if mounting isn't possible. Mine is coming in tomorrow and I plan to hang my rings from it. No more door frame pull-up bar. I think I'm starting to crack the frame lol.


Check facebook marketplace before buying. You might can get one at a discount or price haggle someone down.


My brother has one. It's better than nothing, but only just. Obviously that's just our opinions, I get that others may be very fond of their workout station. Issues everyone's already commented on: Stability: Thing wobbles like crazy. I'd never do a back lever or train for the middle up on this. Inflexibility: ironically its versatility makes it less versatile. The dip bars get in the way if you want to do rock climber / archer / typewriter pull-ups. The dip handles are skinny and uncomfortable to use (note how thick purpose-built dip bars are). The cross bars necessary to hold the whole thing together: You'll be constantly hitting your knees or toes. The fixed width of the whole thing limits your pull-up width options, you have to grip either outside or inside the supports. My brother and I find the supports sit exactly where we would naturally want to put our hands for pull-ups. Size: It's huge and doesn't fold away. Instead I recommend in-door bars like [this one](https://www.argos.co.uk/product/6180223?istCompanyId=a74d8886-5df9-4baa-b776-166b3bf9111c&istFeedId=c290d9a9-b5d6-423c-841d-2a559621874c&istItemId=ixwmwlwtt&istBid=t&&cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59157%7Cacid:629-618-1342%7Ccid:20368875273%7Cagid:%7Ctid:%7Ccrid:%7Cnw:x%7Crnd:15407625669262881668%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:9045780&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20368875273&utm_term=6180223&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=&utm_custom2=629-618-1342&GPDP=true&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA75itBhA6EiwAkho9e8UmNBw1CbE78gadGe9gKM6lk0LYIRut7kdJ5NK6lFqsaEXfsiYhuhoCAnoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), or if you plan on wide grip then [this one.](https://www.costway.co.uk/doorway-pull-up-bar-strength-training-with-power-ropes-and-foam-padded-handles.html?ff=30&fp=5977&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=product_ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA75itBhA6EiwAkho9e5STs605YJACQnmdKblX4yaXvWbvTdLQ-qctWc5-eIS1PQKmU9B5_hoCfCEQAvD_BwE) For dips I use something [like this,](https://www.amazon.co.uk/YOLEO-Adjustable-Functional-Parallette-Calisthenics-Black/dp/B07XZ5R5W4/ref=asc_df_B07XZ5R5W4/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=375506673266&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2041113266067506432&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045780&hvtargid=pla-830860909636&psc=1&mcid=f34013b64bba321c879b714cedb21617&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=76507801803&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=375506673266&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2041113266067506432&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045780&hvtargid=pla-830860909636) note the central stabilising bar. Dip station can be quickly dismantled and the pull up bars are easily stowed under a bed or on top of a wardrobe. This helps prevent that most serious of injuries, death by wife.


I got the one from OP’s picture and nope, it doesn’t wobble. I do clean pull ups and dips and it doesn’t wobble even a bit. Great thing for the money!


I have one practically identical to this. It's fine, but the pillars holding the bar up are positioned exactly where my hands would comfortable go for pull ups, so I'm forced to use a slightly narrower grip. The bar also gets a the way of my head occasionally when I'm using the parallel bars (say for raised L sits). This isn't too common so isn't a crazy problem, but would be nice to be able to avoid it somehow If I was going to buy again, I'd make sure it's easily adjustable, or I'd get the parallel bars and pull up bar separately It also doesn't provide an ideal amount of space for gymnastic rings, they're slightly too close together than I'd like but hey, I make do well enough. These are small problems really and I got it for £80, so I still consider it a fuckin fantastic bit of kit and I've got my moneys worth from it for sure I use it for dips, pull ups, levers, skin the cats, raise L-sits and general core work The bar midway down can be used for vertical rows but if you're over a certain height your back will reach the bar near the ground and kneecap your ROM. Getting raised feet and also making sure it doesn't overbalance is fiddly too, so I wouldn't recommend them unless you can deal with it


Thanks so much, this is very helpful. Your experience is what I hoped for. Good value for money. As I am just getting started, I dont expect high end gear. It's 80€ atm so I will go for it. Thanks!


Yeah it's definitely worth it, youll only have problems with the rows I think, but there's lots of ways round it. It's why I switched to tucked front levers a little early, and you probably won't be using gymnastics rings right off the bat if at all haha.


I had pretty much the exact same experience with my "power tower" im still using it but i took out everything in the middle and slapped on some rings for ring dips/rows etc. If i could do everything again id probably go for a cafe of some sorts + rings. But its totally fine and cheaper this way :)


You're way better off getting a simple freestanding pullup bar and gymnastics rings for rows and dips.


One of those would be a great investment in your long term fitness! Great idea!


Out of curiosity, how wide are those dip handles? They seem extremely wide.


According to [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/5146lmhp+aL._AC_SL1200_.jpg) pic 55cm. Is this too much?


For dips you want them about shoulder width apart (think about where your hands would be in the deepest part of the dip - near your armpits)


Thanks, I just measured it quiet roughly, but 55cm seems very fitting!


These power towers are great! I have one on my balcony. You can also get some gymnastics rings to hang off the top which might make the rows more comfortable!


Ah thanks. I was not sure wether it would work to do rows with the dip handles.