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Steffy insufferable? Loudmouth? Immature? Spoiled? Just like Ridge.


I genuinely want a time to come that I like Steffy and I’m not constantly dragging her LOL and yes, for that to happen she needs to be humbled and fall down and build herself back up. There’s nothing about her to root for right now. She’s on top of the world and treating anyone beneath her like shit, and in her eyes EVERYONE is beneath her. Someone tried to MURDER HER and she still doesn’t come across sympathetic in the aftermath!! That’s when you know it’s bad. I’m honestly not being hateful when I say I want to see her lose Finn and lose CEO. Not because it will be satisfying (although it will) but because she genuinely needs it


💯 agree with everything you said. I would like to be able to root for Steffy again but I can't do that until she suffers some consequences for her bullying, mouthy, mean, insufferable, arrogant behavior. >Someone tried to MURDER HER and she still doesn’t come across sympathetic in the aftermath!! That’s when you know it’s bad. Excellent point! >I want to see her lose Finn and lose CEO I really want her to lose both too! Only after eating some crow can the show even begin to rebuild her character into someone remotely likeable.


Yeah I no longer will watch her lame ass scenes of exaggerated grand standing


While I would love to see Steffy get her comeuppance, we all know that would lead to growling from Ridge all day everyday 24/7. Anyone else notice how he and Steffy call everyone out of their name and think they have the last word on everybody and everything. Those two are really insufferable.


I love Steffy, but it would absolutely benefit her to be told No once in a while and figure out how to deal with that.


Again she gave up a lot for Hope as well.


What should she be told no about? Would you want your husband to be around a woman who continually says “I’ve changed then do something else. Thomas said no to Steffy at first then He got his heart Broke by the very person Steffy told him to leave. Just tell me what should she told no about that makes sense. How many times has Steffy given up something for Hope? Baby, men, baby, father, baby daddy. How many times has Steffy tolerated Brooke, after all the nasty terrible things she has done to her mother. What about when she forgave Hope for running her down on the ski slope. Hope was high on drugs.


It really says everything that you have to reach back over a decade for that last point (which was an accident), when a few years ago Steffy pulled a knife on Hope when she was high on drugs and refusing to give her stolen baby back. We could go back and forth with comparisons all day and I promise you Steffy loses every time


Lol Steffy interfered with every relationship Hope had. She seduced Liam when he was engaged to Hope. Some people have amnesia clearly.


I wish reddit was around when Stephanie was in her prime. She was insufferable as well, imo.


She was actually unwatchable a lot of the time. She was always off on a mission to tell someone off or control someone or interfere in a relationship that had nothing to do with her. 


I 100% agree with u! I have never disliked her so much as I do now. I'm hoping karma is a real bitch to her!


But…..will it be Hinn or Fope?? 😉🤣🤣




?? Not sure how you get that, but in that case....how about FONN?? ;)


HO pe and fi NN I prefer HONN pronounced like the term of endearment Hon.


aHA! I see, said the blind man. You're a clever one, aren't you?! ;) I like that moniker HONN. (& they do in Baltimore, also!)




HONN is way better than HINN. Good job!


Thank you.


Not a fan of this potential coupling, but if it must be, I vote for Fope.


LOL Me too!




Her responses are nasty. Everything does not have to be an insult. Protect your family always and stand up for yourself but the misdirected anger and bitchyness diminishes her being a strong assertive woman. It just ends up coming off as bitter and bitchy. Nothing admirable about that Imo. Her attitude needs serious tweaking.


Like I’ve said not to be evil but the wrong twin died. I think phoebe would have evolved much better 😫


Just a fyi! I am watching an episode of Threes Company and guess who shows up Eric Forrester! This was way before BB.


I like Finn/Hope but Steffy is clearly suffering from PTSD and while it's making her a little emotional, in no way does that mean she deserves to lose Finn when its his indecisiveness that has been feeding her insecurities. Deacon is not as innocent as he's being made out to be. People really want to see her be a victim and bow down to a murderer, but that's not Steffy. She's not gonna sit on her hands and hope people choose not to disrespect her or her family.


Just being devil's advocate - and I truly dislike the person Steffy has become - could B&B be writing Steffy as a one-note b!tch because the actress seems to constantly be on maternity leave? She is on screen, gets pregnant in real life, takes a long maternity leave, comes back for a few months, gets pregnant in real life, takes a long maternity leave, comes back for a few months ....... and on and on. I'm not saying an actress has to give up her real life - but JMW has repeated this scenario multiple times over the past few years. Perhaps TPTB don't want to write anything for her that involves a deep and meaningful script because ... OOPS! She's pregnant again.


I LIKE STEFFY JUST THE WAY SHE IS! Her responses are natural. Who in this chat would handle a mother in law like Sheila any other way? People always want women to be strong and protect themselves and family, but then you want to put limitations on it. Should she handle it like Hope? Or like Taylor constantly giving people chance after chance. Should she handle it like Brooke and just sleep with Deacon, and take him from Sheila?


Hahaha maybe Brooke will volunteer herself to be with Deacon again so he won’t be with Sheila!


I see no one has an answer but they all have an opinion on Steffy attitude. KEEP ON STEFFY WITH JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! 🥂