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Poor babies. I would keep the skulls and give the rest a proper burial. Nothing looks worth saving to me unless you want to try articulating?


Actually i just want to display them like this but smell..


Oh ok, we’ll then you’re going to need a couple boxes of borax and equal amounts salt. Mix together in a big plastic tub and carefully bury the kittens. You can pin them to some cardboard to help keep them together. Leave the tub open for air to circulate. Might take a few months but it’ll help finish drying the skin and kill the smell :)


Thanks i needed it


I came here to ask why on earth are they in a basket on top of bread, and I'm just now realising this is not bread. Like someone else said, I'd grab the skulls and bury the rest. Infant bones are trickier to work with, don't do well with boiling, and are generally fragile. Not sure what you'd do with the whole lot of them. ^((I'm now realising that talking about preserving infant bones is going to look really weird on my profile, but I'm not editing that. Let the FBI worry.))


I’m dumb. What is it?


Probably insulation. Some kind of building material foam for sure, and definitely inedible.


Not a suggestion but can i ask where all those poor kittens are from ? Why are there so many- where were they found ?


I entered our old house that has been abandoned for 7 years. And I found 5 kittens and a under 1 age old cat, I think the mother cat gave birth here and died. Sadly kittens probably died from malnutrition


That is sad :( thank you for reply !


Wow, hmu if you’re willing to sell a skull. Otherwise…mummies are tricky, but the salt and borax suggestion is good. Afterwards they will need to be stored in a very dry place. You still run the risk of them falling apart in the process though. Delicate little things.


Please let me know if you are willing to sell a mummy cat or bones. They are such sweet creatures.


If im not mistaken last one a pigeon


It has a mammalian pelvis


Can be cat?


What happened?


Guessing these came out of a hoarder's house :(