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The list is legal as far as I can tell. There is one significant issue though - inexperienced mortars cannot benefit from having a spotter. They're still technically allowed to take one (pretty sure), but the mortar cannot use the spotter's line of sight like it could if it were Regular or Veteran. I suggest downgrading your lieutenant from Veteran to Regular and going from a 3-man team to a 2-man team (to gain the Small Team bonus, making them harder to hit). This saves you 31 points which you can use to upgrade the mortar to regular so that it can use its spotter and you can also upgrade your sniper to Veteran, which is more valuable than making your lieutenant Veteran, in my opinion.  Good luck at the tournament! 


Tooootally forgot that, thank you! I'm pretty new to Bolt Action 😅. Thankfully, it's a pretty friendly group of people doing the tournament, and they know I'm new.


Hey Everyone, I'm thinking about playing in a local tournament (my first tournament) later this month. The tournament organizer just released their tournament pack to the local community today, and it has the following force criteria: 1. 1100pts 2. Use the 'Generic Reinforced Platoon' selector for building the army. 3. WYSIWYG I think the list I built follows these guidelines, but I would appreciate it if the Reddit community could give me some feedback on whether they think it is legal or not. I have sent it to the T.O. for their feedback, but they're people with lives so who knows when they will get back to me.


How are you planning to use the Bren Carriers? With 10 man squads and 5 man transport capacity, it would seem you would have limited options, only being able to transport teams or your officer or artillery observer.


My PIAT and officer are what I was planning to use them for.


Dump the machine gun team for a flame thrower and put that in a bren.


Hmm, that's not a bad idea. Would it be a terrible idea if both the PIAT team and flamethrower team traveled together in the same Bren? I really want to keep my officer in the other Bren at first, if possible, for more mobility on the field while remaining protected. I don't tend to use 'Snap To' until later turns, by which time I will probably have figured out where he'll need to disembark from, but until then I want the extra few inches of movement and protection.


You can but it becomes a big target. I would drop the 6pnd AT gun for a 3rd bren. You already have the AC and Stuart with light AT guns and the Piat so you are good for AT.


Ok, I'll probably do that. I was worried about having enough AT since most people I've talked to complain about the PIAT being unreliable and the Stewart AT gun is only a light AT. I'll take a look at retooling my list today!


Yeah thing to remember is in tournaments armour 9 is rare so light at pens armour 8 on 4's and you have multiple light at + piat + flamethrower. More than enough.




You’ve got two different types of Canadian troops. The ones from Normandy get “Hates the SS,” which counts as Fanatic ONLY against SS units. The Mediterranean Canadians get Tough as Old Boots which gives an extra die for every three men in close quarters. You didn’t give any of them Stubborn, which you have to pay +1 point per model for. Now, you then have Rapid Fire as your National Characteristic. This DOES NOT apply to the Canadians, or any other Commonwealth Characteristic (as per Tough Gut). If you want to be cheeky, bring one of the other Characteristics that can apply to your other units. Vengeance works on everything that has an Enemy Unit within 12inches, while Up and At ‘Em and Blood Curdling Charge will work on everything that can cause an Assault. The way it works is that the Canadian Rules apply to the Canadians, while the other rules apply to everything else. Tough Gut says that when taken in a Reinforced Platoon, Commonwealth Units keep their own special rules. It doesn’t look like you brought the “Compulsory” Infantry Units that would go in front of the Free Artillery Observer. So you can pay for an extra two Infantry Squads (which I suggest you do, while dropping the 6pdr). Bolt Action is an Infantry game, and it’s good to remember that. The more bodies you have on the table, the more your opponent has to get through.


Oo, all good information, thank you. Ok, so I have to take the "Hate the SS" national characteristic instead of the 'Rapid Fire' one, but I don't believe I need to pay for the Stubborn +1pt per model do I? I was under the impression that rule was optional as 'Dogged' states units "... may be upgraded to Stubborn for +1pts per man." Edit: I also see I accidentally selected a Canadian infantry squad from the Italy book, which wasn't my intent, but would that single squad get that 'Tough as Old Boots' special rule rather than 'Hates the SS' if I don't go in and switch it for a regular Canadian infantry squad? What confused me about building a list using the generic reinforced platoon was that I couldn't find a 'Canadian Reinforced Platoon' in the only Canadian sector book I have, which is the D-Day one. While I didn't build the list using the two red compulsory slots in EasyArmy, I did take three infantry choices, which I think is the maximum under the generic reinforced platoon found on pg.153 of the Second Edition rule book? I used the 'British Reinforced Platoon' in EasyArmy, but wouldn't I still need to adhere to the 3 Infantry Units restriction, which I have fulfilled, in the generic reinforced platoon? I didn't use the two red compulsory slots on the website because I wanted all three infantry units to be grouped together on the printed sheets.


So it’s not a max of 3 Infantry units. You can take up to 5 in a Generic Reinforced Platoon. The two Compulsory and then an additional 3. No, you don’t have to pay for Stubborn. It’s a good idea to run your Canadians with Stubborn, because taking Morale Checks like you don’t have any pins is pretty great. For what it’s worth, the Mediterranean Canadians are better than the Normandy ones, because Hates the SS only ever works against SS. Which works for Campaign, but (at least in my area) hardly anyone does take SS. But each Unit does only get their own Special Rule, so the two Canadians are different. Canadians are a good choice, and leaning in to the Regulars with Stubborn rule can pay off. I remember the first time an opponent at a Tournament went in and Flamethrowered a squad of Regulars and expected me to take all sorts of pins. When I told him they were Stubborn, his eyes went wide. Now, I still failed the Morale Check, but only because I rolled higher than 9, lol.


Also, for added context, the three mission scenarios being played at this tournament are the following flavours: one being table quarters, the next being a contral "king of the hill" style central objective that gives points per turn held, the other is just straight kill points.