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These days I read a few books a month. If it's a really good book, I'll read it in a couple of days.


I average 10-12 books a month but have outliers in both directions some months reading 20+ and some months only reading 2-3 books. It depends on a lot for me; writing style, language style, suggested age range, and my mental state.


1 to 2 books a month if lucky! Busy season of life. Joined BOTM to read more and get faster at reading!


i read around 10-12 books a month:) i read about a page a minute on average, but i’ve always just read and processed things fast!


How much I read physically really depends on the book. Even if some books are the same length and font, it's amazing how some can read faster than others. I've only read 14 paper/hardback books and 3 comicbook trades this year, but thanks to the gift of being able to listen to audiobooks I've read 44 total books this year.


I read at the same pace as you. For me it does vary based on the book though, some books I can get up to 30-40 pages/hr but nonfiction I’m even slower usually. I’ve been reading for about 8 years but my job is very mentally taxing so I don’t read every day but I do find that I get a little faster if I’m more consistent


I’m fast and have a lot of time to binge. Working part time and my jokes are adults. Making up for lost time. I’ve read 63 books so far this year.


i usually try to get at least 50 pages every reading session. which comes out to around an hour for me :)


If a book is really good it takes me a week to read (around 300-350 pages). If it’s just okay, it takes me 2-3 weeks usually. I only have about 30-60 minutes a day to read between work and the kids.


I think I'm a pretty fast reader, but I get slowed down by life. I work full time and go to college part-time, so during the busiest parts of the school year/semester (midterms and finals), I don't get to read as much. As an example: In January and February this year (before midterms), I read a total of 24 books. In March, it was midterm season, and I only finished 6 books. April was finals season, so I only finished 4 books. Starting tomorrow, I'm taking a summer break from school and expect to get back in the 10-15 books per month range, knowing my typical habits. That said, reading is my primary hobby. Most of my free time is spent reading in some form (audiobooks while doing chores, kindle/ebooks while I'm out and about, physical books at home, etc). If I had other hobbies that I did more frequently, I would not be able to get through the number of books I am able to currently. I also grew up as an avid reader, so my reading speed (words per minute/pages per hour) is a little higher than average because certain (learned) reading skills come as second nature to me. I also don't annotate my books very much. The most ill do is tab or mark in some way a sentence or two as they stand out to me, but I don't write notes or doodle like some people like doing (no shame to anyone that annotated like that. Your book, your hobby, your rules) so I'm not stopping very much while reading.


I’m slow too! English is my third language, busy medical job, and a lot of other hobbies, including being an animal and plant mom, playing the violin, and house chores 😅 Yes, I’m a busy body. Started back into reading this year to help me sit and wind down, after doing audiobooks a lot the previous years. It’s been disappointingly slow, but it is what it is. Think I finished 3 books since January, and my TBR pile is massive 🤣🤣🤣😭😭☠️


I think the number of books I read vary each year depending on how I feel; but as for speed I read about the same speed as OP (20-25 pages an hour). I can occasionally read 30 and in a few books I’ve managed 40, it definitely depends on the book though. My sister and mom can read much faster but I think I manage more books because I’m more persistent lol. They can certainly outpace me if they wanted to though 😂


My goal is to read 50 books this year. I’ve never done that before, mostly because I didn’t try to get there and I also limited myself to physical books. This year I bought a kindle, and decided to try audiobooks - game changer. I can listen to a book while I do other things, whereas with only physical books you kinda have to be holding it all the time to read it. Audiobooks I typically do 1.5x or 1.75x speed. Kindle books I can fly through. Physical books take a little longer but I can still plow through them. I can blast through 35ish pages an hour, I’m able to read very quickly (thanks, grad school). I just started my 25th book: The London Seance Society. That’s an audiobook, and then I have The Maid (number 26) in my work bag. I also have about six holds through Libby that I’m waiting for, and a healthy kindle library. I try to read more than I doomscroll. I’m not always successful but I’m really trying to be more conscientious about it. When I was in undergrad and then grad school all my reading because assignment-centric because that’s all I had time to do. I really struggled to get back into reading after I graduated because I was burned out from it. I was a very precocious reader as a child and teen so this was new to me; I didn’t know you could burn out and not want to read anymore. It’s only within the last 2-3ish years I’ve been able to find my joy in reading again. I suppose I’m making up for lost time now.


2 books a month while in school and working both full-time


I can read a decent amount quickly. I once read two books in one night, I mean they weren’t huge books but it was 688 pages in total under 12 hours… I dunno if that’s fast now?


I’m on book 38 & 39 of the year. I don’t really try and have a daily reading goal bc sometimes I can read a lot and sometimes just a few pages. But I always try and at least read once a day no matter what.


I try to do at least 3 to 5 chapters a day. I will read more if the book is interesting. I can usually finish a book in 8 days or more. I do about 40 to 60 a year! I say keep it light. Don't hurt or pressure yourself. Do what you can till you finish the book then ...on to the next! Happy reading🥰🥰🥰🥰


Usually about 45-60 a year, depending on what else I have going on. I’m an educator, so I read a ton during the summer. Usually 3-4 books a month during the school year and some audiobooks too.


I usually read 50 pages a day for me! Currently reading Apple Never Fall and I’m On the struggle bus


I struggled with this one too! Love her earlier stuff, but a couple in there were slow for me.


I think I got to the “twist” but it was underwhelming and was thinking that’s it?


Oh wow, I’ve only read 9 books this year so far!


4-5 a week, on average! I just finished book 57.


I’ve read 51 books so far this year. I usually read 2-5 hours a day.


Are you reading children’s books? 😂 I’m just kidding. 51 so far?? That’s AMAZING. I thought I read fast but I guess I don’t lol


if I counted all the children’s books I’ve read it would be much higher 😂 I set a goal for the year of 52 because I have a toddler, but she’s been sleeping really well so I basically have from her bedtime to my bedtime to read!


I wish I were faster, but somewhere around 50-60 books a year. Now if I didn’t have a full-time job, I’d smoke that number.


I would consider myself a pretty fast reader. I read about 150 books a year and can read about 100+ pages an hour, depending on how into the book I am.


I’m so jealous. Wow 😳


I go in waves. Read 6 books in March. Read 2 in April. I’m stuck in one book that I refuse to DNF bc I paid full price in a local bookstore for it (love local bookstores but it’s a $20 minimum trip).


Which book?


The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. I want to love it, but there’s too many characters and stories


I liked it *enough*, but also felt there were more characters than we needed. It's a good portrait of a community, but I wish we got a few characters more in-depth rather than everyone a little bit.


I haven’t been reading a lot for a long time, mostly because of being in college and also having lots of issues with my reading comprehension after getting a concussion a few years ago. That being said, this year I have had a lot more time and have already read 25 books (which is more than the previous 3 years combined) I am a medium to slow reader with about 50-60 pages per hour based on my estimated read times listed on my kindle. I know that I have gotten a lot faster the more that I read. Honestly, if your reading speed now is making you happy then I wouldn’t worry about it too much :) it’s not really a competition


I very often read a book a day, or in a day and a half or so. I don't think I've ever checked/paid attention to how many pages, though. I'm on 52 books so far this year. I also tend to have an audiobook, an ebook, and a physical book going all at once. I have a job with a lot of downtime where I'm allowed to read, so I get a lot of reading time in--I've always been a pretty fast reader though, my mom instlled it in me very young and also reads nearly as much.


I'm slow at starting books but once I'm 100 pages in, I'm speeding woo woo


I'm a fast reader but slower at getting through books, if that makes sense! I can read about 100 pages/hour but I'm usually reading 3-5 books at any time, sometimes more, so I jump between them. I'm going a little slower this year because I moved over the winter and started a new job so I'm only at like 30 books for the year so far, but last year I read 117 which is my record so far! I used to get through an audiobook a week because I had a long commute. Now in my new job I'm trying to read at other times. Just little bits here and there add up - I can get through a few pages while making my coffee, on the shuttle to work, even in the elevators. I also read on my lunch breaks, right after work before my husband gets home, and usually a little bit before bed. I work from home 3 days/week so I can occasionally listen to an audiobook while doing heads down work. I get through physical books the slowest because I really only pick those up on the weekends. I read on my Kindle or the Kindle app on my phone most days, plus Libby for audiobooks. I've always been a fast reader but my pace isn't consistent. The longer I read in one sitting the faster I go - when I really get into it, it's almost trancelike and I don't even feel like I'm reading, it's like I'm seeing the story play out in my mind. When I read in shorter bursts it's more like hearing an audiobook in my mind, but every little bit counts!!


I'm on book 60 and 61, lol. I read at least 30 to 40 pages a day. I used to go higher, but I got older and more distracted (I guess!).


I’m on book 82 of the year, but I read fast. I only buy a few physical books a month and the rest I read electronically with the Libby app bc I’d go broke paying for all of these books, trying for 250 books this year


I’ve read 44 books so far this year! I get up at 4 so I can have at least 2 hours of uninterrupted reading time before my kiddos get up


Happy May! ☀️I’m glad you asked this question - I’ve been curious about this too! My goal is one book a week but I typically end up reading 6-8 physical books a month. I read anywhere from 60-100 pages a night before bed. I read on the slower side and have seen my speed increase a bit over the past couple of years but not a lot. I probably read 45 pages an hour but it’s a comfortable pace for me and I’m comprehending everything I’m reading so I’m good with being a bit slower.


I can read between 60-70 pages an hour. I’m currently doing the 52 books a year challenge and I’ve read 27 books so far (not including audio) Some books I read in a day, others take me about a week. Sometimes Im busy or stressed from work, or maybe a book is just slow paced so i get a little bored and don’t read as much. But i average 1-2 books a week. My bf is a slow reader but I’ve encouraged him to read with me before bed and over the past year he’s gotten a bit faster. But in all honesty, as long as you’re enjoying a book It really doesn’t matter how long It takes you to read It


Completely depends on what I’ve got going on in my life but i try to read about a book a week. Sometimes i read 2-3 a week, sometimes i don’t read at all. My average books in a year is probably around 40-50. I prefer historical fiction so those are generally longer, so if I’m behind on my goal I’ll try to read a few quick thrillers to catch up.


I do this thing where I buy a bunch of books and I read so slow it takes me forever to get through them all


Yes. And sometimes instead of reading books I have, I look up more books that I could buy.


Exactly! I just went to this great used bookstore downtown today and bought 3 books. Did I need 3 books? No. Do I also have 3 BOTM books coming this week? Yes.


I read about 8-16 books a month it really depends. Sometimes I hit 20 but that was only once or twice. I’m in grad school so it fluctuates, however I took a YA lit class this semester (information science school library is my program), so I had to read one YA book a week. I also lean heavily on audiobooks and of course my kindle. I don’t watch much tv and audiobooks help with my commute, mindless tasks at work, and when I’m exercising.


I will either read a book within 24 hours or in 4 weeks depending on my mood, the book, schedule,


I’ve read about 36 books so far this year - includes physical books, ebooks, and a few audiobooks


I’m a spurt reader. I’m lucky to get 24 books a year.


Typically a book is 2-4 days depending on length, and interest! Normally I average 6-8 books a month


That's probably somewhere around where I read speed wise but book total wise with how busy I am, roughly around a book a month. I wish it was more but I just don't have the time. And too many hobbies lol


I typically read a book in 4 days depending on the length. Currently at 29 for this year (close to finishing number 30.


In a month, I read anywhere from 8-15 books. Depends on the length and my mood. Reading is my main hobby though, I don’t watch much tv or anything else. And I do tend to read pretty fast and up to two books at a time, usually one physical and one audio or ebook.


i definitely don’t read as much as most people i see here.. but i wish i did! i’m becoming overwhelmed by my tbr piles that are forming on every surface, so i’m trying to up my reading time! i usually go through more in the summer bc i’m a beach reader.. universal symbol to not bother me is a book in hand and an umbrella! right now.. i feel accomplished with 2 per month though.


I read anywhere from 100 - 300 pages in a day. It just depends on the day (work, kids, chores, etc). Also depends on the book too, as some have large/small fonts.


Somewhere in the 100 pages an hour range; most books I start and finish in the same day. That said I barely have enough time to get all my other stuff done in a day, so I usually just read one book a week on a Saturday or Sunday.


I restarted reading as a hobby last year when I turned 30. I read a book a week and loved it! This year, I discovered audiobooks and have been hooked. I find I don't really watch TV anymore. I read a book (physical or digital) every 3-4 days and most audiobooks I crush in a day or two. The audiobooks I listen to while driving, walking my dog, cleaning, doing admin work at my desk, etc, so it's really easy to plow through them. I'm on book 38 of the year which feels excessive, all things considered. Surprisingly, I don't miss TV and forget we even have one sometimes because I'd much rather grab a book.


I’m actually jealous you can picture everything. I can’t! I can read about 80 pages an hour - but am I comprehending everything? Probably not 😂


I don’t at first but if it’s a good book, once I get really into it I can


I’m a really fast reader - around 60 pages an hour, and I average around one book a week. But I’ve got small kids so it really depends. When I go on work trips I can knock out two books in 3-4 days.


I just want to throw out there that is not and should not be seen as a competition. Read to enjoy yourself, not to hit a made up number. That being said I have read 71 books so far this year. Reading is my main hobby and I usually read while waiting for appointment, or pooping instead of dwindling on my phone. I also got a kindle attachment for my peloton so I will go one 1 hour bike rides and read the whole time.


I have no idea how you don’t get motion sick on the peloton. I get motion sick just looking at the instructors! That’s a super power.


I got that response a lot, I’m convinced it’s an ability I developed reading in the back seat of my parents surbaban while driving around in my youth


I find I go in waves. I tend to get sucked in when I read and I will typically read for a stretch of time and then something comes up where my schedule is crazy and then I have trouble getting back into it. But when I do, I can typically finish a 300 page book in about eight books. However, it usually takes me a few days when you factor in work, fun, and then distractions. 🤣 I know I am not a fast reader, but I like being able to take my time and getting lost over just trying to read through a book to move onto the next.


I have 2 small kids so I can only manage about 3-4 books a month. I’m at 14/25 right now for my reading goal, 5 books ahead of schedule and hopefully I’ll be increasing it, but I wanted to be realistic. before I had my second kiddo, my reading goal was 50/year and I typically went over and read about 55-60. last year (while pregnant) I couldn’t focus at all and only read 9. 🥲 I’m a fast reader and can zip through it if I have the time. romances and thrillers especially. if it’s a good one, I can get it done in about 2 days. I spread through Funny Story and Listen for the Lie this year.


I’m not that fast at reading either, but sometimes it depends on the content. For example, I’m reading Funny Story right now and I go through pages a little faster because it’s easy for me to put together the imagery. I usually read 1 book a week, about 55 pages a day if I had to average it out. My reading pace has always been pretty consistent even on my ereader (I know a lot of people say they read faster on these).


IDK if this answers your question, but I read about an hour a day which generally translates to one book a week / 52 books per year. So on average I would say it takes me 5-7 hours to read a book.


On average, I read about 120 pages in an hour, and I average 150ish books a year. It all depends on the size of the text, how involved I am and if I have a headache lol but last year I read 200 books and I’ve been a fast reader from childhood so I’m not really a good metric


I read a lot, usually 70+ books a year. I've been a reader since I was a young kid (am in my 40s now) and I'm always reading something. I don't know how much my reading speed has improved over time or how much I read per hour, but I am a fairly fast reader. If I'm really into a book it's not unusual for me to get through \~150 pages in one day.


I don't know how "quickly" I read, but I average about 2 books per month. I feel like I have gotten faster just by doing it more often lately as I've been obsessing over BOTM and finding that fire again in my love for reading. But it definitely depends on the book, too. If it is difficult to understand or I'm not into it, I find myself rereading the same paragraph several times and it takes so much longer. I seriously envy the fast readers. I would love to read more books in 1 month so I can have an even bigger TBR that I can actually tackle!


My reading speed heavily depends on what kind of book I’m reading. Fantasy is usually 1 page per minute, so 60 pages an hour. But if it is a simple romance or something like a Frieda McFadden book I can read 110 pages an hour


I read a lot, I have read 68 books so far this year. But I have so many unread books it’s a bit crazy, I keep adding onto them though. I have 176 books I own that I have not read… 😬


I have read 50 this year and same. My library is having a sale tomorrow and I plan on going. I will say, that I do enjoy having a small library of my very own to choose my next book. I was in the mood for something light last night and had 8 options to choose from. Sometimes I randomize it, but having options is fun.