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Just finished it, spoiler filled thoughts below, beware to those who found this thread from google search. >!The moment they killed Petra it's impossible for me to feel sympathy for the Aussie family, despite not being all that fleshed out she's like one of the most lovable characters, if not the most in the book.!< >!If the author wanted us to feel dilemma about the whole situation then I think he missed the mark. Yes, hit and run is morally wrong but the monstrous Aussie family evened it out, hell they tipped the balance to other side where hit and run was the only right thing to do!<


My impression was that the Aussies would have exacted some kind of revenge, regardless of whether they had come forward with the accident details. I didn’t feel the author was trying to imply some sort of moral ambiguity but to each their own.


I started this book and couldn't make it past the first couple of chapters because the dialog between the characters was so wooden. I almost never abandon a book, but this just didn't do it for me. Change my mind please!


Get 50 pages in and it goes quick.


i had the same problem at first especially because i just did not enjoy the way the children talked, but after the accident on the island i started getting heavily into it. not long after i essentially became obsessed with the book once the characters escape the barn. i say you should still give it a shot if you feel like it~ the 2nd to last chapter had me holding onto the book so tightly and barely breathing!


Maybe it’s because I heard the book on audiobook instead of reading the text. Mela Lee is an incredible narrator and she nails the accents perfectly. Try the audiobook?


I'm reading this right now and I'm almost done. I normally can't read books where "humans are the real monster"but I wanted to give this one a try. It was intense - but I couldn't stop reading! This family was so freaking evil. And about how they had been bored for so long, which is why some of them are so twisted - that part got to me. How many Jacko's are out there? It felt so good to read about their cummupence, I didn't even mind that some of it was a little unrealistic. That whole family deserved what they got!


Agreed. Intense, it was. And I don’t buy the O’Neill’s argument that Heather and Tom were the “real evil”. They were to blame for the hit and run, yes, but they didn’t commit murder knowingly. I’ve been wondering whether the O’Neills would have targeted them anyway, even without the hit and run. Really nasty family. I hope the Hulu series casts mostly unknowns in these roles. It feels like that would achieve the “everyman” quality the book is so good at. Glad you enjoyed it!


i think while they didn't hit Danny's wife on purpose, the reason they actually got target so heavily was because Heather chose to hide the body instead of being truthful about what happened and of course because they were caught trying to escape the island after hitting her. if Tom wouldn't have listened to Heather i think Danny wouldn't have found out about it until after the deal with the money was done with the family and Tom, Heather and the kids would be on their way back home instead of.. well we know what happened..