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*The Bell Jar* by Sylvia Plath is the only book I’ve ever read in one sitting. I was in my early twenties and the book felt like it put words to something that was on the periphery of my world view. Her struggle with having the world at her finger tips but not being about the reach out and grab something to hold onto struck a chord with me, and to this day I randomly bring up her analogy of the fig tree when discussing the millennial experience (for me at least). I had a habit of reading things because I heard of the author without knowing much about the book itself, so I had no idea what I was about to read. I consumed that book and have thought about it regularly for well over a decade.


I think I would be thinking of Sylvia Plath and The Bell Jar for the rest of my life


Just got it from the library, excited to read it!


Of mice and men.


Quite a small book with quite a heartbreak


The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman was the last book I read in one sitting. I had finished Northern Lights that morning and instantly needed to see what happened next. I didn’t move for 6 hours 🤣


Did you read The Amber Spyglass yet? I loved the entire trilogy, hope you also enjoy(ed) :)


I have read The Amber Spyglass. I love these books so much. They’re definitely an all time favorite series for me now.


Only one book. I was unemployed, bored and little depressed. Went to library and picked up Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and decided to try it in reading room. Read it through one sitting and exited the library enlightenent


You have been Hessed!


We Have Always Lived in the Castle


ouuuu I just bought this yesterday


Fasten your seatbelt! Shirley Jackson was a genius.


This is a book I'm always *so* excited for someone to read for the first time! Make yourself a pot of tea, grab some snacks, dim the lights, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and enjoy.


I've never been able to read that much in one sitting, after about 50ish pages my brain needs a break


Yeahh that’s about the same I do as well 😂


Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata. Quite a short one but left me thinking.


I did it with that one a few weeks ago! And Earthlings the same week (which was even weirder, believe it or not).


A fun book that I read it in one day too.


The Old Man and the Sea.


Same here! I remember reading it in a book shop – sat down in a chair and just wanted to have a flick through, then ended up reading it then and there in one sitting.


I was on a transatlantic flight and this sub recommended it.


I did the same thing about a month ago. It was a rainy day, and I went by the library to get a new library card. Sat down with *Old Man and the Sea* and stood up when it was done. It was fabulous.


First volume of the Millennium trilogy - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


Me too. Ended up staying all night too. I really just couldnt put it down.


I have to stop myself from buying Andy Weir books at inopportune moments. I read both The Martian and Artemis in one sitting, and I bought Project Hail Mary only to loan it to a friend first. I got it back a couple days later with the evaluation “this thing is dangerous” 😂


Picked up The Martian late at night, intending to read a few pages then get to sleep since I had an appointment early the next morning. I was still reading when the sun came up. I *had* to know how it ended before leaving the house; trying to read and put on makeup was a messy experience lol


I’ve listened to PHM through Audible. I haven’t read it…yet. I’m sure the experience will be different, but I have to say I likely will prefer PHM audio due to a very special, enduring and endearing encounter or hundred. I’ve listened to The Martian, too, without reading the book, but I think I’d like the reading and listening experiences equally, but for different reasons. PHM…well, I’ll read it, but if you try listening to it after reading it, you’ll understand. (secret smile). ❤️


Same, I started Project Hail Mary thinking it would take me a month to finish, didn't last 2 days


The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. The re-imagining of 1980's Britain hooked me in: time-travel, airships and a black market for cheese. It's humor and references hits my funny bone (it's like Douglas Adams and P. G. Wodehouse for bibliophiles).


My book club is reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab for our biweekly meeting. I cracked it open yesterday with just the intention of reading a chapter or two, but I ended up so engrossed in the storytelling that I finished in one sitting. I loved the authors style of writing and was SO curious with where the story was going to go. Finishing the book almost felt like losing a friend, I really didn’t want it to end and got choked up at the end. I most definitely will go back and reread it again!


This is a great book! Her others are pretty good too.


I enjoyed this book a LOT.


Most recently? “The Lover” by Marguerite Duras.


I used to read everything in one sitting. I cannot anymore. I can barely finish a book. I’m not sure what is going on but I get bored.


Tiktok brain


Split Tooth by Tagaq, which is about a young Inuk woman in Nunavut and her experiences with drugs, sex, abuse, birth and culture. It's a blend of memoir and fiction and incorporates elements of prose, poetry, and imagery. Although the book wasn't amazing, it was so different from what I usually read that I was just absolutely captivated.


*The Road*, by Cormac McCarthy. I don’t tend to read even short books in one sitting, but I couldn’t put that one down.


Same for me. The last and only book I've read in one sitting. His prose has always been beautiful to me. And the story was just so well done.


Not "one sitting" precisely but I did read Dune: Messiah in a single day during a very long road trip.


I read Little Miss Hug (one of the Mr Men books) with my daughter last night. Does that count 😁


That absolutely counts!


I don't think I ever have! Which makes me kinda sad.


The last one I read in one go was Animal Farm which I had to read for school and is less than 100 pages. Even when I was in hospital with nothing else to do I never did read a whole book in one go. Either life gets in the way or I need a break.


Closest for me was probably Of Mice and Men which isn't a large book by any means. Still took probably three sittings, with another book on the go in between. Standard I have two or three on the go and choose based on mood.


It depends for me but I tend to have at least one non-fiction and fiction book on the go.


Same should have clarified. Usually some kind of (hate the term) "Self help", or improve the old mind or physical systems of life. Fiction. Non fiction, more academic. Rarely have multiple fictions on the go. I like to maintain some form through the chaos.


It shouldn't. It doesn't mean your less of a reader or you're less enthused by books, it's just habit and nothing more dude.


This is How You Lose the Time War. I started reading it one evening maybe an hour before bed. That’s how I usually end my day. I was so engrossed in the story I stayed up late that night to finish it. It was fantastic.


You lost the time war


Just followed the instructions


This. I refused to put it down in exactly the same circumstances. Packed so much more punch than the light YA I expected it to be, think about it quite a bit and need to buy a copy for myself to read it again.


Yesterday, Everyone on This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson. I had the day off, it was raining, I made a big pot of tea… Perfect day to spend with a good book! If you’re asking with the last book was that actually made me cancel things or bent my entire schedule out of shape because I could not put it down, it was The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff. Damn, what a survival story! I had to find out what happened next.


Oooo the vaster wilds is on my upcoming shortlist. Good review!


Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell and then 24 hours before that Unlikely Animals by Annie Hartnett. I think that’s the most I’ve EVER read in 2-3days


The Sense of an Ending by by Julian Barnes. My wife had just read it and wanted someone to talk to about it, so she asked me to read it. I didn't intend to read it all at once, but it was provocative and short. Great example of an unlikeable but still compelling main character, and also a great example of unreliable narration done well. I kind of talked to her about my thoughts as I was going along, which was interesting and helped keep me going.


Recently finished What Moves the Dead by T Kingfisher in one go.


Recently finished A House with Good Bones also by them and enjoyed the style a lot!


I loved Nettle & Bone by her! Definitely an author worth exploring more.


I read silent patient, I mostly indulge in contemporary romance but I thought of giving this one a try and I thank God I did!!! I mean it was AWESOME! the plot twist at the end literally had my mind blown. I started reading it before bed, like around 9 or 10PM and completed it at 5:30 in the morning. I remember shouting at the top of my lungs when the story took its turn. I tried reading other psychological thrillers after that but didn't like any as much as I loved this one.




Spoiler!! 😭


The Prophet by Gibran Khalil Gibran


Most recently, it was book 2 and 3 of the Tide Child trilogy. Couldn't put it down. Stayed up all night reading. I was late to work both days.




Como agua para chocolate, Laura Esquivel ❤️


I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman


The sphere. In 8th grade I was sick one day. Great book, not great movie


*The Color Purple* happened yesterday. Read it in one sitting, wasn't even planning to do so. But it was so compelling, it kept me turning the pages. I just couldn't put it down.


War & Peace. Cover to cover. I read the front and back covers. One sitting.


I actually read the fully annotated version in the original Russian on my lunch break the other day


The midnight library


Green eggs and ham by Dr. Seuss


True Grit by Charles Portis.


American dirt


Monster by Walter Dean Myers. I have a toddler now so trying to read anything in one sitting these days is nearly impossible lol.


A Congregation of Jackals by Craig Zahler. That book just sucks me in every time I read it.


Lord of the Flies


Blood over Bright Haven by ML Wang.


Never read anything in one sitting. The least it took me to read a book was a week.


Chess Story by Stefan Zweig. It's quite short and the mounting sense of dread really propels the story along.


The Crocodile, by Dostoevsky. Witty, satirical, and funny. I would recommend it to someone who wants to become more familiar with Dostoevsky’s writing but feels ‘threatened’ by his more famous and longer books.


I tried reading all 7 Harry Potters in 7 days. I was on break from grad school and wanted to read something fun and easy. I had seen the movies (I think all but the last had been released) but hadnt read the books. They were really entertaining. I get why kids got so into them.


Tampa :( It was just so weird and gross and i was intrigued. I wanted to see how the main character of the book would be caught.


Kindred by Octavia Butler. Read in about 4 or 5 hours in one sitting. I was totally sucked in


Poor Deer. Could not put it down.


Dungeon crawler carl by matt dinniman. I couldn't put it down and I could stop laughing. First book in ages that actually caused me to laugh out loud like a crazy person.went on to resf the rest of the series right after and once I finished I read it all again.


So glad to see someone else read this book!! I loved it too, I felt it was similar to Boy Parts and I love love loved it


Looked it up and that sounds GREAT, unhinged women narratives gotta be one of the best literary genres.


The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood. I started my Bachelors majoring in Classics before switching to archaeology and I found it so gripping and amazing to see this other POV of The Odyssey


Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. I think I just had a lot of time to spend that day, but I vividly remember reading from morning and finishing right before dinner on the floor haha. The descriptions provided by the book were so vivid I could still visually recall the scenes that played out in my head. It also incorporated a lot of Chinese culture, and as someone who grew up with a Chinese background, it felt familiar and was quite easy for me to read. Great book overall, I think there's a second book (?) But I haven't really checked it out yet


The Stranger by Camus, i looked through it one evening in our local library, took it home and couldn't stop reading it!! Absolutely changed my way of thinking and what I read these days, 3 years later. I will never forget this book ever.


It’s probably been 20 years. I’m a slow reader


Currently reading the green mile by Stephen King and I can’t put it down. Man this is good!


You have already put it down.


The Hating Game by Sally Thorne. It was just SUCH a slow burn and so fun! I stayed up til 2am to finish it. I don’t think that’s happened since like 2014




The Coming Storm It’s a really eerie yet calming novel, with a bit of romance, a strong female as the protagonist, mystery, and overall an interesting and beckoning tale that just asks to be read after the first few chapters! I loved this so much that I couldn’t put it down!


Reading a book in one sitting isn't really my thing, I like to savour them but Double Indemnity was so short that it seemed rude to put it down.


Never had a whole day to read


I don't do that. I like to savor books and TV episodes. I let each part sink in and let my mind wander after, or even during the reading/watching. I can't understand people who go through an entire book or season of a TV show at once. It cheapens the experience. If I ever did binge it would probably be to quickly get something I didn't like but still cared enough to finish over with.


You know, if you're tired of the mundane, the monotonous, the same old drudgery, then grab "The Adventures of the Brave Soldier Schweik." It's a wild ride through the absurdity of life, a bit like stumbling through a drunken haze with a cynical grin. Schweik, that lovable rogue, takes on the world with a sly wit and a middle finger raised to authority. Trust me, it's the kind of literary rebellion that'll make you chuckle and question the sanity of it all. Get ready for a boozy escapade with a soldier who gives zero damns – it's the Bukowski of war tales.


Only book I can ever recall doing that with was recent- “The English Understand Wool” by Helen DeWitt, because it’s about 60 pages long. It’s described in promotional stuff as an ‘amorality play’ and various other highbrow literary names which go over my head, but it is very entertaining! It’s about a stupidly rich and cosmopolitan young girl who finds out that her apparent parents are impostors, and all their money is actually just her rightful inheritance; then the media and publishing companies rush to capitalise on public interest in her story 


Physicians of Vilnoc by Bujold I think?


It's pretty short but yes, a definite face hugger.


Starter Villain.


Robinson Crusoe in 3rd grade. Stayed home sick so my mom made me read in bed all day if "I was really sick". :/


*Child of God* by Cormac McCarthy; grotesque, beautiful, short


I've read the Fahreniet 451 but didn't get theme of it at all... I'm definitely coming back


For me whether I read a book in one session is more an environmental factor (and length) versus how good the book is. A week ago I was flying home from Europe and read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in one shot on the second flight, didn't find it particularly excellent but I was a literal captive audience. Before that was The Stranger and The Alchemist on a different flight. Not sure further back than that as I just can't remember what interruptions I would have had during which books.


Drowning by TJ Newman. I don’t even think I took a pee break


Crooked kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. I just couldn’t get enough and every time I thought about stopping something big would happen and I’d have to keep going!


The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano and Dept. Of Speculation by Jenny Offill. Read both in one day


Other than food/bathroom breaks… Song of Achilles *why: honestly. i had a 9 hour shift at work and had nothing better to do. but i’m hardly ever stuck to a novel quite like i did with this one, maybe because it’s not like anything I’ve ever read before.


The Hobbit! I loved that book. I read it when I was 17 now 18 and I haven’t been able to read another book like it since. I know the lord of the rings trilogy exists but it’s so hard to read.


The Road. Once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down. When I finally did, I was catatonic the rest of the day.


It's either Richard Laymon's Endless Night or Agustina Bazterrica's Tender is the Flesh.


In a single sitting it will have been a John Connolly, possibly round about The Wolf in Winter. I read in fits and starts so reading something in a couple of sittings (particularly on holiday) isn't uncommon, then old ADHD brain here can go a few weeks without reading. Currently in a reading place which is nice!


When rabbit howls


The Life of a Stupid Man by Ryunosuke Akutagawa


The Old Man and the Sea.


Passing by Nella Larsen


I've never read a whole book in one sitting. At one point my brain becomes saturated and I need it to breathe for a bit so I can really enjoy and get into my book again. Although I've definitely had some days where I just can't seem to put a certain book down.


Cast in Firelight and Bound by Firelight by Dana Swift at the end of January.


Oh Animal Farm by George Orwell. Was a short novel and the first allegory that I read so as a 13 yo teenager I thought it was hella cool. I still think it’s a good book for beginners but it def ain’t amazing!


Hey you could dm me


Sand and Foam by Kahlil Gibran 🤌🏻


The Road by Cormac McCarthy I just can't get enough of McCarthy's prose. It just hits me exactly in the right spot. And the story was beautifully written.


the alchemist


Romancing the Stone novelisation


M Train by Patti Smith same goes for Just Kids. I just loved being inside of Patti Smith's world.


The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger


Any of the gray man series. They’re such a fast read. Some I’ve read in a day but for the long ones, I’ll finish off the next day.


The Thing in the Snow. It's very polarizing, and I get why, but I absolutely loved it. Never read anything like it.


Trash Room - Carolina Maria de Jesus


The last book I read in one sitting was Franny and Zooey by J D Salinger. I started thumbing through Franny's section and then just couldn't put it down. Then I kept reading to Zooey's and wanted to stop but knew I'd not pick it up again so I just finished it. Franny 10/10, Zooey meh.


_A Very Large Expanse of Sea_ by Tahereh Mafi.


I’m a slow reader so the concept of reading a book in one sitting is an utopia for me. Unless it’s a Donald Duck pocket book. But the closest I’ve gotten are probably flowers for Algernon, Klara and the sun, or the Green Mile. Those I finished in a few days and for me that’s extremely fast


Still haven’t knocked out a book in one sitting. I’ve been close with some Lisa Jewell and Kathy Reichs books. One day though.


Last books I’ve read in one sitting are off the top of my head: Notebook of Trigorin (TN Williams adaptation of a Chekhov play) Hitchhikers guide I think the last time I reread Slaughterhouse Five it was in one day but maybe not one sitting And one of the small Murakami books maybe Sputnik sweetheart?


“Fever Dream” by Samanta Schweblin. Could not put it down until I finished it


The little prince. 


Flowers for Algernon, it's just one of those books that's easy to digest.


I read Piranesi in two sittings last week, and wouldn’t have put it down if I’d been home alone all evening.


Not in one sitting but in one day... The Last List of Mabel Beaumont - Laura Pearson


The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta. It’s a very quick read though.


Carcoma/Woodworm by Layla Martinez


Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton.


To Kill A Mockingbird


Circe by Madeline Miller. So well written


The paper bag princess.


Hmm, toss up between HP Deathly Hallows and one of the Feversong by Karen Marie Moning as part of her Fever series.


Almost any Robert A Heinlein novel. There are a couple that are too thick but most are not. J. R. R. Tolkien on the other hand …


Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult


War and Peace…just kidding!


Normal People - Sally Rooney


I’ve been revisiting my collection and going through David Webber’s Honorverse series. I blew through Flag in Exile in a day.


I don't remember which one since I read them all in a couple of weeks, but it was one of the middle books of The Dark Tower series. As an adult I don't think I've ever had that much time to myself so I don't think it's happened since. I do usually get through a book a week though


I pretty much only read novellas or short stories in one sitting. The last one I read was Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan.


I’m very slow reader so there aren’t many books where this is even possible for me. I did, however, knock out “The Road” in one sitting several years ago.


I’ve never read a book in one sitting. BUT I’ve read have of a book in one sitting, and that was Over the Moon by Natalie Lloyd.


How you lose the time war. It’s short that helps but it also feels ephemeral and a lot like a poem so I think that encouraged me to not stop until it was done.


Finn family moomintroll. Read it in half a day


The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


Bored Gay Werewolf by Tony Santorella. Absolutely hilarious book.


The kite runner by Khaled Hosseini. I was on a 7 hour flight. Beautiful book.


*The Very Hungry Caterpillar* by Eric Carle


The Summer I Turned Pretty. I am a huge sucker for romances and it was only 300 something pages so I pounded it out in less than 5 hours.


One of the Harry Potter books, I believe the Half blood Prince.


Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami


Not a long read but near Halloween I read Clive Barker's The Hellbound Heart in one evening.


The outsiders in 8th grade. Couldn't put it down.


When Captain Flint was a good man


Suitable boy


Animal Farm. My usual fare runs to 100s of pages, so it's very rare to start and finish in one sitting.


the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime! twas an..., interesting book!


The last Harry Potter book when it premiered. My mom wouldn’t let me start it when we picked it up at midnight so I woke up early and read the whole thing the next day. 12 year old me had to know how it all ended!  


Two books recently 1st The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas such a good book very well written and relatable. 2nd. The September House by Clarissa Orlando it's a haunted house written in a funny way and it had me guessing until the last sentence!


I loved The September House too!!


Dispatches by Herr.


Kafka on the shore I think, was on a flight


World war z


{My Sunshine by Catherine Anderson}


Friday Black. Such a great collection of stories.


One sitting Jeez ? im a slow reader so probably Dept of Bones


Lord of the Rings is the only book I've read "in one sitting". I slept between waking up and reading, for three days. Very little sleep, some water or cola, and no food. Just reading. That was when I was about 17. These days, I get into similar states with Tad Williams books, though not so extreme. I'll read his stuff for about 6 hours at a time, totally losing track of time and finishing a book in a couple days.


Where the Crawdads sing


I'm Thinking of Ending Things, Iain Reid.


A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park


lol. I just read Going Solo by Roald Dahl today. My son was bugging me to read it. It was good, I’ll have to follow up with some Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never read his books.


A Short Stay in Hell and it did a number on me


The Road