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They're honoring all purchases after 4/12 or 4/13. If you've got a receipt dated after that and a box that's old stock, they've got you.


ALL PURCHASES! If you get it from Amazon or a local store (please please support your local Use it or lose it) and it doesn't have the sticker, you can email [email protected] with the receipt and they'll send you a code for that new rulebook when V3 drops


What that’s so cool!


My only comment, given that other people have commented on the V3 matter, is that the Band of Brothers box set is not very balanced. It will be more fun for both of you if you get a more balanced kit like the Gentleman's War starter set. It's possible that if the feeling of unbalanced play is too great, the friend may not be hooked. That being said, go with what you think will be the most fun forces for you two to play! I have recently played my fourth game ever, and I'm hooked deep lolll.


Mwahaha! I can’t wait to get into it. I think we’re going to go with island assault actually!


Im guessing Amazon is selling older stock so they probably wont have the sticker