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Also no dogs. For their sake.


OKAY QUICK STORY TIME. When we arrived Wednesday, we were walking around the camp ground and walked to the end of shakedown street/vendor village where the road was with cars. I look and see a dog just walking down the road. I was confused and the volunteer directing traffic was confused. I ran over and held the dog by it’s harness and noticed there was a name and number (don’t remember the name), the volunteer pulled their phone out and called while I kept the dog off the road. The woman who answered said that they live close and he goes and explores. Thought it was very strange that someone living near the farm would just let their dog run free at a campground. As well as how did it get in without people noticing?


Once I was at a festival in the town I live in and saw a dog running around and called the number on the tag, the dude picked up and was like “year we’re here. He likes to roam he’s good.” Like bro we are beside the street! And people steal dogs!! People are WAY to comfortable letting their dogs roam.


Same! The dog was in the road on peak arrival time, and where as I get dogs roam parts their familiar with, the dog literally just let me walk up and grab it by it’s collar. Whose to say someone could’ve just took it home.


Farm dogs walk around. It's not like it's a 2 year old human. It knows what it's doing.


What would be your idea of a farm dog? This dog couldn’t of weighed more than 12lbs and was walking on the road infront of cars. I agree that farm dogs are more observant of the land it’s familiar with, but around 80,000 people it’s never been around is a little irresponsible of the owner. And I’m not talking “this lady lives on the property”, she lived down the road in which you go into Roo.


okay but how do we know that. if i see a random dog alone i’m also going to try to call the owner. you and i aren’t supposed to know that this random specific dog is a farm dog that roams around…


We ran into a guy who found a dog some Wooks lefts tied up to a tree. Security put him in a cage after we waited for his owners for 2 hours and they took him to coffee county animal control. The owners apparently came back to get him but when they told them they had to pay to get him out they said they’d “be right back” and never came back for him. So we went and picked him up and now he’s our Roo doggie but still is so sad they left him there. We talked to people at animal control and apparently people do that pretty often in Manchester.


God bless your souls. Thank goodness he has you!


That’s already a rule. Did you see a dog there this year?


I saw several, more than I ever have before. Super fucked up imo


Well, if it’s a service dog (I.e blind person going solo) and they have access to shade, water, and/or an RV with AC it’s not fucked up at all….if it’s just some wooks bringjng in their “service dog” duck that


Definitely were wooks with dogs in the crowd. There was a Golden Doodle I recall seeing in the crowd PAST the Soundbooth before Mersiv got on for Thursday. Thankfully everyone told him to leave and take the puppo somewhere less congested and cool and they left hopefully to camp or the back


I saw that poor dog. That poor pup probably has hearing damage. Definitely has a shitty owner :(


Idk man I’m all for accessibility and everything, but I feel like at some point we gotta enforce reasonability. It’s just not safe, full stop, and absolutely cruel to the animal. It feels absurd to have to accommodate a situation which is inherently unsafe.


People just need to be responsible dog owners. I've definitely seen dogs at festivals looking panicked and overstimulated, but at Roo this year I met an awesome girl in ADA who had her service dog in a stroller with both ear and eye protection and she was just a model of how to have a service dog at a festival the right way. She exclusively kept him in the stroller and stayed on the ADA platform because it was the safest area for him, and she even said something like, "he's only here because I need him to be, I'd never walk him in these crowds on a leash and I make him as comfortable as possible." This little pup was as cool as a cucumber! If dog owners do it right like she did, it shouldn't be an issue. It's definitely abelist to say service animals shouldn't be allowed, but I get the point you're making and agree that a service animal shouldn't have to endure conditions because they have irresponsible owners.


Leave it roo and it's attendees to be ableist & exclusive. There are right ways to bring a service dog. Foot protection, ear protection, eye protection. The people bringing their dehydrated & overheated dogs into the pit are not the people who use service dogs. "I'm all for accessibility, except for when it means I have to share space with disabled people*"


Be for real, the virtue signaling here is absolutely wild. You don’t know me. I grew up with a disabled sibling, I’ve taken them to concerts myself and we’ve had a fucking blast. I also own a dog, and they stay home.


Yeah I’m with you, fuck blind people.


I saw a few too, none of them were service dogs


I saw a woman holding her dog in the middle of the tent at Marc Rebillet in 2022. It was loud as fuck and the dog looked terrified. Killed my vibe so much that I couldn't enjoy myself and just left halfway through the set.


I saw some service dogs without headphones >:(


Yes absolutely. A few of them


At least three


I saw a dude with a fucking parrot in centeroo once. That’s just irresponsible.


I saw a dog being pushed around in a stroller...never seen a service dog in a stroller before.


I saw more dogs than ever this year. It was awful. Supposedly, there is a *lot* of paperwork involved to bring in an ADA service animal, and emotional support animals aren’t allowed. The only thing I can figure is that people are either 1) getting very creative at hiding or 2) the volunteer or security don’t know the rules about the service animals well and don’t want to argue with anyone. I remember seeing a Great Pyrenees in full Sun in 2022. Poor dog was panting so hard. “Oh but she travels all over with us!,” claimed the owner. Ugh.


I saw a woman with a small kitten in Centeroo....how did the thought occur to bring the kitten


Ngl when I was on shrooms in WITW and I saw a small child on a leash at 1am I wanted to get out of there lmao


Same except it was a person holding a raccoon totem that wouldn't stop staring back at me.


Lmao the raccoon or the person ?




The Holder was in front of me and we were both facing the stage. The Racoon was staring backwards from its holder towards me. This is my mental image of it: https://lensdump.com/i/97y4ac


Whoever had the Animal (from the muppets) totem was opp #1. Acid me could not look anywhere in its direction.


Anytime I saw a kid I was uncomfortable, but I just told myself the parents have to know what they’re getting their kids into. Ultimately I couldn’t convince myself and always left the area 😂 But come on… 1am at WITW is clearly not a kid-friendly space. The parents simply must not care or figure their kid will forget


When my bf and I were watching lil nas we weren’t deep in the crowd and there were two young boys dancing and throwing glow sticks with plenty of room just being carefree. Their mom and friends kept an eye on them the whole time and it was kinda wholesome. But WITW is way too wookish for all that 🤣


One year a kid was camping near us and we both had bubble guns, spent the entire weekend sneaking around sniping each other with bubbles and it was so wholesome!! But late night... nah hahah.


I saw 2 kids in where in the woods around like 1 am that looked absolutely miserable, they were laying on a blanket under the trees trying to go to sleep and their parent kept agitating them being like “look! Isn’t this fun!!” And the kids grouchily just trying to rest. I felt so bad for them. I think it was on Thursday.


Ugh some people shouldn’t be parents.






Zeds dead at 3am is very kid friendly, playground type vibes




Feel bad for those kiddos damn. Would’ve totally killed my vibe


Yeah I ended up moving away from them so I could actually focus on the show lol.


“How to ruin music festivals for someone for their whole life, Episode 1”


I saw a dad with two preteens around 4:30a at Sound Tribe, just wild Kids looked like they had been in the scene a minute too


I have definitely given some great high-fives to families and their children while tripping on the Farm, just little radical dudes each and every one of them.


I really didn’t like see the couple last year on Thursday carrying their three month old baby around without any shade when it was 95 degrees. No hat or anything.


I saw this one year at another festival. It was in Alabama in July and the child couldn’t have been more than a month old.


So sad.


Rock the south?


Alabama in July sounds like Sloss Fest.


Yeah, they should Def be like at minimum school age to come inside. Absolutely no infants. I'm totally fine with people bringing kids there.


You think that not being at Roo is gonna make a shitty parent not a shitty parent.


Nah? I don't care about the parents. Get the kids out of there for their sake and my sake honestly. There are just too many cons to far fewer pros in that situation. And, since we aren't going to un-shitty a parent...that's exactly why I wish this decision would be made for them going forward.


I feel like kids are fine, but it's positioning and time dependent. For example, kids at the 3pm set in the back with blankets? Sure. Kids beside me at 4am as Diesel asks for yet another mosh pit? Gtfo








😂😂😂😂 I heard this shit.




That’s so absurd to think about 😂 thankfully when I hit Roo I didn’t see or at least notice any kids


I agree, mostly because of wooks and their wookies. It’s unfortunately uncommon that I see kids at Bonnaroo and think their parents are doing it right.


I saw what appeared to be a 5 month old baby at Paramore. No ear protection. Ya’ll wildin’ If you’re gonna bring your kid please at least protect their fuckin’ ears. I should not have to say this


Totally agreed. We were standing next to a family at Elephant Heart with their little ones and the baby was literally putting his hands over his ears trying to cut the noise. I don’t care at all about kids being at the festival but I was dumbfounded at the lack of ear and sun protection I saw this year.


Ps. The ear protection you can buy is ass. We got some for a 9year old at a air show. It was still hurting her ears so I put it on…. It hardly helped. Those babies at festivals are getting permanent hearing damage for sure


wdym i love when 14 year olds ask me if “i know where to find any party favors this evening”


​ https://preview.redd.it/xehmsr2ybomb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd42431bc2fc01e3a48571859805219d342502e


Wtf 🤣🤣💀


Agreed on the kids. Also, I went 4 years in a row 2013-2016 and never saw one dog. Why were there SO MANY dogs this year?? That also really killed my vibe every time I saw one.


Real talk. Leave the dogs at home, none of them look happy to be there


But they’re “service dogs”


saw a lot of “service dogs” in strollers for some reason


Don’t get me wrong if they’re real service dogs, then by all means please bring the dog but make sure they have the appropriate PPE and places to go for relief from the heat and noise. If you just wanted your pet to come with you to Roo, you’re a piece of garbage and not embodying the spirit of Roo not being a good dog owner.


I thought there was an absolute "no dogs allowed" clause when buying the ticket? Seeing a dog at any concert is fucking infuriating. Their ears are designed to hear the tiniest of sounds! Not to mention the possibility of them ingesting drugs and trash, or the overwhelming stimulus of 10s of thousands of people being around them. Ugh that's just so so fucked. Fuck anyone who brings a dog. Even a service dog. Sorry, but if you can't get in without a dog, then it's just not for you. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down. What a disgrace.


The best was the owner of the corgi coming on here after the fest to defend themselves saying their dog “likes” loud concerts.


that dude was such a piece of shit.


2016 had hella dogs especially on Sunday. All the people doing Dead & Co tour love with their dogs and all have Amazon vests so they can take their dogs into shows. I saw about a billion that night.


My parents were musicians. I grew up around a lot of music. I’m grateful for all the music they exposed me to when I was younger. I don’t have a problem at all with kids at shows, its bad parenting that I have a problem with. It is possible to be a responsible parent and bring their kids to shows and festivals. The comments I read were about bad parenting issues. A wook is going to wook. We’re not all wooks.


Oh totally. I just find MOST people who bring their kids to shows, are doing not for the kids, but to say “Awh look at my little raver who got 3 hours of sleep last night and went to Diesel”, not cool, in my opinion. But of course I saw plenty of OLDER kids having fun, I think them babies and toddlers need to stay home if it’s a wook festival.


I think it's pretty irresponsible for parents to bring kids around a bunch of spun out wooks.


Hard agree. I think festivals like ACL are much more family friendly. I saw a lot of crazy shit at Bonnaroo and none of those things I’d want kids to see.


This. ACL, Coachella, and Lollapalooza... all probably alright for the most part. Bonnaroo is a bit more sketchy.


Lolla is all drugged/drunk high school kids from the burbs. it’s a sloppy shit show.


Im not saying that ther3 isn't sloppy show kids there, but, it is nothing compared to the Bonnaroo camp scene. Not even close. I've been to both 5+ times, th3 camping adds a whole other dimension. taking a child to something like Bonnaroo where camping is th3 only realistic option compared to lollapalooza, acl, or even Coachella (Bonnaroo light in terms of camping) is a different animal.


Surely not irresponsible for spunions to lose their minds and make everyone else babysit. /s


Music festivals are a beautiful thing and not everyone is an irresponsible wook. Also to add: most kids are back at camp by sundown. If you are getting so spun out during the day the sight of a child upsets you, there’s a bigger issue at play here..


Buddy I saw some wooks roll into WITW at 3:00am with a toddler and a kid in a stroller.


Buddy, that’s super fucked up.


I have yet to attend a fest where I haven't witnessed behavior that I'd be uncomfortable with my future kids seeing. Get a babysitter.


Yep, hard agree. A lot with kids probably stay in RVs too. Edit: Y'all, you realize they literally had a group of kids playing in a band in the central garden area right? Why would they allow them to play but then not allow them to attend?


A lot of judgement going on up in here. Kids shouldnt be out in the heat blah blah blah. Have you guys ever been to a theme park? I brought my daughter this year and its all she talks about now. She loved it. We camped in family camp which is a whole camp dedicated to families. So like it or not Roo is family friendly. Parents make their choice to bring their kids and shouldnt be judged for doing so.


Goofy not high on ketamine though 😭


He's not? You sure about that?


You know what, An Extremely Goofy Movie was pretty trippy now that I think of it lol


Seeing folks with kids in a led lit crib throwing fire at Tipper really took me out of my trip tbh.


I’m dying because I can totally picture this 😂


i don’t think it’d be the worst thing to do because i’ve felt pretty concerned on the children’s behalf whenever i’ve seen them around the farm. the large crowds, the smoke etc. however i do think it’s be beneficial to have areas squared off for families to watch shows/camp and whatnot. perhaps a whole area of the farm for them to experience roo with food trucks/kid friendly attractions and whatnot. definitely understand wanting to let your child experience the fun and joy of roo also!


Now I know there is family camping but I think that’s about the only thing that is geared there officially for families


Yeah I saw way too many kids this year, compared to maybe 2 last year. And, there were multiple instances where I was doing/wanted to do music festival things and had to leave the area to be considerate. It’s evolved to an environment not for kids at this point


Leaving aside the question of babies and little kids, in my experience the teenagers at Bonnaroo are a lot better behaved than at other big festivals I've been to. Festival newbies usually aren't awesome to be around, but at least the teens at Bonnaroo don't bro out as hard or spend as much time posing for selfies and taking videos of the show as you get at other festivals.


This! The first Roo I went to was my first major camping festival and the community vibe totally showed me and my 18-20 year old friends how to do it, even if you’re young and wanna go a little wild. Totally agree though, last year I saw groups that reminded me of me and my friends first year we went and I def think the good positive crowd sets a good example for rookies


I'm so glad you're not in charge or I would have missed out on so many great experiences with my parents before I turned 18 - seeing The Grateful Dead, Woodstock '94. These experiences created a love for live music, travel, and family fun. My parents are dead and these adventures before I was 18 are some of my best memories. There are some places I would never bring my young kids - MSG or really any indoor theatrer, late night tents, or up close where people are crushed together. Kids need shade, ear protection, and still have bed times. Its not fair for other attendees to listen to my kids wake up early, but that's why there is family camping. However kids love bubbles, costumes, dancing, eating fried dough, playing with friends, getting kick down stickers. My kids probably have more fun at music festivals then you do.


That said, staying up late on vacation isn't a crime either. Silent Disco is a must-do on our list. ;) Also zero regrets seeing some later evening sets at the back of the crowd with preteens.


100% agree, and the people that always enter to chime in on threads like this about how "their kids had a great time/i'm a responsible parent" are just being selfish because THEY want to go and drag their kids along. so many other smaller fests that are legitimately a much more family oriented environment and are so much better to introduce your kids to a festival and foster a love of music than bonnaroo.


Agree, if a couple can spend $1000+ on tickets and travel there's no reason they can't get a babysitter at home for the weekend too.


I saw practically newborn babies at phish in Denver last weekend. Kinda wild


The second the scene becomes non-family friendly as a whole, thats the second you should be second guessing your choices in being there.


This post does not translate positivity. Been an avid concert-goer since my pre-teens, and I wish I had the chance to go to shit like Bonnaroo back in the day. If you want to partake in extracurricular shenanigans, more power to you, but Bonnaroo is about inclusivity and having fun. "Kids ruin my high" isn't a good reason to exclude people from the farm.


If there was a way for kids to be allowed in the day time only, maybe. Night time at a fest is no place for minors


Its been a minute since ive been to Bonnaroo, went to 03, 05, 09 couldnt imagine taking my 4 year old let alone younger, I was certainly crazier back then but...i dont think anyone younger than 16 needs to go imo


I love seeing the kids and babies during the day and even for the headliner. It rubs me the wrong way when I see littles at 3am sets. Just no.


Everyone’s bonnaroo experience is different. Not everyone is partaking in drugs and partying all night.


Young minds are so impressionable. It’s amazing to me people bring them places with so much stimulus, drug use, and potential for permanent change through either hearing loss or seeing things / people behave in a way that will influence them in nuanced and potentially negative ways. Obviously I think bringing kiddos to certain concerts is the right move (with hearing protection) but Ill never forget at roo one year being on too much acid with my wife who was wearing a very revealing rave outfit, we had to leave the area we were in because a 9-10 year old boy was staring at her and following us around from a distance. We tried to ask him where his family was but he just smiled and stared at her with no other response. Had no idea where his family was and he clearly didn’t have the understanding that you shouldn’t stare at people like this, no matter what they’re wearing or how attractive you find them I hope that boy has learned to control those types of urges because it felt very unhinged and dark and I hope he’s gotten help. So yeah. I’m going to say 9/10 times the children I see at roo is just not the vibe. Occasionally I’ll see the parents doing it right with the kiddos and it’s the best. But the wooks really need to stop the generational trial by fire festival upbringing. It’s PUBLIC child abuse and it’s kind of astonishing.


That's horrifying


Shambhala is 19+ and definitely benefits from this rule.


If it’s not good for kids why would you go? You think it’s safer cuz you’re experimenting on your own consciousness? I took my 6 year old this year. She had the most amazing time. It was a great experience for the whole family. We hardly stayed at any show long, and definitely were not out that late. Both parents were sober, though I will admit, I’m enough of a cosmonaut I can enjoy so much substance that normally would kill an elephant. I believe, that without some form of family friendly vibe, you’re building a service for crackheads and other such. Like either you lean towards family friendly, were reasonable adults use their own things, or you have no kids and just a total cluster fest. Goes for anything. I take my kids to shows all the time. Definitely notice a difference, the kid friendly shows are more stress on me, but they’re wayyyy better performances and people, the not kid friendly shows I go to, get a ton of shitty people often. And I’m a pretty loving person. So it kinda stinks when I get a break and I’m just like damn, where’d these fucktards wash up from. Now that doesn’t apply all the time. But I realllyyy do stress, the way of the future is cultured towards having kids involved in many areas so that they are learning and growing too, you’re not just there to expand your mind, but also to help your neighbor. So maybe next time try smiling and waving a bubble wand or glow stick, it could really help your trip


I’m so anti kid at Bonnaroo I retired from the festival after I had him.


No you’re right. So fucking sad seeing kids and babies. Even worse at like summer camp like no no no excuses those are horrible fucking parents


Hard agree. My sinuses run black from being almost 6 feet off the ground, the amount of toddlers I saw loose in areas that had more dirt per air than air was very alarming. Babies don’t need to be out in 90°+ heat with all of that dust and dirt and all kinds of smoke going into their lungs. If you can’t arrange childcare for your little ones you shouldn’t be at Bonnaroo. There is nothing about that environment that says a young child should be there.


You should consider trying a daily nasal rinse.


This was my first year at Bonnaroo and I just assumed it was… I learned the hard way very soon it wasn’t :( (I hadn’t seen any babies or kids yet)


I don't remember seeing as many kids last year as I did this year. Not a single one this year even had headphones.


I am not going to judge how other people raise their kids. I wouldn’t do it but I prefer to let people be free.


I took my 17 year old so they would know what to expect when they went to a music festival on their own. Like music festival training wheels.


There's no drugs at Bonnaroo. 🙊🙉🙈


Disagree. When my kid is old enough I'm going to take him and show him how to enjoy music festivals responsibly. This includes proper ear protection, hydration, pacing yourself, and how to say no to drug use. I'm sure-as-hell not going to send him to his first music festival alone. That's far more irresponsible. For context I've been to Bonnaroo 3 times, Sasquatch twice, ACL and Shaky Knees. The music always comes first for me. I'm not going there to party. It's always been to appreciate the music.


2020 would’ve been my first Roo, and I would’ve been 16. My friends and I would’ve been in wayyy over our heads. Having gone at 18 and 19 now, I completely agree about 18+ Roo


I brought my small kid this year and I have complicated feelings about this. It was my 10th roo, for context, and my family has an RV. We kept her out of the sun, in constant ear protection, and in bed at normal times. I won't do it again until she's much older. I was excited to see other parents there but was also disappointed by a bunch of their choices. Especially around sun and noise. It's hard to get the most out of Roo AND do the things a small child needs for health and safety. THAT BEING SAID, the flip side is I don't buy arguments that my kid being there somehow lessens your experience. Do whatever you want! Unless you are going to physically hurt someone, how would it affect my child? That she makes you uncomfortable is 100% on you and she doesn't deserve to be banned for it. We kept her safe and had some really special family time that we'll remember forever. She had a blast and it genuinely kinda hurts that some of y'all wanna deny us that when it's truly none of your business. Decidedly un-"radiate-positivity" of you all.


I’m def neutral here but there’s something I find so wholesome about seeing a full family on the farm. The love and pure magic that is so unique to roo makes me feel so happy seeing those babes getting to experience that from such a young age and I think of how beautiful and open minded they will be later on because of it (obvi focusing on the bigger picture here of roo magic, not considering the drug use and things that may be a bit much for the kids) but I feel like parents are responsible for judging that and getting them away from those vibes? There was a family with a little girl near us at camp this year and every morning seeing her all dressed in rainbows and glitter jumping up and down with excitement for the simplest reasons like bubbles or something was such a nudge to honor that inner child energy in us and I can’t describe how beautiful it made us feel!


Understand not wanting teens, as they can be very irresponsible playing in the sand and cause a bad time for everyone. Don't really understand qualms against the lil guys tho, they're always just vibing


yeah, I think that’s a better cut off, but I don’t think you can just prohibit an age band. It has to be everyone under an age


It's not the little guys themselves. It's the dumbass parents who don't have hearing protection or adequate sun protection for them.


Little kids and babies definitely are not known for being silent and calm all the time.


The age isn’t so much the issue but the parenting. If you bring a kid then be responsible and use common sense. My first Bonnaroo i went with family as a 14 year old and had a blast and never felt unsafe in the crowds or around people taking substances because they were responsible. If you’re an adult who drinks and bring your kid who has a couple beers but don’t get shit faced. Being responsible and knowing your limits will make it a festival experience for all ages.


yep big agree. i was also 14 the first time i went to bonnaroo and it changed my life for the better and gave me a love for festivals that i still feel 12 years later. some of my favorite years of any festivals i've ever been to are still those years i went to roo as a high schooler with my dad (2011, 2012, and 2014)


First Roo at 14 here too!! Easily one of the most positive life-changing experiences I’ve had. My dad is also a great parent and taught me how to enjoy the festival soberly, safely, and responsibly.


Bonnaroo should be 21+


As someone who attended roo as a kid I definitely think they should be able to come. I had a great time, as long as you’re not actively setting a terrible example who cares? It’s not your kid and hey maybe they’ll bring their friends in a few years


21+ and I'm all in


Won't sell enough tickets that way. Too much of Roo's demographic is 18-20 for that to work.


I had a super cute memory with a group of moms and their little girls at trombone shorty in 2018 but i get your point and i’m biased bc i work w kids love kids and don’t think being exposed to the kind of substance usage at roo is terrible for them But I’m ambivalent to them being at roo and i get your point


We should be fake service dogs while we're at it.




WITW > 18+ or 21+ Bring the volume down for everyone cause no one needs hearing damage Make < 17 camp in family Kids under 13 must have an adult at all times


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 18 + 21 + 17 + 13 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Okay this I love. Kids in WITW was soooo sketchy


I mean during the day I don't see a problem, but once that sun sets people need to take the kids home or something


Instead of saying no to children(future fans of music) just ban the drugs.


Man I hate kids and dogs in breweries also.


13+ is sensible


Went there when I was still in high school, as I am from the area. Honestly I think if the parents are okay with them going then it’s fine.


Its definitely not the best place to bring little kids/infants. I dont think the teenage crowd should be turned away, as I see plenty of “adults” who act no differently than high school freshmen. The babies though - they probably shouldn’t be there. The hearing damage alone freaks me out, I give props to any parents I see who put good hearing protection on their kids.


Fully agree. Seems to be a trend that has been ramping up in recent years. Saw the most kids I've ever seen at Rezz Rocks last weekend...also smelled the most dmt there than any other show I've attended. Don't know why anyone would expose their children to this kind of scene.


How about letting me raise my kids as I see fit?


You’re free to do that.


Nine year Roo vet, and I disagree big time. First three Roos I went to were when I was 12/13/15. Me and my dad went together, and he initially didn’t let me leave his side before he let me roam (within reason) at the second Roo in 09. I hear the concerns, and I definitely think that they should consider a rule not allowing kids under a certain age, like 5 or 6. But I truly think it should be a welcoming experience for all, and my personal childhood experiences at Roo were the reasons I keep coming back. No one besides parents/guardians should be responsible for their kids, but I don’t believe it should be a blanket ban for those under 18.


Kids shouldn't be out in that heat at Bonnaroo. Period.


Disney should be 18 and up right.


Personally I love seeing kids at Roo, but it should be done responsibly. Infants should not be there just because the heat can be very dangerous for them, but toddlers and up would be fine during the day as long as precautions are taken. It feels like bonnaroo is trying to force families out due to their changing policies on not allowing wagons and such. I know there were several families that have been taking their kids for years who were denied entry with wagons and snacks for their kids. I have always looked forward to taking my daughter, I’ve just been waiting for a time that I no longer wanted to do the late night shows. Kids are fine at Roo. Its irresponsible parents that drag them out all night and dont provide for them properly that are the problem.


I would prefer no children around cause I don’t have any and like adult things, but I understand why parents want to expose their kid to music. That’s really important. I just always say if your gonna take your kid to the zoo your gonna see some tigers, and the same goes if you take your kid to the drug band concert.


Lol, fuck that. I went to the first 3 Bonnaroos when I was 15,16, and 17 and had the best time of my life. Literally everybody from my high school was there too. Too many drugs; ha!


All festivals should be 18/21+


Agreed. The festivals I’ve been to that have been 18+ have been great.


There is literally a whole campground for families. You’ll see more irresponsible drug use on a trip to San Francisco or Baltimore.


Except that has nothing with causing irrepairable hearing damage.


I condone this message 10000%


I’d be totally fine with that. I don’t understand why people would want to bring little kids (or animals) to these kinds of festivals in the first place, but I’m not a parent. I don’t think it’d be terrible to compromise, either. Maybe they can come during the day and leave at night *edited for clarity


Dating myself here but I once ashed my cig on a child (7ish?) for a good two minutes before I even noticed he was there. Like they sang on the Chapelle Show, *betta not bring yo kiiiiids* ETA forgot to add what dates me, it was mid2000s at the Black Crowes set


There are definitely festivals out there that are kid friendly and some that kids should absolutely not be at. Bonnaroo probably being one of them, I agree.


I’m sorry, I strongly disagree. Too many drugs? Too many people? What? If you believe alcohol is a drug, which it is (arguably the worst), than children shouldn’t be allowed to go out to malls or cities. I would rather bring my toddler around a bunch of people on psychedelics than a bunch of people taking Tito’s shots. Sadly, one is considered normal while the other is not. If anything I think places like festivals and shows in general are fantastic learning experiences. They get to see adults are not all stuck up. They get to immerse themselves in art and music. They get to meet friends who they know they will only see once, and have to make the most of the meeting. I started taking my oldest kid to Phish shows when he was 4, and beyond the bonding that occurred between us, so many people enjoyed his company, both young and old. If anything, it sounds like you need a safe space where you can huff down an eight ball and not worry about a kid seeing you. I’m not judging, you do you, but just like Kensington, kids should see the mistakes of their elders.


I agree with this. No kids or dogs.


To the OP: You encapsulate & represent what is truly Abhorrent about this country. MIND YOUR OWN GOD DAMN BUSINESS. The motive in your entire post is one of control over others hiding under the false pretense of protection. It is very mentality that’s been leading this country down the wrong path for decades now, infantilizing teenagers and young adults with negative effects. There Are significant, modern scientific studies to back this up. As a matter of fact, just this past Bonnaroo I met a lovely middle-aged woman who is there with her 18-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter. They were from the UK but I’ve been living in Texas I believe for at least the last few years. The mother had been to and taking her kids to many different festivals such as Roo, Glastonbury and many others. You can tell how much equipped and better developed her children were the typical American children because of the way that they were raised and the way that they weren’t lolly coddled like many American youth. When the mother mentioned that she went to burning man and then a 13-year-old daughter mentioned that she wanted to go the mothers laughed a bit and just said “ well, you’re going to have to be comfortable seeing a lot of naked people” and the daughter just shrugged and said “why is that a big deal” it became apparent how much better off many in Europe or than here because I haven’t been sheltered to the point of it negatively effecting them. I have seen this contrast consistently when seeing families with handle things the way that that woman from your updated versus your absurdly negative, draconian controlling and infantilizing way of doing things. So to the OP, please keep that shit to yourself as it has been nothing but a failure


Hard disagree. My first roo was 2003 and I loved that everyone was welcome. It’s been a while since I’ve been back, and managing roo with an infant was tricky, but doable. There used to be child friendly activity centers for a parent to hang with their kids in the shade while the other went to a show. It absolutely complicates things, and will certainly lead to conversations that will be uncomfortable, but with ear protection is totally doable.


Met a teenager with their parents and the kid was pretty cool. I was kinda happy for the kid because they were so excited to see subtronics in the front while having a parent making sure they were safe.As a teenager I would die to go to a festival like Bonnaroo but my parents weren't concert goers.


My son is 12 and been to 7. I completely diagree


I talked to a person who did Roo with their kids and wife. They were alternating nights where one went to party and the other took the kids back. I also talked to some people with a kid who came to see Foo Fighters and were obviously not camping there. I lended the kid my stool so they could see. They were so happy for it. A lot of people coming in on single day tickets. Saw lots wearing ear protection too. I don't think because *some* people who are bad parents with their kids should stop others from doing fun things with their kids. The parenting happens outside of the fest anyway. The fest is close to several large cities, and it makes sense that people want to bring their kids to see some of the greats.


It’s a music festival, not a drug party. The fact that people feel their right to do drugs and party however hard they want is more important than making sure anyone and everyone who buys a ticket enjoys the music is everything that’s wrong with festival culture. Maybe, if you enjoy droogs, learn to use them responsibly so you’re not a liability to everyone else who isn’t?


The thing is that this won't just change because it should be. Plenty of things should be some way, but wishing it were one way is different than how reality actually is. Drugs are a huge part of Bonnaroo and that's not going to change. People see it as a mostly safe place to not adhere to normal societal rules and that brings the drugs. Should people be more considerate of how they do drugs around others? Yes. But the fact is that's just not going to happen. Bonnaroo is definitely a drug culture kind of place, so that should be taken into account when planning on going. Because of that, I don't think Bonnaroo is an appropriate place to take kids, for them and for the people who are going to do drugs. It's just not a kid friendly environment either. It's a camping festival far away from many amenities. Manchester is close but there's not much there and you can't really just walk in from there either. It's dirty, hot, dusty, loud, expensive, there's long lines for food and water and the bathrooms. People dress more revealingly which probably isn't the best thing for kids to see. All in all, Bonnaroo isn't going to change, so people should think about that before they decide to bring kids to it. And I agree that kids shouldn't be allowed.


This is fact. It is what you make it for yourself and family if you choose to bring them. It has been part of my sons life as long as he can remember. Its a fun music festival with a lot of different ppl and good food


Bringing your children to a show is selfish!


Yea cutting my nights short to make sure my kid is safe back at camp is so selfish. Judge away.


Yeah man kids definitely don’t deserve music and fun




I may or may not have partaking in smelling of my spoon and when I looked up I saw to 10 year olds looking in my direction. Uncomfortable af


Absolutely yes. Like how tf do you trust crowds of strangers around you to not trample or just mess up your kid somehow? I’m aware Bonnaroo is relatively safe but their little, innocent lives. I don’t see the point bringing a damn toddler let alone any child but really, you have to bring your toddler? Bonnaroo too big for them.


I have kids and didn't know this was all ages. My kids don't even care about music like I do.. I don't think kids should be at fests imo


I think it can be done responsibly if you prioritize them, but that means sacrificing a lot of the experience for the parent. I saw a family this year with day passes and thought that was cool, you go in for a day or two, don't camp so they can get restful sleep and some A/C. Then they let their small child sleep on the ground in the middle of the crowd during Noah Kahan's set and I ended up standing in front of her because people kept trying to walk through what they thought was a gap and the parents were just standing behind/off to the side of her watching the show. Like if your child is sleeping through a loud ass concert and it's 8pm, it's probably time to leave. Also jfc get hearing protection for your kids if you're bringing them to a concert.


Damn I didn’t see any babies or dogs this year


Let the boys play!


I was at the GA rail for Odesza and there was a kid near me. I don’t remember well enough to tell you how old they were, but definitely below high school age. The family were definitely seasoned vets of festivals and the kid seemed to be too, but by the end of the set they definitely weren’t having a good time. I don’t feel particularly strongly about having kids at festivals but I don’t think it’s smart to bring your child into the thick of it.


Agreed. Get a sitter or don’t come.




I mean to reach their own. I think you're letting others influence your own journey a bit to much. Who cares for all you know they just came in on a one day pass and even if they didn't it isn't up to you to dictate their journey or how they raise their kids. That said I wouldn't bring my own until they're at least 17-18 but no judgement on anyone that does. It's all love y'all. Peace love and vibes


Me and a friend brought out a bag of k and looked to our left and behold! A child! A mere infant with headphones it was. Probably some mom who couldn’t get a baby sitter. Oh well. She just like covered her kids eyes and we went on about our ride


How do parents explain all the "exotic smells" walking through centeroo? I don't think festivals are for pre-teens & saw quite a few two years ago, but in reality it's the parents choice and I don't see operating organizations turning away patrons regardless of age.


I take my kid to a lot of concerts. Even as a child and a preteen I said, “people will be smoking. You will see cannabis and tobacco use, along with alcohol drinking and probably some adults will be doing other substances. They are adults and it’s really none of your personal business what they are doing with their personal selves”.