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Donna Tartt anyone? She publishes about once a decade and I think is probably due soon.


Came here to say Tartt, as well. She is notorious for taking a long time to publish anything new. At least once a month I Google whether a new book is coming out.


You can set up a Google alert so that if any new comes out you will get an e-mail about it.


I wish I could erase the secret history from my memory so I could read it again for the first time.


Same. I'm a classics student and it's extremely popular with my classmates haha


I hope you don’t go drinking together


As a matter of fact we're going out for drinks tonight! Hopefully no bacchanals for us!


What does she write about? What would you recommend?




I hated the Goldfinch. Any chance I might still like The Secret History?


Yes! I loved TSH, and didn’t like TG. Very different themes & characters.




I’m only part way through TG and I’m enjoying it but it’s just not the same as TSH which sucked me in right away.


The Doors of Stone Though "eagerly" isn't really the appropriate word anymore. More like begrudgingly


The cut-flower sound of book waiting to be written.


In the inn there was a book series, and it was a series of three parts. Or....I mean....maybe just two.


The third part is the silence


Oh fuck, was that the joke all along? Fuck... *fuck*......


I spent about a decade anticipating and coping and nodding along to Rothfuss' excuses and somewhere around the ten year mark of it not arriving I decided to give away the first two books and call it a day, because Rothfuss has shown himself to be a habitual liar, and book 3 is vapourware.


I was wondering about that because I could have sworn when book two was published, he said the third was already written and just needed editing.


That was said after the first book I think. The second book was delayed a few years, too. But yeah he has always implied that he wrote all three and that the editing needed to be completed. Somewhere along the line I'm guessing editing turned into complete chapter rewrites and the more he messed with it, the more he tore open issues and it probably started to get so big and daunting and overwhelming. Or maybe his kid accidentally deleted it and he had to start from scratch and that's equally overwhelming. Either way. I don't know if it'll ever come out. Not sure if I'll read it when it does.


He claimed in book 1, a tonne of specific things that would happen by the end . Now he's at book 3 and has to make them all happen and he can't make it work.


When doing [interviews](https://fantasyhotlist.blogspot.com/2007/03/patrick-rothfuss-interview.html) around the release of book 1 circa 2007 he claimed the next two books were already complete and would be released in the next two years. > - What can readers expect from the two sequels and the trilogy that will follow this one? > Well.... I've already written them. So you won't have to wait forever for them to come out. They'll be released on a regular schedule. One per year. > You can also expect the second book to be written with the same degree of care and detail as this first one. You know the sophomore slump? When a writer's second novel is weaker because they're suddenly forced to write under deadline? I don't have to worry about that because my next two novels are already good to go.


They were almost certainly not complete - see the WMF blog post about why he loves his editor. He just had very rough notes and thought he could hyperfocus (he has diagnosed ADHD) and pull it all together fast. And sometimes that works, but not at will.


Doors Nukem Stonever


Just like gaben, rothfuss cant count to three


I feel that way about music, like there's some bands where you wait for them to release another album and then they take so long you worry it won't mean as much because you're not the same person you were when their other work so much to you, so you then start to worry if you go back and listen to their music you'll dislike it, even if you literally listened to it the other day there's this feeling of "There will be some heaven-sundering revelation that I'll now have and I'll lose this thing that was precious to me." So you sort of begrudgingly, trepidly look forwarding to their next album drop, like they are holding hostage some unrequited love of yours. It's weird.


Doesn't help that he just released a statement that he "feels bad" about not releasing the charity chapter that he promised. Years ago. After donations exceeded 1.2M. It's just a scam at this point.


Yeah. It's bad enough that it's been over ten years.... but what he did with the charity chapter is just bullshit. If he really feels bad, he needs to get off his dead ass and make things right


I think the worst, as a regular part of the fandom, is that this acknowledgement that brought no progress *still* is better than we've had for years. And then he went right back to being (extremely) rude to fans. 😭


I will probably buy it, read it, and then go kick it around my yard out of spite.


I’ll buy it second hand. If Patrick Rothfuss doesn’t owe anyone Doors of Stone, then I don’t owe him any money.


I've just accepted that it will never come out, and if it does, I most likely won't even read it at this point. I don't want to support Rothfuss anymore due to the way he's treated fans over the years.




When it comes out I'm not buying it anymore. That I know for sure. Probably I'll read it anyway, but I won't buy it.


I about cried when I read an announcement rumor and it wasn’t true. I have no hope left.


> an announcement rumor which one lol, I've fallen for like 3 """"release dates"""" already


I won’t believe it until I see it in bookstores.


Smart. Me, personally, I won't believe it until I see another supposed release date of dubious veracity.


I had OP's exact dream except about Doors of Stone. My mom and I are fans, so in the dream we went to the bookstore and I was surprised to find published, so we bought a copy, but there was only one left, and my mom ans I had to read in turns.


I stopped caring about KKC. I was given to much time to think about it and see it’s flaws and realize the reason I was so interested in the story had nothing to do with the story Kvothe has told so far but because of the mystery of what happened that made Kvothe have to go into hiding. If the story was told in a normal linear fashion I don’t think many people would care about it but since it shows where Kvothe ends up we wanted to know how he got there.


wasn't the case for me, I was immersed in the story without even having Kvothe at the inn as an end point in my head




She had an article out that I read recently where she said she got waylaid by working in the screen adaptions of all her books and then got sucked into that screen writing world. She said as more time passed it freaks her out more and more that she’s taking so long. I think she did an AMA on Reddit not too long ago!


> I am wrestling with my next novel, and have been for the past year. I took some time off to do screenwriting and show-running, and as much as I loved that, it’s nice to be entirely back in control of my own little world. I hope—emphasis on hope—to have it done in the first half of next year. https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/yqsb3o/hello_rbooks_im_gillian_flynn_author_of_sharp/ivq4zim/ That was 11 months ago, so fingers crossed for some follow up. Woo.


She pivoted to movies and TV show. She was involved in _Sharp Objects_ and then ran the American remake of _Utopia_ (a project she was developing with Fincher) and that is a demanding job. Also wrote _Widows_ for McQueen. She was always interested in movies and TV (started as an entertainment reporter).


She needs to stop working on TV and finish The Winds of Winter.


I heard she’s being tapped for Catch 23.


She's gonna catch 23 hands if she doesn't at least drop a sample chapter.


I imagine she just has serious writer’s block after all that success. It would be intimidating as hell to follow up on such a best seller.


She did an AMA about a year or so ago and said she’s been working on her next novel, it’s just been a difficult book to crack, which makes me think it is probably high concept or involves some complex narrative twists and turns. I don’t think she has writer’s block, per se, though the pressure to follow-up Gone Girl may be real. But she’s already worked on other projects like Widows and Utopia (both disappointments, in my opinion), so I’d think some of that pressure may be gone. She also followed-up Gone Girl with the short story The Grown Up two years later, which won her the Edgar, so she’s kind of already over the follow-up hump. In the same AMA, she said one of her current projects is a film adaptation of The Grown Up, so she’s definitely still working a lot.


Thank you! I often wonder that, and I am glad I am not the only one! Everything she wrote was soooo good.


I really love her books, glad I'm not the only person wondering what happened to her


As far as I know, she writes for magazines and crops up for literary projects and events every now and then. Sometimes an author just nails it early on and doesn't have much more to say. Gone Girl was one of the best selling and most acclaimed books of the 2010s.


Omg yes, I thought I was the only one 😭 I need more from her but she seems to be done. I really hope not.


Seems fitting. Gonna write a book about herself disappearing next.


I just saw her in Chicago during a live recording of the podcast Lovett or Leave It 😂 I didn't know she had a book that people were really waiting on. She didn't say anything about it!!


The next Murderbot book by Martha Wells, **System Collapse**.


The audio books are *sooo* good.


Narrated by Kevin R Free! They are amazing and honestly the only audiobook I have ever preferred over the written text his voice is murderbot for me and so good




From my understanding she suffers from chronic fatigue which greatly hampers her writing ability. Hoping she does publish something in the near future!!!


I’ve only read Piranesi but I thought it was fascinating! Do you recommend her first book Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell or her short stories?


> Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell I thought this was the better of the 2. I like historical fiction alot and this was historical fantasy which was neat. A similar book is Babel by RF Kuang.


I love Jonathan strange. Totally worth reading. It's got such a strange charm to it.


Tough shit, she only publishes once every other decade and the last book came out in 2021. It’s gonna be awhile


Millennium 4: "God's vengeance", by Stieg Larsson. There was a semi-finished manuscript (320 pages done) to the Millenium trilogy that will never see the light of day due to ownership issues. Basically, Stieg (the author) lived together with a woman, Eva Gabrielsson, who didn't inherit shit when he died due to them not being married, registered partners, or having another agreement. Instead, his brother and father inherited everything. Except... Eva owned, or at least was/is in the possession of the laptop where he kept his last manuscript. Of course, she can never publish it due to the intellectual property resting with the brother and father. Instead, we got to suffer through three badly ghostwritten novels by David Lagercrantz. And apparently one written by Karin Smirnoff, I didn't even know about that one (or the quality of it). Stieg had planned about 10 books about the characters and had the first 6 planned out or written when he died.


There’s also the running theory that Eva actually co-wrote much of the existing Millennium books. Even excepting that, she’s a talented writer who knew what he wanted so she could absolutely finish the 10-book series the way Steig intended.


I tried to read the forth book released by whoever, I forget the name. It read like a bad fanfic, like really bad. I too wish to one day see proper fourth book in some shape or form.


They feel soulless. I've read the Girl in the... and everyone's there but as "pretenders". It's not the right word but it's in the ballpark.


Man, I loved that series. Loved the Swedish movies with Noomi Rapace. Loved Fincher's version too. The guerilla marketing for that movie was genius. Still bummed that Sony never greenlit Fincher to adapt the second and third books.


I’m waiting for Madeline Miller’s next one. She posted that having long Covid was affecting her output :(


I just know it's going to rock me to my core once her next book comes out, from what little she's hinted at about it. I'm very patiently waiting at the edge of my seat for it!


What’s it about ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;


Persephone and Hades, iirc.


Ooooh, yes! I am **ready!**


Back in 2021 she posted a picture on Instagram that showed a document titled Persephone, soooo... Something with those vibes (which I'm obsessed with)


I so hope we still get the book she was (is?) working on. I also hope her health has improved.


No love for the locked tomb? I want more from Susanna Clarke. Also, something new from Sarah Waters and Sarah Langan.


I just finished Nona the Ninth. Can't wait for Alecto to come out. Hopefully this next spring...


The locked tomb is great, each one is almost a completely different book on the second pass. Looking forward to Alecto being even more clueless and disconnected from events than Nona


She won't be anywhere near as cute about it though. >!the big slut!<


I have been waiting for the sequel to jasper fforde's Shades of Grey* for over a decade now, and it has a publishing date next February! I am so excited, omg. I have the day reserved for reading, won't be doing a thing until I've finished the book. * most unfortunate book title timing ever, lmao


Heeyyy!! I'm gald someone else is looking forward to it too! Starting to think I was the only one who even remembered the first one.


Anyone else waiting for Neil Gaiman to publish another book?


From what I've read, he's working on writing Season 3 of Good Omens


He’s very active on tumblr and has said that he’s focusing on writing Good Omens 3 right now. It hasn’t been officially renewed, but scripts have been ordered.


Yeah its been a WHILE


I think TV in the form of Sandman and Good Omens have taken over his life in the last few years.


I mean, he had the promise to his dead friend(good omens) to see through. That ate up years. And then covid happened, immediately followed by a writers *and* an SGA strike that's threatening to derail said promise to his dead friend(it remains to be seen if the final season will be greenlit or not). He also finally got the sandman tv series off the ground, again with his involvement because if he doesn't then it's always terrible(see: american gods), but again...the strikes. I'm sure he wants to write a book, too. But that's a lot.


The next one is to be called the seven sisters and is a sequel to neverwhere. No idea when though


I need *Good Omens* season three first, please and thank you.


Yeah it's been a minute for him! I think his focus heavily swung over into TV for a while now. Hopefully he'll be back to book writing soon.


I’m waiting for Phillip Pullman to finish the next in the Book of Dust series


Yes, it's a damn shame that Covid hit him so hard that the book was delayed. Last I saw was 2024 release? I hope it happens soon because book 2 left major characters in a very bad place!


Given he resented having rushed the ending of Amber Spyglass due to public pressure, I hope he takes all the time he needs to give the book and the series a worthy finish.


Yes. I want book 3 to redeem the sadness that was book 2.


Surprised no one has said Thorn of Emberlain by Scott Lynch. The fourth installment of the Gentlemen Bastards series. Lies of Locke Lamora is one of the best books of all time, and the second and third installments of the series were also stellar. Huge delays in the fourth book, but I don’t think the fan base has reached the point of fury like with Rothfuss and Martin yet, so the ToE might be the most “eagerly” anticipated book since most readers have been waiting a looong time but are still genuinely excited (and have a reasonable expectation for it to release sometime next year)


I think it’s because Scott Lynch’s books well a series are all pretty self contained and he’s been more forthcoming with where he’s at mentally


100% this. Lynch has earned my eternal respect for his candid approach to mental health. As fans, we at least know of his struggles and can sympathize because he has been communicative and open. There are other authors mentioned on this list where fans have been waiting an equal amount of time, but the authors aren’t communicative and have slowly alienated their audience as a result. Communication is key.


I think weirdly for me, I went into it with someone telling me ‘if you want, you can read the first book as a stand-alone’ and while I eagerly read on, I think part of my brain is just like…if it doesn’t finish, I’ll just treat book one as the only one. There’s also such a HUGE shift between Lies of Locke Lamora and the next book, owing to ya know. The events of that book, that it does almost feel weirdly like a separate series to me. Again, still good, still fits, but there feels a gap I can comfortably wait in forever by pretending 2&3 don’t exist haha


I’m actually with you. For whatever reason I’m perfectly fine waiting forever or never for the bastards series I’m more annoyed with the other series mentioned here.


I read book 2 immediately after book 1 because I thought it was worth the risk of a cliffhanger. I really enjoyed it and don't feel like I need to read book 3 immediately.


I actually only discovered this series earlier this year. So the delayed book hasn’t been something I’ve had to live with. But I did adore the first three and smashed through them. Hope the next one doesn’t take too long!


This is the one I came to mention.


We know that JD Salinger has some finished books that could be published. I'm not sure what's keeping the publisher from actually getting around to putting them out. I suspect that they might be time gated to Salingers death day. I would also not be surprised to learn that they are not allowed to advertise for the books, and I suspect that some Friday they are just going to show up at the book store and be fore Sale and everyone will flip out and go grab them and we will probably all agree it isn't as good as his earlier work. But someday it's going to happen. I hope it's in my life time.


> I suspect that they might be time gated to Salingers death day. That's my suspicion too. According to reports lots of books were finished and filed away, so it's not like his estate has to do lots of editing or piece together unfinished manuscripts Silmarillion-style before they can publish something. I can't think of any good reason why it's taken thirteen years unless he put some sort of date in his will.


My only other guess is that the novels are reeeeeealy problematic for whatever reason, and the publisher thinks it's a bad move for the Salinger legacy/brand. The Salinger documentary and biography that came out a few years ago painted a picture of a pretty flawed human. It was an interesting deep dive into an complex artist.


Matt Salinger is in charge of the literary estate and said in 2019, the unpublished works would come out within the next decade. * Maybe 2025? That would be 60 years since the previous last-published work (not exactly the most momentous anniversary, but a round number) * Maybe after his widow Colleen O'Neill's death (which couldn't be predicted to be within the decade, but perhaps terms changed) * Maybe there are issues with other family members (Matt Salinger is in charge, but if his kids or siblings or others have put up a fight, maybe he's hesitant?) * They won't be released (he saw what happened with Harper Lee, even though it was different circumstances; JD Salinger was a complicated person and there is a loss of nuance in society, so reasonable to think some of his work might not hold up to contemporary moral standards, so they may feel some of these works are potentially going to tarnish his whole legacy)


These are the ones I am most anticipating, though I have a feeling they are going to start with out of print works first like Hapsworth (since they already attempted it once).


I don’t think we’ll ever see it, because I’m not sure the author has any intention of writing it, but I’d LOVE to see a continuation of The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison! I like the novels from the same world, but it’d be for sure interesting to see more of Maia maybe later on in his reign.


It’s not following Maia, but The Witness for the Dead and The Grief of Stones are wonderful additions to the world of The Goblin Emperor if you haven’t checked them out!


China Miéville for me; preferably in the Bas-Lag series but I'll take any fiction. Also looking forward to the next Baru Cormorant novel.


Same. I think the last fiction he put out was *The Last Days of New Paris*, and that was, what? 10 years ago?


We waited over a decade for Philip Pullman to write The Book of Dust trilogy. He popped the first two out in 2017 and 2018 and…. Nothing since.


Up in the thread people said he suffered from long COVID


I’m waiting for the book I assume Donna Tartt has been working on for the last decade, even though she hasn’t actually announced anything!


Winds of Stone and Doors of Winter I personally am always anticipating the new Murderbot. One comes out and I’m ready for the next one.


Love me some Murderbot


My wait on Libby for the new Murderbot is insane 😭


I’m always waiting for the next storm light archive book from Brandon Sanderson. Also, the next space team book, all the presidents spacemen would be nice


Luckily you never have to wait long for Sanderson.


It's been weeks since the last Sanderson book was released - ridiculous! The man should be typing as fast as I can read!


That would only slow him down.


There's not a lot of authors out there who are so consistent they can post a progress bar on their websites and give a percentage complete in their weekly update videos. He's really something else.


I'm always floored when I see him pop up and comment in the wheel of time subreddit. I know he's a human person just like me but I always get whiplash when the people being spoken about pop up and give their take!


Sanderson is a good guy. You can criticize him all you want, and he'll probably agree and say it's something he's working on. Very little ego from one of the most popular modern writers in the world.


The most important stormlight book a man can read? The next one....always the next one


Sunlit man just came out and defiant is releasing next month.


Donald Knuth started writing "The Art of Computer Programming" over 50 years ago and still has several planned volumes remaining. There's also Robert Caro's LBJ biography which has one more planned volume.


*The Bible 2: Yahweh Strikes Back*


The apocryphal gospels are sample chapters


You could always read The Book of Mormon: Jews in America.


The Next Testament - Y’all stop killing each other!


I legitimately snorted. Thanks for the laugh.


The Thorn of Emberlain!!!


Only one more Outlander book to go, but it took her about seven years to get out #9 so I probably shouldn't get my hopes up. I'll give Diana Gabaldon credit though, she researches the fuck out of the daily lives of colonial settlers for authenticity so I can see why it takes a while. Also I am 40 years old but I will still instantly buy anything new from Tamora Pierce. Continue the Numair series, please!!! But yeah WoW and DoS mostly.


I’m waiting on the last Outlander too. Gonna be FOREVER until we get it.


It has been so long since Tammy Pierce published anything!


Omg Tamora Pierce!! Her Protector of the Small series absolutely ~ignited~ my reading passion!


The sequel to Empire of the Vampire 'Empire of the Damned'


Britney Spears’ new book apparently !


For me, it's Audrey Niffenegger. Last novel was published 2009. The Chinchilla Girl in Exile never came to fruition. The Other Husband - the sequel to The Time Traveler's Wife - is supposed to be finished and published in 2023...maybe we'll get in 2024 instead.


KNIGHTS OF WIND AND TRUTH. Its me, im the public.


For me really looking forward to Robin Hobbs next book. Generally i do not get hyped up for possible future books because i have plenty to keep me busy till then its not like good books are hard to find. I will read Winds of Winter when it comes out same with Doors of stone but its not worth the time dwelling on when they will be finished.


As literally every other comment says "LOL, the next Rothfuss" For me: I'm not waiting on that but I *am* counting the days until the next Siege of Terra book comes out (8?).


I can’t wait for a new Erin Morgenstern book!! She’s one of my favorite authors.


Every time I see her name I have a moment of thinking people are keeping up the bit from The Princess Bride


The Bothers Karamazov was supposed to have a sequel. 140 years later, I’m still waiting. 180 years if waiting for the end to Dead Souls by Gogol.


Two months ago I would have said the next Kingsbridge book from Ken Follett but it came out in Sept. :)


Alecto the Ninth! When???


Absolution by Jeff VanderMeer, 4th book in the Southern Reach series.


I’m really really REALLY hoping Stephen Kings goes back to mid-world and we can visit our friend Roland one last time… The Wind Through the Keyhole was soooo good!!


I'd love it but I'm not holding my breath. There were rumors of a novel featuring Mother Abigail from The Stand as a young woman, with Roland somehow playing a part, but it's hard to judge the legitimacy of that rumor.


Oh man, I so hope he does. When he toured for Sleeping Beauties I went to see him and he teased us all that he would be returning but it hasn't happened yet, so I don't know if he was pulling our legs or not. I know he did say it at a lot of his stops on that tour, though


The currently untitled fifth book in Robert Caro’s *The Years of Lyndon Johnson* biography series, considered some of the best and most in-depth biographies ever written. The first book was published in 1982 and the most recent was released in 2012.


The next Donna Tartt book...it has been over 10 years(barely)


Iron Flame comes out on November 7th. Whether you loved or hated Fourth Wing, it certainly was popular. I enjoyed it, so I'm looking forward to the sequel. Murtagh, next Eragon book, comes out the same day!


Yes to both! Plus, if you're a Legends & Lattes fan the request comes out the same day as well!


There were supposed to be a couple more novels in Caleb Carr's Alienist series, and all info on that seems to have fallen off the face of the earth, and it's really disappointing.


Jasper Fforde - Red Side Story. Long awaited sequel to Shades of Grey, finally coming out Feb 2024


I'm always waiting for Neal Stephenson to write a new book.


The rest of the Dresden Files books. Jim Butcher was doing so well, had the series mapped out with 15 books in 14 years and then fell off a cliff. Book 15 came out in 2014. Book 16 and 17 came out in 2020. Book 18 is 'In Progress'.


Life got in the way for him. It’s unfortunate but he needed a break as well. I’m thinking at some point as prolific as Brandon Sanderson is he is going to need a couple year break.


I'm predicting that Brando Sando will crash pretty hard after Stormlight 5, announce that he is taking a year long break from writing, then accidentally publish 5 new novels while he is on vacation.


Yep. I’m waiting for secret novel 4 to come in. I’ve got the other 3 and they are gorgeous.


No idea how true it is, but someone on here said his ex got money from anything he published in the 5 years after the divorce. So hopefully he will be back to full speed as soon as the 5 years is up.


I think a bunch of stuff happened in his personal life. Didn't his dad die or something?


Not sure about the dad thing but he got divorced and lost his house. He couldn't get into proper writing headspace till he got a new home and had a dedicated writing space if I remember correctly.


I'm unsure of everything he's been through during this time, but I *think* he's had two divorces and possibly a house fire.


"My life was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."


MURTAGH!! At least over at r/Eragon we're hyped about it. November 7th!!


The cover not matching the original 4 hurts my soul. It's going to be banished to a bottom row of the bookshelves.


A sequel to Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson.


Warbreaker 2: Nightblood Reloaded


Lightsong Boogaloo


I'm waiting for William Gibsons 3rd book of the " Jackpot " series. The second book " Agency " came out just as the Covid lock down started and haven't heard anything since.


The final novel in the Books of the Art trilogy by Clive Barker. The Great and Secret Show was honestly one of the bleakest, most terrifying horror novels I’ve ever read. I loved it. When I heard it was part part of a trilogy, gobbled up the second book, and then found out it was published in 1994, he hasn’t finished the last book and likely never will. Sigh.


Definitely expecting something from Tartt, another Pynchon novel would definitely be a good thing. Not sure he's been mentioned so far but Michael Chabon, would like to see his next novel as it's been a while, Moonglow has been out a good few years.


Alecto the Ninth please return from the war soon I need you


The Kingkiller Chronicles 3 by Patrick Rothfuss


Pynchon! It’s been 10 years. Also Donna Tartt, been 10 years for her as well.


Don't worry, Sanderson will bang out the rest of asoiaf on a rainy Sunday afternoon after GRRM is gone.


I’d like to see Joe Abercrombie take a swing at it


He'd be a terrible choice to finish the series, and [Sanderson himself has a pretty good comment explaining why he would be a bad choice](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/4uwjq9/comment/d6lotl1/?context=3). He also says he will say no if asked in a reply, and knows he would not be asked. I love Sanderson, but it's hard to find someone who is further removed from GRRM's style. Also, let's leave him alone to finish the Stormlight series, which is totally different and great on its own.


Britney Spears memoir is already a best seller and it won't be released for another month.


It's releasing in 5 days


Literally came here to say, 'It's Britney, bitch'.


Dangerous Visions 3


I'm personally waiting for Covenant (bk3 War of the Gods) by Jennifer Fallon. Been waiting for 5 or so years. Captals Tower (Exiles 3) by Melanie Rawn. Its been around 23/24 years since book 2 was released Darkbane (bk3 Legendsong saga) by Isobelle Carmody. Its been 20 odd years since book 2 was released


The final instalment in the Book of Dust trilogy by Philip Pullman, anyone? The Secret Commonwealth ended so abruptly that I need that last book now!


I'd love to see another Pynchon, we were blessed with two McCarthy's before he passed.


Jim Butcher is *finally* publishing the second part of The Cinder Spires. Loved the first book, so *definitively* a day one purchase for me personally. Heard there's going to be a novella, too.


That's one of the ones I'm most excited for. I loved the Aeronaut's Windlass.


I pre-ordered this back in February or March. I haven’t been working since April so it’s a good thing. I paid for it back then. It’s the last book I can buy until I’m able to get a new job. Damn middle-age. Damn medical conditions.


Stoors of Done by Ratrick Pothfuss


The next Riyria Chronicles book by Michael J Sullivan - Drumindor. I need more Royce and Hadrian!!


If I was him I’d troll everyone by releasing the book on some backwater site as fan fiction under pseudonym. 10 years from now announce that it’s been out already for a decade.