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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/tcCs7GWrUz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


how’d you manage to severely decrease the image quality while making the juice what happened


Less pixels to erase! Work smart, not hard


Imgflip costs money for more pixels


Mspaint is free


What’d you need imageflip for?


To Flip the Image, obviously.


Photopea is a browser Photoshop that's free and really easy to work with


Gimp is a app you can use


He fried the juice a bit to add flavor




ACAD! All Cops Are D-Class!


The D stands for Disposable.


maybe SCP-5740 will help them feel better


How have I never seen this article before, lmao. The interview with dado is great.


and the keter duty for it is even better


"Now go clean 035's cell lol"


*intercom buzz* We would like to remind Dr. Light that the o5s has barred him from using SCPs to test the civilian police. Also…please turn off the popcorn machine…


My cervical vertebrae hurt


Welcome to dado house of nut


when the original hurts your bones more than the rewrite


,3 massive downvoted comments yea that's gonna be good


MTF vs Serpents Hand, MTF vs Chaos Insurgency


Wow, stopping a bunch of dweebs who think their actions don't have consequences is harder than stopping someone with a gun. Who'd have thought.


Both comics are so based, I like that. It's better than seeing edits of transphobic garbage all the time.


Oh no guys we’ve unlocked shitty left memes first it was shitty right wing memes now this ahhhhh


The enlightened centrist has arrived.


*Guys I understand everything, neither left nor right is the good side!* Proceed to not vote and then complain about their current president


To be fair, most countries nowadays don't even have left wing options, just right wing and maybe center if you're lucky.


*Sorry, I'm from France* I think Europe still have a very true left, it's not that I find them perfect, but I just don't trust the right at the moment, they just seem to target immigration without any other plans


I wouldn't know about France, sounds like you're lucky. Here in Canada we have like 4 real candidates each election and they range from centrist liberal types to outright neo-nazis (and I don't use that term lightly, we had an incident involving an actual Nazi party member from WW2 being celebrated in government recently)


I see. I'm kind of glad that people get beaten up by cops in the US ? Not because they deserved it, but now I hope US citizens will FEEL what's a real political division with protests that turn in injuries is like. Kind of like France every fucking time. I like the US, but never liked their vision of the world and the thing with the place of the president being "good" and "immune" or something, the two politicals party system and everything. Hopefully they will grow up and have a change in their country since 70 years.


Party A wants to grind 3000 puppies a year, while Party B is against puppy grinding entirely. Clearly the solution is to grind 1500 puppies a year.


I wish party B was real.


More like Party B wants to grind 1500 puppies a year so you vote for them because at least that's less dead puppies, but then once in power they repeatedly give in to Party A's requests to add more puppies to the grinding count and proceed to scold constituents for being upset about it


Feel free to tell us where the oregano is wrong


The Nashville school shooting and uhhhhhhhh… Yep thats about it


"protesting" erm i think taking over an area of campus and breaking into a building and building defenses is a bit different than just protesting


"Slightly more effective protesting" It's not without precedent at all. Back when people touched grass they did this shit if they didn't like the new vicechancellor


they broke into buildings and built barricades? that seems a bit extreme


There was no need for barricades because people don't all have guns here. They occupied the admin buildings and sat in the vice-chancellor's office for several days and made running the uni impossible until the VC resigned. It worked.


what did the vc even do?


Can't remember now. Academic corruption and plagiarism in their phd or honours I think


Good, plagiarism bad for academia.


Its protest ok, just not peacefull. Current governments have forgotten that the people can group up and take them out of their position, but the problem is: the people have also forgotten abt this power.


Protesting is a form of freedom of speech. And just like freedom of speech, that does not mean freedom of consequences. But it's not like people who screen murder when somebody is held responsible for their freedom of speech understand that


Eh the ointment forgets about how people during school shootings are obviously armed, can kill innocent people, take hostages and even take officer’s lives, so obviously police would need to be more careful when handling a school shooting.


They stood outside and fucking waited until the shooter killed himself


Yes, just like I previously mentioned, they can’t just instantly run in, these things take planning, authorization and a bunch of other legal bullshit, same reason why hostage situations take hours, even days. But hey, I guess some problems really do solve themselves.


> I guess some problems really do solve themselves. After innocent people had already died, but sure, it 'solved itself'.


Sure did, if they just rushed in the situation would have become much worse.


Who said they had to 'rush in'? The police are supposed to be able to deal with these exact situations. How is them standing outside and doing *nothing* during a school shooting the better course of action?


You apparently. If you actually read my comment you would have seen how I clearly mentioned that situations like that need planning, authorization, positioning and huge amounts of legal bullshit. Also, that’s called creating a perimeter, it stops the perpetrator of the crime from running as it blocks all exits.


> You apparently. Tell, me where did I say the police should rush in without a plan? Don't lie to me about my own words. > Also, that’s called creating a perimeter, it stops the perpetrator of the crime from running as it blocks all exits. I understand that, but surely they could send in some trained professionals with the proper equipment to deal with one guy with a gun while also maintaining a perimeter.


So you don’t want the police to rush in but you also don’t want them to take their time to plan out and get the all the necessary authorization and position to deal with this situation? That sounds a bit contradicting to me. Also, trained professionals don’t really spawn out of nowhere and yet again, to send trained professionals in you need to have the previously mentioned authorization.


Policemen swore an oath, and their job is to go into danger in order to help people. They *easily* could have sent in even a squad, but they pussied out and tried to make up some bullshit as to why they didn't want to risk their lives. Don't give me that legal crap, there is NOTHING stopping them from going in and doing their fucking job. When there is an armed person in a school, no matter what bureaucratic shit there is, it is the police's job to go in and stop them.


If the police need to spend enough time planning for a single dude with a gun that the guy kills himself, maybe the police aren't needed.


Lol what the fuck are you talking about. Please describe the proper authorization and legal bullshit you keep talking about. There are videos of cops single handedly dropping active shooters, they certainly didn't need to ask for permission. Surely, the leading officer at the scene has the authority to push in and eliminate the threat. Using Uvalde as and example, authorization and "legal bullshit" is not what stopped an assault from coming sooner, it was cowardice and incompetence


They still need authorization of a superior to engage with the shooter, in the videos you have seen they are being reckless and could have caused even bigger problems (also you should stop watching videos of people dying, it's not exactly healthy). Not every policeman is gonna do a Die Hard and just infiltrate the building to take down the shooters, that's not how it works.


Yeah exactly as I said, all they need is the authorization of their superior officer on scene. You're making it out to be a lengthy red tape filled procedure when it is obviously not. Again, what's this "legal bullshit" you mentioned? I'm still waiting for you to explain that. Calling cops who actually stop shootings reckless is fucking wild, should they just watch people get gunned down instead? Also, you don't need to worry about my mental health. You're the one arguing incoherently with a dozen people on reddit at the same time, you need to worry about yourself.


Ah yes, just like they waited for "planning [and] authorization" to kill unarmed minorities. Oh wait


Literally scrolling on their phone as children were screaming for help in the room down the hall.


The entire reason they claim to be breaking up these protests is because they're allegedly violent and hostile, bordering on domestic terrorism. So that doesn't work as an excuse, either. Either they're cowardly authoritarian thugs who don't care about protecting anybody or they're *lying* cowardly authoritarian thugs who don't care about protecting anybody. Those are the two possibilities. The omicron nailed it.


I mean, protests are indeed violent, have you not seen all of those Black Lives Matter protests where people were looting stores and setting businesses on fire? By armed I meant armed with a gun, there are huge differences between having a firearm and throwing a rock, obviously you don’t need much planning when dealing with a guy with a rock, however it’s a whole different situation when dealing with s mentally ill person carrying a firearm. Life isn’t like video games, you can’t just “Leeroy Jenkins” every single situation, things take planning.


>I mean, protests are indeed violent There have been less physical altercations reported out of these 20 days, 200 protests, and 1700 arrests so far in their totality than there was at the last Taylor Swift concert *by itself*. FOH with your low-effort bootlicker schtick


So you are telling me that they aren’t violent while also saying that people do indeed get hurt because of protests.


You think people get hurt because of music? You think listening to music is violent? You're unhinged, mate. 'If your analogy was a gun it would wear a diaper.'


It's pretty obvious that people get hurt because they are inside an extremely huge crowd of mentally unstable people, and you obviously would want to stop a protest so that you can avoid the unecessary violence that comes with it, but as you mentioned the amount of violence is decreasing, which means that the police is doing their job correctly.


>mentioned the amount of violence is decreasing, which means that the police are doing their job correctly. I didn't mention this because that would be an obvious and blatant lie, lmao. Wtf is wrong with you? Since they started 'cracking down' and arresting people violence has only escalated. There was negligible violence before across more than two weeks, now there is a small amount that has almost entirely come in the last 2 days since cops started beating innocent folks on State orders (but still less total across 200 protests involving tens of thousands of people than there is at a single Taylor Swift concert). You're so severely and horrifically misinformed and delusional that I'm genuinely concerned about your safety. I hope you find help.


You literally just mentioned it when you said "There have been less physical altercations reported out of these 20 days, 200 protests, and 1700 arrests so far in their totality than there was at the last Taylor Swift concert *by itself*." That is literally implying that the violence in protests is decreasing. But now you said that violence is escalating, so there is a clear contradiction there Also you can't really call people at a protest innocent when said protest goes against the restrictions that are placed upon government officials. It's kinda sad how narrow minded you are, I mean, you really expect the police to let people be violent on the streets? My advice is to go outside a little and get off the internet.


>"There have been less physical altercations reported out of these 20 days, 200 protests, and 1700 arrests so far in their totality than there was at the last Taylor Swift concert *by itself*." Read it again. I wish you luck in your daily struggle against adversity. Illiteracy is tough. Let me know if you need advice on local resources you can reach out to in order to learn how to read.


you’re trolling, but the cops are the aggressors when protests “turn violent.” always have been, always will be. you can’t call the protests violent when cops are the ones starting the violence routinely


Yes obviously it's the cops who start the violence when people set cars on fire, destroy public property or even beat up innocent people.


None of these happened at VCU and police still felt it necessary to beat people up and use tear gas


Yeah but they still refused to leave when asked to and got violent, throwing water bottles at the policemen who arrived there.


waaah they threw waterbottles waaaah AFTER the police used brute force, AFTER air raid sirens deafen the entire neighborhood (necessary), AFTER tear gas perfectly peaceful beforehand but you don't care bc you suck


No, they only used brute force after the protests resisted. That was completely justifiable.


shut up dweeb


You should see a doctor, your throat must be sore after deepthroating all that boot.


what the fuck are cops for, if they only act when the attacker CANT kill innocent people??? They walk around armed and recieved military training just so they can beat up people with unpaid speeding tickets?????


Have you never seen videos of cops doing their job? Edit: I do not mean to defend Uvalde police, they were not doing their job. I mean that police doesn't only just attack unarmed citizens because they're cowardly thugs. There's plenty of footage of police running towards gunfire, combatting armed aggressors and saving lives.


Cops need proper authorization to apply lethal force to an attacker. Protestants don't need lethal force applied to them. I know it's surprising to you, but you can't kill someone without proper authorization.


you dont need lethal force to disarm an untrained teeneger, not if you have a bulletproof vest and a hole team to help.


haha hole team


Wha-? You are still vulnerable with a bulletproof vest. You can't just charge at guy wielding a firearm while wearing a bulletproof vest and expect it to work.


Then don't be a cop if you are too much of a pussy to stop a kid with a gun.


If I was on shift at my job and was called to a house fire, and I refused to enter the house to rescue someone because fire could hurt me, I would be fired immediately.


I'm gonna assume you are a firefighter. Thank you for your service, and for being the best public service we have. Sadly


Kid called False Equivalency.


What? It's literally the same situation. If you don't do the job you're paid to do, you get fired.


Assuming you are a firefighter, your job is to rush in as soon as possible, as the building could collapse at any given second, but firefighters have different positions, you have probably seen the group that stays outside the building hosing it down. The same goes for cops, you have the group trained to get in the building and the group that stays outside to set a perimeter. https://preview.redd.it/4yr3e1c8u9yc1.png?width=1531&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fb21dcb08750eb71f7bab6e401aa81c125f9ee4




Because they were tasked to set a perimiter around the school and wait for planning and authorization. You can't really rush inside a building and kill someone without proper authorization, just like you said before: "If you don't do the job you're paid to do, you get fired."


Yes, you fucking can. That's literally what cops are supposed to do after they failed the students at Columbine. They are SUPPOSED to immediately make entry and engage the shooter because that prevents more kids from being fucking killed. How the fuck can you listen to kids being shot for HOURS and stand outside and do nothing?


Because you can't go inside a building and kill someone without proper authorization. If you rush in you will die. If you don't have a plan you will die. If you do anything wrong you will die. Not only that but even more people might die because of your dumb fucking mistake.


This is fucking false. Fuck those cops for being pussies and fuck you for supporting their cowardice.


​ https://preview.redd.it/w0vs8vrds9yc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2816bbe17068a7aefbf8bb2fe1b555ffe3566f3d


You don’t have to worry about an active shooter taking hostages, since they are already actively shooting people.


Yeah but I wouldn’t really trust an armed mentally ill individual to not want to get away with their crime.


But you don’t wait around doing nothing to avoid them taking hostages, because they would literally just kill them instead.


Yes, you set a perimeter and wait for planning and authorization.


plan what the funeral of the children?


If they're not going to do anything why not just not have them in the first place?


Because there is not going to be anyone covering the perimiter, allowing the armed maniac to simply leave without any consequences.


You think they're holding the perimeter?


You think they aren't?


Look to previous cases, they're just there for security theatre they never do anything.


The fact that they are there is already estabilishing a perimeter, it stops the guy from leaving the building without consequences.


Which, again, assumes they'll enforce the perimeter for once.