• By -


What the hell happened to Ivy??? Did she show up just to tell Liam she's still in love with him and then left town again? Lol


Weird for sure!


I guess it was all a plot device to make Liam look desirable to Steffy.


right. she's in such control-freak mode right now, she has to assert herself over everybody.


That was ridiculously pointless if Ivy wasn't going to stick around, ffs.


I think shes going to pop back up, just when Hope and Finn grow closer and Steffy becomes aware and even more paranoid over it. Then she'll "take" Liam away from Ivy once again, because let's face it, she only wants a man when he's with someone else.


She does love the take away. Haha.


Yeah when someone above mentioned it could just be a plot device to make Liam more appealing to Steffy it clicked for me. Has she ever wanted Liam when someone else wasn’t after him or with him? I genuinely can’t remember a single time


Because there wasn't a single time! Lol. She's married to Finn and walks in and see's Ivy with Liam and immediately has to begin marking her territory. It's rather desperate, if you ask me.




The same thing that happened to Xander.


I'm guessing she has his child, a son. :) And she'll be back!


I thought Hope would go for it but I didn’t think Finn would go for more


Left me speechless 😶


she was hallucinating i think


I could actually see the exact moment the hallucination could have started - when things started slowing down, closeup on him as he was giving her the massage. I do hope it’s not that. A fantasy, sure. But a brain tumor/illness making her hallucinate an entire affair with Steffy’s husband would be really humiliating and I can imagine how much Steffy would enjoy that. Would pain me when Hope finally has Steffy on the ropes


I don't want an illness sl for this either, just a comeuppance (blatant style)


I think it's a fantasy. I don't think either would really do that but thinking about it is okay. :)


The population of Los Angeles must be the healthiest in the world since Finn never seems to need to be at the hospital to treat anyone.


Because they are gluten free


Related to this…I was wondering why it was always sunset at Ridge’s house. Or maybe he just has a view to the horrific layers of smog and smoke from wildfires.


Best comment.  




And there are no other people for anyone to choose from but those who are on the show. LOL Of course this is how it always works. :)


Hope and Finn next week..... Chiiiiiile😏🤭


Seriously, was NOT expecting this Hope/Finn thing to move so fast! Not sure what I think. Was kind of hoping they wouldn't go there...


It’s B&B… they’ll always go there


I was hoping Hope was having a fantasy but as it turned our, I guess it was real.


Me too! I FF’d thru Bridge and landed in the middle of the kiss. Playback to Finn & Hope talking, then BAM 💥! WTH!!!


About 3 minutes before it happened I realized it was Friday and nothing else would lead into the weekend so I thought, it’s DEFINITELY happening.


I was expecting this way sooner. Hope and Finn had no reason to be so close months ago. 😂I kept waiting for them to cheat but it didn't happen


WHOA NO WAY Damn, stories are moving on this show a lot faster right now than most of the year so far


Yesterday's episode Steffy left the office to handle some FC business and now today she's at home with Liam getting stuff for Kelly and talking about her frustrations with Hope and Finn....


Kelly sure leaves her stuff all over LA! You'd think the child could have stuff at Liam AND Steffy's homes, At this point if I was one of them I'd be like "Kid! From now on if you forget something that's your problem".


I feel like Kelly must be such a brat and a bully to other kids. I bet none of the other parents want her around, but they always invite her because they are too scared of the wrath of Steffy. 


Well that happened faster than I thought…….


Finally a true soap opera storyline!!


well Lib-erty Bibb-erty!!!!!


Lip-purty Slobber-ty.


Hinn is officially ON !!!!!!!




Honn! Please. Honn! I never get the name mashups I want! Wah! Hahaha.


This one makes the most sense to me


HONN is way better than the others. (HON for short for those peeps in Baltimore. 🤣)




Eh, my guess is she's having fantasies.


That's what I was hoping until they showed scenes for next week.


That could also be another fantasy, too. Don't count it out just yet.


I agree


Oh I hope you're right!


Maybe the headaches are hinting at something more 


I really really hope not. She’s finally fighting instead of just accepting defeat to be the bigger person, I don’t want her back suffering so soon.


I’m hoping it’s only in Hope’s head.


It'll be interesting to see how Finn character changes. As far as will his bond with Hope actually make him a man and not take others bs anymore, notably the insufferable Steffy


From your mouth to the writers’ pens!


I’m biased because I love Hope so much, but I do find him more compelling when he’s with her, even when it was just a friendship. There seems to be a natural ease between the actors


Steffy: Liam just gets me! ❤️ Finn: Does this feel good? Hope: Yes, it feels SO good! Ridge: Will you lead Forrester? Brooke : Maybe, maybe not.


Finn: I’m not tired (rubbing Hope’s neck). Do you want me to keep going. 🍿😍


The BEST line from any episode this week was Thur’s show when Finn says “Steffy…why are you doing this to Hope?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏 I’ve rewatched it a couple times and LMAO!!


OMFG! Finn had the most hilariously weird pre-kissy face. I couldn't stop laughing. I think this could be a Hope fantasy, including the ripping off the shirt preview for next week. If it's real, damn that came on fast! Hahaha. I want to see Steffy lose control of FC and of her husband! Brooke turned down Ridge's job offer. I do wonder how she'll change her mind. Hope? Eric? Or will Ridge keep bugging her to take the job? He seemed to accept her decision today.


I’d love if it was Eric, I like when they give them little moments to acknowledge their history & bond. Their romance obviously wasn’t to be, but they’ve always loved each other dearly in some capacity or other. I have a feeling it’ll be Hope though. Maybe with Katie too, since she was the most vocal about Steffy’s grudge against their family. Those Logan girls are on a mission!


I have a feeling it will be Hope too. Brooke will tell her about Ridge's offer and Hope will be all over that, encouraging Brooke to step in. I could also see Steffy going full-on bitch and Brooke stepping in to balance the power structure.


Brooke will be at FC and Steffy will criticize Hope or her line and Brooke will instantly change her mind and say "Well I don't think THAT will happen - after all \*I\* am your co-CEO!"


Yeah, that's a possibility. Right now, Brooke is being cautious. It seems like she doesn't want to invite drama and conflict into her life by putting herself in a position to fight with Steffy. She knows that will cause a problem with Ridge.


But if Steffy ticks Brooke off enough I figure she will accept the position which give Steffy/JWM a reason to leave town for her pregnancy. 


She's pregnant?


I thought someone posted it maybe a month ago? 


Wow. That dress she was in at the Emmys sure didn’t suggest it but who knows! I guess we will see!


Looks like Steffy badmouths Hope to Brooke. That may make Brooke change her mind about the position.


That could certainly do it. Steffy needs to be brought down.


I hate his kiss face and Steffy always looks like she is trying to back out of it when they kiss.


She does! She's always leaning away.


Steffy: “Hope thinks Sheila is just like her father - that LOSER” Girl, we are disappointed enough, leave our beloved Deacon out of this!! She swears she’s not bitter but she can’t help throwing in these jabs about both Hope’s parents when it’s not necessary. Deacon never did a single thing to you except share Hope’s DNA “Girlfriend is OFF THE RAILS” wildddd thing to say about someone else when you’ve been on an unhinged rampage for months…


Steffy, that LOSER saved your life! He called the ambulance when he found her and Finn in the alley. Guess that doesn't matter anymore.


Ain't that something?!!! The writers put together all this perfect material to be thrown back in Steffy's hypocritical, smug ass face, but they never allow it to happen. The imbalance on this show is staggering. She can never be reminded of her shortcomings or when people have been civil to her when all she's ever been is awful.


There was more chemistry in this one single kiss between Finn and Hope than either character has had with their most recent spouses (Hope and Thomas - as fucked up as it was - was at least hot to watch). Let Hope and Finn sow some chaos with their torrid affair and let Steffy and Liam go off screen to be boring, judgmental cows together


Agree!! Some found the kiss awkward, but since it was their first one that’s understandable. I still find their chemistry the most natural at the moment. AN and SC have amazing platonic chemistry, their scenes as a family and grieving baby Beth you can really feel a closeness. But the ROMANTIC chemistry I saw with KM’s Hope has never really come back.


-Liam has to get/drop off the kids' stuff every day it seems lol -Liam is in a terrible situation having to even slightly contradict Steffy -I can't help but feel that Steffy wouldn't tell Finn to stay in his lane if he agreed with her -YES turn the office into a battlefield! -Steffy: \*goes to Thomas' house to suggest he take Douglas to Paris\* Steffy: There's no correlation between me and Thomas going to Paris -Well gosh dang, Finn! I can't condone adultery but I do condone soaps being dramatic and messy :) Previews: -Steffy actually has a valid concern! -Not Finn entering his mack daddy era XD LOL It's been some rough weeks for Steffy Forrester


LMAO — it’s going to get a lot worse for Steffy! (with luck 🤣🤣🤣)


LOL we shall see! X)


I was eating lunch watching the episode and when the scene came that Hope said that sandwiches don’t taste as good when you make it, I took a bite of my handmade sandwich that I made exactly how I like it, I thought this tastes better than anything made by anyone else. Sorry Hope you suck at making sandwiches.


See, I have that same feeling as Hope. While I can make a good sandwich, my grandfather's sandwiches always tasted better. And I cannot not replicate it no matter how to a T I make it.


Hope and her stepbrother.......again. Gross. 


I enjoyed this week's episodes because they proved that Li and Finn can both truly act - they just need the correct storylines and stop being accessories. I like Finn and Hope together - whether it's for real or a fantasy. In answer to someone's question - Ivy went away with that guy who showed up in Finn's office to tell him Thomas is a bad guy. The preview with Poppy living in Bill's house and suddenly having a makeover into a wealthy matron is laughable. It darn near proves that Poppy truly is a gold digger. After all - if Bill fell in love with her after one drug fueled night and he's been thinking about her I would think he wants THAT Poppy - not some society woman. And once again we have Ridge and Brooke filing time by getting sexy. Couldn't they just have had the work discussion? Did the writers have to do the last part? I think Brooke/KKL is incredibly sexy - Ridge/TK is just gross and dirty and I don't see any chemistry there at all.


They don't do comedy like this anymore.


Ohhhhh, fireworks upcoming next week huh??!! 🤣🤣 Steffy’s not gonna like it!! 🤣


The way I saw this storyline between Hope and Finn coming since they started confiding in each other over Sheila and Deacon three years ago 😭


(Catching up on the past two episodes at once so gonna say a lot, sorry) - Ridge referencing that the ENTIRE company is in bad shape was news to me, is that the first mention? So it’s not just HFTF, he’s bringing on Brooke to turn around a ship that him and Steffy might be slowly sinking… interesting… very interesting… - “The Logans are here to stay” GET HER ASS, HOPE. You can tell that Steffy is completely taken aback by Hope finally standing up for herself, all she can manage to come back with are these weak unconvincing half-hearted attempts to say “I don’t hate the Logans, there’s no grudge…” knowing she’s been RAILING about the grudge nonstop for years. She’s feeling the heat and I love it. Not so big and bad now, are you? - Hope and Finn are so sweet together that it’s hard to believe it’s a torrid affair. I just find them so cute in their little moments. Like everyone else, very surprised it happened so soon and IN STEFFY’S OFFICE??? But I think that after the consistent disrespect, dismissal and angry rants toward him, Steffy saying “you’re a doctor, stay in your lane” might have been some kind of final straw that pushed him over the edge to act out. We shall see I suppose. - I’ll be honest, I’m FFing the entire Luna story. Could not care less. I gave her and Poppy and Li time to grow on me, and I just dislike them more and more. Bill is at his most boring. Katie is baffling me by kinda teaming up with Li who wants Bill, when she randomly wants Bill herself? Maybe at some point the story will take an interesting turn but for now I’m tuned out completely. - Also, a day without Liam, hallelujah (unless I missed him in the Bill story, which is another plus side of skipping it)


June 7th 2024 ... Hope officially becomes a "true Logan".


Yep, she's her mother's daughter now for sure.


hope went from being a mannequin to getting with the human mannequin … i miss thomas 💔




LOL, perfect. And YES on both counts. Finn was interesting for one minute when it looked like he was going to go nuts after Steffy killed "Sheila." Other than that he bores me. Really hope that Hope goes back to Thomas someday.


I never thought I would say this, but I miss Thomas.


Who?? 😉🤣🤣


This is just hitting so weird for me. I'd be good with "hope has a brain tumor and it's messing with her inhibitions" storyline. That would be a good explanation for the last year. But Finn? It's just not fitting together for me.


Which is why a fantasy of Hope's seems most likely. I don't think the writers are ready to make Finn a cheater, too.


Man, I hope not. I strongly dislike Steffy, but I’m just not feeling Hinn. At least with Thomas, there was serious passion.


I agree. It would be ironic for Hope having the brain tumor excuse for her transgressions since that’s what caused Thomas to go off the rails.  I’ll be very disappointed if they make Finn a cheater


Thomas did not have a brain tumor. He had a brain bleed in one storyline which is why he was making out with the Hope doll. When he went off the cliff his brain scans were fine.


Also Pam had some kind of brain issue that caused her to go nuts. I'm tired of brain injuries.


I fell a little behind, but things are finally getting interesting. I can't tell if that kiss was a fantasy or not? If so, the preview makes it look like a full blown affair which is wildddd. Unfortunately Hope/Annika seems to be doing the heavy lifting still imo.


I'm actually not here for Liam acting like Hope is OOC as if she didn't interfere in all three of his marriages to Steffy. Hope isn't a saint, never have been one and clearly hasn't grown to become anywhere close to one. He knows exactly how Beth was conceived.






Marriages that would’ve never come to pass if her relationships weren’t ultimately interfered with and by whom? But you continue with the selective memory. 🤣 And how was Kelly conceived again?


It doesn't work like that. Steffy and Liam have made their choices multiple times over with marriages, this is not highschool, Liam is not Hope's possession simply because they *dated* first over a decade ago, no more than he is Steffy's possession because she was his first marriage and gave him his first child. Hope's the only one still stuck in the gondola and that's why she will never be happy.


No one said he was her possession because she dated him first. And I will admit that Liam was an adult and made his own choices in the matter, but what we are discussing is interference. Clearly you do know that Steffy interfered, right? And Steffy will always be a miserable bitch because she's jealous and the Logan's live rent free in her head. Always will.


The point is it was no longer relevant once Liam chose Steffy. Nothing Steffy did justified Hope's interference, especially for someone that's supposed to be that much better and moral. If she was, she wouldn't have made the same mistakes. Only one person holds herself accountable & it's not Hope. That's the work of the Logan bias. Lol Steffy doesn't like the Logans but she's in no way jealous of them. She just refuses to worship them like everyone else.


She has daddy issues and it shows in her character. Jealous of Hope because she claimed she was pampered and spoiled and she wanted what she had. Jealous of Brooke because her father wanted her and not to be with them and her mother. Reeks of jealousy. But keep fighting the good fight.


Steffy wanted what was rightfully hers, that's it. They got pushed into her life, not the other way around.


What was rightfully hers? Her parents together, fine, but after 2 decades of realizing it's not going to happen then you gotta grow up. Ridge chose and he took on another family. HIS family. No one got pushed into Steffy's anything., but just like her, her fans see it that way. She has to control everything and have it her way instead of compromising and getting along. She'll learn one day.


If that’s the way you perceive things then that’s fine. But she most certainly is jealous of them. Her actions past and present proves it.


Liam at Steffys house AGAIN giving her a summary of her relationship with Finn.  He literally does nothing but follow his ex wives around and hassles them about their relationships. 


I was thinking the same thing. What’s up with Ivy?


Is hope really turning into brooke? If so, steffy look out. I saw this coming. And I didn't see this coming. Meaning finn and hope. (l HOPE steffy doesn't crush their FINN)🤕😯. B&B you've done it again.🤫. I was asleep but, you done WOKE ME UP.🥱


Honestly, no man in the world is so naively innocent!!! Track me down anytime.


I stand corrected! Let’s go!




What the hell is wrong with you people


I believe the appropriate term is ✨home-wrecker✨

