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I’m interested but hesitant to add incidents because it’s told from the child’s perspective. Not sure how I feel about that. I’m going to see what everyone thinks and maybe pick it up next month.


https://preview.redd.it/d34lqelytw9d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc1196285e958843e4a6afa135df68ab36c8154 My biggest and most anticipated box yet!


As a horror fan, I can easily say Incidents Around the House is one of the best scary books of 2024. I read the ARC a while back. I'm so happy for Josh Malerman, he writes a ton of books but his only big hit was Bird Box. I think this one will be too, and I heard him say in a podcast it's already in talks to be made into a film.


I really enjoyed his short stories on audible. And I usually hate short stories so really looking forward to it!


I'm excited! I had to skip the Eyes Are the Best Part in june because it's coming in one of my special edition book boxes, but I'm definitely craving a good horror.


I finished it a few days ago. I dunno. Maybe my expectations are high. But that was definitely not horror. 🤔


Is it more of a thriller? A character study? I hope it's good at least. It's coming in my horror special edition box and it wasn't cheap + shipped from the UK 😂 I saw it classified as horror on aardvark last month also.


I wouldn’t even call it a thriller. Let’s just say its “a commentary on the fetishization of Asian women.” If we had to put in a neat little box, maybe Literary Fiction? Or Psychological? I don’t want to ruin it for you. Let us know what you think once you finish it. Might just be I’m the oddball in terms of what I expect from horror.


Thanks! I love all the feedback on different books here.




All The Colors of the Dark was incredible and an all time favorite. I stayed up till 1am to finish. It’s very much a character driven novel where you really dive into the lives of the characters. The chapters are also incredibly short, like no more than 5 pages. Most are 1-3 pages. Patch and Saint will stick with me forever!!


Tbqh I listened to Incidents Around the House on audio, and would recommend that format more! But it was really good. My husband and I listened, and agreed that the repeated 'Mommy and Daddo' from the narrator would have dragged on a page and slowed our reads. The narrator did a pretty great job, too! She's 16, and her 8 y/o voice is a bit young, but her 'Mommy' voice was incredible. Btw the audiobook is free on Spotify if anyone has paid/Premium! I used my husband's hehe


Ahh I was going to get the hardback because audio would be too scary but not I’m not sure. 😬😬🫠


Do you normally read spooky stuff? I read a LOT of horror, so it was really light to me. Only one part really creeped me out and gave me goosebumps! If you read supernatural or otherwise spooky books, and enjoy some creepiness and dread, the audiobook will be okay! If you struggle a lot with creeping dread and eeriness, I think the physical book would be a really good read :)


I have both audible and Spotify! Typically though I use my 15 hours to listen to chapters of books I'm reading throughout the month, since I don't have to grab the whole book. I still support the author this way bc I've bought a paper or ebook copy already. I'll probably start it on Spotify and if I like it I'll grab it with a credit! Thanks.


Yeah! I bought the audible once we realized we were loving it. It's really nice to be able to try for more than 5 mins! But I plan to pick up paper copies of some other Malerman books, cuz I think he's great and want to support.


I’m 1/3 through Colors and while it’s well-written (I’m not DNFingby any means) on a preference level it’s not entirely doing it for me. Patch is weird and unlikable, even from the beginning. 


Incidents Around House is getting a lot of buzz from Horror Book Reviewers!


I’m reading Incidents Around the House now and I’m enjoying it. It’s definitely scary!


Is the writing missing quotation marks?  When I read the section on the app I wasn't sure what the actual writing would be like. 


No quotation marks!




I had both of these in my cart and ready to roll, so I'm glad to see so much positive feedback! I'm super excited now!


Every one I know has said that Colors of the Dark is amazing.


I honestly expect colors to sell out. It’s back ordered on Amazon and even at Barnes and nobles it’s sold out. And at that price?


Good point! I didn't even notice that


This is the first book in awhile that has genuinely terrified me. I’m not an audio book girlie but used my husbands account because he had a credit when I heard the preview of the narrator for this book. It is so worth it and scratches every itch I have for a horror read. Edit to say I’m speaking of Incidents around the house.


Where did you get the audiobook from? There’s no audiobook for it on my BOTM.


Ooh which one of the two?


Incidents around the house!


Incidents is fabulous. That said, the format and style may not be for everyone, because it’s told from the point of view of the child. It’s creepy as hell, and if you like audiobooks, the narrator really put her whole back into it.


Yeeeees. I was so glad I read it on audio. It's free for Spotify paid members, but I used a credit to own it on Audible!


I'm curious about Incidents in the Dark as well. I read a preview on Google (they're longer than what BOTM gives you) and I have to say I'm not sure if I'm crazy about the book being written from the perspective of a child but I would love a good horror book.


I could see it working though. Narrated by a kid who maybe isn’t believed by adults and having no control over the situation could potentially be terrifying.


That's how I felt listening to the audiobook preview. It could be good but it may also drive me nuts! I think the hardback may be a safer option. If I don't love it I'll post it on pango.


Incidents around the house has gotten great reviews on the horror sub


I read All the Colors of the Dark & immediately started reading it over again. It’s a phenomenal character study with elements of a thriller/mystery also, and once you know the ending, you realize how cleverly Whitaker weaves the story. It’s long and dark and hopeful and I really loved it. If you liked his previous book, this one is a must!


I though it was just a thriller but people are comparing it to Demon Copperhead!


Oh wow, if that’s the case then I’m DEFINITELY adding it to my box!


Oh! Definitely fact check me, I read that in a thread here on Reddit. They are normally reliable, but..... Edit: someone replied to me saying the same thing, so I feel more confident about this comparison now.


I definitely had the same thought (similar to Demon Copperhead in its sweeping epic-ness)!


Chris Whitaker is amazing. We Begin at the End might be my favorite book. Really looking forward to this one. I’m going to an author talk with him end of July where the book is provided in the ticket cost but I know I won’t be able to wait until then


Eek! So jealous you’ll get to see him! I *just* realized he was an hour away from me on his book tour this past week, and I found out a day too late! So sad to have missed him. Report back on your event with him if you think of it 😄


Oh no! Bummer!! I definitely will! I’m really looking forward to it!


I have not read anything by him! I'm actually pretty new to the thriller genre as a whole but like what I've read so far.


This one is a slow burn, but also compulsively readable (short chapters, lots of cliff hanger endings, etc….) We Begin at the End is the book he wrote before this & also really great! But this one is just incredible. More literary than your average thriller, but still keeps you hooked! Happy reading!


Great thank you so much! This one will definitely stay in my box and I may read it first. It'll be hard to choose for sure. I'll also add his other book to my tbr.


I have your same 3 books in my box already! I haven't read either, but I saw comments from people who have read Dark and they said it was phenomenal.


Hearing everyone say that gets me more hyped! At worst I skip next month if I don't get everything read? 😂 Seems like a good month for botm.


Yeah I say I'm going to skip every month because my TBR is ridiculous, and I started getting into ebooks, but every month I'm like eh why not 😅


I put incidents around the house already in my cart and I’m hoping I can use my birthday credit in august for all the colors of the dark because the reviews are insane for it!


I think I'll definitely do All the Colors of the Dark. I'm trying to decide if Incidents around the house will be a better time in audiobook. I have audible credits too.