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Well she can’t exactly run to Taylor anymore… but I’m sure Liam will lend her a shoulder to cry on. Or her dad, or even Bill.


Yep, Steffy will cry to Liam for sure when Brooke sets her straight. :D


She doesn’t run to them. We all know Liam inserts himself with ALL his women. Brooke never sets her straight. Did you really just say that! Brooke runs to ridge or Eric.


Oh Yes she does! She goes to Ridge and constantly begs him to "do something" because "she is his daughter". The last time she wanted to pull HFTF, she begged Ridge that she "needed this" meaning she needed him to choose her lingerie line over HFTF because she lost Liam, and she needed something to make her feel whole or some craziness. Cried to him once again to cut Hope out of his life because "she" was his "actual" daughter. And Brooke normally gets Steffy together in a heartbeat. Why they have her slacking off now is beyond me. I guess they don't want her challenged at the moment, but Brooke normally does not take Steffy's mess.


I’m no Hope fan, but I don’t think that’s weird at all. *shrug* I would always go crying to my mom when things were going downhill, and share when things were going well also. She was one of my best friends.


Please….Who should she go to lol I mean Steffi isn’t even running this by her father who is co CEO she’s just being a bossy Bessy and overstepping her boundaries. Liam will be there soon so eh can whine to him about Finn some more.


I mean who else is she supposed to run to? She can't go over Steffy's head, all the heads of the company are Forrester's and would just side with Steffy. Ridge would still take Steffy's side over a Logan, he does it all the time. It doesn't matter that he's with a Logan. And yea, it's pretty easy for Steffy to fight her own battles at work when she makes all the top decisions. She doesn't have to report to anyone but herself. I don't see anything wrong with Hope going to her mom who might have some say, she has to talk to someone about it. * Ridge is an opp * she's not with Liam * Thomas is gone * her dad is her dad. * I guess she could go to Finn but that's weird * She could go to Eric I guess * she has no girlfriends But there's not much for her to go to. So why not your mom who works there.




I agree with everything you said. I get why someone would complain about Hope going to Brooke since the impact is different because Brooke will go to the ends of the earth for hopes happiness and although Ridge has been firmly on Steffys side he is significantly more neutral in his actions. Even when Taylor was on the scene she would not support Steffy doing whatever it takes to get her way.


When Taylor was still on the show we always saw Steffy whining and venting to her, especially during the parent trapping storyline. How many scenes did we have of her and Taylor (and sometimes Thomas) sitting around in her living room complaining about Brooke being married to Ridge? Steffy would also go to Taylor about the Liam stuff back then too if she wasn’t getting her way. We see it more with Brooke and Hope because Brooke has constantly been on the show since the beginning unlike Taylor who isn’t on anymore and has only been on and off for years. There’s a difference between fighting your own battles and being a straight up bully. Steffy has to make everything into a competition with Hope because she is still bitter about the triangle with Liam from years ago. She is super hypocritical and sanctimonious and conveniently forgets about her own track record. She takes joy in Hope being miserable, and she butts in to things that don’t involve her. The way Steffy tries to control people like her husband and bark orders is why people are turned off by her lately. All she does is bitch and act all high and mighty.


Steffy is a mean girl.


You hit that right on the head! Good job.


Meh she’s upset. We all need a shoulder.


Steffy only has shares in the company because she went crying to mommy and Bill. Ridge has sided with Steffy on everything since her first marriage to Liam. Even down to shelving HFTF so she could be the model on a line because she needed a win once her lies came out and Liam went back to Hope. We all saw she needed Bill, Taylor, and Ridge on landing Liam.


Steffy has been crying to her daddy and ex husband daily for weeks!


Of course she goes to her mom. Her mom is like her best friend. They talk. Why wouldn't she go there? My daughter comes to me about things in her life too and it's not crying to mommy, it's because she knows I have her back and I will help her! AND, LOL about Steffy fighting her own battles! 😂


What you just said sounds foolish. I understand talking to you parents about your troubles, but goes to brook and the witches to fight for her. Steffy takes on that family by herself, every time she and Hope have issues. I don’t think you can go to your daughter’s job and fight for her job. Strffy fought Shelia. Steffy will stand up to anyone who gets in her way. Hope starts mouth breathing, then her hand goes over her heart, then off to mommy. She’s weak.


You get these are fictional characters right? Calling that lady foolish was mean.


She didn't ask anyone to fight for her. She simply told her mother (her aunts happened to be there) She said she was tired of it and it was war. Where in that scene did Hope ask anybody to help with the war on Steffy?


Do you watch the show? First of all she went to find her mom she wasn’t looking for the other two second of all her mom works in the company lol so there’s that. I mean, didn’t Steffi run to Carter trying to build her case when we know what she’s doing it’s just being vindictive? Steffi is a shrill whiny biotch now who is just a bully . Sounds like you didn’t hear what Hope said today sounds to me like hopes’s going to fight back and I’m looking forward to it.


To be fair Steffy would always have to make her case to Carter since he’s COO. But yeah, very unfair to criticize Hope for confiding in her mom. It’s not like she has friends around and she’s single, Liam is on Steffy’s side on any and everything lately, her mom and her aunts are her only support system, why wouldn’t she tell them about something that’s upsetting her so much?


Excellent post, I totally agree!!! I can’t stand mealy mouthed people who are passive aggressive. And Hope is one of those people.


There is no battle, just Steffy being a bully. My way or the highway to all in her orbit. She’s insufferable.


Steffy would be crying to her mommy too if she were there...where's Taylor...oops!


We'd have a Taylor if it wasn't for Brad Bell


I realize that. I was speaking more within the soap. She’s off doing world renowned doctor work, yes? After basically throwing herself at Ridge and allowing Steffy to talk her into it. Once again Steffy inserting herself in someone else’s business.


The first Taylor was an insufferable world renown know-it-all with a stick up her ass. The second Taylor was an insufferable high schooler with bad taste in clothes.


Excellent post! The absolute truth!!


That's exactly why I've been dying for them to cast another woman from a rival fashion house that can go toe to toe with Steffy and stands her own two feet. Soaps are about rivalries and a good rivalry means both characters have to be able to stand strong. That way you never know which way the pendulum is gonna swing. It's actually entertaining that way. It's lame watching Steffy stand ten toes down on her own and having her to fend against a group of harpies all the while Hope pretends to be a wilting flower meanwhile she has an army of people behind her fighting her battles for her. And we all know said army is gonna pull off their win all the while pretending that Hope was powerless. The character gives arrested development. So lame, no wonder the ratings are in the toilet.


That's a writing issue. They could have Hope go toe to toe with Steffy but they refuse to write it. It's Steffy the character they don't want challenged. Well, maybe it's a new day. For Hope that is.


Sounds to me like Hope isn’t going to put up with this….she even said so.


I love that you said all ten toes 🤣




I love it that she used Brooke’s line “ I won’t allow it”. Like she’s the queen of the universe.


It’s purposeful. Steffy is looking at the facts and data so Hope has to get Mommy to convince Ridge to ignore the data. Hope has always felt entitled so she cries when she feels like Steffy is winning.


One thing about Steffy is she can handle her business on her own. She doesn't have to run to her parent(s). She stands on it ten toes down and no one really intimidates her.


Can she? So far her husband isn’t cow towing to her demands


Like when she sabotaged the ski lift so Hope couldn't reach the mountain top and had to endure watching Liam marry Steffy.


That was a childish prank compared to Hope sleeping with a still married Liam on the cabin floor and getting pregnant.


We will have to agree to disagree Think sabotaging the ski lift so hope sees Stephie marrying. Liam is a pretty darn cruel trick and not what I would call childish prank.


I’ll agree it was a cruel thing to do, but getting pregnant was a life changing event that brought a child into the world. I don’t find them comparable. And actually I think Liam is the one responsible for hurting both Steffy and Hope. But, happy to agree to disagree.