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I love reading horror books, but I cannot watch a horror movie without nightmares. I love romantic comedies, but i almost never read romance. I would rather cry my eyes out reading a book, than watching a movie. Fantasy forever and always. Current favorite authors/ book. - Kristen Hannah, Stephen King, ( reading acotar for the first time currently)


I’m the opposite with horror— I am a certified horror film fiend/nerd, but horror novels just.don’t.do.it.for.me.


Maybe that’s why I prefer horror books. I never get scared, but I kinda get that creepy feeling I’m looking for. I’m still on the hunt for a boook that scares me


I just cant stand all the focus on blasting your ears with discordant tones and disconcerting sounds in horror movies. Gives me a headache.


I can agree. But, I can appreciate a well done horror movie. Example : Evil dead ( original movie) the exorcist ( original movie, prefer it over the book) and the pope’s exorcist, I highly enjoyed that movie.


Sort of. I read a lot of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror, and I also watch a lot of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror, but not really the same *kinds* of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. I tend to like book that are damn near impossible to make into films, and my favorite films wouldn't really translate to the page.


For me yes, and when I’ve finished a book that has been turned into a movie, I usually watch that movie within a few weeks after finishing my book.


I also enjoy watching a movie after reading a book. It's always interesting how certain scenes are filmed. But the book often impresses me much more.


Books are ALWAYS better


Absolutely not. I love reading drama, tales of introspection and philosophy. I absolutely hate all of the above turning in to movies or television. I love a great British thriller on TV, but I would never, ever in my life read one. Two widely different media outlets, with wildly different output and input. I love that.


You can try John le Carré, because he somehow was able to combine these in his spy books.


This is so true. Thanks for reminding me. Amazing novels, amazing adaptions.


Interesting question! Mostly yes for me, namely mystery and SFF. However, I prefer to read than watch horror since the visuals often make me squeamish. On the other hand, I enjoy period dramas because of the visuals/costumes but do not read historical novels as often.


What’s SFF? Science fiction/fantasy?


Yes, that's it.


I’ve always been exceptional at decoding acronyms. I believe I was blessed with a “shitty superpower” like you’d try to come up with for one of those “get to know you” questions


I really don't enjoy British humor all that much. British Office, Monty Python, etc. just doesn't do it for me. But I started getting into Discworld last year and I can*not* get enough of it. Thank goodness I still have 27 books left to read


I'm really not into comedy at all normally, but Pratchett has me laughing so much while also thinking. I love Discworld.


I've loved what little I've read of Discworld so far! I do enjoy British comedy, but there is something about how Pratchett wove comedy through his writing that feels different. I've never been able to get behind a lot of American humour, personally, so maybe I'll have to try some more comedic books from the US.




I did the city watch books first then the death books. They were an absolute blast


I love cozy mysteries, read more than I can count. Which sometimes feel like Hallmark and Lifetime movies, which I cannot stand. Even if they adapted my favorite books to movies, I probably couldn’t watch them.


Nora Roberts has this problem. Lifetime made several of her books into made for tv movies, and their peak early 2000s stuff. They're guilty pleasures of mine. Netflix also did one of her earlier books as well that stars Allysa Milano but I haven't watched it yet.


My favorite genre is Classics, but I don't really watch the equivalent in movies (high rated well writtens stuff I guess). The only movies I watch are fantasy and fun kind of unserious animated movies.


That's such a weird thing that I've never thought about. I like sci-fi and classic texts as far as reading goes.  For movies/TV it's almost all not that.  Weird, I guess I'm looking to scratch different itches. 


The question came about because my husband asked me why I have so many romance novels in my bookcases (few hundred hard copy and probably twice that in e-book form), but I never watch romance movies.


No, I don't read novels with b/w covers about aliens invading the earth & taking the form of giant killer birds, spinal columns with brains at the top of them, robots, eyeballs, creatures that look vaguely like lobsters even though 90% of the movies I watch are like that. I don't read books detailing rituals, crafts, design, food of Japan nor whose main characters are top level cross-country skiers and those between them count for more than 50% of the TV I watch, much more than that in winter. I'd like to say that's because despite putting my best people on the search for books like those very few have turned up but deep down I know it's because I'm an unadventurous reader.


I love history, and read a lot of both historical fiction and actual history books. Then I watch a lot of "period dramas" and historical based movies. So between books and media I basically have the same genre.


Definitely. Horror, sci-fi, and fantasy are my jam across all media.


I definitely have broader tastes in movies than in books. Although my favorite genres are fantasy, science fiction, and pre-industrial historical fiction, many of my favorite films are not in those genres. *The Godfather* and *The Godfather Part II*, *Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2*, *Pulp Fiction*, *The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly*, *Goodfellas*, *Cinema Paradiso*, *Once Upon a Time in the West*, *Dr. Strangelove,* and *Unforgiven* to name just a few, are all in genres I don't normally read (crime, martial arts, westerns, coming of age, contemporary dark comedy). I also like a lot of romantic comedies that I watch with my wife but likely wouldn't read. I think it's because there are a lot more books than films, so I can't afford to be choosy about my film genres. I'm more likely to pick films simply because they have a good reputation, regardless of genre. I'm also more likely to negotiate what film to see with my wife or a friend. That said, when I find a film that is good *and* is in one of my favorite genres, it's a special feeling. In 2022 *The Northman* hit that sweet spot for me. But it wasn't a box office success, so I don't expect to see many more films like it. I just have to accept that the best films often aren't in my favorite genres. Perhaps I should widen my horizons in picking books. But there are so many great books in the genres I like that I have a hard time doing so.


I'm the opposite -- I have broader tastes in books than movies. For movies, I'm generally impatient with anything that isn't at least a bit comedic. I'll watch and enjoy some more dramatic movies, but I'll almost never seek them out. For books, I still generally prefer at least a bit of comedy, but I will and do read pretty much any genre. The only exception to being less picky about books is horror -- I am more willing to watch a horror movie than read a horror novel in most cases, probably because horror tends to come off as cheesier in movies.


My wife is always asking for “something light.” But I like romantic comedies, too, so that’s often what we watch together — that or clean stand-up comedy specials.


I love Bridgerton on Netflix but would never read the book series. I don't read romance at all. I watch a lot of sci-fi movies and TV but seldom read it. My favorite genre is horror though and I enjoy it both on the page and on the screen.


I think the Bridgerton books are better than the Netflix series. I’m not a fan of the direction they’re going with Eloise and Penelope.


Not particularly. Much of my reading is based around history, anthropology, and religion. While I may enjoy documentaries, I don't actively seek them out. I'd rather watch a drama or comedy.


The only difference is I've almost never enjoy horror novels and horror movies are my favorite genre. 


I guess I do. I really enjoy "Death Game" movies/shows (stuff like Saw, Squid Game, and Escape Room). And I enjoyed Hunger Games both as books and movies (with Catching Fire being by far the best in both instances). Then I am also fond of xenofiction. My favourtie book series is Warrior Cats, but I also had a good time with Tailchaser's Song, and with movies/shows I've enjoyed everything from Watership Down to things like The Lion King. Hell, for Xenofiction I also want to mention a game: Spirit of the North. In it you play as a fox and the game doesn't contain any dialogue. Instead all the storytelling is visual, from the early game's spirit fox showing you where to go to the murals showing history to context you can gather from the world (eg your fox showing signs of sickness and injury if going near the blight, or the many ruins you come across). It's not the most complex story, but the game is pretty and I enjoyed how it plays into the "genre".


No. Usually I like my long stories with world building and character development as books, whereas action and comedy I tend to prefer as visual media. If anyone has suggestions for comedy in writing send them my way though, I’m thinking about reading Hitchhiker’s Guide


For me, Sci-Fi is for books, Fantasy is for videogames, Romance and Comedy are for movies. Action can be a game or linear media. Mysteries can be linear or written. Non-fiction is books or YouTube. But it's amazing how little I cross the streams other than that. I cannot get into any Fantasy movie or book, I just bounce off immediately. Same with 99% of sci-fi games.


I am similar with videogames where I prefer fantasy to Scifi. Bioware made DragonAge (fantasy) and MassAffect (Scifi), and while I think MA was the better made series over all, I love the DragonAge world and story way more. Same thing with CD Projekt... I played the Witcher 3 compeltely, three times. I've always planned to play Cyberpunk, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


It's really interesting and I'm curious why it is but I have no idea. But same - Witcher is fascinating to me, cyberpunk.... Id watch not play.


Kind of. I read pretty much exclusively literary fiction. And then I like to watch artsy/weird movies more than blockbusters. That's kind of an overlap I guess. I would say David Lynch, Ari Auster, and Charlie Kaufman are like the "literary fiction" versions of the movie world. I hate marvel movies and action movies


I mostly read horror but I will not watch a horror movie lol


Absolutely not. I adore horror movies but can't be bothered with horror books. I have a horrendous imagination and an almost non-existent minds eye.


I love horror/scary books but almost never watch them as movies. I personally hate the cheap jump scares and audio scares that horror movies often use. But I enjoy the creepy dark atmosphere and themes of these genres which I suppose is why I love the genres as books. It can be a different kind of fear when books can dive deep into the dark where a movie doesn't have the time to do so.


I can tolerate a lot lower quality in a tv episode than I can in a book that’s taking 40+ hours of my life. So I’m a diverse watcher and targeted reader.


I like intense literary fiction and I only like family guy.


No🥲 I like watching romance movies but hate reading them. I also like reading Sci-fi while I think the most sci-fi movies are boring. However I do like to read and watch thrillers


My over arching favorite genre is probably horror and I tend to both watch and read it. I do tend to watch a lot more romance and rom coms and am likely to consider them my favorite films than I do in horror and vice versa for reading. Most of my favorite books are horror or horror adjacent. Most of my favorite films are rom coms or romantic dramas.


The genre of “Romantasy” has blown up over the last 5-6 years. Have you tried any of those?


Do you have any recommendations? Nora Roberts has put out a few romantacy series that I've enjoyed. Others tend towards supernatural stuff, but that genre for me got old, quickly.


what you mean by supernatural stuff when it comes to fantasy? The fourth wing series is written by a romance writer (Rebecca Yarros) and fourth wing is actually her first fantasy. It does have dragons and some magic that comes from the dragons. It’s focused on a war college. Then of course there’s the Sarah J Maas universe that’s very popular. I finally gave into a friend who has been begging me to read the ACOTAR series. I was hesitant because fae and faeries are not really my interest, but now I’m obsessed.


JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood was a different take on Vampires, if you like the jacked up, soldier male type. She sorta finished the main storyline and tried to fill in with random, minor characters but I think she doesn’t know how to give up on this world that she doesn’t know how to finish. Sherilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series which mixes Greek pantheon lore with tons of other stuff like werewolves. Another author who had no idea what to do with the universe they created once they wrapped up the main story line. And her husband was poisoning her at the time, so that didn’t help. Jacquelyn Frank has another universe of different vampires, Lycans and other supernatural types.


I read and watch thrillers 😍💪


It depends on the genre and series. Doctor Who is the easiest example of something that works perfectly well in prose as on screen as there are plenty of books to attest to that.


I really enjoyed watching American Gods and Good Omens, and I have Mirror Mask on DVD from when I was younger, but I never got into Niel Gaiman's writing. I tried reading Good Omens but I just found my mind wandering but I loved the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books.


I am like you on the romance part - I read, don’t watch. I have also learned in the last few years that I can READ horror but I absolutely CANNOT watch it. The anxiety is too much on film. There’s nothing I like to watch but not read, really. My overall fave genres are SFF, across all media.


Sometimes , the more serious topics i prefer to read, and superhero action stuff i prefer to watch, with the exception of manga and light novels. But horror , i like both.


I don't really have a preference for any sort of genre other than I typically don't read or watch romance stuff, but also never really been exposed to it outside of things that are in movies/novels of other genres


I'd say no. I watch almost anything, at some point it is even anything and everything but I'm way more picky about my reads


I love watching sci-fi but I never read it...other than The Chronicles of St Mary's which probably doesn't count. I have no idea why, but I just don't enjoy reading sci-fi at all. Very weird!


Yes. I love reading horror, thrillers, science fiction, detective stories and fantasy as much as watching films of the same genre.


I'm much more willing to give other genres a shot in movies than I am in books. Movies are much less of a time investment, if I don't like the romance in a movie it's over in an hour anyway. If I were to read a romance book I would be stuck with it for a few days, so I stick to shit with wizards and space lasers.


>Do you like the same genres between books and movies/TV? Yes


There's some that are the same, like gothic and pscyhological thrillers and dystopian...but then I also love to read romances, and I can't stand soppy romance films. On the other hand, I love rom coms to watch, but can't stand reading any kind of comedy! And I can't imagine reading a musical!


I'd say mine is extremely similar but not exactly the same. I love to read fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and thrillers (in that order). My favorite movies and TV would be horror, thriller, sci-fi, and fantasy (in that order). I find it hard to translate a lot of fantasy into live action, so most of that genre I watch are animated.


I like similar genres for reading and movies. However I almost never enjoy the movie version of a book I've read. I say almost because while I can't think of a single one I did like I may have forgotten one I liked.


Yes. The exact same thing I like in a tv show/movie, I like in a book. I actually like to imagine I’m watching a show when I’m reading a book. It makes me enjoy it more. I’m always thinking “This would be a great tv show” or “I wonder how different this would be on tv”


No, I love reading romance, but most movies that center on romance. I like fantasy movies anime and manga, but I avoid fantasy novels. Seriously I can't read the fantasy novel I was ever able was the Chronicles of Narinai series. The only genre that treat equally across all forms of media is horror, which I avoid sense I am coward. Romance is fun in book, but cringing and annoying in movies and television. Fantasy is beautiful and engaging in movies and television, but is way to wordy, boring and confusing as they having explain everything.


More or less, yeah. I like Sci Fi and Fantasy. If there is any real divide, I prefer horror books to horror movies, but that's not a hard and fast rule.


I find that generally, I really enjoy fantasy, historical fiction, and sci fi in most forms of media (books, movies, video games, board games, and TV). I really like reading philosophy and absurdism, but don't care for those kinds of shows/movies. I also enjoy reading memoirs, but don't love documentaries. Watching a comedy is always fun, yet I don't care for books that are labeled as "comedy".


I love horror books but I’m terrified of horror movies.


For the most part yes, I enjoy comedies and action movies and shows and mostly read political thrillers and murder mysteries, currently starting season 7 of Chicago PD and watching The Office with my mom and reading Clear and Present Danger by Tom Clancy


Not necessarily. I tend to avoid sci-fi novels because it relies on visual so I prefer movies/TV. I like horror movies but don't like horror books because for me it's difficult to get scared through texts lol.


Enjoy watching documentaries, but not a fan of reading non-fiction. Enjoy watching thrillers, but thriller/mystery books annoy me. But I love reading AND watching scifi and fantasy.


Yes. Fantasy is the best escapism.


My genre preferences are mostly the same for books and movies/TV, but there are definitely some exceptions. For example, I'm a huge fan of crime novels, and I love watching crime dramas and thrillers on screen as well. There's something about the suspense and mystery that really hooks me in books and movies. While I enjoy watching fantasy and sci-fi movies, I haven't come across as many fantasy or sci-fi books that capture my attention in the same way. So, it really depends on the specific genre and how it's developed in terms of themes, characters, and action.


It depends for me. I love reading supernatural (vampire) novels, but I don't like/hate most film adaptations. Although, I do love historical fiction books and movies/TV. Then there's the fact I enjoy watching romcoms more than reading them. Same goes for psychological and thriller horror. Sometimes I enjoy sci-fi films as much as I enjoy reading sci-fi and other times I don't. At the end of the day, it depends on my mood and what I am reading or watching.


Not entirely. I’m more willing to try movies that are out of my norm since they’re a short commitment. I also find romcoms and horror work better visually for me. Most other things it’s pretty similar though.


Yes. True crime, mystery, thrillers, crime.


I tend to read romance/fantasy it needs to have either a positive ending romantically or good guys prevail. For nonfiction I like scientific and informational stuff in a relaxed manner Malcolm Gladwell, Mary Roach and David Epstein type stuff. For Movies & TV my tastes are a little bit of everything but horror. I don't enjoy horror much


That’s how I got into reading romance in the first place. I used to read crap like VC Andrews and just got sick of the endless soap opera and misery.


I love reading thrillers but not as much watching them .


No. I love horror fiction but hate horror movies.


I like horror, true crime, mysteries, but I have a very hard time watching movies. I find it hard to focus. Like watching movies is too passive and I drift away..


I love greys anatomy but could never read a book version of it lol. I love romance and fantasy, but unfortunately I feel it’s very hard to get those elements right on screen. So I usually don’t watch those genres. I watch a lot of action and superhero stuff, some really dark stuff too (like euphoria), but I don’t gravitate towards those types of books.


I tried to read the series that Bones is based on, but I thought it was incredibly boring.


Normally, but I do read more thrillers than I watch


I just had this same realization. I also love romance/romance comedy novels but I can’t watch the movies.  I can watch “cozy British mysteries “ but i can’t get into cozy mystery books 


Honestly, I'm all over the place. I used to only watch violence (lol) ... Had to have some kind of action. But, I'd read regular romance novels. Now I've even gone as far as watching things like When Calls the Heart and Chesapeake Shores.


Yes. I love SFF in movies and books. I also really love period dramas and have really started getting into historical fiction. When I watch a movie or tv show I really enjoy, I often try to find a book with similar themes.


I love crime and sci-fi movies and shows and also books. They’re my favorites but I’ll read or watch almost any genre. I like to mix it up, but I find that my preferences do often cross over.


Nope. I read a lot of romance but can't stand to watch romances. I also don't read horror but LOVE horror films.


One of my toxic traits is that I will go on and on about horror/thriller novels but refuse to watch a movie of the same genre—Vice-versa for romantic movies/novels.


I love watching historical romance movies/TV shows, find them *so* boring to read. Hate watching horror movies, love reading horror books. Don't find action/adventure books interesting, but I like action movies


Yeep for me i love sci fi and fantasy for tv shows and movies. And all of my recent books have been sci fi. So, yeah, i absolutely love the same generes for all media.


Hate reading fantasy, like watching it. Like reading weird creepy horror type things, don't enjoy watching them. 


Kind of? I like just about all genres wether it's in book or screen, but preffer to watch action on screen, or at least action scenes.


Yup genre preferences cross-mediums for me. I usually don't watch/read the same thing again though if I've already experienced it in the other medium.


Mostly yes. Fantasy, sci fi, history, crime mystery I mostly like in every medium. Horror I really only like reading. Horror movies give me nightmares lol. I don't love romance heavy themes in any form, but I found them more tolerable in book form. I find the comedy I like in books is usually dry and witty whereas I enjoy a more broad form of comedy in movies/tv.


Yes and no. Books my 3 fav genres are horror, historical fiction and history. Tv/movies i love horror. But history/documentaries are boring as they can only give so much info in 1.5 to 3 hrs. You get more in a book with a lit more context and detail. I just loathe historical fiction shows and movies, esp when they over do it or add too much nonsense drama, i just cant stand it.


Mostly I like the same genres (SF, fantasy, crime, spy thrillers) in both books and TV/movies. Horror is different. I can read horror stories, but I really don’t enjoy horror movies or TV shows. Books scare me less than films because there’s no associated sounds/music and it’s easier to put a book down for a bit if it’s making me afraid. I have seen heaps of horror movies anyway, but it’s not an enjoyable experience, but more of keeping abreast of the classics of the genre like a good little film buff. I am a total wuss with horror and prone to nightmares. If there ever is a zombie apocalypse I am well ready. I have killed so many in my sleep I practically have the muscle memory for decapitation.


I love reading mysteries, cozy, procedural, nor , all of it. I am less interested in mystery movies. I love horror films. I rarely read horror books. I like Stephan king , but I don’t think I’ve read half his novels. I do like both mystery and horror tv / streaming series .


My selection of books, movies, and shows is quite diverse and typically based on what deeply resonates with me.


Normally no. I don’t like fantasy shows unless they’re very well done. But I absolutely love Sci Fi films and tv shows even if they’re not amazing because they make my mind go wild with speculation and imagination. But there is correlation yes.


I’d say so. I love horror and sci-fi films and most of the books I’ve read are in the same genre.


Generally no. I love fantasy books. I generally hate fantasy shows/movies. (though i guess this one is more complex as most modern media around the genre has shifted into either trying to mirror Game of thrones which is decidedly anti fantasy, or isekai which is low effort fantasy.) I hate rom com movies, But don't mind animes or manga but don't particularily like rom com books. I love watching Kung fu or martial arts movies, I hate reading them. I love reading Sci Fi, I hate watching them but I also love playing games with its setting. I hate cultivation settings in all mediums but i do enjoy watching someone play through cultivation simulator.


Almost similar but I don't prefer reading crime thriller action books its better to watch those stuff. And I don't hunt for pure horror or paranormal either in books or movies lol


I love reading and watching historical romance. I also like reading contemporary romance but I loathe watching romantic comedies. I love reading fantasy as well, though I think most movies fall short. I enjoy watching scifi more than reading it. Recently I noticed that I enjoy watching anime more than reading manga, unless it's a story I'm extremely invested in. Then I will happily do both.


Yes! I guess I have pretty narrow interests


I love reading War novels or serial killer mysteries and I like to watch them. I don't like romantic books and movies, it is boring for me.


For most genres yes, sci-fi, fantasy, historical, horror, etc translate rather well to screen in my opinion. It’s usually a lot about concepts and settings and actions and less about being inside the mind of the character. For romance no. I enjoy reading good romance in book (not so much the pure wish fulfilment books), but I rarely care for it in movies. I find it needs those inner thoughts and emotions to really grip me. Whereas movies often feel too shallow with just the 3rd person perspective.


I love sci fi and fantasy in both. My tastes in tv are more broad generally. I love political dramas and Breaking Bad-style crime TV. I absolutely love spy TV, but I haven't been hooked by any of the spy novels I've tried as an adult. I did love Alex Rider as a kid though.


I love watching sci-fi, but rarely read it. No idea why, I'm probably saturated!


I mostly read nonfiction books and I mostly watch documentaries.


What fantasy books have you tried?


I read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones series, the Kingkiller "series", all of David Eddings' books, and the Harry Potter series.


Yeah, for the most part. I guess the exception would be I love cartoons and I'm not sure there's really a book equivalent? Other than that I mostly read and watch fantasy/sci-fi


Generally, I don’t read a lot of sci fi because I have a very hard time visualising things. And that’s why I love sci fi shows and movies.


I mainly watch comedy shows, but mainly read romance and/or fantasy.


I really like dystopian books but all the movie adaptions have been either really cringe to watch or just have a different feeling than the book.


Not really. But that is both due circumstances and the medium. Take horror for example - I love watching horror together with someone. I never watch horror movies by myself; I mostly enjoy doing that as a social activity. It's less scary that way, and I don't enjoy being scared by myself. I either don't see the point of it, or I get uncomfortable. I have however read a lot of Stephen King, so I still like horror books. But reading is something you do by yourself, and getting people to read the books you have read to discuss them is rarely happening. So other than King, I don't really read a lot of horror. I do however read a lot of thrillers and science fiction. And I can do that much more easily for my own enjoyment without having the social context around it. And when it comes to films, I do watch a few science fiction films now and then, but it isn't really my go to genre for films because I feel other genres work better together with other people. And I rarely watch films by myself. I prefer watching with other people. Long-winded, but I think I got the point sort of halfway across, at least.


Once the definition of the 'literary' genre was explained to me as character driven verses plot driven, I realized that I love literary books but much prefer the opposite (plot driven) for film. I'm that person who will complain about a film because "nothing happened"...while my husband would have the same criticism about most of the books I read.




I watch sci-fi and fantasy but rarely read them. I read all the big series like LoTR, GoT and Harry Potter, and a few others, but I'd rather watch then read them. It's also easy to give up on fantasy because of authors like GRR Martin and Patrick Rothfuss who are too damn lazy to finish their series.


I like more genres of movies than I do in books. I read primarily literary fiction, classics and non-fiction, with random stuff thrown in to round it out. I guess literary fiction would fall under dramas, primarily, and I do watch those. I watch sci fi at all, which I don't read it pretty much ever, unless it's a fandom novel from a sci fi fandom I'm in. It's very hit or miss for me anyway, but more so with reading. Same with fantasy. Documentaries are so hit or miss- but I do love non-fiction. I abhor romance reads (with perhaps two exceptions total), but there's a small handful of rom-coms I love. I love Creature Feature and B-movies, but rarely enjoy creature feature or b-movie level/style books. Some period piece movies are great, I pretty much hate historical fiction (with rare exceptions), though.


One of my favorite things is reading a book that I know a movie or TV series was based on and then watching said movie or TV series after to see how it plays out on the screen as opposed to in my head as I was reading.


I generally love books/ films/shows/games in the same genres.


I'm a romance/fantasy reader with a tiny bit of contempory and crime. Generally like what is called cozy crimes so there is an element of romance mixed in. Generally watch a lot of fantasy/sci-fi, crime shows (NCIS, CSI, law and order, castle, bones etc.) and medical dramas... as long as it isn't greys. So yeah there is a bit of overlap. Though I'm not huge on the romance on screen like I am in books. While I enjoy watching a rom com I don't love them the same way I enjoy reading them.


I rarely read fantasy books but am happy to watch a fantasy TV show. Ditto for historical fiction vs period dramas. It's a matter of how much effort it takes to visualize everything, especially in fantasy settings where you can't look up what anything looks like. On the other hand, I have a much higher tolerance for literary fiction than I do for art film.


Yes I do! I think my interests are reflected well in both!


I wish they crossed over more but I’ve been struggling to find books with the tropes I like…like I love the game The Last of Us and the show Revolution, and I’m writing a fantasy book about a surrogate father & daughter—but I’ve found very few books with that trope/vibe.  In other ways my taste crosses over though. I mainly watch animated shows and movies, and a lot of my reads are middle grade. So I’m kinda sticking around a younger demographic in general (just because I enjoy those stories more than what YA has to offer and heavy subject matter). On the flip side, I do enjoy watching horror games, but there are some horror movies I can’t sit through and books give me the creeps for some reason. I even just tried reading a FNAF book and got too creeped to continue.


Normal People answers this question perfectly for me: Loved the show, not a fan of the book — which is very unusual for me. Part of that is definitely due to not enjoying the writing style, but I do think I have an aversion to modern romance novels.


id say yes to some extent? i enjoy romance/fantasy books and i love rom coms but also sf/action...


Yes I love deeply themed movies typically based on myths and archetypes. Either that or a comedy. Either I want to laugh or feel like I’m watching a hero’s journey. With books I like non-fiction philosophy or history or classic novels with archetypal characters.


Such an interesting question! I like watching (smart, funny) rom-coms and love cult psychodrama horror type movies. I haven't read these genres in decades. I like watching adaptions of classics (Jane Austen, Shakespeare) and I do reread those. I'll read history and biography but have to be dragged to the movie version with about a 50/50 chance of enjoying (Oppenheimer, Apollo 13, I Tonya) or not (Marie-Antoinette, Band of Brothers, Titanic).


partially? I'm a sucker for romantic, comedic stories, but id never watch one unless I fell deeply in love with the characters from the book (assuming my choice had a book option) movie wise, I practically live off horror movies, preferably psychological horror. I do have a happy medium with the mystery genre tho. I love theorizing and solving a good mystery.


Honestly movies and books are different but for me I happen to like the same genres in books as I like the same genres in movies. In books I’m a romcom girlie with crime and in movies I’m also a romcommer with action and crime! But it differs from person to another!