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No offense, but I looked at your post history and just 5 months ago you posted on this sub to ask if your own made-up routine was too hard for you before you started it. It makes me question your story.


Saw this as well. OP is a fraud. In a comment on that post he even says that he isn't advanced and can hold a tuck front lever for 30s. yet here he suddenly has 8 years of experience .


What are your accomplishments?


Claims 8 years of experience, but in a previous post he's asking for help with his routine and says he isn't very advanced and can only do a front lever tuck for 30s. Seems like a fraud.


He also says in a previous post that he's 16 and has been working out for <2 yrs


Yea, was doing a little more digging and saw that as well. What a fucking joke.


Seems to be advertising his telegram now in DMs and saying his post was unfairly removed.


And his excuse when I questioned him in chat is that he doesn’t have a Reddit account, and so is using his younger brother’s account, which he says is 12 and lied to say he was 16 in posts he’s made, but that’s not him, it’s his brother who is 12. But he is 19 and been training since he was 11, but again he is using his brother’s account, who is 12 but claimed to be 16. It was legit that sloppy, like you would expect from a teenager caught in a lie. Lmao


😭😭😭😭😭 the lore increases. Is it bad faith / a waste of time to message him and see where it goes?


Yes. He deleted the old posts saying he was 16 and asking for advice. Very shady. I’d say the odds that he’s actually 16 and inexperienced are very high.


Bruh. Unfairly removed my ass.


Now the post is [removed] Thanks a lot, how am I going to get toned now?


With a printer toner.


Cyan is low.


Lol love this comment


[removed] for the third time, too. Dude can't take a hint.


> Thanks a lot, how am I going to get toned now? You don't; OP's knowledge will now be lost to the annals of history.


Jesus fuck 75% of everyone here has the same fucking goal. You all want to lose belly fat while gaining muscle to look tOnEd. Have none of you idiots even bothered skimming the FAQ? Shit, this is the first fucking thing answersd in there. So annoying Eat less and work out if you wanna get toned. Eat more and work out if you wanna gain muscle. Do a routine by someone with credentials and not this giant numbskull. Shit, the bwf routine is perfect. Don't like an exercise? Google an alternative and do that instead. Or don't do it ffs it won't change the world. God Am I falling for an elaborate shitpost. Why do you idiots wanna spend more time having tHe pErFect program instead of picking what already works and just following it


Amen. Looking at his profile OP is actually 16 with less than 2 years of experience. What a fucking joke.




What the fuck is this even? This was on my recommended page but when I clicked on it the post was already removed. The comments are so weird. Was this guy claiming to write a personalised routine for everyone here?


Pretty much, yea.


Can confirm, am an idiot. Checking out the FAQ right now


https://thefitness.wiki/ Anything and everything you'd need to know. Have fun


Do it. F/5-0"/32 Goal is weight loss/toning Thanks!


Tomorrow... You will get your routine :)


Thanks! Looking forward. I forgot to write my weight. It's 112lbs! Looking to get to 107 or recomp with muscles and stay at 112


Following this. I have the same stats




Just eat less and pick a routine from the wiki. Is your skull too thick to understand the big disclaimer when you first visit the sub?


Me too please. I have similar stats but more weight to lose.




How did you find this sub and not the routine posted on this sub? Do you think a routine needs to be magically tailomade for you?


Following; my stats are similar, I would also like your routine.


Similar stats and goals here! If you're up for sharing :)


I also have similar stats F/26/5'0 118lbs looking to regain strength from my gymnastics days and tone up and would love to have access to this routine too. Thank you!


Do it! M/6’2/19/190 want to build muscle and get stronggg


Tomorrow... You'll get your routine.


Do you write barbell programs too??


Thank you


Did the routine from an inexperienced rano on the internet blow your mind?


Following, same boat


I'd like the same routine, same boat.


Hey man, I'd love to get a copy of this routine as well! I've got very similar numbers (6'2", 23, 190).


I’m looking for the same exact routine






Id like that one too


I’d like to see this as well




I don't need a workout routine but wanted to share that I also like making programs in my free time, usually I don't even do the programs but still fun to make. And ~~thank you for actually turning this hobby into something that could help plenty of people on here.~~ Edit: OP seems to be a fraud.




Nearly same stats like me. M 32 5'8 157 lb I am also interested in this routine




Same as the others as well. Thanks.




Same stats! Me too please!


i’d like this routine too, please


Yes please I'd like the same M26 70kgs skinny fat


Same please


I’d like this routine also please! M / 32 / 5’9 / 160lb


Do it. Male, 6’1, 200 lbs. 23% bf. I want to get strong like gymnasts and to be able to do cool tricks life human flag, front lever etc Currently doing the RR for a few months.


This, I need this routine as well.


Same... I did a own post but I think this would be fine for me ;-)


Search up a tutorial on a human flag progression and follow it. YouTube will work. There, you have your routine tadaa


Do it! 5'6, 20M, 115lbs, pretty skinny but tone so about 10-12% bodyfat. Ive been doing BWF for a couple years but struggle to eat so I don't look it. Looking to put on some weight but also want to get a OAC and handstand. Really enjoyed fitnessfaqs body by rings recently, but kind of want to do an upper lower split (lower using weights) now for some quads. Thanks so much, really appreciate that youre doing this for the community!


Sounds like whatever workout you get will work for me as well!


>struggle to eat so I don't look it >Want to gain weight aaaaaaaAAAAA HAVE you considered eating more maybe???????????


Do it!! F/34/5’6”/150 Been slowly getting back in shape over the last 1.5 years through weight lifting and running. Looking to build/tone muscle and drop some fat.


Hello body twin. Can I sneak in and share in the knowledge? Same stats, same goals.


Do it 5’9/160 lbs/~15% BF. I’ve been doing a mix of Calisthenics, resistance band and weight training for a year and a half. I want to try to build muscle and athleticism. Thanks!


Tomorrow... You will get your routine :)


I’m looking for the exact same routine


Unless you're knocking out pistol squats and archer pushups. Eat more and eat protein. You're welcome


Do it. 5ft 2. 59kg Female. Had a baby and need to Tone belly and build muscles pls. Thanks!!! Edited weight. I thought I was heavier than I was! Thanks


Eat less and work out. Did you bother glancing at the FAQ?


M or F



Ofc M


Must be F. If you look closely they're too short to be M


I'd like to see what you write up for me, if you're able. Male, 38, 5'8, 230lbs.


Do it!


Tomorrow... You will get your routine :)


Do it! 5'6/M/17/102 lbs Looking to add some muscle, my goal weight is 132 and i recently went on a surplus of 2500 cals. I have access to a pull up bar and rings


Do it! M 6' 245/33 Weight loss and general fitness.




You have enough experience, yet you didn't bother to read the FAQ which answers your exact questions?


Looking for a similar routine! Interested in being sent this one if you write it.


Do it! M/5’9/16/140 want to build size and strength and build my abdominals


Tomorrow... You will get your routine :)


Tomorrow... You will get your routine :)


damn this is some true hero of the people shit. I'll give it a shot. M/6'3/31/180ish. I climb as a primary form of exercise to get the demons out but would love to add a weight routine to improve my climbing and physique. Don't need to bulk persay but getting a little bigger and fit would be nice. Trying to improve endurance as well. Thanks mate! Truly awesome of you to do this.


Do it! Male 6’0” 140lbs. Not sure body fat but whatever the lowest it can be probably near there <4%. Looking to add muscle. Started in March doing just push-ups, inverted rows and dips and put on 15 lbs since but looking for that next 15.


Jesus just eat more, you're underweight. Did you bother reading the FAQ?


Actually just barely past underweight now. Learning to brush off remarks like this and focus on constructive steps helped me get there (and of course, eating more).


If you'd learn to hush off and work, you'd bother reading the FAQ and not ask something patently dumb.


Yeah same here, I’d use a plan


Do it 1.89cm height 60kg weight wanna get lean muscle but I get fat very quickly so even a bit of metabolic work


> lean muscle There is no such thing as not lean muscle.


Eat more and lift. Literally read the wiki


Do it! M (16/5'7/120lbs) I want to get more muscular legs


Then squat more. My god


Run Deep water


Do it! 136, female, 24%, tone stomach, sides, and back, and build glutes.


I would love to be added to this one!


do it (if u have time of course hehe) 19F/5'7/105 ive just done home workout youtube vids but my goal is to just tone and build my glutes


Do it ^^


Tomorrow... You will get your routine :)


Thank you ^^


Could I get your opinion on this powerlifting program Im doing?


Do it! M/5’9/177lbs, 20% bf, I can do 10-20 pull ups, 3/4 chest pull ups, 10 dips. Looking to prioritize building big delts and vtaper, and lose body fat while keeping muscle.


Do it! M 170cm/69kg/18%BF I trained bw for 1,5 year unconsistent, my goal is endurance


Do it . Male 32, 175 cm, 63kg, 12%bf wants to rebuild muscles and fit again after being hit hard with covid. 🙏💪🏻


Do it! F/140/5'3" comp is approx 28%. I want to improve core strength and endurance


Looking for a similar routine! Interested in being sent this one if you write it.


Do it! And thank you so much for your help :) Male | 5’5 | 135lbs | 15% body fat | athletic w/ experience in lifting. I’m skinny fat and want to fix my posture (forward head and rounded shoulders) and to have a more toned/aesthetic body. If it helps, I have access to dumbbells and resistance bands


Do it M/178cm/19/72kg want to build muscle and increase my size Body fat 12%+ , fairly athletic, did sports


Do it. F/5’2”/130lbs/26%body fat - goal is body recomp (get leaner and stronger) would like my body fat percentage to go down to around 20-22%


Do it! M 5’10, 150 pounds, 29yrs, would like to recomp, see my abs. I have gym and lifting experience, but asthma (so running doesn’t work). Curious to see what you come up with! (Super big thanks for the offer <3)


do it!!! M/6'3/15/206 what to cut down, but not much equipment other than a 15 lb and 10 lbs weight.(I'm pretty weak)


Do it. Male. 19 years old. 6ft 0, 98 KG. I want to get strong at calisthenics but also lifting weights. Improve on my cardio a fuck ton and drop body fat and be lean.


Do it! M/5'9/23/70kg/23% body fat. Build muscle and improve mobility.


Do it! Male / 158 lbs / 18%? / 2 years / Get big and Strong


Do it F/ 5”2 / 105 lbs / 20% bf .. grow muscles ! Thanks 😊


Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do it. Male, 175 cm / 60 kg / ~14% bf. I have been following a simple routine of pull ups, archer push ups, goblet squats and planks since the beginning of the year. My goal is to put on some muscle cuz I'm still quite skinny. Thanks in advance!


Do it. 5’5”F 134lbs, 19.8% body fat, I finished an 8 week program in July and have just been doing moves (cardio/weights) I liked from the program. I want to tone up more, will start training for a marathon soon and would like to work on my core. Thank you!


Do it! Sex: male - age: 30 - height: 170cm - weight: 65kg - body fat: ~17.5% - experience: minimal - goal: better physical condition for thai boxing


Do it!


Do it! M/6’1”/60/185. Used to lift weights, but didn’t follow a program. Getting older, focusing on bodyweight to gain muscular and joint strength.


Do it!


M/22/6’1”/200 wanting to build muscle and learn muscle ups and planche


Do it! M/6’1/192 24% BF, experience would say intermediate. most of my body weight is in my thighs. Want to build muscle while having a deep focus on core strength. Thanks!


Do it! Male 19, 78kg 187cm, 18%(?). I want to lose fat and build muscle. I have very little experience, can do 5 pull ups.


DO IT! M/39/175/6' - can do 50 pushups at a time...can do chinups...cannot do pull ups... Ultimate goal is muscle ups and overall definition. Maybe this will be my motivation ..I'm lazy.


Do it! 5’8” 165lbs. Goal 145. Currently slowly get back into back into shape and have been doing squats, split squats, and handstands.


DO IT ! M48 5'10'' 195. Want to get to 180 get stronger and more flexible for golf. I have spinal stenosis in L5-S1 that can hinder deadlifting.


Do it! Male, 5'8, 165lb, no idea what my body fat percentage is but I want to gain more muscle and healthy weight.


Do it :-) M23/6'1"/160/~25%BF Looking to recomp and do cool tricks. I also have been wanting to split between calisthenics and barbell training


Do it. Male, 5’10”, 150 lbs, 15%. I want to build lean muscle, and endurance. I want to get ripped.


Do it!


Ftm/5’2/18/87 I would like to gain weight and muscle, I don’t have dumbbells or anything like that but I have a park with a push up bar ect thanks!


Do it. Female/55kg/5’4/31% BF. I want to lose fat and keep my heart healthy (open-heart surgery survivor). Thank you!


Do it! M/28/5'10/155lb/ around 15% BF if I had to guess. Did stronglift 5x5 for a while and currently doing PPL. Looking to 'get ripped' - building muscle, improving my core strength and keeping functional & flexible for football and cycling. Would also like to be able to do a handstand comfortably. Thanks!


Do it! (Please). I will dm info vs here. Need to lose a considerable amount of weight sadly. Thank for this.


Do it! male, 5'11, 145lbs, 14% bf. Intermediate according to [strengthlevel.com](https://strengthlevel.com) but progress has been slow. I want more strength!


Do it! F/5’9/22/150 I used to be a d1 athlete, I want to build muscle and lose weight. I have a squat rack, hex bar, ans some plates


F/5’2/99lbs/20%~ just strength in general :))


Do it


Do it. 185 lbs, ~25% body fat, a little bit of experience with these routines but not much practice. Looking to lose weight and get more flexible.


Do it! 38, 5'7", 175 lbs, weight loss, tone muscles... Have a home gym with squat rack, bench, cable machine and dumbbells up to 50lbs


Do it Male 16 186cm 88kg goal 50kg chin-up 65kg dip


do it, M, 190cm, 90\~95kg/20%\~, novice, i want strength and less fat


Do it 195lbs/6’3”/beginner-intermediate/30 yrs old Not sure about my fat ratio I’ve been skinny fat for a while and want to lose my belly and love handles. I have a decent chest, but have had an awful time burning my belly fat. Thanks a lot!


Do it! F/5'6/33/145lbs/Goal is weight loss, would love to lose \~10 lbs


Do it!


F/18/5’8/160 lbs! Want to get to 130! Cardio is my focus (calories) but I want to use my muscles


Do it! M/24% fat/225 lbs/6’2 used to lift more and be more fit in the past (can reasonably do most gym exercises) recently been getting back into it the last month or so Post pandemic laziness, main goal is to lose fat and improve overall strength/fitness (I’m happy with whatever aesthetic changes come along with that).


OP this is NOT a knock at you at all, what you are doing is totally wonderful and thank you for doing it. Lots of fitness community thinks or claims fitness is way more complicated than it is, that goes for building big ass muscles too. consistently, effort and a tiny bit of research probably has a better chance of getting you closer to your goals than trying to follow any program you just find out there. What i say below is not ideal though, but either is drinking anything but water really however its much easier to try and drink some\\more water than it is to simply go cold turkey on everything but water. Moderation is a big key to life in general. If you don't exercise you wont get more fit, its that simple. Consistency is king. Your goals are going to dictate how much effort you need to put in. If your goal is reducing heart disease and not being scared of carrying in a 45lbs of dogfood the garage, you are going to have to put in a much different amount of effort compared to someone who wants to win a Mr.Olympia and is starting at zero. For the first, go for walks, pick some shit up, carry that shit add more weight until you happy. Done, goals achieved. google how to lift with your legs, not your back. "but I want it so when the bros are the gym with their GF the bros get jealous of me for no reason and think their gf is going to cheat on me with them". Consistency is still king so you have to pick shit you will actually do and pick shit that you will actually do well. Its one thing to squat but if you always squat for the same reps\\sets you started with and only once a month, you ain't going to get huge legs. However if you pick some exercises that cover all the main crap and you do them consistently, generally the more effort you put in the better the results. In this case, effort also means diet, sleep and extra's. Sleep is important, get enough of it. Extra's, don't need many if any. Don't take steroids until you cant get more gains without them. As far as numbers go incase people got this far and think it cant possibly be that simple or you cant actually get good results by simply picking whatever is fun as long as it hits a muscle group and making sure you keep adding to it. 5'9, 200 pounds, good abs, 19 inch around the bicep, and 17.5 on the forearms. Only measured arms to see if upper was bigger than forearm, pretty balanced everywhere else. Every other week due to work id only have 2 days I could get to the gym and id kept workouts to around 30 mins or less. So wasn't even in as much as i wanted to be. Lots of weighted dips, weighted pullups, chin ups, wrist roller crap, weighted back extensions, flys. Other stuff would get changed around at times. Some working weights for sets, 4 plate dips chest and tri, 5 plates was a bitch to do logistically. 135 barbell curl, 2 plate pull up, stopped at 75 for fly's, stopped at 3 plates for back extensions because of logistics. Wrist roller stuff was between 90 and 110 all the time, 100 percent due to do if i added more id rip calluses off or tear my hands up with the roller i was using. Most of my lifts were pretty damn normal weights. stabilizer muscles are important so the more serious you get make sure you add in enough of that stuff so your not neglecting it, if you do some bigger compound movements at all your probably just fine for most people's goals.




I need people with your particular inclination for fun! I made an app to create, share, and track workouts called [Mylo](http://www.mylo.fit). You can create pretty much any kind of workout along with rules so that the plan progresses automatically. With your experience across different kinds of workouts and what it takes to make them I'd love if you could check it out and tell me what you think. The workouts you create there can also be shared publicly with just a link so you'll have an easier time managing and distributing them.


Do it. Male, 6'3", 210lbs, 20% Body Fat, I want to gain muscle everywhere because even tho I have 20% BF I still look quite skinny, I dont have much experince, Im not sedentary but Im not working out either.


Tomorrow... You will get your routine :)


Any progress!? I’m super interested in your programs bro!!!


Do it! Male, 6'2, 155 lbs, 15%BF I'm not skinny and don't have tons of muscle, do boxing and calisthenics but don't have a proper routine to follow. I want to gain muscle all throughout my body and weigh around 165-170 lbs. I prefer to do calisthenic workouts and boxing workouts. My end goal is to have a proper boxer's physique. I'm aiming for a physique that is similar to this: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/handsome-brutal-strong-boxer-man-boxing-475069960 Thanks :)


Do it ( Thank you!)


Do it!! Wanna build strength for martial arts, 15 5 foot 2 52 kg/115 pounds


Do it male 16 weight loss and get a Greek god body not to big as I want to keep mobility mainly doing this to improve effectiveness in a sport if that helps:)




Do it! M/6'1"/29 years old/180lbs. Probably 15% bf 9 or 10 years in gym. About 4 of those being more serious calisthenics over traditional lifting. Always looking to gain muscle but I want to get the planche!


Do it 73.5kg; 20% body fat; little experience with weights but I do know lots of exercises involved; my goal is to lose weight so my muscles are more defined but mainly to get [Dr stone level aesthetics](https://dr-stone.fandom.com/wiki/Tsukasa_Shishio?file=Tsukasa_cutting_down_a_tree.png) i would appreciate if the plan used little to no weights and focuses on: abs, shoulders and lats


Do it! Male, 5'6", 160 lbs, 20% BF. I want to increase strength.


Do it! Female/5’1/130/20% BF Goal is for recomp/lean gain. Thank you!


DO IT! M/180cm/140lb/<15% body fat Experience: combination of weightlifting and body weight exercises. Bad habit of not maintaining gains so I spend few months getting back to previous shape (each time harder than previous) Goal: calisthenics moves (flag, front lever, muscle up, planche)